Is George Zimmerman a Sociopath?

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Margot, Jun 23, 2012.

  1. Margot

    Margot Account closed, not banned

    Oct 23, 2010
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    Set aside your bias for 10 minutes.. and consider the possibility. Set aside the smokescreen of politics and race.. Remember Zimmerman's claim the Trayvon tried to "kill him".


    Sociopaths are often extremely difficult to identify. The insidious ways that they manipulate and abuse individuals and communities are often undetectable to the average person. Usually it takes a psychiatric professional to reveal them and their danger to society.

    There is a clear sociopathic pattern to George Zimmerman’s behavior. An examination of the facts will detail how depraved he is.

    George Zimmerman sought to control the Florida gated community he lived in. Using a veneer of safety and community he imposed himself as Neighborhood Watch Captain.

    On the surface it seemed like he was doing a noble thing protecting the community. But sociopaths often do things that appear good on the outside but are have more sinister ulterior motives behind them.

    Zimmerman took advantage of people’s good nature by presenting himself as someone concerned with the neighborhoods safety. But it was a power grab so he could control the residents of that gated community.

    By imposing himself as the Neighborhood Watch Captain, Zimmerman showed little empathy or regard for others. A person concerned about protecting the community usually involves the community and considers the feelings of others. They usually let things come to a vote and allow others to help.

    However, by asserting his authority over that Florida gated community Zimmerman clearly showed his soiciopathic need for power and control. Like most sociopaths he took power without regard for the other residents’ consideration.

    In his position of pseudo authority, Zimmerman saw himself as the law. Moreover, he saw himself above the law. A one-man judge, jury and executioner.

    A person concerned with community would have no need to carry a firearm doing these duties. But Zimmerman believing himself to be above the law needed a weapon to enforce his authority.

    On the surface, George Zimmerman pretended to support law enforcement in his neighborhood watch. But in reality he felt contempt for law enforcement and the threat of their interference in ruling his fiefdom.

    This contempt was expressed passive-aggressive way Zimmerman made over 50 911 calls while on his neighborhood watch. On the surface it looked like he was deeply concerned for his community. But in actuality he was attempting to weaken the resolve of law enforcement so they wouldn’t take calls to that part of the community seriously. This way he could have more control over the residents.

    Like most sociopaths, George Zimmerman has no regard for law enforcement. In the past he has assaulted police officers, a clear sign of his indifference and disregard of authority or anyone that doesn’t fit within his locus of control.

    And in the case of Trayvon Martin, he disregarded a 911 operator who told him not to engage him. A normal person of sound mind concerned with the safety of others in the community would have supported law enforcement and not engaged an alleged suspicious person.

    Like most sociopaths, Zimmerman is impulsive. His decision to disregard the 911 operator and engage Maritn was something done with very little thought for consequences of Trayvon or others. Remember, this man was carrying a loaded firearm, and he could have harmed others, not just Trayvon if the situation had escalated.

    What most don’t understand is that Sociopaths are very controlling. On the night of the murder, Zimmerman never saw Trayvon before. So he perceived him as an intruder to the fifedom he was ruling and controlling.

    When he disregarded the 911 operators request for him to stand down he justified in his mind that the laws of the State of Florida did not fit his brand of justice. With this justification for his wrongdoing he set out to pass judgment on Trayvon Martin.

    By disregarding the 911 operator, Zimmerman set out to make a statement with the murder of Trayvon Martin to his community. One that he was the law of that gated community. And that anyone who opposed his law would meet the same fate as the “(*)(*)(*)(*)ing coon” Trayvon Martin.

    Zimmerman’s actions clearly showed his sociopathic pattern of behavior. That he perceived himself person above the policies police department. A person above the laws of State of Florida. A tyrant.

    However, upon being confronted by the police, He then sought to justify the murder with the “Stand Your Ground” Law making efforts to twist the law to fit into his warped interpretation of the facts. Sociopaths often try to manipulate the facts to justify their acts of wrongdoing. Moreover, they are charming enough to convince others that their wrong position is actually right.

    Unfortunately, many are too blinded by race and politics to see how this sociopath is using these issues to manipulate them by polarizing them. It’s a deflection so he can evade punishment for the murder of Trayvon Martin.

    What most Americans don’t understand is sociopaths love to play on people’s emotions. They love to get reactions out of people. It’s how they manipulate and control others. It allows them to appear sane when they’re the ones who are actually making people crazy. It’s how they sneak away and find new victims to abuse someplace else.

    Which is what will happen if George Zimmerman is allowed to walk away without punishment. He’ll find a new group of victims to take advantage of and control. A new place where he’ll eventually kill again. If this sociopath isn’t imprisoned NOW, some other unfortunate citizen who doesn’t fit into George Zimmerman’s twisted world may become his next victim.

