WH Insider - Now They Want the 2nd Amendment

Discussion in 'Gun Control' started by Smartmouthwoman, Nov 8, 2011.

  1. Smartmouthwoman

    Smartmouthwoman Bless your heart Past Donor

    May 13, 2009
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    Here ya go, folks. A fast & furious report on Fast & Furious from inside the white house. Hold onto your mouse... this one's a doozy! :omg:

    WHITE HOUSE INSIDER: They Got Obamacare – Now They Want the 2nd Amendment
    November 7, 2011

    With decades of experience as a political operative within the Democratic Party, including service to both the Clinton and Obama administrations, our ongoing dialogue with the figure simply known to readers as “Insider” continues…

    Ulsterman: It seems the Solyndra scandal is heating up for the White House as –name withheld- predicted. You still feel Fast and Furious is the scandal to focus on as the means of getting to Obama?

    Insider: To hell with Solyndra. I told you before – if it helps to weaken the administration, fine. So be it. The more the merrier – but NO, Solyndra is not what we are focusing on. Fast and Furious remains the most pressing concern at this moment for those inside the administration trying to contain the scandal. I assure you of that. They were all in on that program you know. The administration…the party leadership. It was attached to the arrogance they had after passage of Obamacare – they thought there was nothing they couldn’t accomplish. Nothing they couldn’t push through.

    Ulsterman: Elaborate on that please. What do you mean by arrogance? And what were they trying to accomplish?

    Insider: They got Obamacare – now they want the 2nd Amendment. There were some who didn’t get it. Why go for gun control? Hell, the White House Chief of Staff at the time didn’t want to go for Obamacare – he didn’t understand the push for that. Knew it would be a political liability – the economy needed to be dealt with. That alone shows those calling the shots at the White House are removed from the normal…the historical divisions of power within the administration. All those (*)(*)(*)(*)ing czars…the advisers…Jarrett. These people put in without any Congressional oversight – they are running the program. The media has danced around that story, but it gets buried. Ignored.

    Ulsterman: Focus on the gun control issue – you’ve mentioned that before. I recall that.

    Insider: You’re right. Yeah…controlling healthcare and controlling guns – they were viewed as a package deal at about the same time it seems. Control how people live, how they die, and how they go about protecting themselves – that about sums it up.

    Ulsterman: You sound like a gun rights advocate.

    Insider: I am. Always have been. You see, this is…always has been one hell of a confounding contradiction of liberals. I never got it. These people say they are suspicious of government, right? They protest it. They march against it…whatever. And yet these same people – or a lot of them…they want to go ahead and give the government control over almost every critical aspect of their lives. Education. Healthcare. Personal property rights. Gun laws…it just…it never made sense to me. It’s why those people are so (*)(*)(*)(*) easy to manipulate. They are chock full of emotional contradiction.

    Ulsterman: You don’t sound like much of a Democrat right now.

    Insider: I ain’t – not today’s version anyway. You know that. I’m wandering in the wilderness kid. 40 (*)(*)(*)(*)ing days and 40 (*)(*)(*)(*)ing nights. And there ain’t no promised land – not even a hope of that promised land if this country gives Barack Obama a second term.

    Ulsterman: Explain the gun control connection again – the Fast and Furious connection.

    Insider: I mentioned a memo…or a communication…there was, or is – something out there. Or it was circulating – I don’t have the exact specifics. But something was being planned – directly connecting this Fast and Furious disaster and the Obama people – some in the party…an entire plan to initiate sweeping gun control legislation throughout the country. Now I didn’t know this until after the fact. Didn’t believe it at first. Seemed to…even for this group – seemed too (*)(*)(*)(*) far-reaching. You step back though – watch what is being done, see how the dots start connecting – then you find religion.

    Ulsterman: What are the dots being connected?

    Insider: Just look at what is being reported. It’s still just under the surface – but it’s there. You have people right now within the party taking this moment to once again push for gun control and using the scandal – Fast and Furious, using that to do so. They are saying these things openly. It’s astonishing to me. They are very confident – or very afraid. I think it’s fear that is now motivating them. When you have Feinstein coming right out and saying we need enhanced gun control because of Fast and Furious – days away from the Attorney General giving sworn testimony…something is up. Something big. She is attempting some serious damage control, trying to get out in front of the story.

    Ulsterman: You’re speculating on this? You don’t know?

    Insider: I don’t have specific information…that’s correct. I told you before – information coming out…it’s in lockdown mode. From both parties on this. Both sides have managed to shut off access to information – whatever is going on. That has always proven before to be the calm before a storm. A big (*)(*)(*)(*)ng storm.


    Ulsterman: Is Hillary Clinton assisting in the Fast and Furious investigation. Or Rahm Emanuel?

    Insider: No comment. Move on.

    Ulsterman: Are Republicans aware of the Fast and Furious connection to attempted gun control by the Obama administration? Are they pursuing that – will they be pursuing that during the Congressional hearings coming up?

    Insider: Are they aware of it – yes. That much I know. For certain. Whether they plan to openly make it part of the public hearings…I don’t know.

    (continued... next post)
    SpotsCat and (deleted member) like this.
  2. Smartmouthwoman

    Smartmouthwoman Bless your heart Past Donor

    May 13, 2009
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    Ulsterman: Are you working with the Republicans on this issue – Fast and Furious, or any Republican-related campaign to defeat Barack Obama?

    Insider: I’m not on the payroll if that’s what you mean.

    Ulsterman: But you’re cooperating in some way? With Republicans?

    Insider: I won’t answer that.

    Ulsterman: You’ve been giving me that answer a lot today.

    Insider: (No response)

    Ulsterman: Back to Fast and Furious…back to the hearings. Will they be the final straw to remove Eric Holder? Is this thing reaching its conclusion? You’ve been at this for nearly a year now. Forcing Holder out – “Obama’s firewall” as you call him.

