Syrian Refugees Across The U.S. Are Condemning ISIS

Discussion in 'Latest US & World News' started by Sane Centrist, Apr 6, 2016.

  1. Sane Centrist

    Sane Centrist Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2013
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    The thing about being me that sucks more than anything is being right all the time. After a while it takes the surprise & spontaneity out of life.

    I told every single one of you that the best thing we could do was to import "some" (not all) of the Syrian refugees into this country because they, more than anybody else, know the brutality of ISIS first hand and there's "nobody" better qualified to share that message with millions of Muslims that live here included some of the more misguided, twisted ones "contemplating" whether to join them or not.

    I told every single one of you that they would come here, settle into Muslim communities, and quickly spread the word of just how horrible these people were.

    Most of you balked at me, and replied back with comments that made absolutely no sense or you told me how I was completely wrong.

    Pleas read the following while I try for the rest of the day to get this crazy huge smile off of my face............:smile:

    This story just broke "AFTER WEEKS" of me saying this was going to happen.

    Syrian Refugees Across The U.S. Are Condemning ISIS
    04/06/2016 11:44 am ET | Updated 3 hours ago

    After the Paris terrorist attack, 31 governors said that they wanted no more Syrians admitted to their states. In the months since, Syrian refugees across the country had the opportunity to respond. Their message is simple: get to know us.

    Nidal Alhayak was resettled outside of Detroit last year after he was tortured by the Assad regime. “I totally understand their fear,” he told NPR last year. “We’re not like that. We went through terror ourselves.” Hasni, a Syrian refugee in Raleigh, still fears for his life. “If [ISIS militants] catch me,” he told his local station, “absolutely, they kill me.”

    Linda, a Syrian who is living in Maryland, responded to her governor’s decision to oppose Syrians in the Washington Post. “We, too, were appalled by the Islamic State’s terrorist attacks in Paris and condemn them wholeheartedly. My family and I lived through horrific acts like these,” she wrote after describing her own son’s killing.

    “What happened in Paris is just as unsettling to us as it is to anyone else,” Walid Abu Aliess, a Syrian refugee who lives in Orlando, told his local paper. “These are criminals,” Radwan Mughrbel, another Syrian refugee resettled here after the start of the civil war, told the New York Times. “You can’t just walk and kill somebody in the street. God won’t forgive you.”

    Another Syrian living in Michigan said of learning about the attack, “God, please don’t let it be another terror attack or another Muslim.” She said that she’s just as invested in America’s security as anyone else now. “We do have vested interest in the safety of America from terror, you know, having family here.”

    “We have left our countries because of ISIS and Assad,” Marwan Batman, a refugee living in Indianapolis, told the Indy Star. He recalls his response to a Homeland Security officer when he asked if Marwan was a Muslim from ISIS: “That’s not Muslim. I’m not from ISIS, and I don’t like ISIS.”

    Other Syrian Muslims also find the idea that ISIS is Islam’s ambassador ridiculous. “It’s really sad,” Alaa Alderie, a Syrian living in St. Louis said of being compared to the terrorists who ruined his life. “I lived in a Muslim country. All the people I was raised with, everyone, they were just like me. I’ve never seen anyone like ISIS.”

    Nour Alkunuss, a Syrian refugee in Kentucky, puts it simply in broken English: “The Islam means peace, not means war.”

    Read the rest here: (it just gets better & better)

    I can't wait to hear the excuses come pouring in on this one.......:roflol::roflol:
  2. ArmySoldier

    ArmySoldier Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 11, 2014
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    I agree- the fact that we don't know who the radicals and the "non radicals" as you claim, are, we must keep a watchful eye on all of them. We're dealing with a holy war of muslim cowardly suicide bombers. Something our constitution never saw coming.
  3. Sane Centrist

    Sane Centrist Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2013
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    So you agree that it's a good idea to actually honor our word by allowing some to come here, because........

    One: They are not all terrorists the way most people think.

    Secondly: They would do a lot of good in terms of messaging to Muslims here just how insane these terrorist are in the Middle East.

    Are we on the same page here my friend?
  4. ArmySoldier

    ArmySoldier Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 11, 2014
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    There's no way of knowing how many muslim terrorists there are. They hide amongst the "innocent" ones. As we saw in Belgium, the muslim community did not all commit the crimes, but they hid the perp.

    So it's clear that they defend and support terrorism as a whole religion. The fact that a few of these "innocent" ones go on TV and deny it, that's about as believable as a football bat.
  5. Talon

    Talon Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Dec 4, 2008
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    Aside from being wrong about that, I think that you're also wrong to believe that our Muslims are too stupid and callous to gauge the barbarity of Caliph Ibrahim's genocidal death cult.
  6. Sane Centrist

    Sane Centrist Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2013
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    Wow......just wow....

