[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vz9zFODbKbY"]Why Whites Wont Apologise for Apartheid - YouTube[/ame]
My old mantra once again rings true: Facts are your friends. Lets start with the first: Many (most) white south African think apartheid was wrong, and have apologised, so there goes the whole premises of this ridiculous video and thread. And the 'facts' in the video is so far from the truth, that I would not even know where to start. Let me point out the most obvious, the most use, and very incorrect one. That little diddy where the sad sounding voice over apologises for building schools that the black population burnt down. Yes, those wonderful schools. Those schools that had to house 2000 pupils, more than 50 to a class, whilst the schools for the white population by law could not have more than 28 pupils per class. Those schools that was so fantastic that they needed only 20% of the total education budget of the country, this for 75% of the population, whilst the rest went to the white education department. (80%). Those schools which were proudly boasted about and shown on TV, not mentioning that the teachers for black schools only had to have Grade 12 education whilst white teachers needed a university degree. Those fantastic buildings the apartheid government boasted about, not mentioning that there were more schools in the white parts of town than in the black parts, even if it is for a very small part of the population. Strange how there are a few things not mentioned hey? How about 'Sorry for picking all the best parts of the country for ourselves, and forcing you to live in small part of the country we get to choose' Or 'Sorry for taking away your humanity, and treating you like you have no rights' Or maybe: 'Sorry breaking down your family system, by taking the fathers far away to work in our mines, whilst not allowing the mothers and children passes to come and live with their husbands and fathers' And on that note' Sorry for forcing you to carry a piece of paper to allow you to walk down a street' And a last one not mentioned in this little cute video: 'Sorry for making your sons disappear at night because they dared disagreed with our great system. Sorry for detention without trail. Sorry for the letter bombs we send killing men, women and children. Sorry the killing and the torturing' Now I wonder why that is not mentioned in the video. Makes you think doesn't it? (I suspect it does not make the OP nor the maker of this little piece of trash think tho). AH PS. Really check the facts - lobola is NOT trading women for cattle. Jeez, School kids know this!
Also just noticed that the smart person who made this lovely piece of propaganda spelled infrastructure wrong!!! Must have gone to a great school!!! Lol (4:59into the video.) AH
Some whites won't apologise because they only share their skin colour with the people responsible for the aparteid and frankly considers any such guilt-by-same-skin-colour to be silly and racist.