third-world immigrants are DISPLACING young Americans

Discussion in 'Immigration' started by Anders Hoveland, Aug 24, 2011.

  1. Anders Hoveland

    Anders Hoveland Banned

    Apr 27, 2011
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    The young adults in America are being displaced from affordable houseing and entry level jobs by the massive uncontrolled waves of immigrants. The classrooms are being overcrowded, and school districts are deteriorating.

    Many young adults without family support are becoming homeless because they are unable to earn enough money to afford an apartment.

    Many immigrant families crowd 15-30 people into a single house. Five minimum wage earners can still outbid a single decent-wage earner, bidding up housing prices. How can an American family ever compete with that? American young adults just cannot compete with the offspring of immigrants.
    American young adults are often expected to leave home. But immigrant young adults are expected to continue living with their families, and there is a strong culture of family support systems that last well until the child is 30 years old. If Americans are going to bring in immigrants to compete with everyone already there, they should not expect their children to be able to become any more independent than the immigrant young adults, who are underbidding everyone else in the entry level jobs.

    It is also to be wondered how the changing ethnic demographics will affect our children.

    I say it is time to recognise the serious effects that immigration is have on America's children and young adults!
  2. TRS

    TRS New Member

    May 11, 2011
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    Nice thread...

    This is why I took it upon myself to learn and truly understand immigration in the US today. As a code enforcement officer for years I would see Latino family's living like animals in barns. Dozens of them in a small house,that was so filthy and nasty that many times we had to call hasmat out. Children who were mal-nourished,and sleeping in a 3 by 3 foot closet with 2 or 3 others.

    If this is considered a better life,I would hate to see what they came from.
  3. Anders Hoveland

    Anders Hoveland Banned

    Apr 27, 2011
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    The problem is that most white Americans never see with their own eyes what is actually going on.

    But when they actually have to deal with what is happening, they quickly develop racial awareness. This is why lower income whites, stuck living in bad neighborhoods, and law enforcement officers are much more difficult to brainwash into multiculturalism.

    White women, especially, are full of naive idealism and notions of "equality", and they very much lean toward socially liberal political views. Sometimes it takes a brutal rape by a black man to bring them to their senses.

    The problem is like an infestation by cockroaches. Unbeknownst to the homeowner, the roaches breed in the dark crevices behind the walls. But as soon as a bug bomb is set off, the whole colony, numbering in the thousands, scurries out into the open, and the homeowner finally realises how bad the problem has become, but by then it is often too late.

    Most white liberals are middle to upper middle class that live in the nice insulated neighborhoods, far away from the crime and poor school districts of the inner cities. The only minorities they ever see (besides the occasional asian family) are their subservient housecleaners and gardeners. They have no idea what the outside world is actually like. They must at least get a small taste the crime, because they usually hide all their money and jewelry right before the hispanic housecleaners come to their house. And they dread to ever go to the "bad neighborhoods". They must realise at some level what is going on, but just choose not to think about. It can often be unsettling for a sheltered person to actually comtemplate what their hispanic house servants come home to after they are done working. Beyond the immediate implications to themselves, the wealthy just find it uncomfortable to think about the wretched crime and poverty. This is probably one of the reasons why the tend to favor more immigrants, although they would never want to actually live or work alongside these immigrants.

    Of course, not everyone can afford good districts or private schools for their children, many poor white families do not have the money to economically segregate themselves away from the underperforming schools.
  4. Albert Di Salvo

    Albert Di Salvo New Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Most American students aren't sufficiently well educated to compete effectively with the students of the Sinosphere. And they are unwilling to accept the back breaking work performed by illegal aliens.

    Americans have skills which aren't needed, e.g., diversity officers. There is no future for them. There are open jobs for highly skilled people, but most Americans don't have the skills to fill those jobs.
  5. Agent Zero

    Agent Zero New Member

    Jul 24, 2009
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    There is a link to Stormfront and somehow this thread survives.
  6. Albert Di Salvo

    Albert Di Salvo New Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Here's the only link you need. Watch it and weep:

    [ame=""]Waiting for Superman Official Trailer - YouTube[/ame]
  7. Albert Di Salvo

    Albert Di Salvo New Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Oh, I see that you're age 19. How are the job prospects?
  8. Agent Zero

    Agent Zero New Member

    Jul 24, 2009
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    I'm happy you asked, because I'm considering going into law enforcement to combat all of the black men that are raping white women everywhere. Stormfront brought this to my attention, and it's something I think we should address.
  9. Anders Hoveland

    Anders Hoveland Banned

    Apr 27, 2011
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    No doubt. Asians tend to outperform all the other races in school (perhaps with the exception of jews). Some say it is because they spend all day studying and do not really have any life outside of school, but I really think they have brains that are better able to concentrate. Not necessarily more intelligent or creative, but they clearly have superior abilities of rote memorization, which is really what schools are all about in todays times. With standardised tests now determining which universities students can get into, Asians have a clear advantage.