    I'm really disappointed in you dude, I never pegged you for being in the "bat-chit crazy denial team" but I guess I was wrong.

    You really, "seriously" believe that all these people are lying, or that their stories are fake?

    You really, "seriously" believe that they're only saying this for the newspapers or the cameras?

    Or are you just to "stubborn to admit" that what I, and others that have been saying this for months now are right?

    Is it really that hard to just say the words: "well I'll be dammed, I guess Sane had a point after all"

    Dude, seriously this kind of denial can't be healthy, next thing you'll be telling me that 9/11 was an inside job.

    Let go of the hate's rotting your brain to the point where you can't see the forest for the trees anymore.
  7. Sane Centrist

    Sane Centrist Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2013
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    Another one..................

    So are you saying that these are all fabricated lies, or that these people are merely saying these things for the newspapers or cameras and they are not sincere?

    Tell me, do you believe this story to be legitimate or do you believe this to be some elaborate hoax?

    Obviously my crack about me always being right was a joke on my part, but leave it to one of you to pick it up & run with it.:roll:
  8. Dutch

    Dutch Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 24, 2010
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    You poor baby.... I feel for you... really :wall:
  9. Sane Centrist

    Sane Centrist Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2013
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    Please don't, it's a curse.

    But now that we've addressed my curse of always being right.....

    How about you address the story...............if you dare????
  10. Lil Mike

    Lil Mike Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    I just want to be clear, you are saying that you have guaranteed that no Syrian refugee in the US will ever commit an act of terrorism?
  11. milorafferty

    milorafferty Banned

    Jan 23, 2015
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    I said it before and will restate it here, Any military age male who fled Syria as a refugee instead of standing and fighting for their country is a punk and a coward.
  12. Talon

    Talon Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Dec 4, 2008
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    I said that I think you're wrong to believe that our Muslims are too stupid and callous to gauge the barbarity of Caliph Ibrahim's genocidal death cult.

    We've all seen the photos, videos and horror stories and most of us are intelligent enough to figure this out on our own. I don't understand how you think that American Muslims are any different in this respect.
  13. Sane Centrist

    Sane Centrist Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2013
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    Tut, Tut, Tut.....................nice deflection Lil Mike.

    We both know damn well that not only am I not saying that now, but that I have never said that.

    Now, please don't do the "Lil Mike spin show", and just answer the points in the original post.

    Everything in that story directly relates to everything I have been in here saying for months now.

    Well..........................................looks like I was right.

    And I'm no magician here because it's just common sense.

    Any idiot that got as far as the 5th grade could see that naturally these people were going to feel this way, and be beneficial in some way by being here.

    So how about it, will you please stick to the topic in the original post without asking me off topic questions in the attempts to derail this conversation?
  14. Sane Centrist

    Sane Centrist Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2013
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    My apologies, I understand better now. (see, I do screw up sometimes)

    I understand what your saying but all I'm trying to say, and what I've been trying to say, is that it does help to have people here that have been through this hell first-hand because there are a good amount of, shall we say...."misguided Muslims" living here that are on the fence about groups like ISIS. (that's just true & I've never denied that)

    They wouldn't run off & join them, and ruin their lives because they're not "that" stupid, but they do privately say in the confines of their homes that they "morally support internally" what some of these terrorist's do because of the Sunni/Shia feud that goes back for over a thousand years.

    I have always maintained that not every single Muslim living in this country is 100% on board with the whole "living in America as a loyal American" thing. (most are)

    So all I've been trying to say for months now is that instead of shutting the door on all of these refugees, it would probably be a good idea to allow some of them in (not all) because they would be the best poster children over anybody or anything else, regarding spreading the true message of what these animals are really like to Muslims living here presently.

    Why, because when your looking into the face of a person, watching them cry as they share horror story after horror story with you about what these animals do/did, it puts you on a whole other level with it, and it really drives home just how bad the situation is.

    Sit down with a holocaust survivor, and listen to them recant what happened to them, and you'll know exactly what I'm talking about, I have.

    Friend, you have no idea what it's like to sit & listen to these horrific stories or what it does to your soul.
  15. Lil Mike

    Lil Mike Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    Well I'm not sure of what you think you won or are right about. You have a couple of comments from some refugees who are glad to be here instead of there, I totally get that. But otherwise I'm not sure what are you arguing about. Since I've seen quite a lot of threads you've posted I don't recall one in which the argument was that Syrians wouldn't be grateful to be here, and are afraid of ISIS. So I'm not trying to deflect or derail, but I genuinely don't get what you are taking credit for.
  16. Ddyad

    Ddyad Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2015
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    Well, heck, they say they won't do anything bad. What more do you want? ;-)
  17. Sane Centrist

    Sane Centrist Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2013
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    I've said it before, and I've posted these videos A THOUSAND TIMES but it seems like there's no shortage of idiots out there in the internet world that just don't comprehend how stupid or wrong they are.

