Aw, c'mon, don't be so hard on WalkyTalky, he just says, and does, what the Koch Bros.(the owners of Wisconsin) tell him......
Build a wall that costs hundreds of billions of dollars only to have a terrorist create a fake passport and get past the border police -- yeah that seems like something the U.S. gov't would be for.
Actually, there's a twisted logic to his plan. By calling for a fence for Canadians, he can appear just xenophobic rather than racist and xenophobic.
A problem is, the gov't will never stop giving money to Israel. How much do we give them a year. And wall's may keep some illegals from entering, but it will also keep you from leaving.
Wow that nitwit needs to look at a contour map and realize that a very large mountain range dissects the border. I really wonder where they come up with this junk.
And he forget that the Mohawk and other tribes of the five nations have territories that are cross border and move around freely... Would he split native families now? I wonder how he would build his high rising towers without native steel worker doing the walk of death at hundreds of feet in the air...
If Walker supported a wall across the southern border but not the northern he'd be called a racist. In being consistent with the northern border he's being called an idiot. It's rather a no win situation in our ever increasing PC police state, so keeping the other barbarians at the gates out seems like a good choice...
It would be less expensive to place such conservatives in padded cells so they know they would be safe from the outside world ...
I've showed your posts to some Canadian friends of mine and they got a good laugh- "If anything, we need protection from the US!" - - - Updated - - - I can't really argue with that.
I am sure there is some kind of mind bending idiocy that serves as justification in the mind of Walker. There is some kind of deep dark and scary psychosis at work in that dudes brain.
I actually like Canada, they're pretty alright up to the point we need to annex them. It's meant to be taken with a grain of salt, as they are almost civilized...
Really the USA should build a wall around all 19,909 miles of border, plus the Hawaiian Islands. History has certainly proven that castles can not be defeated. That's why all countries who have castles maintain them all for military defenses and are constantly building more. The wall should be at least 40 feet tall. Steel reinforced high density concrete at least 16 feet thick. Motion sensor machine guns on top with 1000 amp electrical wires running thru the wall and at least up to 30 feet below it. Predator drones armed with hellfire constantly patrolling. This would all be free. Mexico will pay for the Southern Wall. Canada will pay for the Northern Wall. The EU will pay for the East Coast wall and China will pay for the West Coast wall. Japan will pay for the walls around the Hawaiian Islands. Each country of the genetic ancestry of "illegals" including those born here will be required to pay the cost of tracking down and evicting the 12,000,000. All Americans will have to appear to prove their citizenship and a biometric and dna recorded national identity card issued, which all people must have on them at all times. Alternatively and as a superior plan, a biometric microchip can be embedded in all Americans. Anyone flying into the USA under a travel or work visa would have a GPS tracking microchip installed in them or have to wear a GPS tracking anklet. Being in the USA illegally would be a 2nd degree federal felony. As they are not citizens, they would be classified as non-citizen enemies and tried before an administrative tribunal. All Interstate and State highways should have check points examining people's IDs matched to their DNA and biometric information. Then we will be safe. No more need to lock our doors anymore because we the people are all safe in our Fortress America. Since virtually all store shelves would go bare and car dealerships would have no vehicles, this would prompt a need for 10s of millions of new jobs to built manufacturing facilities as a national emergency, for which initially martial law may be necessary and labor, EPA, DOT, USDA, FDA, Dept of Agr and OSHA rules are set aside. Other countries would be required to pay all costs of rebuilding our manufacturing base and to pay off our national debt. All it will take is a skilled negotiator for president.
Walls are probably necessary so that 9 year olds pregnant by rape with their parent's help can't escape the USA to Walker's vow to force girls to have rapist's babies. Walls will be necessary to keep girls and women in, not just "Mexicans" out.
Must be something like that. I wonder if there is any explanation of Walkers rational for his position out there. That should be good for a laugh or cry depending on ones mood.