H.R. 1540, Fema Camps, and the SS

Discussion in 'Intelligence' started by Flanders, Jan 3, 2012.

  1. Flanders

    Flanders Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    Over the years I posted messages on topics that triggered liberal bile more than did messages about a current news story. Global government was one such topic. Yesterday’s column by Doug Hagmann says this:

    Once thought to be the fanciful designs of the conspiracy minded, there appears to be an acceleration toward one world governance, or the infamous “New World Order.” It is an agenda that has been in place for decades, yet the politically myopic and the agent facilitators deliberately avoid any discussion of its existence. Exposure of this agenda has been hobbled by the merger of major news organizations into a half-dozen corporations who control what is reported. Even many who present themselves as purveyors of the truth decline to discuss the globalist agenda, or are held hostage by big money contracts with editorial stipulations and controls.​

    My opposites were not so polite. To them, I was more than conspiracy-minded, I was Chicken Little screaming the sky is falling down.

    When I spoke up for America’s sovereignty, I was called a 1930s isolationist living in a world grown too small for independent nations —— doublespeak for too small for individual liberties. Smoot-Hawley was trotted out like clockwork as proof that sovereignty is the shortest route to hell on earth.

    When I pointed out that isolationism was dead and buried; killed by rapid communications, air travel, international markets, trade, tourism, and legal immigration in every country except Communist countries, I was painted as the one who was trying to enslave Americans behind walls. Ron Paul is getting a taste of what I am talking about because he is being disparaged as an “isolationist.”

    To Democrats, enslaving the entire human race behind the wall the global government crowd is building is somehow desirable although not one UN-loving traitor ever explained why.

    Time and time again I said “Never let Democrats get anywhere the intelligence community.” I also railed against putting all of America’s intelligence agencies under one umbrella controlled by a Director of National Intelligence because I knew that sooner or later a president like Hussein would use it against private sector Americans. The reason for my fears is obvious in the following:

    Structure of the United States Homeland Security Council (Current)

    Chair ​

    Barack Obama (President of the United States)​

    Statutory Attendees ​

    Joe Biden (Vice President of the United States)
    Tim Geithner (Secretary of the Treasury)
    Leon Panetta (Secretary of Defense)
    Eric Holder (Attorney General)
    Kathleen Sebelius (Secretary of Health and Human Services)
    Ray LaHood (Secretary of Transportation)
    Janet Napolitano (Secretary of Homeland Security)Craig Fugate (Director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency)
    Robert Mueller (Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation)
    John Brennan (Homeland Security Advisor)

    Additional Attendees ​

    General Martin E. Dempsey (Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff)
    William Daley (Chief of Staff)
    Ron Klain (Chief of Staff to the Vice President)
    Thomas Donilon (Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs)
    Jeffrey Zients, acting (Director of the Office of Management and Budget)

    Occasional Participants ​

    Hillary Rodham Clinton (Secretary of State)
    Tom Vilsack (Secretary of Agriculture)
    Ken Salazar (Secretary of the Interior)
    Steven Chu (Secretary of Energy)
    Hilda Solis (Secretary of Labor)
    Gary Locke (Secretary of Commerce)
    Eric Shinseki (Secretary of Veterans Affairs)
    Lisa P. Jackson (Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency)
    Gene Sperling (Assistant to the President for Economic Policy)
    Melody Barnes (Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy)

    Forget the individuals on the HSC if you’re squeamish about questioning their loyalty, just look at their titles and ask yourself: What the hell does that have to do with protecting this country from foreign enemies? Start with the Environmental Protection Agency; an agency that is more anti-America, and more dangerous, than a nuclear Iran could ever be.

    And if you think electing an establishment Republican just to get rid of Hussein is going to get the garbage on the Homeland Security Council out of government you better see a gaggle of psychiatrists before November 6, 2012. Doug Hagmann has it right:

    One must also question the obvious continuity of agenda from the Bush administration to the Obama administration, and from the congress seated in 2001 through today. Despite pro-Constitutional campaign rhetoric from both Republicans and Democrats, and the rapid acquiescence of some TEA party candidates who now occupy seats of power, it is obvious that the rights of Americans granted by the very Constitution elected officials swore to uphold are under attack. Why the change?​

    Mr. Hagmann is rightly concerned with H.R. 1540:

    “. . . Barack Hussein Obama signed into law H.R. 1540, better known as the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). Regardless of any concurrent executive signing statements that are mere window dressing and not legally binding, Obama and every member of congress who crafted and voted for this act has essentially declared war on American citizens on U.S. soil.”​

    The coming war inside America
    Doug Hagmann Monday, January 2, 2012


    I am much more concerned with FEMA Camps:

    Of all the rumors flying around on the internet, one just refuses to die, and it concerns America's FEMA camps.

