When is the World Gov coming? Why, it is here.

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Jack Napier, Nov 4, 2012.

  1. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Today I was asked if I felt if we 'were heading toward a world gov, and if so, when I thought it may happen'.



    Well, pardon me, but in essence, can it not be argued that we already have a form of world Governance?

    See, when people ask that question, I feel they have this fixed idea, of what a World Gov may be like.

    They have maybe always had this almost cartoon idea, of an evil genius, presiding over one party, that presided over every single country.

    That is what they are looking for, and they will keep on seeking and not find, as this is never the way it could be set up, at all.

    It has to be more sophisticated, more layers, more complex, than something like the simple narrative.

    Consider this.

    For one thing, we have an org call the EU, which imposes it's law, passed by faceless and often unelected bureucrats, onto once more indepedent nation states.

    As with Communism, it is consumptive, which means it must try to engulf more and more countries, regardless of how suitable, or of the social impact.

    Then, across the water, we have an out of control, plutocratic, war machine gollum, aka the nation once called the USA.

    While it may be true that EU law does not apply in the nation once called the US, and vice versa, there are cases in which the laws dovetail, and are interchangable.

    And broadly speaking, you would call both of these entities allies.

    The lines blur, and it gets hard to tell one from the other.

    As to the rest of the world, well, the Middle East can no longer be said to be in control of it's own destiny, not anymore, how many are left that are no longer operating under either a sham democracy, or a puppet regime, as placed by the EU of SA?

    And what happens any time that one, such as Libya, gets too self sufficient, or considers coining their own gold currency? Why, the EUSA bring in their financial terror wing, who then manipulate war on that country, after which they absorb it.

    Africa? Well, again, I can think of two occasions in which an African nation has tried to break free of the stranglehold that EUSA have had over it, read the story of Burka Farso, and the Upright Man, and France. You will get the idea.

    So, I would argue that yes, there is already a global gov, right here and now.

    And here is the really scary bit.

    You probably would be better off with that cartoon style idea, of one evil genius leader, at least then he would be easier to remove.

  2. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    An alternative theory on stabilization of the climate can bring the world together in a whole new way.


    The Sahara Forest Project...and saving New Orleans and Florida from rising oceans!

    Did you know that there is an Islamic prophecy that the Islamic desert regions would be turned green in the latter days?????

    This topic is of special interest to me because I live about a hundred miles from the Bay of Fundy. I live five kms from the ocean on the eastern part of Nova Scotia. In my area the difference between low tide to high tide is about one meter! The land form of the Bay of Fundy has a funnelling effect on tidal waters and so parts of the Fundy have a difference of fifteen to seventeen meters between low to high tide!

    The question on my mind would be if ocean levels were to rise about thirty centimeters in my part of Nova Scotia, would they rise by four or five meters along parts of the Fundy????

    There are 143,000 acres of farmland taken back from the Fundy by dikes that are probably in the position of the proverbial canary in a coal mine in relation to rising ocean levels!

    Every cubic meter of H2O added to the water table of nations in the Middle EAst will NOT be on top of New Orleans, Florida, Holland, Bangladesh or those 143,000 acres along the Fundy!!!!!

    I felt a huge sense of relief when I first heard about The Sahara Forest Project!

    Sahara Forest Project

  3. Doug_yvr

    Doug_yvr Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 8, 2008
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    This is simply not true. Laws are passed by the Parliament and EU Council which are made up elected representatives of European states. No EU 'bureaucrats' have any legislative power.
  4. Spooky

    Spooky Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 29, 2013
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    It is not possible to have a one world government, its been tried and failed miserably every time. From Genghis Khan to the Roman Empire.........there are too many different cultures to fit them under one set of laws.
  5. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    In a way.... you are somewhat correct but........ even the world's democracies seem poised for a shift.

    To my thinking this is a bit like the shift from Persia to Greco- Macedonia.... except in reverse.

    We have been in something of a Greek - reason era... but I think that we are about to go into more of a Cyrus the Great, Freedom of Religion and respect for religion era.

    Men like Mr. Malik Obama are paving the way for this shift.


    Is Malik Obama one of the worlds' most courageous Muslims?

    In my opinion.....YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!

    Obama’s Brother in Support of Third Temple Built in Jerusalem



    John 13:35

    "By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another."

    When we see Muslims...… risking their lives to give credit to a role being played by Jews.........… if this catches on the whole formula can be altered and faster than we might imagine.
  6. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    True... it will not be an absolute one world government but........ it is coming and when the land based Greenland ice pack begins to crack and slide at a rate that rapidly affects average world ocean levels then the world will come together and the political will will exist to do something big..... and fast.

    The cracking and sliding of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet could do it as well........... The WAIS is especially vulnerable since it is below sea level......…

    The amount of ice being ADDED TO CENTRAL ANTARCTICA... has saved us up until now and may continue to do so for a few more years....... but a shift is almost certainly coming..........


    HAB Theory and getting Conservatives to worry about climate change!

    Dr. Albert Einstein took The HAB Theory very seriously:


    Expanded Discussion of The HAB Theory
    Gershom Gale gershon1


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