promoting homosexuality to children banned in Russia

Discussion in 'Gay & Lesbian Rights' started by Anders Hoveland, Feb 12, 2012.

  1. DevilMay

    DevilMay Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2011
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    What the hell has that got to do with preventing "promotion" of homosexuality in schools?!
  2. dixon76710

    dixon76710 Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2010
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    The regulation had been in place for 17 years. Blaming the recent rash of suicides on the 17 year old regulation is the only new developement.
  3. websthes

    websthes Banned

    Nov 22, 2008
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    Russia is having a lot of problems with alcoholism, low birth rates, and a very low life expectancy. But allowing queers and leftist scum to indoctrinate their children when they just freed themselves from 3 generations of Jewish Bolshevik tyranny is one problem they don't have.
  4. DevilMay

    DevilMay Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2011
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    Ok, two completely unrelated issues.

    Russian society will not be made better by crushing the civil rights of a minority. It's not going to solve all their problems.
  5. Gemini_Fyre

    Gemini_Fyre New Member

    Jun 13, 2011
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    It may not solve all their problems, that much is obvious. But they can at least prevent a new one from springing up or slow the spread of it.

    I am glad to see a nation finally stand up against the zealous fruitcakes and not caving like imbeciles. If somebody wants to be gay that is just fine, but they don't have to share it with the bloody world. It's gross, unnatural, and looks disgusting.

    Kudos to Russia.
  6. websthes

    websthes Banned

    Nov 22, 2008
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    Before Marxists can enslave a country, they must first destroy its institutions. Church, family, patriotism, racial homogenity.

    Russians are strong, tough people, who freed themselves from 70 years of Jewish slavery. They can spot a dirty commie better than anyone..
  7. websthes

    websthes Banned

    Nov 22, 2008
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    Being a degenerate homosexual is not a right, it's a sickness. If people cant keep this condition to themselves, then the state has an obligation to take action.

    We wouldn't allow tubercolosis patients to go around coughing in peoples faces, why should we allow dirty perverts to dress in lingerie and parade in front of impressionable children.
  8. Gemini_Fyre

    Gemini_Fyre New Member

    Jun 13, 2011
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    Agreed, it is an aberrant behavior and should not be promoted in any way. Brilliant correlation with tuberculosis. Hats off to you.
  9. Osiris Faction

    Osiris Faction Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2011
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    If you would have read the actual article you would see that things started to go wrong when the old policy was changed. Which was recent.

    Maybe read the article? Or would that be to much work?
  10. DevilMay

    DevilMay Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2011
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    More like shame on them. Passing this law is going to (*)(*)(*)(*) all over an entire generation of young gay and bisexual people just for the sake of political idealism dictated by bigoted, misinformed individuals who have never had to struggle with coming to terms with who they are. A teacher or youth worker telling a student he/she is not "sick" or "perverted" is not something that's going to add to society's problems. Get a grip! There is no militant behaviour or promotion of any kind to warrant such an extreme bill. Totally unnecessary and completely heartless.

    The fact you are referencing homosexuality a "problem" is as ignorant as it is offensive. There are always going to be gay people in society whether you like it or not. No law will change that. No culture or tradition can stop it manifesting. It is part of nature itself. In the 21st century we should not be imposing archaic, narrow views of relationships and sexuality on society - for a consensual, loving relationship between two men or two women harms no one. People should have the freedom to choose their own path in life (free to choose their relationships that is - not sexual orientation), free from hassle, and without having to be pushed "underground" or silenced for the sake of political idealism or religious dogma.
  11. DevilMay

    DevilMay Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2011
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    Being gay has nothing to do with any of those things. In case you hadn't noticed both Russian Communism and Chinese Communism pretty much reject homosexuality and have never been at the forefront of civil rights like we tend to be in our capitalist countries. It has nothing whatsoever to do with economic policy.

    And I'd generally thought that racists tend to also be homophobic, and you've just proven that. Racial homogeneity? Wow.
  12. DevilMay

    DevilMay Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2011
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    Hmmm, yeah! Except uh...

    You can't catch gay.
  13. Gemini_Fyre

    Gemini_Fyre New Member

    Jun 13, 2011
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    Indeed, homosexuality has been, is, and always will be a minority. Indeed it is part of nature itself. There are aberrations in nature, aberrations typically thrive or become extinct. Homosexuality has chosen extinction as a matter of course.

    Here is a thought for you, why are they always asking for more rights, special laws(hate crime nonsense) to protect them? They act for special privileges and protections and somehow they get them, making "super citizens." Just like the native americans getting a free ride in montana, total waste of money. If they didn't insist on acting in such a bizarre way(publicly, what they do in private I don't give a (*)(*)(*)(*) about) I really wouldn't care. But they do act in a bizarre way, and they do it in front of my kids. Which in my opinion is a just bad example in public. These gay pride parades are something truly disgusting.

    Listen, if someone has those urges...whatever. Just don't feel compelled to share it with the whole world and put it on display. I don't do the same thing with my wife, so why on earth should two guys or two girls do it?

    The heart of this issue boils down to simply being polite. If you act in a manner which the majority deems vile and you do so in a flamboyant way, you are going to get trouble. Why kick a beehive? It makes no sense if you ask me. They shouldn't be expecting to be saved when they provoke this type of nonsense.