    In a nutshell, there seems to be a solicitation of bids occurring for the staffing of FEMA camps within 72 hours of implementation by an order from either Homeland Security or the president. This situation begs to be investigated, with special consideration paid to the motives of the present administration.

    I went to the source, the FedBizOpps.gov, and searched for the solicitation number HSFEHQ-10-R-0027, titled National Responder Support Camp.

    A search of the history of the amendments to this Solicitation for Contract showed that it had been modified several times, with the last modification -- number 0008, with an original date of letting out to bid with a synopsis of May 13, 2011 -- occurring on December 16, 2011. This last modification rescinded the solicitation, with said modification's purpose noted as follows:​

    January 2, 2012
    New Nationwide FEMA Camps Should Raise Eyebrows
    By Alan P. Halbert


    At least H.R. 1540 is out in the open. The connection between FEMA Camps and Hussein’s Ready Reserve Corps remains invisible to the public’s eye. Everything I said in this OP is reality:


    This excerpt makes the connection to FEMA Camps and Hussein’s Schutzstaffel:

    “You can bet that most of the men and women in the armed services are less than thrilled with Hussein’s Ready Reserve Corps. They are fighting in foreign lands to protect this country while Hussein is arming and empowering his personal army here at home. The Ready Reserve Corps was designed to be a para-military force before it found its way into the healthcare bill. Originally, Hussein called for a civilian national security force. In a speech on July 2, 2008 then-Senator Obama said:”

    "We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded."

    The machinery is in place.

    Finally, conservative must think in terms of a two phase battle against those people. Stopping them is phase 1. Tearing down the infrastructure they have been building for decades is phase 2.

    SFJEFF New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    Who is Doug Hagmann- and why should I care what he speculates about?

    Oh thats right- its all part of the big KONSPIRACY!
  3. Flanders

    Flanders Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    To SFJEFF: You keep responding to my messages; so I have to conclude that you care what I say since you obviously do not care for my sources. I am flattered. I cannot reciprocate in kind, but I can show my appreciation if you let me know where I can buy your eggs.


    SFJEFF New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    Trader Joe's in my opinion is the best source of eggs.
    You are my best source of Konspiracy humor.
  5. Flanders

    Flanders Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    To SFJEFF: It’s not a conspiracy when it differs from the Administration’s cover story. According to liberals every critical translation of Hussein’s objectives qualifies as a conspiracy.
  6. mrmeangenes

    mrmeangenes New Member Past Donor

    Mar 3, 2012
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    Doug Hagaman ? :roll:

    Isn't he the guy whose main claim to credentials was a PI ticket ?

    If that's the same guy, he had a few "glory days" right after 9/11-when folks would believe almost anything.....but it didn't last.

    Reality kept intruding.
  7. Mushroom

    Mushroom Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2009
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    I have to admit, I see nothing wrong here at all. What is the problem?

    Bids to construct FEMA camps within 72 hours, what is wrong with that? I think that is an absolutely wonderful idea. And I would think it would be to anybody else.

    That is unless they like the idea of people recovering from a major disaster like a hurricane or earthquake living inside of tents for weeks to months at a time. Trust me, been there, done that, never want to do it again.

    Sorry, but I consider those who are paranoid right wing to be as delusional as those that are paranoid left wing. You see a forest fire in this, I do not even see a lit match (let alone a burning candle).
  8. Flanders

    Flanders Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    To Mushroom: Anybody who believes anything Hussein & Company say about the reason for Fema Camps deserves what they get. Unfortunately, those of us who know better will get it, too.

    The thing that sickens me the most is that up until recently anyone who warned about the UN and the global government was either ignored or disparaged. I was certain that in time as more Americans learned about the quislings and their objectives —— thanks to the Internet —— the tide would turn. I was mistaken. Millions like you no longer deny the UN’s drive towards a global government; instead, you look at Fema Camps and “. . . see nothing wrong here at all.”

    You should see that the people listed on the Homeland Security Council in the OP are scarier than a list of the top Nazis should have been before the German people finally saw what was happening. Statements made by Leon Panetta show that his loyalty is to the United Nations just as top Nazis were loyal to Hitler and the Nazi party.