    Many of the residents of that Florida community and throughout America are caught up in the emotional smokescreen of race and politics. They don’t understand the insidious nature of a sociopath. They have no idea how these predators use our goodwill to take advantage of us. How they lie. How they justify their malicious actions. How they deflect, shame, and play the victim. How they’ll do anything to win at any cost. How they have no empathy or regard for others. How they have no regard for human life.

    When America thinks of sociopaths they think of serial killers and mass murderers like John Wayne Gacy, Ted Bundy or Jeffrey Dahmer. They don’t understand that these predators can be right under our noses. How they can be ordinary people like George Zimmerman who pretend to have our best interests at heart. How they twist our goodwill for their benefit and use that relationship harm to us.

    America needs to look past the smokescreen of race and politics and dig deeper into the Trayvon Martin Case. George Zimmerman is a sociopath and he’s manipulating the puppet strings of the country to get away with murder.
  2. Hoosier8

    Hoosier8 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 16, 2012
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    Uh, this is just as valid as calling Trayvon Martin a thug.
  3. Zosiasmom

    Zosiasmom New Member Past Donor

    Mar 16, 2012
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    I don't care if he is. He's going to prison and will have no effect on us. I care that Romney is because he could be president.

    At this point GZ can be swallowed by one of those sandworms from Dune and I'd be happy.
  4. The Real American Thinker

    The Real American Thinker New Member

    Jun 16, 2012
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  5. Zosiasmom

    Zosiasmom New Member Past Donor

    Mar 16, 2012
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  6. Margot

    Margot Account closed, not banned

    Oct 23, 2010
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    Hahaha .. you have a way with words and a great imagination.
  7. Margot

    Margot Account closed, not banned

    Oct 23, 2010
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    Not really.. Trayvon was a teen horsing around on social media.. If you had sons you would know this about boys between 13 and 18..

    What is more telling is that Trayvon had NO record of violence.. (George did)

    By ALL accounts, Trayvon was the "sweetest boy you ever knew"

    That doesn't mean he was mature or even perfect.

    But it does mean that a sociopath had no right to create a frightening situation and then kill him claiming self defense.

    George NEVER thought for a minute how Trayvon might perceived a stranger following in a car and then on foot.

    If you have sons.. give it some thought.
  8. Hoosier8

    Hoosier8 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 16, 2012
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    It is apparent you are desperate to vilify Zimmerman and hold Martin on a pedestal. Both are wrong because you are grasping at straws instead of applying common sense. You know nothing of Zimmerman or Martin other than what you read and make up.
  9. Sadanie

    Sadanie Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 9, 2011
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    As so many in this forum have not hesitated to do, digging further and further in the sewer of their imaginations to make an average teenager a drug addict, a drug dealer, his screw driver a burglary tool, his hands deadly weapons!

    No, I don't think Zimmerman is a sociopath. sociopath are often of above average intelligence, Zimmerman is probably barely reaching the 100 IQ!

    He is just a fool, suffering from mild (but obviously destructive) paranoia (maybe as a side effect of the psychotropic medication he has been on for so long) and delusions of grandeur that allo him to see his mediocre abilities, his mediocre accomplishments, as satisfactory and "good for society.". But I aalmost feel sorry for him in that aspect, because without those delusions of grandeur, he would have to face his mediocrity and the underlaying poor self-esteem.

    He is a dangerous coward, because of his (literally) "trigger happy" temper and the aggressivity that seems to take over his (already poor) abiliy for judging dituations and avoiding unnecessary conflicts (as in his 2005 attack on an under cover cop that earned him a felony charge, reduced -- per his own admittance in his "my space" page --- to a misdemeanor with the help of his family and friends.

    In my opinion, the ONLY redeeming quality I see in this dangerous looser is the apparent attatchment he has for his current wife. And even there, he allowed his poor judgement be the instigator of her downfall through perjury!

    He is also a liar. . .maybe even a compulsive liar, and
  10. Sadanie

    Sadanie Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 9, 2011
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    And you and your friends have not been guilty of vilifying a 17 year old kid, killed by an overzealous, not too bright, and very temperamental looser?

    Give us a break, and look at your comments over the last months, and better yet, look at the comments that you applauded!

    Hypocrisy may be difficult to see in one's own eyes. . .projection is an efficient tool to ignore one's own shortcomings!
  11. Hoosier8

    Hoosier8 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 16, 2012
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    You are correct, I have not been doing that at all.

