... the fall of Administrator Sleepy Joe Biden...... either to Impeachment or even to Indictment???????? I think that President Putin has some serious incentives to expose how terribly corrupt the leadership in the Ukraine has been...... and that level of corruption leads to consequences for innocent children...... It is also relevant that the remains of Rabbi Nachman of Breslove are in Uman, Ukraine and perhaps Jesus wants his remains in Israel..... perhaps because when the RAPTURE occurs...... many Breslovian Chassidic Jews will NOT be shocked to see Rabbi Nachman's remains disappear..... and then he will soon be able to appear to some of his disciples.
I am truly impressed by the courage being shown by the Ukranian soldiers to hold back the Russian military machine...... even the fact that Ukraine's leader Volodymyr Zelenskyy is staying in Kyiv is a good sign that this can turn out very differently than the fiasco in Afghanistan that in my opinion could not have been handled in a more incompetent manner by Administrator Biden and his team who I suspect were actually making good on a secret deal to hand over precious minerals from Afghanistan to China through the Taliban???? Perhaps I am biased but I believe if the USA would quickly deal with the corruption shown by Hunter Biden and impeach and then hopefully indict Sleepy Joe and bring back President Trump as the nineteenth President of the Republic of the USA then Putin would quickly bring back his forces out of the Ukraine and back into Russia. These past few days have been a time of reflection for myself because there is evidence that implies that the leadership of the USA and Canada may be corrupt on a level comparable with the well known corruption in the Ukraine. Here is a quotation from a message that I sent to a Canadian bureaucrat regarding the corruption being shown here in both Canada and the USA regarding how this Covid 19 pandemic has been handled in an obviously less than honest and objective manner. When the leaders of a nation become corrupt it is as if they become enemies to their own people and to my thinking this is an issue in the Ukraine but also here in Canada and also in the USA. Perhaps the greatest betrayal of the Canadian people is the failure of political leaders here to let Canadians know that all thirty seven point six million Canadians own the Canadian Dollar but...... corruption in our own government became obvious in 1974 when the exceptionally good Bank of Canada policy in use from 1938 to 1974 was abandoned. Corruption is also obvious in our media who cover up this critical information and data that is relevant to all Canadians. I believe that all of America will be shocked when it is finally revealed how corrupt politics really was at the time of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
In September of 1990 I taught my step son to play chess and by December of that year he was Nova Scotia champion for Grade five students. During the March Break of 1991 I took him to the Canadian National Chess Championships that was held in Montreal that year. Lee won against the grade five chess champion from Saskatchewan, (one of the only other provinces with a population of a million residents or less). Many people think that there is no such things as Conspiracy Theories but..... here I am..... one relatively ignorant Blue Collar Worker from the back woods of Nova Scotia, and I have in mind a series of proposed reality films that could conceivably stop the War in the Ukraine... .and could potentially convince President Putin to withdraw his forces from the Ukraine. The quotation that you can see in my signature from Rabbi Nachman of Breslov is a general idea that I believe that President Putin, (in spite of all of his many, many flaws), can identify with. Closer ties between Russia, the USA and Canada. If you will do a search for the name William Alexander Malloy, January 2, 1945 you will see the obituary for my Uncle Bill Malloy who was killed in action in Italy and who is buried in Italy....... and I believe that President Putin could not resist a challenge to a game of chess with EIGHT BILLION UNLIMITED movement VARIABLES????!!!!! I WOULD LIKE TO CALL THIS "THE SAINT PATRICK'S DAY CHALLENGE" because we Irish will sometimes look at a situation..... and ask ourselves what is the most astounding stupid thing that we could possibly do at this time..... under this set of circumstances..... and if that stupid act is really, really, really funny......... then in we go!!!!! https://www.veterans.gc.ca/eng/remembrance/memorials/canadian-virtual-war-memorial/detail/1717328 P-K4 President Putin...... it seems obvious that you have been given BLACK..... SO.... any move you wish and then.... P-KB4, (pawn to king's bishop four)..... www.BankingSystemsFlaws.blogspot.ca/ and..... I'm practically Jewish... .what would I be doing at the Vatican?????
In spite of all of his many, many, many, many, many flaws Billionaire MONOPOLIST Bill Gates is also working on his own variation of what could be termed..... "Unified Field Theory of Modern World Problems!" I, DennisTate happen to be one of the only other people on this third rock to be openly working on something like that at this time for at least these past ten years or so....... www.BankingSystemFlaws.blogspot.ca/ www.BankingSystemsFlaws.blogspot.ca/ If you were to do an internet search for the title.... "Unified Field Theory of Modern World Problems, DennisTate or Dennis Tate" you would likely find some interesting results.