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zNwOeyuG84&feature=player_embedded"]Obama Admin Cites 'Int'l Permission,' Not Congress, As 'Legal Basis' For Action In Syria - YouTube[/ame]

    There is no doubt that every other person on that list with Panetta thinks as he thinks. Note that Nazis slaughtered millions, Communists slaughtered tens of millions; the New World Order crowd will slaughter hundreds of millions in the name of population control. As I said in the OP:

  9. mrmeangenes

    mrmeangenes New Member Past Donor

    Mar 3, 2012
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    Even scarier is that people still believe the crap you are posting !
  10. Mushroom

    Mushroom Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2009
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    I sure as hell don't, and is why I do not even bother to respond.

    After all, who is going to follow the orders to round up everybody and put them in the camps? The military?

    Don't make me laugh. We would almost all refuse, because it would not be a lawfull order. And I am sure the JCS would refuse as well.

    I do not care much for the current administration, but I do not believe them to be rabid fantics that want to round up their idealogical enemies and liquidate them either.
  11. Junkieturtle

    Junkieturtle Well-Known Member Donor

    Mar 13, 2012
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    Truly. There's nothing to be gained from doing that, and everything to lose.
  12. Flanders

    Flanders Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    To Mushroom: Try the Ready Reserve Corps that was put in the healthcare bill. See this thread:


    To Junkieturtle: That depends on your perspective. Nazis and Communists had everything to gain when they slaughtered their own people. The slaughtered had everything to lose.

    Worst of all is that in spite of the growing violence in this country people like you deny that a substantial number of “Americans” are full of hate —— hatred that is being fed by liberals.
  13. Mushroom

    Mushroom Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2009
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    And also from hatred that is being fueled by some Conservatives.

    I am sorry, both of these threads have nothing in them. Who is going to make up this "army" that will round up everybody and place them into camps? The military? Ha, not likely. The Occupy Your Anus crowd? That is an even bigger joke, they can't even find a bathroom by themselves, let alone organize something even remotely this complex.

    Sorry, I do not live in Paranoiaville.
  14. Jango

    Jango New Member

    Feb 16, 2012
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    The question I ask is why FEMA has created so many empty prisons in the US.

    Oh, and you should check out some executive orders that pertains to martial law and the event of (*)(*)(*)(*) hitting the fan.

    It does seem like the government is preparing for something with all of this stuff: camps and laws.
  15. Mushroom

    Mushroom Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2009
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    These go back centuries. Nothing new here. Many of these date back to the Cold War, and were first drafted by President Eisenhauer.

    And there are no "FEMA camps". Here is a photo of a FEMA trailer storage facility.


    Here is another one:


    And another:


    And one more:


    Oh my, look at all the guard towers! The strings of electric fence and killer dogs! See the machine gun nests?

    Oh yea, I am real scared.

    What FEMA has is collections all over the country of trailers, to be pulled out in the event of a natural disaster. Hurricanes in Florida and the Gulf Coast. Earthquakes in California. Flooding along the Mississippi. Nothing more.

    There have been a lot of lessons over the last 20 years about disaster preperations. One of which is that people can be resistant to returning home if they do not feel safe. I saw that first hand in 1994.



    And conditions in those tent cities was almost undescribeable. The plan used to be to set up tent cities for an indefinate period of time. But within a decade, it was known that this was no longer a workable solution. Because while many would move out within days or weeks, many others would stay until they were basically kicked out.

    Sometimes it was fear of returning home, other times it was because there was no home to return to. The solution for this has become trailers. Once the immediate needs are met and the tent cities can start to come down, the idea now is to have trailers in place to take in those that are still homeless.

    I see nothing wrong with these plans at all. Having lived through multiple disasters, I think it is great to have plans in place not only for short term recovery, but long term.

    And I still have yet to see who these militia will be who rounds people up and puts them into prisons and guards them. That is simply more paranoia talk to me.
  16. Flanders

    Flanders Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    To Mushroom: America was a different country in the Eisenhower years. The Greatest Generation fought against totalitarian government. Today the totalitarian scum runs the country and betrays it at every turn.

