Oprah : People Hate Obama & Me Because We’re Black>>>MOD WARNING<<<

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by Oldyoungin, Nov 16, 2013.

  1. Oldyoungin

    Oldyoungin Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2013
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    Oprah Winfrey thinks most Americans are racist, and she’s not afraid to say it.
    The talk show host said that President Barak Obama is hated because they are black.
    Riiiight, let’s just blame it on skin color! The dislike for President Obama certainly has nothing to do with the out-of-control spending, consistent lying, and government power-grabs.
    She also said Americans don’t like her for the same reason — because of her skin color.
    Oprah said, “There’s a level of disrespect for the office that occurs. And that occurs in some cases and maybe even many cases because he’s African American. There’s no question about that and it’s the kind of thing nobody ever says but everybody’s thinking it.”


    My face when I read this =

    Oprah seems to forget that these " americans who hate her" are the same ones who made her a billionaire. Its odd how many wish to be viewed as a victim in our society. We have grown so soft that people who are victims are admired more than people who do something amazing and wonderful. Thoughts?
  2. Hummingbird

    Hummingbird Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2010
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    I watched her tonight and was really disappointed. I had always had a lot of respect for OW, her ability to pull herself out of dirt poor poverty, etc, became a Billionaire, but still had a good heart and was generous...

    Well ... then she goes over to London and bad-mouths Americans for being racists and like you said, the people who made her rich.... and that Americans didn't respect Obama b/c he's African-American. She's forgetting he's also half white.......

    I couldn't believe the psychobabble coming out of a woman, whom I had always given credit to for having common sense and character......

    Guess she's so damn dazzled by Obama, she can't see what he's doing to our country, his stinking lies about ACA and everything else he's done....

    Really amazing...... this poor black, filthy rich woman isn't 'liked' by most b/c she's black... I always tho't she had more class than to play the race card. Listening to her, I wanted to barf.......
  3. yes/no

    yes/no New Member

    Jan 11, 2011
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    She's not as smart as I thought with ignorant statements like that.
  4. PTPLauthor

    PTPLauthor Banned

    Jul 12, 2013
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    I used to watch Oprah when I got home from school in the afternoon. I actually remember the first time she had Obama on her show. She introduced him as the next President if I remember correctly.

    I have no doubt that she was a major factor in Obama's election, and for that she deserves a fair amount of the blame. I used to be a fervent critic of Obama's policies and have come around quite a bit to support several of his initiatives. I still believe firmly, however, that he rose to prominence too quickly and it was only adept maneuvering once elected that prevented his tenure in the White House from being a complete failure across the board. I believe further, that had Obama waited a few cycles, he would have been a much more seasoned and affable President upon assuming office.

    Honestly, as for Oprah, I see her as little more than a snobby, rich, self-important woman whose utmost accomplishment is that her true nature as an arrogant jackass has not yet exploded into the public consciousness. I firmly believe that had she said at the top of her popularity that she was going to Swan dive off a bridge into the Chicago River and she wanted her fans to do similar, the country would have experienced a spate of bridge-jumping.
  5. RP12

    RP12 Well-Known Member

    Nov 11, 2011
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    Has it ever occurred to Oprah that Obama is also half white? Seems people are focused only on his fathers side of the family i wonder why that is.. Could it be.....because of...... race? *gasp*
  6. EggKiller

    EggKiller Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2012
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    I became rich because the country hates me.
    I became president because the country hates me.

    Two peas in a pod that lack a clue what's going on outside the shell.
    It's one thing a retired entertainer feels that way. When the president fosters those delusions there's little doubt the country is in deep doo doo.

    Seems both allow race to effect their lives more than the country does.
  7. RP12

    RP12 Well-Known Member

    Nov 11, 2011
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    Oprah had her little handbag incident while trying to hype a movie. Oprah now makes these comments when Obama is looking like a fool.

    Now wonder they are friends ~
  8. Athelite

    Athelite Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 14, 2008
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    Sounds to me like she has a high level of disrespect for Americans who put a black man in the White House and made a black woman one of the richest and most influential figures in the U.S.
  9. RP12

    RP12 Well-Known Member

    Nov 11, 2011
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    Assuming a group of people are racist because they dont follow you every step of the way is racist in itself i would think.
  10. EggKiller

    EggKiller Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2012
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    There's been a few blog articles circulating the web questioning that friendship. They opined there has been a riff between the two camps. Odd how just days after these articles circulated Oprah would reach down in her purse and pull out a race card. Maybe they,re putting away their differences and concentrating on common ground, race.
  11. AmericanNationalist

    AmericanNationalist Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2013
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    I'd also say that the community as a whole has a high level of disrespect for themselves. Because nothing is truly the fault of one's race, but everything is on the basis of a person's character. Is that not what MLK said? The fact that in 2013 they can still claim "racism", that it's not enough, etc is a sad fact and one that they mostly bring on themselves for acknowledging a "racist" element, almost asking for it!

