your political beliefs

Discussion in 'Other Political Issues' started by query, Jul 3, 2013.

  1. query

    query New Member

    Apr 29, 2011
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    fill in out in the fields like i did. also what am i politically according to this?

    Preferred Political System:
    (Write down your preferred system of government)
    Liberal Democracy.

    Political and civil rights
    Free speech: Yes
    Freedom of religion: Yes
    Freedom of assembly: Yes
    Corporal/capital punishment: No
    Universal suffrage: Yes
    Compulsory voting: No

    Nationalism: No
    Internationalism: Yes
    UN-membership: of course every country should be in
    NATO-membership: mixed feelings (dont like what NATO is becoming)

    The Military
    Militancy (as in supporting military operations abroad): generally no but sometimes yes like in case of genocid
    Compulsory military service: No
    Women in the armed forces: Yes

    The Environment
    Environmentalism: Yes
    Urbanization: Yes but not without restrictions
    Natural/unprocessed food production: mixed feelings
    Animal rights: yes

    The Economy
    Welfare state: Yes
    Taxation: Yes
    Economic System: (Write down your preferred economic system): free market economy but limited, some things should stay in public ownership like natural resources
    Public/Private/Other Ownership over industries: mixed but generally private
    Public/Private/Other Ownership over banks: private
    National bank in public/private ownership: public
    Healthcare (Private/Public/Other): mixed, generally public + private offerers
    Education (Private/Public/Other): mixed, generally public + private if someone wants to found a catholic, jewish etc. school

    Social Conservatism.
    Political correctness: Yes
    Degenerate media & entertainment: Generally Yes but it needs some limits
    Religion: (in most cases) Yes
    Pornography: Yes but it should be not as easy available as it is now, it should be restricted to adults and banned from everyday life
    Abortion: NO
    Prostitution: Yes
    Homosexuality: mixed feelings, generally Yes but with restrictions
    (If voted - Same-sex marriage): NO
    (If voted - Civil unions for same-sex couples):Yes
    (If voted - Adoption by same-sex couples):No

    Drugs / alcohol / tobacco: Alcohol and Tobacco Yes, Drugs No
    Gun control: Yes but control should be strictEuthanasia: No
    Eugenics: mixed feelings but leaning more towards no
    Racial integration / miscegenation: Yes
  2. query

    query New Member

    Apr 29, 2011
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    what do you think?
  3. Kranes56

    Kranes56 Banned

    Feb 23, 2011
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    Left economically, socially conservative.
  4. query

    query New Member

    Apr 29, 2011
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    im not sure if im either. im generally for free market economy and for private ownership how does that make me left exactly? and what makes me exactly socially conservative? i supported basically all social freedoms and civil rights.
  5. Kranes56

    Kranes56 Banned

    Feb 23, 2011
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    Public ownership of certain materials, support of enviromentalism are left wing traits. You might be closer to being a moderate, but it's still on the left side. Socially conservative, even though you support free speech and the likes, those are "conservative" ideas in the sense that we've had them already, making them by default conservative. That along with your stance on drugs and Euthanasia tells me more of a conservative stance.
  6. query

    query New Member

    Apr 29, 2011
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    well conservative comes from to conserve or preserve certain traditions but it doesnt tell me much, in ancient greece the pederast supporter and supporters of same sex relationships might have been conservatives while early christians where revolutionaries. it doesnt tell much about the idea. in 100 years same sex marriage might be already a conservative idea. i think freedom of speech etc. is still a liberal idea because liberal comes from liberty and means freedom, i supported most freedoms except drugs, abortion and same sex marriage because those are destructive in my opinion but i supported even civil unions for gays. well the nazis were extreme right wingers and supported euthanasia, euthanasia has a negative association in my opinion just like eugenics, it is a mean of industrialising human death/life and birth. also environmentalism is part of most racial supremacist organisations like the BNP and NPD in Europe. While destruction of nature and historical cultural monuments and places was part of many left wing communist regimes. It is neither left nor right. And there are many shades between left (public ownership of means of production) and right (unlimited free market economy). I dont know if im exactly on the left side of the spectrum.

    Well What do you think which party would suit me best?
  7. Kranes56

    Kranes56 Banned

    Feb 23, 2011
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    Using your own logic, since Gay marriage in Greece would have been conservative, and the early Christians trying to outlaw it would have been the liberal position, the notion of freedom of speech in a place where it has existed for say 200+ years, it would be conservative now. Albeit, it depends on the country. Somewhere where there's a dictatorship, the notion of freedom of speech is a liberal one. Hence why I say freedom of speech is a conservative thing in this country now.

    But I'll say you're more of a moderate social conservative, I didn't realize you supported civil unions for Homosexual couples.
  8. Redalgo

    Redalgo New Member

    Oct 5, 2012
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    Preferred Political System:
    Democratic Socialism

    Political and Civil Rights

    - Free speech: Yes
    - Freedom of religion: Yes
    - Freedom of assembly: Yes
    - Corporal/capital punishment: No
    - Universal suffrage: Yes - all denizens at least 16 years of age
    - Compulsory voting: No


    - Nationalism: Yes - civic but otherwise downplayed
    - Internationalism: Yes - world federalism
    - UN-membership: Yes
    - NATO-membership: No

    The Military

    - Militancy: Humanitarian interventions when assistance is requested
    - Compulsory military service: No
    - Women in the armed forces: Yes

    The Environment

    - Environmentalism: Yes
    - Urbanization: Yes but with limits
    - Natural/unprocessed food production: Indifferent
    - Animal rights: Yes

    The Economy

    - Welfare state: Yes - basic income and some social democratic policies
    - Taxation: Yes - revenue mostly derived via progressive income taxation
    - Economic System: Market socialism with some ordoliberal tendencies
    - Public/Private/Other Ownership over industries: Workers' cooperatives
    - Public/Private/Other Ownership over banks: Indifferent
    - National bank in public/private ownership: Indifferent
    - Healthcare (Private/Public/Other): Mixed - generally private service and public insurance
    - Education (Private/Public/Other): Mixed - generally public but I could still switch sides

    Social Conservatism

    - Political correctness: Preferred but not enforced
    - Degenerate media & entertainment: At times frowned on but not forbidden
    - Religion: Irreligious government, individuals free to believe what they want
    - Pornography: Yes, with some regulation
    - Abortion: Mixed - always yes until 3rd trimester
    - Prostitution: Yes, with some regulation
    - Homosexuality: Yes
    - (If voted - Same-sex marriage): Yes
    - (If voted - Civil unions for same-sex couples): Yes
    - (If voted - Adoption by same-sex couples): Yes
    - Drugs / alcohol / tobacco: Yes
    - Gun control: Yes - universal background checks, only small arms allowed
    - Euthanasia: Yes, with some regulation
    - Eugenics: No
    - Racial integration / miscegenation: Yes

    From what you first posted I would describe you as an adherent to a variation of (Canadian) new, or green, liberalism. It builds on and expands the scope of the individual rights and liberties valued by classical liberalism to better account for important economic and inter-generational considerations which would otherwise be neglected and arguably have some undesirable consequences for people, these issues mainly stemming from the classical liberal excessively emphasizing the importance, and demanding inalienability, of private property rights.

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