Benghazi Lies & Video Tape: Attack on the President - Part III

Discussion in 'Elections & Campaigns' started by 336 F-15E KGSB, Nov 1, 2012.

  1. 336 F-15E KGSB

    336 F-15E KGSB New Member

    Nov 1, 2012
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    Conclusion: Part 3 of 3

    Hagmann, paragraph #11, #12, #13 and #14:

    Mr, Hagmann, goes on to finish by restating his Vince Flynn Theory that the Russians, Syrians, and the Turks, were all mixed up in an CIA/Libyan Covert Operation to deliver WMD into Turkey, for the purpose of taking out Assad, through a Muslim Brotherhood instantiated "false flag" event. He continues to assert without any proof whatsoever, that the President was somehow in possession of "real-time" intelligence that showed him exactly what was happening on the ground in Benghazi, and at the very least, the President most assuredly knew about the Russian Spy Satellite Imagery and that the whole darn CIA FedEx Logistics and UPS operation for the shipping of Chemical Weapons to Turkey, via Libya, Sudan, and Seattle Washington, was all blown to bits.

    Folks, this entire lie began with an "Exclusive Report" coming out of Fox News. Period. If you go back several days, you will not that th entire storyline about the CIA calling the President for "Air Support" was directly pumped by Fox News. The broke the report by telling their viewers that they were "LIVE" from the Pentagon, when in reality there were broadcasting from their own studios and only displayed a Graphic Image of the Pentagon behind their reporter, Jennifer Griffin. She was nowhere near the Pentagon when she gave that "LIVE" report "from the Pentagon." That was the first lie Fox News told.

    The second lie Fox News told came when Jennifer Griffin, said that CIA operatives called for "Air Support." Well, I can tell anyone flat out that the CIA would have never called "the Administration" for "Air Support." What Fox News never bothered to tell anyone during their "Exclusive Report," is that United States Embassy and Consulate security is not provided by the CIA. The U.S. Diplomatic Security Services (Bureau of Diplomatic Security) is the only entity tasked with training DSS Special Agents, who are then tasked with providing Personnel and Site Security at all Embassy and Consulate facilities around the world. The Central Intelligence Agency is not tasked with that responsibility.

    What neither Fox News, nor Mr, Hagmann, tells you in either of their reports, is precisely what the NEA Jeffrey Feltman's Action Memos tells Derrell Issa, that the Benghazi Consulate was slated to be shrunk in size, function and personnel. That included the size of the DSS Special Agent team on-site. During the attacks, only five (5) people were at the facility and less than seventeen (17) people were working their exclusively. So, the need for the larger DSS Special Agent team that was called for back in 2011, was no longer necessary.

    This is what Fox News, either did not know, because it failed to do its homework - or it knew it, but never told its viewers. Ever since Fox broke its "Exclusive Report," the Benghazi Lies have been flowing like milk and honey from every Conservative media outlet on Radio, Television and the Internet, including some Congressmen on the Hill, who should know better than to spew such undocumented and unproven lies.

    Those are the facts about Benghazi.

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