Why the Hatred of Cops?

Discussion in 'Law & Justice' started by Battle3, Sep 14, 2015.

  1. Battle3

    Battle3 Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2013
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    As the article below states, this hatred of cops and the resultant killing of cops did not come out of nowhere.


    If you saw into the floor joists holding up your house, eventually, something bad is going to happen. This by way of analogy may help to explain the recent murders of a cop in Texas and then again in Illinois, the egging of a cop memorial plaque (here) and the refusal of an Arby’s worker in Florida to serve a cop (here).

    There is no justification for murdering a cop. But then, there is no justification for murdering anyone.

    Nor for assaulting anyone. Or bullying them. Taking their stuff. Treating them like a piece of garbage.

    And yet, it happens. As procedure.


    Call it “just doing your job,” it doesn’t change the nature of the thing. Resentment builds. People begin to think the unthinkable. We do not have to like it.

    But it is imperative that we understand it.

    Do we fault the cornered animal for lashing out at his tormentors?

    Americans, in the main, are blinkered when it comes to grokking why bedouins out in the desert might be upset about their loved ones being blown to pieces by a drone ........... The bedouin’s family doesn’t hate “our freedoms.” He doesn’t even know what they are. If any. He burns incandescent with hate for the bastards who killed his cousins and his beloved uncle for no sane reason at all in the most cowardly way imaginable. Who will never be held accountable – officially. Who will be cheered – lauded as “heroes” – officially.

    Similarly, the reaction of friends and family members of people murdered in just as cowardly a fashion here in the Homeland. They tend to get really, really mad. More so, when the murder is compounded by lies, quibbling and cover-ups. When the person who did it is called a “hero” – and gets a paid vacation instead of what they’d get (a felony charge and years in prison) if the circumstances were reversed...........

    Revenge may not be healthy – but it is understandable. The suffering person aches to make those responsible for his suffering feel what he feels, experience loss.

    It does not have to be the exact guilty party – who may be impossible to lay hands on. A proxy will do. This is what happens when there is no justice. Any redcoat – any SS man – will do. Snipe at them. Hit and run. It’s not a fair fight, so why do they expect one?

    Reason – and reasonableness – have been thrown out the window.


    Imagine you (or yours) on the receiving end of something much worse than a ticket and some degradation. As procedure. Routine. Like the kid who every day has to face the bully who steals his lunch money.

    The public is losing patience because goodwill has been lost. It seems you can no longer talk to these people (cops) and that civility and discretion have been replaced by a new prime directive: show ’em whose boss. Don’t interact on a human level. Don’t show forbearance and never empathy. Rules are rules. The law is the law.

    Add shave heads and mirrored sunglasses.

    It is going to get worse............

    It’s not some inexplicable eruption of mindless hate. It is the reaction of the bullied who has finally had enough. His response may be over the top, desperate, and not even directed at the right person. But it did not come out of nowhere.

    Cops need to take a long look in the mirror if they want to face the real problem.
  2. Kokomojojo

    Kokomojojo Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2009
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    Do you think it has anything to do with them shooting so many unarmed people and the gubmint and their courts letting them get away with it?

    Hell they even shoot kids after they are cuffed and helpless now days!

  3. JakeJ

    JakeJ Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 5, 2015
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    It is curious how many rural and even urban police shave their heads like skinheads and convicts, isn't it? Many departments require this look.

    There are reasons people have come to have contempt for police. The 10,000 videos of police abuse.

    That police have become the largest collective criminal organization by civil forfeitures of property and money they outright just steal.

    The shift in attitudes of police even on ordinary traffic ticket stops. Most don't just write the ticket, they go into a psychological domination tactic while interrogating the person: "Where are you going? Where are you coming from? Who are the other people in the car? Do you consent to my looking in your trunk (and if not, why not, what are you hiding and you'll have to wait for the drug dog then)? Do you have any firearms?" and to engage in aggressive interrogating argument for anything but total submission and abandonment of rights etc.

    People forget that generally police don't prevent crime. They only try to solve them after the fact. Laws are not mostly written to allow you to even protect yourself and loved ones - and your property, but to prevent your being able to do so. So if police endangers you and your property and generally treat you as inferior, why would you not dislike police?
  4. Eleuthera

    Eleuthera Well-Known Member Donor

    Jun 13, 2015
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    Sad but true Battle3.