    Is anyone actually stupid enough to think if we talk about racism, that somehow that "deals" with it? Does someone think talking about their illness will make the illness go away?
  12. Stuart Wolfe

    Stuart Wolfe Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    For all of Oprah's assumed intelligence, it likely has never occurred to her to go past race. It may be all that defines her. It's a form of intellectual laziness.

    If you asked her what she might think of a White Republican who ordered drone strikes everywhere, had the IRS audit his enemies, spied on the press, lied to the people about his own programs and did end-runs around Congress among many other things, she'd condemn the guy using the strongest possible language. But then say "Oh, did I say a White republican? I meant to say Obama." and suddenly criticism magically becomes racism.

    It's obvious she's projecting. It's also obvious she's too shallow to understand even if someone explained it to her. Then again, who would? Who could? You think she even has one conservative friend in her circle? Highly unlikely.
  13. Gatewood

    Gatewood Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2013
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    Several interesting things are happening here. First you have the professional race-baiters in the Democratic Party, most often represented by Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson; and these two 'businessmen' keep the contents of the nation's racial paranoia pot bubbling as much as they possibly can. This is occasionally aided and abetted by earnest amateur race-baiters with enormous public profiles such as Barack Obama (Requirement to create first ever Beer Summit and the Travon Martin statements), Spike Lee (re-tweeting wrong Zimmerman family address), and by Oprah herself in various things she's done or said over the years. The irony being that both Jackson and Sharpton are probably such cynics at this point that they themselves believe very little of what they are compelled to hype in order to keep their families rolling in dough, but these race-baiting amateurs? Oh they are true believers!

    There's nothing fake or phony about Barack (or his wife) or Oprah or Lee. They honestly believe that Whitey hates them and are (somehow) keeping them down . . . the same Whitey, mind you, that collectively helped them make themselves millionaires and in Oprah's case a billionaire. Weird examples of double-think? Yeah, but what of it? Humanity excels at believing six mutually conflicting things before breakfast. it's part of our genius and -- well obviously -- our neuroses.

    One thing that cannot be taken from either Spike Lee or Oprah is that they are both geniuses at what they do and that they have legitimately earned their ways into the limelight and into personal wealth. Barack Obama? It's still too early to tell. He needs to get about a decade between himself and the Oval Office years before the true nature of what he did becomes fully absorbed and processed by this nation and the world.

    The paranoia is compounded, however, by life experiences. The old saying goes that even paranoids can have enemies. As endlessly noted by countless Black-Americans "You don't know what racism is until you've been pulled over for a ticket just because of the color of your skin, or been sneered at by a white waiter or been (fill-in-the-blank)," and in that they are generally correct. What they are wrong about is that these are universal phenomenon in this nation and they are wrong in the very nature of the self-pitying arrogance of thinking that you have to be Black in order to have experienced that.

    Any minority among a majority will occasionally experience somewhat similar incidents throughout his or her lifetime. So what's the difference? Other minorities DO NOT (as a general rule) have professional race baiters always telling them that they and they alone in the entire universe are despised by some elements of the majority. Asians and Hispanics and even Native-Americans tend to just shrug and continue about their business, writing occasional incidents off as just some majority group idiots being majority group idiots and a*ssholes. They don't tend to wrap their entire self-image and (sometimes) even some few of their life's choices around incidents of racism. If you will, it's the difference between occasional bouts of healthy cynicism and full-blown and chronic paranoia. There is just too much they want to get done in life that's of genuine interest to them to wallow in paranoia like it's the essence of a major drug addiction.

    So, all too many Black-Americans are racism drug addicts. It's time for them to BEGIN the process of curing themselves and controlling their spiritual affliction, because you cannot reach inside the head of another person and make him or her stop being an a*sshole. All you realistically can do is work on the nature of your own head space.
  14. AmericanNationalist

    AmericanNationalist Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2013
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    Epic. Told it like it's meant to be told with no punches held back.
  15. Stuart Wolfe

    Stuart Wolfe Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    The thing is, it's hardly something confined to Oprah, Spike, or Obama. We have at least four posters I can think of right off the top of my head who do the very same thing, who rebut any criticism of Obama as simple racism and dismiss it as such, instead of having the intellectual stones to debate the topic. Heck, if this thread goes to page ten, I'd say there's an 80% chance of said posters appearing here.
  16. Karma Mechanic

    Karma Mechanic Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
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    Except, no, that is not what she said. What she said was there is a level of disrespect for the office that in some cases, many cases, because he is African American. I would say that is true. I didn't hear a quote about saying that most people are racist. You got one?

