Jewish women in Israel

Discussion in 'Middle East' started by Marlowe, Feb 13, 2013.

  1. Marlowe

    Marlowe New Member

    Mar 13, 2011
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    Much has been said here abt the poor treatment of women in Arab countries but I can't recall anyting abt the appalling abuse of Jewish women in Israel.
    I admit to being surprised at these shocking figures in light of Israel's claims to the moral high ground - re gender equality etc.

    The condition of Jewish women in Israel is abject.

    by Andrea Dworkin.

    Where I live things aren't too good for women. It's not unlike Crystal Night all year long given the rape and battery statistics--which are a pale shadow of the truth--the incest, the pornography, the serial murders, the sheer savagery of the violence against women. But Israel is shattering.

    Divorce and Battery

    In Israel, there are separate religious courts that are Christian, Muslim, Druze, and Jewish. Essentially, women from each group are subject to the authority of the most ancient systems of religious misogyny.

    In 1953 a law was passed bringing all Jews under the jurisdiction of the religious courts for everything having to do with "personal status." In the religious courts, women, along with children, the mentally deficient, the insane, and convicted criminals, cannot testify. A woman cannot be a witness or, needless to say, a judge. A woman cannot sign a document. This could be an obstacle to equality.

    Under Jewish law, the husband is the master; the woman belongs to him, what with being one of his ribs to begin with; her duty is to have children--preferably with plenty of physical pain; well, you remember the Old Testament. You've read the Book. You've seen the movie. What you haven't done is live it. In Israel, Jewish women do.


    You have to see it to believe it and even seeing it might not help. I've been sent it over the years by feminists in Israel--I had seen it--I didn't really believe it. Unlike in the United States, pornography is not an industry. You find it in mainstream magazines and advertising. It is mostly about the Holocaust.

    In it, Jewish women are sexualized as Holocaust victims for Jewish men to masturbate over. Well, would you believe it, even if you saw it?

    Israeli women call it "Holocaust pornography." The themes are fire, gas, trains, emaciation, death.

    In the fashion layout, three women in swimsuits are posed as if they are looking at and moving away from two men on motorcycles. The motorcycles, black metal, are menacingly in the foreground moving toward the women. The women, fragile and defenseless in their near nudity, are in the background. Then the women, now dressed in scanty underwear, are shown running from the men, with emphasis on thighs, breasts thrust out, hips highlighted.

    Their faces look frightened and frenzied. The men are physically grabbing them. Then the women, now in new bathing suits, are sprawled on the ground, apparently dead, with parts of their bodies severed from them and scattered around as trains bear down on them. Even as you see a severed arm, a severed leg, the trains coming toward them, the women are posed to accentuate the hips and place of entry into the vaginal area.

    Or a man is pouring gasoline into a woman's face. Or she's posed next to a light fixture that looks like a shower head.

    Or two women, ribs showing, in scanty underwear, are posed in front of a stone wall, prisonlike, with a fire extinguisher on one side of them and a blazing open oven on the other. Their body postures replicate the body postures of naked concentration camp inmates in documentary photographs.
  2. Marlowe

    Marlowe New Member

    Mar 13, 2011
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    Part 2

    Of course, there is also sadism without ethnicity, outside the trauma of history--you think Jewish men can't be regular good ol' boys? The cover of the magazine shows a naked woman spread out, legs open, with visual emphasis on her big breasts. Nails are driven through her breasts. Huge pliers are attached to one nipple. She is surrounded by hammers, pliers, saws. She has what passes for an orgasmic expression on her face. The woman is real. The tools are drawn. The caption reads:

    Sex in the Workshop.

    The same magazine published all the visual violence described above. Monitin is a left-liberal slick monthly for the intelligentsia and upper class. It has high productions and aesthetic values. Israel's most distinguished writers and intellectuals publish in it. Judith Antonelli in The Jewish Advocate reported that Monitin "contains the most sexually violent images. Photos abound of women sprawled out upside-down as if they have just been attacked."

    Or, in a magazine for women that is not unlike Ladies' Home Journal, there is a photograph of a woman tied to a chair with heavy rope. Her shirt is torn off her shoulders and upper chest but her arms are tied up against her so that only the fleshy part of the upper breasts is exposed. She is wearing pants--they are wet. A man, fully dressed, standing next to her, is throwing beer in her face. In the United States, such photographs of women are found in bondage magazines.

    For purists, there is an Israeli pornography magazine. The issue I saw had a front-page headline that read: ORGY AT YAD VASHEM. Yad Vashem is the memorial in Jerusalem to the victims of the Holocaust. Under the headline, there was a photograph of a man sexually entangled with several women

    OMG - what a sick lot of SOB's:roll:
  3. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Yes, it is really really twisted.

    There is no denial, both holocost porn, and holocost porn imagery is common there.

    No matter what excuse someone wants to invent, that is twisted beyond words. And macabre.

    Is there anything they won't do? ANYTHING at all?
  4. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Mr. Libsker’s 60-minute documentary puts the Stalags under a spotlight for the first time and exposes some uncomfortable truths. One is that the Stalags were a distinctly Israeli genre, created by Israeli publishers and penned by Israeli authors, although they had masqueraded as translations from English and were written in the first person as if they were genuine memoirs.