    One: what your saying has absolutely nothing to do with this story, and the mere fact that you said what you said tells me that you did not
    read the full story.

    Two: take a look at this genius, and get back to us.........:roll::roll::roll::roll:

    Oh, and please keep something else in mind........millions of civilian Syrians all over Syria have been fighting & dying against these bastards for years now, and most of the people in the story I posted are the mothers, sister's children, and other family members of these people that have been brutally killed while trying to defend their county........that's "why" they hate ISIS more than you ever could.

    Try getting a f*cking clue.............

  18. milorafferty

    milorafferty Banned

    Jan 23, 2015
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    If my country was under attack by some nut-job group like ISIS, I wouldn't be a (*)(*)(*)(*)(*) and run away. I would stand and fight for our way of life. Unlike YOU obviously.

    So find a few more sob stories of people who did just that and have yourself a good cry.
  19. Sane Centrist

    Sane Centrist Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2013
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    One question.................

    Does this story bother you that much?

    Seriously Mike: "You have a couple of comments from some refugees who are glad to be here instead of there"

    If that's all you got out of this, and we both know you got a lot more, than what more can I say?

    I refuse to get into this with you because this is what you do, and your very well skilled at it.

    You (and others) will spend the rest of the night "avoiding" the true "content" of the story, while trying to cherry pick it to death, while simultaneously trying to get a rise out of me to the point where I loose my composure, and now we're all on a train headed for Disney when we started out headed for Six Flags.

    No thanks...............

    We both know that this story is very explicitly showing & proving, that Syrian refugees lucky enough to be here that got past incredibly weak, pathetic governors that tried to keep them out are now sharing their horror stories.

    By sharing those horror stories they are providing a positive service for all of us.

    They are reinforcing to Muslims that live here..........."buyer beware" with these horror stories.

    "Do not fall for their bull-chit because look at what they did to me."

    "Come here, let me tell you what these fools are really all about."

    I know you recognize this because your not that stupid so you can knock off the: "but I don't get the significance here" nonsense.

    You do get it, and it absolutely fries you to now see it in black & white.

    You can marginalize this until the cows come home, and you can play it down by word-smithing it they way you have here (that I picked up on by the way) but you can't outright deny it.

    Argue with yourself Lil work here is done.
  20. ararmer1919

    ararmer1919 Banned

    May 26, 2014
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    The issue is that there is no way to separate these from the radicals. As we have seen here in the states many times.
  21. Sane Centrist

    Sane Centrist Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2013
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    Ok, either you didn't bother watching the video, or you did, and it's killing you to be proven such an idiot, or you have absolutely no comprehension skills what-so-ever. (I don't know which one it could be)

    The video is "one" of hundreds that show local, civilian Syrians (in Syria)...........fighting.

    So, I'm not quite sure what drugs you're on, but I'd put that chit down long enough to get a grasp on reality here son before you lose your mind completely.
  22. milorafferty

    milorafferty Banned

    Jan 23, 2015
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    Son? Please...

    And if you don't like my stance on the Syrian refugees, don't read it. Otherwise, go take a (*)(*)(*)(*) into the wind.
  23. EggKiller

    EggKiller Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2012
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    A person of your self perceived intelligence should understand messages can be sent from anywhere in the world. Not sure how you missed that but,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  24. Sane Centrist

    Sane Centrist Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2013
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    There's no way in the world you could mean that, or type that with a straight face, and I absolutely refuse to believe that people in this country could be that filled with hate & mistrust that even when the truth is staring them in the face they would still make such statements.

    It's either that or like many others in this thread, this story is killing you because it flies in the face of everything you thought you knew, and your mind simply can't handle or accept it.

    Either's not good, and you really need to do some soul searching to find out why you would still hold that position after reading such a story like this.

    There's no way the American media has done that good of a job of brainwashing so many people as to believe that every Muslim on the planet is rotten to the core, secretly a terrorist and completely untrustworthy............................or are they?????
  25. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    Obviously it is impossible to guarantee that no Syrian refugee will ever commit an act of Terrorism in the US or that these individuals are not extremists.

    What is also true is that it was impossible to guarantee that the folks we (along with allies Saud, Turkey and others) were arming in Syria were not radical Islamic extremists.

    If we can give these Syrian's sophisticated weapons (including stuff like stinger missiles which could be used to shoot down airplanes) on the assumption that these Syrians are not extremists and will not use the weapon to terrorize people in Syria, then surely we can let these people into our country on the assumption that they are not extremists and will not terrorize people here.

    If we can not know that these people are not extremists (moderate rebels), then we had no business giving them sophisticated weapons in Syria.

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