    If you want to act as stupid as those you call out in your post, well, that is your prerogative.
  12. Zosiasmom

    Zosiasmom New Member Past Donor

    Mar 16, 2012
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    LOL. I've thought of ways that he could be swallowed up by the earth and none of us have to hear about his case again.
  13. Dispondent

    Dispondent Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 5, 2009
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    This but one more shining example of why we need to remove voodoo science from our legal system...
  14. Margot

    Margot Account closed, not banned

    Oct 23, 2010
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    Voodoo science?

    How much educational background to you have?
  15. Zosiasmom

    Zosiasmom New Member Past Donor

    Mar 16, 2012
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    I do have problems with the article.

    1) the presumption that if you see people in your neighborhood and think they are a thief, rapist, etc is sociopathic.

    People become more fearful after dark and most psychologists feel that this is instinctive. Second, I grew up in a neighborhood where I felt terrorized and I found it easier to assume someone was going to assault me in some way than to trust that they wouldn't and be unprepared. I think that many of the people who don't know why he would be afraid or assume it was criminal activity are people that haven't lived extensively in communities with crime.

    Good article here on why we are born afraid.

    I assume you if you were on the street that I grew up on, outside, after dark--well, you'd need your head would be one stupid victim if you didn't make that assumption. You couldn't own anything nice or it would be stolen or ruined. I was robbed of my nikes one time and I remember promising myself I would never buy anything for myself again as I sat there on the street just crying like a baby.

    When you live in the suburbs it is easy to think people you will meet won't harm you.

    2) the idea that if you defend yourself (not saying Zimmerman did) you are somehow taking the state's place. As a civil libertarian and Natural Law proponent I find this extremely frightening propaganda.

    3) the article doesn't like the fact that he used the stand your ground You have to choose some defense if you don't think you're guilty of murder.

    the article is subtly saying that you have no right to a defense.
  16. AceFrehley

    AceFrehley New Member

    Jan 5, 2012
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    You're asking the wrong question. The only question to be asked is: is he guilty of murder. Based on the injuries he suffered at the hands of Thugvon Martin, clearly the answer is NO.

    Whether or not he's a sociopath is irrelvant. I suggest you ask that question of your Dear Leader Barack Jong Obama.
  17. AceFrehley

    AceFrehley New Member

    Jan 5, 2012
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    *Coincidentally*, that is precisely the position of liberals. They want government to be in charge of everything. Crime victims shouldn't defend themselves, they should run, hide, or assume the fetal position and hope that the local police arrive in time to save their lives.

    Almost without exception, liberals adopt a position that empowers the state and disenfranchises law-abiding citizens.
  18. The Real American Thinker

    The Real American Thinker New Member

    Jun 16, 2012
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    And conservatives murder innocent people with their worship of Lady Death.
  19. jackson33

    jackson33 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 7, 2011
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    More important to my opinions are what I and my friend were like between the ages 13-18, even then of both genders, oh today I guess that means any gender! At 13, in an urban area I and my friends, usually a little older, hung around a bowling alley (was a pin setter myself), smoked cigarettes, gambled on pin ball machines and more than a couple of my friends had already been in trouble.

    We STILL don't convict persons from accusations and to my knowledge Z was never convicted of any violent crimes. If Martin, as a minor, did get into trouble, by law it couldn't be published.

    This could well be, but do you think Z is anything less "sweetest boy" to those that actually know him, anyway it has nothing to do with law or the issue. IMO, no one should die by another's hand w/o due process, but circumstances don't always allow the time. Another of my pet-peeves is unjustified "Character Assassination", which will be the end result if/when Z is cleared of any crime.

    Nonsense and your really showing your obsession with this case.

  20. AceFrehley

    AceFrehley New Member

    Jan 5, 2012
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    Please translate to English.

  21. Zosiasmom

    Zosiasmom New Member Past Donor

    Mar 16, 2012
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    Conservatives aren't as cool as Thanos, tyvm.
  22. The Real American Thinker

    The Real American Thinker New Member

    Jun 16, 2012
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    Do a study on just how many people were shot or executed even though they were innocent.
  23. The Real American Thinker

    The Real American Thinker New Member

    Jun 16, 2012
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    Sorry. I just read The Infinity Gauntlet and The Thanos Imperative. The references just slip sometimes =P
  24. Taxcutter

    Taxcutter New Member

    Dec 18, 2011
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    The case that Treyvon was a thug is supported by a lot more evidence than you have put forth about Zimmermann.
  25. PatrickT

    PatrickT Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2009
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    Margot: "Sociopaths are often extremely difficult to identify."

    But, Margot, as with many, many people unqualified and uneducated in the field can identify them and encourages you to join her. Pitiful.

    What psychological disorders are apparent in members, and leaders, of lynch mobs?

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