MY six part answer to this poll question may give you a good idea of what is worrying me at this time........ frankly........ I am wondering if President Putin may be attempting to divert the world away from a Bear market.....another 1929.......??????? Although I vehemently disagree with President Putin's methods..... I suspect that he could have a somewhat win - win - win - win - win long term plan in mind........ and like myself...... he may think of Biden and Trudeau and Bill Gates and Dr. Tony Fauci as being four of the most dangerous people on this third rock at this time?????? what are your top concerns ? what are your top concerns * inflation 2 vote(s) 50.0% * the ukraine situation 3 vote(s) 75.0% the pandemic 1 vote(s) 25.0% gun control 1 vote(s) 25.0% crime 1 vote(s) 25.0% gay rights 0 vote(s) 0.0% * our childrens future 2 vote(s) 50.0% * honesty in goverment 1 vote(s) 25.0% retirement 0 vote(s) 0.0% health care 2 vote(s) 50.0% trump being locked up 0 vote(s) 0.0% * what brandon will do to the nation 3 vote(s) 75.0% renewable energy 1 vote(s) 25.0% the enviroment 0 vote(s) 0.0% immigration 1 vote(s) 25.0% spread of drugs 1 vote(s) 25.0% the economy 1 vote(s) 25.0% high cost of health care 2 vote(s) 50.0% having enough to eat 1 vote(s) 25.0% * honesty of politicains 1 vote(s) 25.0% Multiple votes are allowed. Change Your Vote Yes... I deliberately chose to make this bolded comment the colour of blood......
Although things look really bad at this time I do believe that the Mark Taylor predictions for Russia will come to pass!!!!!! https://sordrescue.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/10-19-16_full_circle.pdf
Speaking of Russia and the Ukraine..... here are some exceptional comments on this topic from @AboveAlpha http://www.politicalforum.com/index.php?threads/russias-newest-su-30-multirole-jets-and-su-24-bombers-practiced-attack-runs-on-nato.399364/page-26#post-1065068884 Russias newest Su-30 multirole jets and Su-24 bombers practiced attack runs on NATO
You could be correct.... but now that a higher and higher percentage of us are seeing through what is being organized...... the one million to ten million most highly paid C.E.O's, politicians, economists, Hollowood actors and celebrities who are actually working directly for the eight thousand five hundred wealthiest people on earth........ ... and who are charged with the responsibility to keep the ignorant masses divided and at war with each other....... ... might just soon lose their control over the media.... due to alternative media such as political forum .com Do Biden's advisors and Trudeau's advisors seem to want to crash the markets? ? Do Biden's advisors want to create an economic crisis? No 4 vote(s) 44.4% * Yes 5 vote(s) 55.6% I certainly hope not???? 0 vote(s) 0.0% I hope so... because I know how to invest no matter which way this goes! 0 vote(s) 0.0% Change Your Vote Although this is a small poll..... due to the fact that the posters to political forum tend to be so well informed..... I find the results so far quite encouraging that perhaps a better world is bursting through the fog and cloud of lies and deceptions.
You are certainly welcome..... but remember.... I did get twenty five thousand hits in one day on this discussion.......... That was probably bots.... but it was still hits nonetheless...... Should Israel crown Donald J. Trump as Moshiach ben Ephrayim? True... no crime family can function properly without a good bag man to bring in the money.......
The crime family in Mar-a-lago is in full agreement. As for Hunter, he's not that good of a bag man...
I disagree... once all the information comes out Hunter Biden may well be understood to have been the most effective bag man for any family in this past century!
I plead guilty... and I also plead guilty to being somewhat biased...... but for the grace of our Creator.... I could have went off into the darkness myself...... All of the predictions on this page seem to me to be of a calibre that Mr. Mark Taylor could not simply have made up out of his own head due to his extreme intelligence..... I think that Mr. Mark Taylor is genuinely gifted and is being guided by the Being of Light of near death experience fame who I feel is Messiah Yeshua - Jesus...... www.sordrescue.com/ https://sordrescue.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/04-28-11_commander_in_chief.pdf Biden and the people passing him a script..... Trudeau and the people passing him a script all seem to want to crash the markets........ Trump.... seems to want to cause the markets to boom....... so yes..... I favour Trump over Biden and Trudeau and whomever is passing them a script and telling them to campaign from their basement......
Biden is in COLOSSAL TROUBLE!!!! THE DEMS MUST GET RID OF HIM..... and replace him with a better candidate...... or they will be demolished in November!!!!! Joe Biden hit hard in whistleblower hearing — by Democrat Dan Goldman By Social Links forJonathan Turley Published July 19, 2023 Updated July 20, 2023, 9:50 a.m. ET