    They are not willing to accept those jobs because the they are not willing to accept the wages. If a white person is going to do back breaking labor, or has to go to school for four years, he expects to be paid enough to support his family and buy a house in a SAFE neighborhood. Unfortunately, the corporations prefer to hire other races, that are willing to work harder or be more educated, and who are willing to work for less. The working conditions in the manual jobs have also deteriorated since the whites have been displaced. The hispanic laborers now get few breaks, have to continue working in the middle of a hot day, or have to remain standing for hours at a time even when there is no real need to do so. White people would never put up with this, but employers can get away mistreating their desperate hispanic workers.

    Fewer white people are becoming doctors because the salaries are not what they used to be. Most white people are not willing to go through 12 years of difficult school and training, unless it will make them extremely wealthy someday.

    Whites are still harder working and much more honest than hispanic workers. But hispanic workers are willing to put up with poor working conditions, mistreatment, and pitiful wages that are not really enough to survive on. So in the end, hispanics are usually preferable to employers.
  10. Albert Di Salvo

    Albert Di Salvo New Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    If a youngster doesn't have a degree in engineering, the hard sciences, some areas of business, dentistry, medicine or a few other fields his or her future is really bleak.

    Those folks who don't have those skills will be forced to settle for jobs they don't like that pay less than they need to have a decent standard of living. By starting off in such low positions those kids will have reduced lifetime earnings.

    There are lots of college grads working at Starbucks behind the counter. Few of them will live up to their potential.

    In any event, good luck with your future endeavors. :)
  11. Albert Di Salvo

    Albert Di Salvo New Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Those folks are a transitional people. They were born during the age of relative affluence. They will live in a much more impoverished age. Their expectations will not be satisfied.

    They sort of remind me of the Rapa Nui from Easter Island.
  12. Anders Hoveland

    Anders Hoveland Banned

    Apr 27, 2011
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    Different races are like different animals occupying a different evolutionary niche, or rather a different a career niche within the economy.

    [​IMG]'s_Warblers.html we24.jpg
    Note that it is possible for the different warblers to interbreed with eachother, but they almost never do.

    Asians are obviously evolving to fill the highly educated trained positions.
    (southeast asian run nail parlors and donut shops)
    Indians are running family hotels and convenience/nutritional/food restaurants.
    Arabs typically own gas service stations.
    Hispanics are filling the menial labor positions.
    Whites are occupying the managerial, financial sales, and big business positions.
    Jews are occupying the media and financial positions.

    There is really no room for the blacks, they have been displaced from their economic niche. But in a way, they are occupying the artificial welfare-dependancy niche.

    Each race is independantly evolving, developing the skills and cultural values to focus on the economic activities it does best. This is one of the reasons that interracial offspring do not earn as much.
  13. Albert Di Salvo

    Albert Di Salvo New Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Anders, what am I going to do with you? I'm a White guy married to a Chinese wife who makes more money than you can even dream of. One son is a mechanical engineer married to a Vietnamese American dentist, and the other son is a CPA. Give this crap a rest.
  14. Anders Hoveland

    Anders Hoveland Banned

    Apr 27, 2011
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    Asian-white mixing is not nearly as much of an evolutionary disadvantage as black-white mixing, or hispanic-asian mixing.

    That is probably why we see much more white-asian mixing than other interracial mixing.

    Your post only confirms what I have been saying.
    a mechanical engineer, a dentist, a CPA? highly educated positions
  15. TRS

    TRS New Member

    May 11, 2011
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    I keep reading how young Americans jobs out look is bleak,because of education. This is partly true. The thing that most fail to see,is that at one time a youngster (like me a long time ago) didn't have to have a major is collage. Thats because company's had this thing called "on the job training". It was a simple concept of going to work as a grunt and working and learning your way up.Creating responsibility and knowledge from it.