    Insider: I certainly hope so. It’s been a hard run hasn’t it? Uphill the whole way it seems. But the last few months…recently…we’ve been doin’ – doin’ good. Real good on this. All of this…this thing. Holder is in a corner now. Question is…is Obama right there with him? They’ve had a while to prepare for Holder’s leaving. Gotta believe protections have been put in place. Whether or not they will be enough…too early to know.

    Ulsterman: But Attorney General Eric Holder is gone? He will be forced out? You are still certain of that at this point?

    Insider: Yes. No doubt whatsoever. And I want to encourage you again to look at the gun control angle in all of this. It’s bigger than Fast and Furious. Imagine if Americans were made to know – to understand, how lives were spent in a purely political attempt to enhance federal gun control laws. And I think immigration is tied into it all as well. I’m not doing this…I’m not laying it out as well as I need to for you and I’m sorry for that. The scope of this plan requires a person to almost suspend reality – (*)(*)(*)(*)ing reality for a moment. We had the feds placing deadly weapons into the hands of dangerous criminals. That’s the reality as we know it now. Those are the facts, right?

    Ulsterman: Yes.

    Insider: Ok – so those guns are given to these criminals who then turn around and use them to kill Americans, to kill Mexicans, to cause all kinds of chaos, right? The shops used to sell those guns – the government forced them to sell those guns, right?

    Ulsterman: Right.

    Insider: Yeah – the government basically put a gun to those gun sellers’ head and told them to allow those criminals to purchase those weapons. Then they turn around and are prosecuting those gun sellers, while at the same time you got Democrats…some of the most extreme of Democrats – they are calling for gun control. It’s the part about nobody in the administration trying to track those guns that were given to the criminals…that’s the key for me in this. They didn’t care about those guns, right? It seems pretty (*)(*)(*)(*) obvious they could care less where those guns were going…who had them, whatever. So what was the purpose of Fast and Furious if it wasn’t to track those guns back to the criminals and arrest them? What the (*)(*)(*)(*) were they up to? You ask yourself that?

    Ulsterman: Yeah – and there still doesn’t seem to be an answer.

    Insider: Bull(*)(*)(*)(*) there isn’t an answer – it’s just that the answer is the most frightening one, so not enough people are willing to look at it. If the Obama administration wasn’t really concerned about the actual guns – they lost over a thousand or so, right? Can’t find them. No idea where they went. So those guns weren’t the concern. It was the crime they wanted to trace back to those guns that were sold in the United States. It was the crimes they wanted to happen – they fu—ing encouraged to happen – that was the purpose of all of this. Turn around and use those crimes to push through much tougher federal gun controls, and push through some kind of amnesty immigration policy. WE killed 200 Mexicans – that message…guilt voters into amnesty, right? And I’m not opposed to some immigration policy – it’s needed, and long overdue. But for God’s sake – I’m not for killing people to get there. This White House was willing to do that. This White House, the Obama administration – they were willing to kill Mexicans. But they made a mistake…the killing of the border agents – they didn’t prepare to have those killings linked to the weapons. Or if they did, they didn’t realize it would backfire against them like it did.

    Ulsterman: Will the hearings bring this information out? Will it hit the mainstream?

    Insider: We are trying to make that happen. Trying very hard. We need a Democrat to stand up and point a finger at this administration and call them out for this mess. All of it.

    Ulsterman: Will that happen? Do you have a Democrat willing to do that? To take on that risk?

    Insider: Yes. It’s a matter of timing – but yes…we do.


    Believe it or not, there's more to this one. Our Insider has kicked it into high gear!! :omg:
  3. Wolverine

    Wolverine New Member Past Donor

    Mar 22, 2006
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    Why do you post this non-sense?

    Haven't I already told you? I am the insider, I made this all up just so you post it here on PF.
  4. Smartmouthwoman

    Smartmouthwoman Bless your heart Past Donor

    May 13, 2009
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    Why not save me the trouble and just post it yourself, then!

    (thx for the bump) ;)
  5. Wolverine

    Wolverine New Member Past Donor

    Mar 22, 2006
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    I would just hope that people would possess a higher standard of evidence.
  6. Smartmouthwoman

    Smartmouthwoman Bless your heart Past Donor

    May 13, 2009
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    Evidence of what? Fast and Furious is real, you know? The rest is basically speculation... based on first-hand reports from people inside the white house.

    Don't wanna think about it? Don't read it.

    Simple, huh?
  7. Wolverine

    Wolverine New Member Past Donor

    Mar 22, 2006
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    Fast and Furious is real obviously, it has quite a bit of exposed evidence to justify its existence.

    Your insider however, is not. Just a story posted on a right winger news paper to get the not so critically thinking people up in arms over nothing.
  8. Smartmouthwoman

    Smartmouthwoman Bless your heart Past Donor

    May 13, 2009
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    And of course, you have proof of that accusation, right?

    Addendum to the Insider's Report by Ulsterman:


    Within hours of publishing this interview, copies of Attorney General Eric Holder’s prepared testimony to Congress were leaked – testimony giving clear indication of Mr. Holder’s attempts to utilize the Fast and Furious scandal as justification for further federal gun control legislation.
  9. SpotsCat

    SpotsCat New Member Past Donor

    Jun 15, 2008
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    I almost hope this is BS, because it's frightening to think that this could be true - that the Obama administration is/was using "Fast & Furious" to push through more gun-control legislation.
  10. Wolverine

    Wolverine New Member Past Donor

    Mar 22, 2006
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    You are asking me to prove a negative, you are the one to prove the legitimacy of your claim.

    No need to ask me to look for tea pots around Saturn.

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