Your Vision for Your Country

Discussion in 'Western Europe' started by The Rhetoric of Life, Jun 28, 2017.

  1. The Rhetoric of Life

    The Rhetoric of Life Banned

    Apr 17, 2017
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    I'm British, I'm hoping for the UK that there be a 2 party system between the Conservative Party and the Liberal Democrats, so my objective is to

    • rid the UK of it's Liberal phobia.
    • cure the UK of Socialism
    • turn Labour into a crazy outsider party who belong in Russia or Cuba, but not where we have freedom.
    What country are you from and, what is your vision for it?
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2017
  2. The Rhetoric of Life

    The Rhetoric of Life Banned

    Apr 17, 2017
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    I like the thought of 'home countries' because I like that, I, as a Londoner, don't get to impose on the Scottish people (for example) if they don't want it. So I like that the United Kingdom IS NOT federalised, and that we have the English Pound and the Scottish Pound.
    But IDK..
    I'd be lying if I said I didn't want a more United Kingdom.
  3. kazenatsu

    kazenatsu Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2017
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    Does sound just a tad bit hypocritical doesn't it? You want a stronger British union, where England dominates the British Isle. But maybe not a European union, where Britain would get dominated by other powers bigger than its own.

    There's an old saying that you only trade one form of freedom for another. And that's the case with the U.K. to some extent. A more united British union potentially means a union more independent from the E.U. Whereas many people in Scotland were willing to sacrifice some sovereignty to Brussels in the hope that it could help give them more independence from England.
    Kind of like the historical reason the Irish cultivated such a close union with the Catholic Church in Rome.
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2017
  4. The Rhetoric of Life

    The Rhetoric of Life Banned

    Apr 17, 2017
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    Yes to the want, no to the hypocrisy.

    British Lion, Union Jack, Westminster, London whatever, it's all good and British.
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2017
  5. Baff

    Baff Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2016
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    I have no objectives for everyone in my country. Beside the usual empty platitudes.
    I wish everyone well.

    I would like this country to remain free.
    I would like this country to stay tolerant of me.

    Don't much care about the political system it chooses. As long as it doesn't affect me, it's none of my business and a far as possible I shall endeavour to keep it that way.
  6. The Rhetoric of Life

    The Rhetoric of Life Banned

    Apr 17, 2017
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    I think the UK deserves a better choice than between the Conservative Party and, Labour.
    That Labour are a viable choice despite how many times they put Labour before the country makes me say the UK deserves better than that.
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2017
  7. Baff

    Baff Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2016
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    I agree, but with two proviso's.
    Number one I don't care about it enough to actually do anything about it myself, and number two, I don't expect it to change.

    I think there is certainly room for a new centre left party right now and there was a point where it looked like UKIP could dethrone the Tory's. But my money is on the status quo.
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2017
  8. cerberus

    cerberus Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 17, 2015
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    Nigel Farage is who we need to sort out this god-forsaken country of ours. These career politicians are ****ing useless.
    Baff likes this.
  9. Otern

    Otern Active Member

    Apr 1, 2017
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    Norwegian here.
    Disband the EU, get out of the Schengen agreement. Enforce borders, passport controls, tariffs and import/export restrictions. Preferably consolidate the border enforcement with the rest of the Nordic countries. Nordics can move freely within the Nordic countries, and all contribute equally in the expenses of enforcing the outer borders. That way, Finland and Denmark won't have to pay all the costs of something that benefits us all.

    Nationalize natural resources, but still let private enterprise exploit these resources in some cases, for a reasonable prize, control over natural resources should never be fully relinquished to foreign enterprise. Pretty much how we control the profits from our oil today, but extend our approach to oil, to also cover mines, hydro-power, nuclear power, and timber. Create incentives to keep the nation self sufficient in food production. Basically classical social democracy, not the ever creeping neo-liberalism we're getting closer to today. More focus on all kinds of infrastructure, either controlled nationally, or subsidizing private enterprise where necessary. Connect to Russia with railways, and let Russia use the ice free ports for trade, for a price. More dams, sure, those waterfalls are pretty for tourists and all, but dams brings the bacon, not some German tourist with a caravan packed with enough French produced food to last a summer. Spend the cheap energy on energy demanding industries, cheap energy means we'll be able to produce competitively against countries with lower wages.

    More focus on STEM in higher education, while still having good options learning all kinds of useful trades for the ones not able, or willing to go through higher education. Make incentives for people to take a useful education. For example better stipends to engineering and medical students than sociology and history students. Add more opportunities to get a useful education in all kinds of ways. Start dividing classes already in grade school based on ability, and maximize the potential of every individual, rather than give the genius kid and the below average kid the same schoolwork. Also, from grade school, to high school, the middle of each day should have physical education. Obesity is a national security concern. Driver's education in high school.

    Remove some of the subsidies and tax exceptions on electric cars. They should be cheaper than other cars, but as of now, they're way cheaper than what can be defended by the "green" argument. Legalize marijuana and tax it through the roof, like we do with alcohol and tobacco. Make the alcohol tax slightly smaller for bars/nightclubs, and let them keep open to 04:00. Decriminalize drug use, but do a greater effort to help drug users that want to sober up. Add a sugar and artificial sweetener tax. Add a dog tax, like the good old days, but exceptions for dogs used for a purpose, like any dogs used in a profession, or dogs used in hunting or tracking. Exception for dog breeders. Same with cats. Cat tax, unless you're a farmer. Basically pet tax, but people should be exempt from the tax if they have a pet prescribed for therapeutic reasons by a psychologist, and it should really be a pretty small and reasonable tax, not one to dissuade people from owning pets. Add a reasonable luxury tax on a very few high cost luxury items, like yachts and high end sports cars. A Finnish approach to speed tickets.