    IMO it started with our pernicious drug prohibition, decades ago. As you mention, it's been building for decades. Now with Unpatriot Act and War On Terror, it is accelerating. Before long we won't need any lawyers. With Habeas suspended, everybody is guilty of what the government charges. Sad situation.
  5. ronnie61

    ronnie61 New Member

    Aug 2, 2015
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    From conversations I have had with black friends, I feel the black community in general are not only fed up but ready to fight back. I could site the obvious triggers that have set off America's black youth, (the many recent unarmed blacks being killed for 1) but also it is a cumulative effect of failed drug laws which have turned average non violent people into felons which in turn sets the community against the felon. Felons don't get good jobs. Felons cannot participate in their community as income earners, dads willing to support families ect. The truth is felons mostly end up in gangs or on welfare and eventually back in prison. It is common knowledge blacks tend to get targeted by police more than whites and much resentment exists Recently I had a very interesting conversation with a black co worker. I was asking about Fergusson, and why, when the community had the opportunity to "change" the structure of the local authorities by voting, very few black voters participated. I was amazed. His response was, "why bother" change must come from anarchy. I tried to reason with him as to why this destructive approach was the wrong approach, but he was fairly stubborn about it being the only way. He had a family, children, I tried using reason, "your children will suffer greatly" "education will be totally disrupted" and I do admit he wasn't the sharpest pencil in the drawer, he didn't seem to care. He felt revenge was the answer to the years and years of oppression blacks have suffered since slavery to todays harsh laws designed to take them out of the workforce, out of the voting booth, and into prisons. So, Although I think it is crazy, and do not endorse violence of any kind, especially killing cops, I am not surprised anymore when I see another cop killed. What a sad country we have become.
  6. ronnie61

    ronnie61 New Member

    Aug 2, 2015
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  7. Deckel

    Deckel Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 2, 2014
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    A lot of it is bad training. I talked with a deputy last week about this issue. He indicated that when he was at the academy, he was taught that in order to control a situation he had to be the most aggressive person in the situation. He admitted to doing that right off as well. Because he is short, one of his instructors told him the first time he encountered a group of people on the street on a call, to walk up to the biggest one and beat the feathers out of him no matter if he deserved it or not because then the others would back down because they would know they couldn't take him either. If someone has decent experience/skills handling disputes going into the academy, they will return to those skills coming out. However, since a lot of cops either come from the military or have sucky interpersonal skills, they are sticking with being the most aggressive person in an interaction whether it is necessary or not.
  8. Mr_Truth

    Mr_Truth Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2012
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    could it be the militarized cops?


    or the fact that police use agent provocateurs on the public:


    or perhaps police planting of evidence against innocents:

    https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=police+pl ant+evidence

    How more thousands of innocents must die or spend so much time in jail because of the unpunished and rampant crimes committed by police?

    And who pays for all this??

    YOU the taxpayer pays.
  9. JakeJ

    JakeJ Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 5, 2015
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    The psychological dominance training combined with shoot-first-ask-questions-later training are the two greatest causes.

    However, there also is no personal accountability of officers because they do not face civil liabilities, not just criminal liabilities. DAs won't prosecute because this supports a civil lawsuit against the city/country/state. IF the civil liability was only against the officer personally, DAs would more often prosecute police criminal conduct.
  10. Deckel

    Deckel Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 2, 2014
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    Prosecutors themselves almost never get prosecuted or disbarred for their own official misconduct and the cops are an arm of their department, so it is part of their star chamber "We aren't above the law, we are the law" mentality.
  11. ArmySoldier

    ArmySoldier Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 11, 2014
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    What SOP states to shoot first ask questions later? The SOP states that you shoot as a LAST resort and ONLY if the officer's life, or the lives of the public are in danger.

    Can you cite any department's SOP that states otherwise?
  12. CourtJester

    CourtJester Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2013
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    Those of us who were actual anti war hippies in the late sixties and early seventies know that cops are tools of the power structure in America.
  13. waltky

    waltky Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2009
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    24 year veteran police officer killed in the line of duty...
    Minn. Deputy Shot, Killed; Suspect Also Dead
    October 19, 2015 - Aitkin County Deputy Steven M. Sandberg, 60, was a 24-year veteran.
  14. TheResister

    TheResister Banned

    Sep 8, 2015
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    I could name an SOP that the LEO community has tried to use in the past to shoot first and ask questions later. It is known as the so - called "Patriot Act."

    In one instance, in the state I live in, cops knocked down a door based solely upon the word on one of their snitches. These LEOs did not announce themselves nor give the homeowner a chance to respond. The LEOs kicked down the door and murdered an elderly grandmother.

    In another instance, some LEOs concocted a plan to kick down the door of a state militia leader and claim that he resisted arrest. They were acting on the word of a white supremacist that had gotten dishonorably discharged from the militia for mixing his racist extracurricular activities with his militia affiliations. Somehow the plot to kill an innocent man was exposed by the newspapers the LEOs tried to claim they were protected by that so - called "Patriot Act."