    Unless someone can come up with another reason that THIS PRESIDENT has been treated with such disrespect, we can assume that there is a racial component. And you know, the group here in later posts talking about him being half white, you know that is racist right? No...more's the pity.
  17. stjames1_53

    stjames1_53 Banned

    Apr 19, 2012
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    words like "racism" is a shaming technique. We hear it so often that it becomes de-sensitizing. Using it to further one's agenda is shameful at best, and degenerate at worst.
    Wait for it, me hearty, they are lining up on the other dock...............but they'll have nothing more to say than the rest of us are racists.
    They are freaks...............
  18. Gatewood

    Gatewood Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2013
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    Thank you. Every once in a while I set aside my sarcasm-imbued posting persona to try and address an issue as soberly and as seriously as I can. Since there has been so much racial 'discussion' and hard feelings of late on the subject I wanted to see if I could bring together some careful thoughts regarding this particular and chronic thorn in the nation's psyche.
  19. Gatewood

    Gatewood Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2013
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    Some of them will probably put in an appearance, yes. But I also give you even odds that a moderator will simply close the thread itself at some point. They get tired of having to nursemaid these things, deleting the contents of individual posters who have gone off the rails on this emotional subject. I can't say that I blame them for that. But still it gets frustrating. Between the inveterate race-baiters (on both sides of the issue, mind you) and the deletion of these threads, serious posters aren't making much headway when it comes to addressing the subject. (Shrug) But so it goes.
  20. RP12

    RP12 Well-Known Member

    Nov 11, 2011
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    How is pointing out he is half white racist but saying he is African American is not? Try again. Every President people are critical why would THIS PRESIDENT be any different?
  21. tecoyah

    tecoyah Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2008
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    Though there is obviously a race aspect to pretty much anything involving successful African American persons in this country, the individuals who base their dislike based only upon that are part of a small and fading (thankfully) part of society. Much of the "Hatred" seen has to do with a bit of jealousy and envy, and an understandable distaste for the inherent violence perceived in the black culture. Until this culture self regulates itself....society as a whole will fear and avoid much of it, or lash out.
  22. flounder

    flounder In Memoriam Past Donor

    Apr 14, 2009
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    Sadly I believe this shows just how far we have to go in this country, and by others profiting in feeding this feeling of on going persecution they are just making it that much worse.
    ''See?, this can be profitable....you owe me''

    The very people that claim to help and have ohhhh so much empathy are the same ones feeding these flames,,,so sad. I cant imagine how inferior they make the children feel, they practically bait them into feeling......poor me,,poor poor me. This is NOT the way you build confidence, it is NOT the road to success.
    Would you train an athlete like that?
    ''Most people are against you, they say you have no talent, the World is not rooting for you so here, take what I give you and stay home,,it's their fault you are not making it.''

    These are a wonderful people, with wonderful talents, but you would never know it according to some of the people that are ''helping'' them.
  23. Karma Mechanic

    Karma Mechanic Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
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    Because no other President has had

    His Citizenship challenged even after producing documentation of birth in the US
    Been called a liar by a Congressman from the floor of Congress
    Been called things using veiled racial language
    Been lied about when it comes to everything from his parentage to who wrote his books
    Been called the "affirmative action" President
    Had his mother called a whore.
    should I go on?

    By the way, when people talk about his "white half" it is an attempt to white wash the struggles he had growing up. When you look at him, knowing nothing about him, you see a black man. If you say you don't you are lying. If you say "I don't see race" then you are attempting to do the white wash that eliminates the very real cultural distinctiveness that is part of all of us.

    Oh and many of the questions above started before he was President and before people knew fully his policies. So what can you say drove it?
  24. RP12

    RP12 Well-Known Member

    Nov 11, 2011
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    Forgetting that McCain was cleared by the Senate. So yes his birth place and eligibility was questioned.

    That Congressman was a correct. Obama lied. He even recently admitted and apologized for it.

    Ah the Chris Matthews "code" talking point i havent seen that one used in awhile you must be desperate.

    Obama got many votes because of his skin color of course AA had something to do with it.

    His mother posed nude and seemed to sleep around while i dont think that makes her a "whore" it seems like she had loose morals. That is my opinion it is hardly "racist".

    So mentioning his white half to you somehow takes away his "struggles" but its fine and dandy to focus on his skin color? Is he black yes or no? You are implying only people that " know nothing about him " see a black man which is damn funny because his skin color is mentioned ALL the time by the race pimps.

    Are you suggesting he didnt discuss his policies before he was President???

    Back to the fact that he is half white do you know who said this

    "They just conveniently forget that Barack had a mama, and she was white - very white, American, Kansas, middle of America. There was no argument about who he is or what he is,'"

    Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/nat...u-s-president-article-1.1112351#ixzz2kocdG61H

    Is he "racist now"?
  25. spotdogg

    spotdogg New Member

    Nov 2, 2013
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    I could not care less about her views about anything...After all, she created 'Dr' Phil...Heh heh...

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