    I could dig up a host of literature and studies to prove that homosexuality does not help society in any way and it should be treated as a mental illness, however I believe you would simply dismiss such evidence as "right wing propaganda." I think Russia is just calling a pile of crap exactly what it is- a pile of crap. And they don't want that to spread so they are taking action.
  14. DevilMay

    DevilMay Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2011
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    I don't think it's something as simple as a single gene - perhaps a gene that makes one more predisposed to homosexuality, but I believe it has more to do with pre-natal hormones. Consider that studies have shown that the more boys a woman has, the more likely they are to be gay. Could be a natural means of population control; obviously overpopulation can be almost as dangerous to a species in terms of survival as underpopulation can.

    Well, I believe in anti-discrimination legislation because of the fact that gay and bisexual people often get discriminated against in areas they simply shouldn't. If there was no hatred, no animus towards them simply because of who they are - or what relationship they happen to be in - there would be absolutely no need whatsoever. But sadly in reality homophobia is real and it's rife, so that's why laws are necessary. No-one should lose their home or job just because they are gay. And typically "sexual orientation" becomes a protected class, not "homosexuality". Everyone is covered in some way, including heterosexuals.

    Depends what you mean by "put it on show"... Many people in society find it significantly more distasteful if a gay person embraces their partner in public, or holds their hand. You shouldn't expect them not to do what heterosexuals do all the time.

    If you're talking about people "acting" gay, flamboyant, flaming, "in yo face"... I would agree that this is the thing that tends to rile up many straight people and would seem to be wholly counterproductive if they seek to be accepted... But to be honest many gay people act "normally" and you just don't notice them. You only notice the ones that stand out. And some of those put it on, some don't. But if people like that are the reason you oppose equality, then you need to take a long, serious look at the issue and ask yourself if generalising like that makes sense.

    Hold on... You said in you opening statement that "homosexuality has chosen extinction" implying that it's genetic in some way. Now it's a mental illness? :/

    It could be argued that people who believe in religion and regularly talk to god are "mentally ill". Some political pundits argue liberals are mentally ill. Do these arguments hold any weight in reality? Nope.. Cop outs. Homosexuality is not a mental illness, and yes actually the only groups right now propagating this view are right-wing, religiously biased homophobic institutions on the fringes of science and psychology and rejected by all the main and respected organisations in those fields. But you would probably say they are all biased and left-wing, right?
  15. Gemini_Fyre

    Gemini_Fyre New Member

    Jun 13, 2011
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    Agreed, I don't think it is something so easily tracked and pinned on something as simple as good old genetics. Predisposition? Frankly, I am not a geneticist so I'll leave the speculation of that up to those most suited to it. I do admit I would like to have a peek at that study you mentioned. Population control? No idea.

    Although the religious side of me may wretch and gag at this notion I admit legislation often paves the way to a more harmonious community. Grudgingly, I agree. And yes, heteros that are lacking in self control I find just as repulsive.
    Well, that much is obvious. I shouldn't expect them not to show affection, this is correct. But they know full well that what they do is considered gross by majority standard. Doing so is like a white guy yelling "(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)" in a black neighborhood. Although they shouldn't surround him and give him crap, you and I know the probability of a person doing that getting out of there without anything happening to him.

    Yes, I refer mainly to those who are rather overt about their aberrant choices. And those who act normal are just fine by me. I certainly don't approve of the decision, but it isn't my decision to make for them. One of those free agency things I respect. Generally speaking I can be friendly, and rather cordial to those who behave in a respectable manner.

    Crud, I'll have to dig it up, but yes, it was deemed by many associations that it was a mental disorder or a mental illness. I do know that it is no longer an official mental disorder. I suspect this was from fierce gay/lesbian lobbying or other methods of pressure.

    Liberals, religious people, conservatives and the like - can they be considered mentally ill? Of course. I tend to steer clear of psychopaths of all varieties. I am assuming you're picking up on me being a fairly right wing libertarian kind of guy. Crazy is in the eye of the beholder, which is one of the reasons I largely condemn psychiatry/psychology as a wasted profession in most cases. There are liberals who say I am crazy because I am Mormon, as you said, their claim is a cop out to the core. They say this because I disagree with them.

    While russia is impeding free speech and expression, I do not know their set of laws or it something like that is allowed in their country. But I do know that if they operate under a sort of democracy that voting is a cure to their particular malady. Russia is treating it like a disease which some merit to certain crowds and hatred in others. Indeed you can't catch the "gay" as you said. But children are a product largely of their upbringing. Monkey see, monkey do.

    Could the "gay" be inherited? Don't know, but I do know first hand from my in-laws that mental illness can run in the family. Whether homosexuality is one of them I cannot say, logically it wouldn't because they would voluntarily remove themselves from the gene pool most of the time.

    And yes, I would probably challenge the results just as you would challenge mine. And thus the world keeps turning.
  16. Johnny-C

    Johnny-C Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2010
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    You could not and would not "prove" what you say... you'd merely present evidence to support your opinions about the same.
  17. Gemini_Fyre

    Gemini_Fyre New Member

    Jun 13, 2011
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    There are times, not often mind you, when opinion and fact can be one and the same.

    However I must admit you are correct on this one. I would only be supporting my own opinion of the matter. Just as those with opposing views would only be supporting their own opinions with the host of literature they could conjure up.

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