    We see the videos on the news and on sites like YouTube. We see the over-reach, the violations of Fourth Amendment guarantees and even officers chasing unarmed people and shooting them. They feel justified because some corrupt judge will tell them it's "legal." We can play semantics all day long, but both of us know what's really going on.
  15. Mr_Truth

    Mr_Truth Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2012
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  16. ArmySoldier

    ArmySoldier Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 11, 2014
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    Please cite the section code and reference text to this "shoot first, ask questions later" clause so I may verify your claims.
  17. TheResister

    TheResister Banned

    Sep 8, 2015
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    The critics want people to post a ton of legal research just so they comment on your "claims." The reality is, most of this stuff isn't easily accessible on the net unless you have accounts with national newspapers. For example, I tried to access what happened to Kathyrn Johnson (I referred to her, but not by name) and came across this:


    I didn't write about "claims." My examples of what I know to be true - have personal knowledge about what was going on the examples. No armchair keyboard commando is needed to evaluate the truth.

    The "hatred" of cops is because they violate the law with impunity and dare you to do so:





    There is so much of this kind of activity that one must feel like all those women who were raped by Bill Cosby when critics wanted "proof" of something that has to be true due to the sheer numbers of people coming forward.

    In the cases I have personal knowledge of, even if I go and dig out the court records, anyone that don't believe it after I tell it would have nothing but disparaging remarks after looking over the court documents. What's the point? The LEO community believe that their fellow officers hung the moon - as do the judges. So, if the LEO won't take your word and the judge won't - then the officer must feel that some policy, law or operational procedure allows them to commit these blatant violations of the law.

    It's not like they are here and there. These outrages happen in all fifty states and if you stand up to it, you will be stigmatized as a cop hater. They're the ones making it a us v. them match.
  18. waltky

    waltky Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2009
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    Suspects are evolving to become more violent...
    Open Season on the Police
    Oct 20, 2015 | In recent months there have been a series of cases reported in the media, where some teenage thug -- white, black or Hispanic in different cases -- has been stopped by a policeman for some routine violation of the law and, instead of complying with lawful instructions, such as "show me your driver's license," chooses instead to defy the policeman, resist arrest and finally ends up physically assaulting the cop.
  19. Alucard

    Alucard New Member Past Donor

    Oct 1, 2015
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    "Straight Outta Compton" depicts why many in the African-American community have a hatred toward cops.
  20. Battle3

    Battle3 Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2013
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    No-knock raids have been around a long time, and they came about because of a reasonable argument regarding police trying to arrest people who were truly violent and the risk to police was severe.

    Originally those types of raids were rare, now there are around 40,000-50,000 a year. They are all to common and used for cases in which there is no danger to police. A 2012 ACLU study found that 79% of these no-knock raids were to execute a search warrant, and 65% of raids found no contraband - in other words the huge majority of these raids were to perform a fruitless search.

    On top of that are the mistakes. 10% of NY raids go to the wrong address. Cops shoot innocent people including sleeping children (such as 8 year old Aiyana Jones, sleeping on the sofa when cops burst in and shot her in the head, killing her, no cop ever was held accountable for the murder - and the raid was to the wrong address).
  21. Battle3

    Battle3 Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2013
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    That's an amazing picture - cops in camo, drop down holsters, lots of extra rifle magazines, some even have night vision mounts on their helmets, and all standing in front of an armored vehicle with a sniper up top.

    What do they think they are going to encounter where they will each need 4-6 extra rifle magazines and a couple extra handgun mags?

    Its all for show, they are like little boys playing Army, but these little boys have a license to kill and won't pay for their mistakes.
  22. waltky

    waltky Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2009
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    NYPD Officer Fatally Shot...
    NYPD cop fatally shot in head while chasing suspect
    October 21, 2015 - It wasn't the usual cops-versus-criminals confrontation. The chain of events that ended Tuesday night with the fatal shooting of a New York police officer began less than 15 minutes earlier with a radio call for help, officials said Wednesday.
  23. TheResister

    TheResister Banned

    Sep 8, 2015
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    If a few guys had their picture taken doing this very same thing, they would all be on the radar of the LEO community and all of them would know about that no knock warrant in the night (even though owning the weapons is perfectly legal.) When you express concern about the LEO community gearing up as if they were going to encounter WWIII, the LEO community thinks you're some kind of extremist.

    The LEO community must discredit anyone that challenges the status quo. So, now that you've complained about the situation, they are busy checking you out.
  24. Mr_Truth

    Mr_Truth Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2012
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    you make a valid point - but the problem is, why isn't the conservative public expressing dismay over the militarization of the police and its control of the public when this is clearly against the principles of our Founding Fathers?
  25. Liquid Reigns

    Liquid Reigns Banned

    Sep 23, 2013
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    I'm fully aware of all that, however the Patriot Act has nothing to do with any of it as exclaimed by and who claimed to have lived through it by ThereSister.

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