    Let me remind you of something:


    I don’t expect you to read the entire thread. I hope you’ll read the close of #10 permalink.
  17. Junkieturtle

    Junkieturtle Well-Known Member Donor

    Mar 13, 2012
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    If people want to be afraid of the boogeyman, they're going to be afraid of the boogeyman. If people want to be believe the government is doing this paranoid stuff, they will, no matter what you tell them to the contrary. It's no different than trying to convince a devout Catholic that God does not exist. They will believe exactly what they want to believe and nothing else.
  18. Jango

    Jango New Member

    Feb 16, 2012
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    Funny you should say that...
  19. Jango

    Jango New Member

    Feb 16, 2012
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    Nevertheless, a biased mind is often a clouded mind. People all too often allow their biases to control them. I happen to want to follow the truth. And the truth in this matter is that the US government has made it their business since the early 1960s with JFK to lay out the ground rules of how the government would treat the people in the event of a collapse. President Kennedy passed numerous Executive Orders that stripped people of their liberties and rights. Those EO's were revoked by a much broader EO by President Nixon in 1969. Also during this time frame, the race riots and school integration riots scared the American government a little, so Operation Garden Plot was created. Fast-forward to the 1980s, and underneath President Reagan, Readiness Exercise 1984 and an EO that revoked President Nixon's were implemented. President Reagan's EO was amended by Presidents Clinton and W. Bush (post-9/11) (2x).

    And in a lot of instances, as evidenced by President Obama's latest EO, the way the American people will be treated underneath Presidential Executive Orders while under martial law is poorly.

    Now as whether or not Americans end up in FEMA camps, that's a question that will be answered by time. I cannot say yes or no definitely one way or another. It is possible. Human beings have been enslaved before. The military and police forces have turned upon local populations before too. Is it probable? Eh. We Americans would like to say that our military wouldn't do the unspeakable. We want to believe it too. Some of us do believe it. Just as I am sure the Syrian people in Homs believed that their military would never attack them...
  20. cupid dave

    cupid dave Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2012
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    Why did Homeland Security put out bids for the purchase nof bullets is enoormous qualities?

    Does anyone here have the link to that thread of a week ago?

    The suspicion that these could be holding cells used to collect and crowds paricipating in the chaos of a social breakdown seemed reasonable to me whem the government declared that either @ one trillion dollars was need to maintain our daily commerce or a total break down in the food supply was immanent.

    If there was norun on the grocery stores, we do know, that unreplenished, the merchandize would normally disappear within 3 weeks.
    In a crisis like we were faced with ion 2008 the facts that the cities would almost immediately be starving.
    Roving gangs of starving people would overcome all conventional social controls.
    The suburbs and then the rural areas would be stripped of all food and gangsuld set up enclaves whereever survival could be maintained, like on large farms.

    Under such circumstances the Federal government would need to collect the vandals and displaced persons as the article caalls them, and declare a marshal Law that was well in advance on-the-ready.

    That there is still preparation for such action is telling.
    It suggests that if the Fed goes broken trying to pretend that the printing press will get us out of crisis, Plan B is next, Dictatorship.
    Another though is that perhaps dictatorship is already an option if the political grid-lock gets as bad as happened in the Democracy of Germany, that grid lock gave Hitler the reason to use the Emergency Act, and take over.
    Remember the concentration camps?
  21. cupid dave

    cupid dave Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2012
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    Consider that Obama and the liberals have actually support the sudden Anti-wall street attack groups that seem to have no other agenda or reasonable direct and clear criticism beyond a general attitude of suggesting rich people are evil and conservatives who support the economic system of Free Enterprise are, well the "bourgeoisie."

    What is needed to support a dictator who takes over is some incident or an emergency plus a politically frozen situation which prevents the government from acting, .e., grid lock.

    We already saw grid lock when the Republicans threatened to disallow a raise in the Federal borrowing while the Democrats refused to compromise first by canceling some spending.
  22. Horhey

    Horhey Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2010
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    I have read through tons of internal US documents and never once did I ever anything remotely in there about plans for a world government. Quite the opposite. They constantly talk about needing to maintain United States global dominance over the world. They view Europe as a potential rival that could challange US global dominance in the future and have taken steps to prevent it, such as controlling Middle East energy resources which gives it "critical leverage" over the European and Asian economies.
  23. Flanders

    Flanders Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    To Horhey: Expand your reading parameters:


    Strobe Talbot, president of the Brookings Institute, in a 1992 Time Magazine article:

  24. Horhey

    Horhey Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2010
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    Show me the documents. Not Rense. I want credible evidence. The documents show something quite different. Brittain is described as a "junior partner" to the United States. Not the capital of the NWO - the home base of the CFR as your sources claim.
  25. Flanders

    Flanders Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    To Horhey: I’m not showing you anything. If you want to defend New World Order traitors do so openly and with honesty, but don’t hide your loyalties by claiming there is no plan for a global government because you read some internal US documents whatever the hell that means.

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