Muslims are the followers of the religion & political ideology called Islam. And I don't know all of the other religions but Islam is unacceptably oppressive to most free men and women who understand it has nothing good planned for non Muslims.
So what do you vote. Islam kills innocent people in the name of god. 84% support terrorism and opression
"Islam is unacceptably oppressive to most free men and women who understand it has nothing good planned for non Muslims."
At the current point in history, it looks like Islam. Not too long ago it was Christianity, however. I guess oppression goes in and out of fashion for all religious teachings.
After much thought, I decided to vote for Islam. I would have liked to vote specifically for Shia Islam, since that is the death cult that the Iranian Terrorists follow.
Islam allows you to renounce your religion for your own safety. Catholicism and Christian give you forgiveness for anything that you could possibly do contrary to your religion. Judaism requires total devotion to God at all times and under every aspect of your life. There is no sacrifice system in place because the Temple is not active at this moment in history. Your life is bound with shame and guilt for the remainder of their life without a chance of atonement. All they can do is hope for God's mercy. Israelites are God's chosen people thus they are held to a very high standard. Even though God loves them very much, God is harshest with the Israelites and demands a lot out of them. This is no contest at all. However, personal atheism is commonly accepted among Israelites at this time. They are only loyal to the religion as a tradition and don't really view Judaism as a religion. The Jewish culture is a lot less oppressive than the Islamic culture. Are you guys talking about the religion itself or the current culture of these religious communities? I answered the question as it was stated. Judaism is the most oppressive religion in existence. There is no second place contender.
Now its Islam, a few decades ago it was Atheism (Communist regimes are by definition athiestic) and before that it was Christianity.
I'd give it to whatever you call Pol Pot's version of communism. They seemed mainly devoted to killing off all but a small elite, Naziism also comes right in there
I'm annoyed, though not particularly surprised, that "none" isn't an option here. I don't think any one religion is more oppressive than the others. All religions have their extremists and their moderates, their peaceful times and their violent times, their good ideas and their bad ideas. We need to move past this "my religion is better than your religion" nonsense.
None. The poll is for the ignorant. To compare Church of Christ with Episcopalian is ridiculous but both are Christian. One is markedly more oppressive than the other. Go down to Westboro Baptist and you get yet another level of oppression. How about throwing in the fundamentalist Mormons in the Arizona strip into the mess. I knew Muslims in our local mosque who were less outrageous than the Seventh-Day Adventists at a local cult called Eden Valley. I do enjoy watching true believers bash each other whether it's Christianity, Muslim, or Communists. Same game.
And the damnedest thing is that the really oppressive ones won't give you any argument that they are. They're bloody PROUD that their religion stones babies who cry in Church. What is WRONG with really religious people? Not only do they seem to actually LIKE going to Church they just love when their religion beats on them
which Gods are the most Oppressive, which will punish you for not believing? heck, this is jesus 19:11-16&version=KJV 11 And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war. 12 His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself. 13 And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God. 14 And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean. 15 And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God. 16 And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS. ...
Islam also pledges to destroy you if you don't renounce your religion. - - - Updated - - - yes because fighting against terrorist makes me a terrorist. I say Islam is the most oppressive because most of them kill anyone who is not islamic. - - - Updated - - - That is a most interesting choice, could you explain this further?
"but my religion is better than your religion". that is what most would reply to your comment as. I have to disagree. I don't see many religions running around blowing people up.
I'm not Amish but I believe there is a rite of passage, Rumspinga, where adolescents are sent out from the Amish community to the "world" to make a decision on whether to be baptized and join the Amish community or live in the modern world. That practice would argue against being oppressive. I consider communist to have the most oppressive religion.
Oh? where does it say that? Surely you mean a small % of fanatic scumbags who by virtually all measures are apostates, as opposed to "most" don't you? POE.
Which one is this? Which ones are you talking about? The ones that stone babies for crying in church?