Democratic or Republican?

Discussion in 'United States' started by Tribearer_Eko, Nov 5, 2011.

  1. Tribearer_Eko

    Tribearer_Eko New Member

    Oct 24, 2011
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    which are you and why?
  2. russ2102

    russ2102 Banned

    Nov 6, 2011
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    For many years i have considered myself republican mainly because i supported Barry Goldwater in the '64 election and if you listen to Barry Goldwater talk about where the party is going to go he is exactly right, but since his passing i have found myself more and more at odds with the people who get up on stage and purport to be Republicans and get up and just spew whatever they think the masses want to hear no matter what they believe

    Yet i cannot and will not support Obama my main concern is he has gone to the LGBT and asked for there vote and in '08 he got it in large numbers and yet the democrats controlled the House of Representitives and the Senate and when Obama was asked about the democrats submitting a bill on legalizing gay marriage his answer was marriage is between a man and a woman, for me he has betrayed those people he voted for.

    So in essence im an independant
  3. PatrickT

    PatrickT Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2009
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    Are you referring to registration or do you mean which party most closely conforms to my beliefs?
  4. Political Ed

    Political Ed New Member

    Jun 25, 2011
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    I'm still. reg as a Republican, voted that way up to Dole in 96, after that I understand a lot more, college/univ and the main issue to me are fiscal, so I vote Dem exclusively since they are generally for tax increases. Evrytime we cut taxes in a major sense, the debt, the economy goes to crap; raise them and it repairs.
  5. Political Ed

    Political Ed New Member

    Jun 25, 2011
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    He signed the bill to quash DADT didn't he? Isn't that a move toward gay marriage? I dunno, what do you expect? Change takes forever in this country, we are so regressive.
  6. russ2102

    russ2102 Banned

    Nov 6, 2011
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    DADT should never have even been signed into law in the first place i campaigned against it and so do many ohter including Barry Goldwater. DADT is completely different to gay marriage just because you can now serve as an openly gay man or woman doesnt mean that the armed forces will consider you partner as anything. My cousin is gay and when he was killed in Iraq his partner wasnt told because they didnt (and still dont) consider them to be a couple he found out through my aunt.
  7. Political Ed

    Political Ed New Member

    Jun 25, 2011
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    OK, I'm sympathetic to your cause, but do you really think w/o DADT that we would be here now? I mean, this regressive nation has to take centuries to finally get smoking out of some public places and even then, it really isn't enforced. It took 80 years to write the Emancipation Proclamation and even then, let's be real, blacks still didn't have real freedom for another 100 years.

    DADT was a necessary evil and I think it's disingenuous for gays to think Clinton was bad for doing it.
  8. Panzerkampfwagen

    Panzerkampfwagen New Member

    Dec 16, 2010
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    The premise of this thread seems to be a false dichotomy.
  9. PatriotNews

    PatriotNews Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2008
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    I'm a lifelong republican because I am against slavery. Republicans got rid of slavery, and democrats want to bring it back in the form of income taxes. I understand that the economy is not a zero sum game. You can lower taxes and have a higher revenues. Look up the Laugher curve. It should be a free country, and you shouldn't have to pay any taxes. That is my belief. This country did fine before we had an income tax.
  10. Lady Luna

    Lady Luna New Member

    Nov 5, 2008
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    Neither, because they are both corrupt, bought and paid for by corporate interests.

    Except for Ron Paul. :mrgreen:

    I'm an independent libertarian, but would vote Republican for the first time ever if Ron Paul ran on their presidential ticket. He won't, because they are corrupt and won't nominate an honest man or woman, only corporate stooges.
  11. Ezra

    Ezra New Member

    Feb 16, 2011
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    I don't think I am Repub or Dem.
  12. KSigMason

    KSigMason Banned at Members Request Past Donor

    Jun 11, 2008
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    Neither. They are two sides of the same coin.
  13. fmw

    fmw Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2009
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    I am neither. I would cringe at the thought of belonging to a political party. I view them as the source of most of the corruption in politics. I support a no party system. Failing that, I would support a many party system to reduce the effectiveness of any of them.
  14. bottle

    bottle New Member

    Nov 22, 2011
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    I am a registered Democratic voter for a host of reasons, ranging from the environment to the military and individual rights.

    If I based my life on fear I would vote republican.
  15. bottle

    bottle New Member

    Nov 22, 2011
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    Goes against human nature. People are social and we join groups of like minded individuals. People usually do not like their ideas challenged, joining groups of the same reinforces our beliefs.
  16. nlytend

    nlytend Banned

    Mar 7, 2008
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    Actually being BEING A Democrat Being a Republican goes against creation, God did not create labels he created human beings certainly you don't think you are nothing more than a label. You are infinite in your possibilities.

    Before all else you are a human being who's primal instinct is to survive and protect those resources vital to your existence and the existence of your offspring. In this neither party have your best interest at heart like it or not.

    Though some are in denial we are all witnessing the destruction of the worlds natural beauty and resources. Heavy though this may be. The child's play of politics has long outlived its purpose. The earth is dying and all you can say is against nature is being a republican or democrat.

    WTF THE EARTH IS DYiNG and all of us who need its precious life giving waters will eventually pay for our ignorance. What good is it to gain the World only to lose your soul?

    Even worse!

    Will there be a world for you and your offspring to gain?

    Of what relevance is it to complain of green paper and how it is used in this illusion, when that same green paper is covered by the rivers muddy flooding waters, when your child has broken from your arms adrift in those flooding waters?

