We're all DNA, but is Race more DNA, or more Environmental when talking about Racial Evolution?

Discussion in 'Science' started by The Rhetoric of Life, Jul 13, 2018.

  1. politicalcenter

    politicalcenter Well-Known Member

    Jan 10, 2011
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    Yes..but we age and show the results no matter how much we take care of ourselves......what signals the change? Could we reproduce young joint tissue.
  2. wyly

    wyly Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2008
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    death is inevitable...the cells in our body have about 100 replacements I'm told, once they're used up that's it, everything breaks down...best that you can do is live an optimal life of diet and exercise and hope your parents passed on some good health and longevity genetics...

    as for joints my cardiac surgeon buddy says you can run everyday and live to 80 and die with worn out knees... or not run and live to 80 with knees intact running won't make a lot of difference to prevent ageing...I prefer to keep moving so that I can walk right up to the end, he tells me walking will do as much as running with much less stress on old knees...since I had my knee replaced I could run again but my Ortho advises against it, so I've dropped 50lbs of fat, walk and lift weights(14 pull-ups, 16 chin-ups and b-press 232lbs, not bad for 65) , my MD says no reason I can't get much stronger it'll just takes longer than if I was 30...

    and a healthy body is meaningless without a sharp mind, my neurologist buddy says "your brain needs exercise too", keep learning different things and even though you lose brain cells everyday learning new things will stimulate synapse growth and keep you mentally sharp...

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