    Now youngsters don't have that opportunity because illegals and visa workers have taken them.

    I guarantee you if you remove this burden,and put those quality's back into place America will be full of educated and bright youngsters.
  16. Anders Hoveland

    Anders Hoveland Banned

    Apr 27, 2011
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    I strongly recommend you read this article:

    This is quite true!

    But the big issue is that big corporations thrive on low wage workers. It used to be that most businesses were small family-owned stores. But because of unaffordable housing costs and high rents (caused by immigrant crowding), potential business owners now simply cannot afford to live a decent life from the meager profits of a small business. The immigrants willing to work for survival level wages can never save enough to start a business, so that is where big corporations come in. The big corporations are highly inefficient, with all their bureaucracy, and would never be able to compete with small business owners if it was not for the availability of cheap labor. All this new bureaucracy is one of the main sources of the requirement for a university degree.
    Business owners who actually run day to day operations never discriminated nearly as much as potential corporate employees now are in terms of educational qualifications.

    So now if someone cannot find a decent job, other people blame them for not gaining the necessary "skills" and educational qualifications. People should not have to go through redundant training programs, or get unnecessary degrees. These big corporations should never have been allowed to take over and displace all the smaller businesses. Big corporations thrive on desperate immigrants willing to work for poverty-level wages. No wonder corporate business interests want more immigrants!

    Another reason for college degrees is to help discriminate out the increasing number of minority job applicants, since racial discrimination is illegal. Perhaps if there were not so many minorities the corporations would not have to rely so much on a college education to screen out "less desirable" applicants.
  17. TRS

    TRS New Member

    May 11, 2011
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    Its to the point that "if" big business is resorting to low wage illegals (in some ways I see it and some ways I can't)there cutting there own throat. If the US becomes a third world country with low wages like say China,where do they gain any thing. I mean its like this. Americans buy new cars. In the US there are Ford mtr plants. Fords are sold at a rate in the hundreds of thousands in the US. In China the same plant builds the same Ford,but the people of China can't afford to buy one.So in theory how will Ford ever sell a car.Yes they lower there price,to match the wage is one way,but that means Ford don't make billions of dollars in stead its millions. If big business is that greedy as people say,they will never let this happen.
  18. Anders Hoveland

    Anders Hoveland Banned

    Apr 27, 2011
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    In most of the western countries there seems to be an overwhelming power that is trying to increase immigration. Now of course there have always been many idealistic leftists that have wanted open borders, and these groups certainly are outspoken in favor of more immigration, but there seems to be another less conspicuous force behind the scenes, with plenty of money available to finance their political policies.

    I really see FOX news (in USA) as a desceptive network trying to undermine, or manipulate, the populist conservatives. The Economist magazine is another deceptive propaganda publication, which although being blatently pro-business and pro-multiculturalism, completely distorts its reporting of world events to fit its ideological views.

    People all too often make the mistake of thinking there are only two main political forces, conservative and liberal. But there is a third powerful ideological force, which takes the guise of both of the other political ideologies to promote its own ends. It uses the liberals to bring in more immigrants, but then turns around and uses the conservatives to prevent the wealthy from being taxed to give to help the poor. Although there are plenty of liberals that would like to see open borders, the truth is that these liberals simply do not independently have the money to politically promote pro-immigration policies like we have seen in the last three decades.

    We really have to ask ourselves who benefits from uncontrolled illegal immigration. Certainly the property developers and agriculture corporations were making high profits from it. Or is some unknown force trying to destroy national identities of the western nations, through massive ethnic displacement, in order to try to consolidate the western governments under a single world order?

    What is difficult to understand is why business interests would want to bring in cheap labor when those laborers will have children that will later vote for wealth-distribution policies. Perhaps the reduction in wages more than offsets the increased burden these people will place on government services?
    Certainly the middle class will end up paying much of the taxes towards these poverty-wage workers. Or perhaps the business interests intend to slash welfare benefits and prevent public spending on education from increasing. If that is the case, we can expect to see a large segment of the future population be impoverished, with virtually no safety net, and without access to emergency treatment. If poor people really do vote for wealth distribution, one would then wonder why there is so much poverty/inequality in Mexico.
  19. perdidochas

    perdidochas Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2008
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    Of course we need to increase immigration, it's a matter of demographics. I read a few years ago that if we were to examine the statistics only of native born Americans, we would find that we had negative population growth. Without immigrants and children of immigrants, our country would fall apart, especially considering the mass retirement that is about to begin.
  20. Anders Hoveland

    Anders Hoveland Banned

    Apr 27, 2011
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    Americans are not having children because they cannot afford to have children! Even in the years prior to the official start of the recession, decent paying jobs were becoming hard to find. Housing is still unaffordable for many families.