    Your homes foundation no more. No home shall have a closed door.

    Wake The F Up! Empty purposeless conversation! Void of truth! Void of Reality! Is THis it Is this all you are worth is this what God created you for Labels,

    Nuclear Waste in your waters....
    and all you are is a Label?

    Flooding Zones Growing Ever Bigger... Mercury everywhere...Fish floating on top of water forming deadly mosaics.....animals becoming extinct... heat indexes rising every single year....children starving while heaps of food laced garbage piles create toxins for your babies to breathe.....

    ANd All that you can deduce as being against HUMAN nature is BEING a LABEL!

    Humans Being LABELS! PLEASE Wake The F UP! :sun:
  17. Unifier

    Unifier New Member

    Mar 24, 2010
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    I consider myself an independent conservative, but even as fed up as I've been with the Republican party, I'll probably end up registering as a Republican at some point.

    Reasons why?

    I believe in individual liberty. Property rights. Personal responsibility. THE FREEDOM TO FAIL and not be held up by some ridiculous safety net. Without failure, success is meaningless. You cannot grow if you cannot overcome challenges and learn to solve problems on your own. This is why many big government clingers never grow up. They are denied the challenges that would allow them to mature into adults.

    I believe in honesty, integrity, honor, chivalry, and humility. I believe in holding myself to the highest standard of conduct possible, and I believe in acknowledging my mistakes and admitting when I am wrong. I believe in respecting others and being generous not only with my money but with my actions. I believe in selflessly brightening other people's day. Sometimes I'll pay for the car behind me in the drive-thru at Starbucks.

    I believe everyone is a unique person and as such they cannot and should not be categorized into some arbitrary identity group. I believe what is in someone's heart is much more important than what they look like or where they come from.

    I believe in life. I believe in justice. And I believe in leaving this world a better place than I found it.
  18. xsited1

    xsited1 New Member

    Oct 16, 2011
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    Neither. In many ways, they're two sides of the same coin. Ever wonder why you don't see George W. Bush anymore? Obama is Bush. ;)

    Here's one of many who got it right:
  19. nlytend

    nlytend Banned

    Mar 7, 2008
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    IN YOU :sun:

    Human kind need only look to those filled with the truth their light guides anyone who can see out of darkness..... infinite possibilities....
  20. C.Fox

    C.Fox New Member

    Nov 21, 2011
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    Well, to tell you the truth, I started out as a Republican. I thought, I love the military and all they stand for, therefore I must be a Republican. After going overseas though, I have changed my stance on everything.

    First, Republicans and Democrats actually conform to the same exact things when it comes to "the needs of the country." If you don't believe me, watch the debates of all past Presidents before they became Presidents. They all have the same goal and as long as it conforms to what our Congress wants, then they'll be ok. Before their time is up though, they try to change their stance a little bit and begin promising all kinds of things, but we all know it's not true. Look at one of the lies they tell right now. "All of our men and women will be out of Iraq and Afghanistan by the end of the year." Guess what, they're getting moved to Kuwait as a invasion party, or they'll call it something politically correct so nobody jumps down their throats. The sources are people like me who are still serving. They will lie and you any means necessary to make the U.S. believe in what they will do, but in the end, the U.N. owns the U.S. along with the other countries under it's power. The U.N. says who goes to war and who doesn't. They say what you can and can't do in your country no matter what anyone believes.

    Therefore in the end, I have learned one thing. To be a Great Nation, one must first break from the U.N. close down all borders, bring our troops home and build up our borders with them along with border patrol agents, clean up our "gangs" that nobody really wants to deal with until they are targeted by them, stop importing things that our Americans can actually build right here in the U.S. and give the jobs back to the Americans, emphasize on eduaction and most of all, try to come up with a better medical care system that will literally be for the people. There are more things I'd want to do, but I don't have enough time to explain them. However, if you want to know more you can check out my site at: Don't let the name fool you. It's called what it is because in order to have a strong Nation, you must first have a Strong Government. Thanks for reading.


  21. LeConservateur

    LeConservateur New Member

    Dec 1, 2011
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    I am a republican and have been for almost as long as I can remember, if that makes any sense.

    I was about 9 or 10 when the US stopped the communist insurgency in Grenada and I remember watching Ronald Reagan deliver a speech in response to that event. He said, "We got there just in time," and described how we had stopped the insurgency there. Even coming from a family of democrats, I knew we were in good hands with Reagan and have been a republican ever since.

    Ayn Rand once said that she beleived that humanity had made the most progress during times when people had stuck most closely to conservative principles, and I defintely agree.
  22. speakerforthedead

    speakerforthedead New Member

    Sep 5, 2011
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    I hold to the Republican ideal because i believe that was the original design for this country and its internal structures. To me, the party represents, for the most part, the desire that i have to retain our fundamental and vital heritage of representative government. Those to whom we grant such powers of legislation and justice are indeed only men, but we the people do elect each and every one and we must be thorough in our inspection of these and their character.
    Unfortunately, the democratic model to which so many seem to aspire is a hopelessly flawed idea that can not take hold in this country and leave it standing. This model of "mob-rule" has toppled greater and more cohesive cultures than our own, divided and weakend already by partisans and lobbyists. If the will of the ignorant masses becomes the driving force behind our government, we will not outlast the decade. Riven with conflict and debate, we will stand ripe and tempting for conquest.
  23. Alucard

    Alucard New Member Past Donor

    Oct 1, 2015
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    I am a registered Democrat because the Democrat Party is inclusive for all.

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