    Open hunting season all year on wolves. Legalize hunting with bow/crossbow/spear/knife/hand, but in controlled, regulated forms.

    Trade should be simpler for closer neighbors than nations further away. Let Swedes, Finns, Danes and Icelanders come work and live pretty much as today, but only if there's a true demand for workers, no excessive import of cheap labor to push wages down. Throw away the sanctions on Russia, and start trading with them again, while still keeping a close alliance with Britain and the US. Keep whaling, and try to get in on the Chinese meat market, and sell them whale meat.

    Strict immigration policy, only let in highly skilled or educated professionals we really need, that we can't create ourselves in a short time. Basically, the US approach to legal immigration. Of the immigrants already in, every child that has spent most of his/her life here, or was born here, get citizenship, along with their parents/siblings. No more sending kids born in the country to a foreign country, like we do today. Criminal immigrants without citizenship get sent back. The law abiding immigrants get citizenship after a certain amount of years.

    Be more like the Brits on dental care. Add dental care into public health care, but keep the limit of personal payment higher, and separated from the general public health care. More psychologists, psychiatrists and mental health professionals. More effort on psychiatric research and developing the field of psychology. Getting mentally ill people in work should be a priority.

    Swiss approach to conscription. 2% GDP used on defense, preferably spend on domestically produced technology, unless too expensive. Only go out in foreign military operations when article 5 is triggered. Otherwise, turn as neutral as the Swiss. Loosen some of the gun control laws. Firearms for self defense for any law abiding citizen that has received death threats, or need it for self defense for any other valid reason, should be legal. Turn all semi auto rifles legal for hunting and target shooting, rather than the rather small list being legal today. Function should matter, not brand.
    cerberus likes this.
  10. The Rhetoric of Life

    The Rhetoric of Life Banned

    Apr 17, 2017
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    I like that I have a full time job and only pay £20.00 for a check up which usually does everything needed to maintain healthy teeth; If I need a filling to fill a cavity (or two), for example - this is included in my £20.00
    It's free to people who claim certain benefits like Job Seekers Allowance, but, I'd rather pay the £20.00 then claim Job Seekers Allowance that includes dental.
    Things like braces are included when it's really needed, but like me, who's teeth aren't as bent/crooked as some of my siblings, I've never qualified for braces on the NHS, and it's said, if I want them (and I do), (Gotta huge 'lucky' gap in my teeth)... It'll be in the region of £6, 000.00 to £7, 000.00..

    We do have NHS cover for mental health too, which should be treated like any other form of health care and protected and increased.

    I may be weary of Socialism, but I'm aware of what country it is that I have a vision for, so NO ONE's taking the National Health Service (NHS) away. I would like more money given to it; Make it half social, part non profit to offset the privatised parts of the NHS meaning it's all not about money. I want to see the continued use of tax refunds when donation to a registered non profit organisation just to fund and encourage basically.
    I want to see a flow of charity and reward.
    I would also like to see more understanding.
    The ability for MNCs (Multi National Corporations) to send profits 'home/elsewhere' so report a UK loss and pay no corporation tax ensures companies will stay and hire and provide us with world class goods and services.
    Jobs mean pride, the freedom to do that means freedom to grow. Freedom.
    Freedom for domestic/home grown organisations to benefit from; so a UK company in my Britain could invest into the global market, and rightfully call it a business expense.

    I want a celebration of Capitalist Values, an annual 'open bank holiday' where schools take their 16yr olds (I'd put the school leaving age up to 18, why not? - couldn't hurt) - (School students of full time working age)... To banks and financial institutions so they can learn about trade, and free trade and the market. - Of course, banks, financial institutions and monies spent on celebrating this in school on the internet would of course be seen as money to claim back given the resources asked for;
    'for the kids'..
    Invest into our future; one day at a time.

    Why not have kids walking out of school with ASs rather than GCSEs?
    Walk out of school and straight into higher education, if they wish.
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2017
  11. Baff

    Baff Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2016
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    You make Norway sound cool.

    We have the same sort of rifle laws here. Only allowed semi's in .22.
    All else must be single shot.

    While I do get into rampage situations in rabbit warrens at night, where rapid fire is an advantage, follow up shoots for me, are rare. The bulk of all my kills happen on the first shot or not at all.
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2017
  12. cerberus

    cerberus Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 17, 2015
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    Brilliant post - you should be in politics.
  13. Otern

    Otern Active Member

    Apr 1, 2017
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    It's not quite that bad here. There's a list of legal semi auto rifle models for target shooting and hunting, and semi auto .22 are legal anyway.

    And all handguns up to some ridiculous caliber are legal. No matter the model.
  14. Baff

    Baff Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2016
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    Handguns got banned here a long time ago.
    Also full auto's.

    Maybe 30 years ago? 25?
    Not that #I ever used my AK47. Never even fired it. But I liked to stroke it occasionally.

    Pretty much I can buy any make or model long gun I have use for, as long as it is disabled from automatic firing. So if I buy an AK here today, I have to crank the lever to reload it each round.
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2017
  15. The Rhetoric of Life

    The Rhetoric of Life Banned

    Apr 17, 2017
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    I guess it's always a good day.
  16. Baff

    Baff Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2016
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    Almost a bad day for this professional Russian.
  17. The Rhetoric of Life

    The Rhetoric of Life Banned

    Apr 17, 2017
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