    One of the main reasons Americans are not having "enough" children is because they are being displaced from jobs and housing by immigrants, who are willing to work for lower wages, under worse working conditions, and crowd large extended families into small houses and apartments.

    I have talked to several American couples that have put off starting families indefinitely. They say they would love to have children, but just do not know when they will ever be able to afford it. Many of these couples are living in one of the parent's houses because they cannot afford to rent an apartment while trying to save money to someday buy a house.

    A similar phenomena can be observed with engineers. Many people are claiming that the USA does not have enough engineers or scientists, and that the country is "losing its competitive edge". But the reason students are not studying to become engineers or scientists is because there are not enough jobs in these occupations. The young are looking around at all the unemployed engineers and they have quite logically decided that they do not want to become study difficult courses for 4 years, only to earn relatively modest salaries, and have a high chance of not being able to find a job, or experiencing long stretches of unemployment during the span of their careers.
    Similarly, scientists are not in demand at all, even if there supposedly is a "shortage" of bright minds in the country.

    There are plenty of unemployed young people in the USA, many college graduates could not find good jobs and are stuck working in minimum-wage positions. It is completely ridiculous to say that there are not enough young people to take care of all the elderly. The truth is that many of America's old people simply do not have the money to afford personal care or medical treatment.

    So to say that the American population is rapidly aging is completely correct, but to suggest bringing in younger migrants as a solution would be to completely miss the point!
  21. TRS

    TRS New Member

    May 11, 2011
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    You most likely read this from some pro-immigration woohoo group. Most native born Americans were taught to understand plan parenting. In very simple words "don't have a kid unless you can afford the child".This is not the case with Latinos/Hispanics immigrants. Many believe that they can become the majority by having kids.The illegal immigrants of today know precisely how to manipulate the system.

    At the end the US is becoming over populated.The US has had a history of replenishing its dead at a pretty even pace.Today many of the problems are direct results of over population. Problems like electrical grids not large enough,water shortages,crowded streets and hospitals just to name a few.
  22. Anders Hoveland

    Anders Hoveland Banned

    Apr 27, 2011
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    The real question is who is going to take care of the immigrants when they get older? Who will take care of the second-generation immigrants someday?

    If the rational is that there will not be enough young people to take care of the old, trying to solve the problem with immigration is just a giant pyramid scheme that will eventually come crashing down.

    The problem is made all the more acute by the fact that these immigrants (and their children) typically have low incomes, and high rates of poverty, and thus are unable to save for their retirements and will be reliant on the state. This is, in fact, a very contentious issue in Sweden with all the muslim immigration they have been experiencing. The following political advertisement was actually banned for being "racially insensitive":

    [ame=""][english subtitles] Sweden Democrats banned Political ad - Official Commercial - TV4 - YouTube[/ame]
  23. perdidochas

    perdidochas Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2008
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    IIRC, it was a press release from the Census Bureau

    That's not due to overpopulation, but underplanning. The whole overpopulation myth has been trying to scare us since the 1860s, with a resurgence in the 1960s, with the Population Bomb garbage.
  24. Wolverine

    Wolverine New Member Past Donor

    Mar 22, 2006
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    Hmmmmmm.... I went to "home", and found this,

    Welcome Aryan Men and Women to the web site created by
    and for our race. It is not our intention to offend anyone, so if
    you are not white, or if you are offended by white men and
    women with racial pride, then you should leave. If you are
    white and not offended by your racial kinsmen, come on in.

    The OP disgusts me.
  25. TRS

    TRS New Member

    May 11, 2011
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    If you got that from the census Bureau,you would have seen where there prediction of the population growth in the future.Its not because of a native born people,its because of an foreign born. The foreign born (that was never anticipated) out paced the infrastructure (electrical grid,roads,etc).

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