    More provocatively, the movie contends that Stalag pornography was but a popular extension of the writings of K. Tzetnik, the first author to tell the story of Auschwitz in Hebrew and a hero of the mainstream Holocaust literary canon. K. Tzetnik “opened the door,” and “the Stalag writers learned a lot from him,” Mr. Narkis said.

    K. Tzetnik was a pseudonym for Yehiel Feiner De-Nur. The alias, short for the German for concentration camper, was meant to represent all survivors, a kind of Holocaust everyman. One of K. Tzetnik’s biggest literary successes, “Doll’s House,” published in 1953, told the story of a character purporting to be the author’s sister, serving the SS as a sex slave in Block 24, the notorious Pleasure Block in Auschwitz.

  5. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Heymann Brothers Films has been operating for over a decade and specializes in long term documentary projects with a social and political orientation, as well as very personal ones. The company was founded by Tomer Heymann, one of the leading documentary directors in Israel.

    Holocaust and Pornography in Israel
  6. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    This place needs boycotted even as a place to visit..

    Israel Sex Slavery Thrives
    Israel and the Ugly Slavery Trade

    Human rights groups have long demanded actions against the trade in women in Israel. These women many from the former Soviet, are working as prostitutes in a condition of virtual slavery. Many of the Russian women who have ended up in Israel's brothels, some smuggled into the country from Egypt on the back of camels, expected to find jobs a cleaners and or working in childcare. There are certain places where auctions are taking place. The Israeli police well know the names. They are nightclubs or regular bars. The women are brought there, buyers come and look at their bodies and their teeth, then the bidding starts. They are held by the pimps, beaten and totally isolated

    Dozens of brothels and peepshows have sprung up in Tel Aviv and Haifa in the last few years. There are over 20,000 women in prostitution in Tel Aviv. Their customers pay for 45,000 acts of prostitution every day. Women are held in apartments, bars and brothels where they are bought by up to 25 men a day. They sleep in shifts, four to a bed. (Police officials, Michael Specter, "Traffickers' New Cargo: Naive Slavic Women, "New York Times, 11 January 1998, They cannot walk freely. They cannot leave the apartment as they wish. Usually the passports have been taken.

    Amnesty International investigation of the trade in Russian women suggests Israel's police and government officials have largely ignored the abuse.

    The arrest of prostitutes is frequent, as illegal workers, the men who brought them to Israel many of whom are Israelis are not arrested. The Justice Ministry spokeswoman Etty Eshed (1998)said the government would think about making legal changes to address trafficking in the "near future" but had no date or plan for doing so. (Elisabeth Eaves, "Israel not the promised land for Russian sex slaves," Reuters, 23 August 1998)

    The Israeli police say they are powerless to stop the flow of trafficked women until the laws change. "They (trafficked women) are very much afraid to come to the police and complain, so the police really can't do anything," said a police spokeswoman Linda Menuhin. "Israel has no law against trafficking people, and no law against prostitution." Rachel Benziman, legal adviser to the Israel Women's Network, said there are a variety of crimes, rape, abduction, battery, deceit and theft which the authorities rarely bother to prosecute for, even though they have the power to do so. "It's not a problem of finding the right section in the criminal code. It is more a problem of finding the women who will testify and finding the motivation. she said. (Elisabeth Eaves, "Israel not the promised land for Russian sex slaves," Reuters, 23 August 1998)

    Israel does not have a specific law against the sale of human beings. (Michael Specter, "Traffickers' New Cargo: Naive Slavic Women," New York Times, 11 January 1998). There is no law related to bringing women from another country into Israel for prostitution. (CEDAW Report, 8 April 1997) If trafficked and prostituted women are caught they are deported. Since 1994, not one woman has testified against a trafficker. (Betty Lahan, director of Neve Tirtsa Prison, Michael Specter, "Traffickers' New Cargo: Naive Slavic Women," New York Times, 11 January 1998)

    There are no official numbers regarding the extent of prostitution and the traffic of women in Israel, but there is a general consensus that it is becoming more prevalent. (CEDAW Report, 8 April 1997). There has been a steady increase in the numbers of foreign women involved in prostitution)


    Yeah. Just like anywhere else..:roll:


    Oct 3, 2012
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    Prostitution is very very very common in the Muslim arab world, the difference is that it happens under the Burkas.
  8. Marlowe

    Marlowe New Member

    Mar 13, 2011
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    Where's yr evidence ?


    Oct 3, 2012
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    Have you ever been in Amsterdam ? in the red windows streets ? the common language their is arabik !
    They are major consumers.
    All adults can get in to Porn ehernet sites and see Arab porn.
    True, A few years ago it was forbitten to arabs but today they are at the top of the dirt.
  10. Marlowe

    Marlowe New Member

    Mar 13, 2011
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    Thats NOT what you said was it ?
    o r just your usual twisting ?

    Did you not say this ??

    Is amsterdam in the Muslim World ?

    Gertcha !
  11. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    It's evil and filth is what it is.

    No wonder they hoot on so much about Muslim women wearing a headscarf.

    It is to distract the attention away, from MORONS, as to how they treat women. Like rape and murder.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Ignore him.



    Oct 3, 2012
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    People do not have to live in an Arab country to experience the muslim world.
    Lots of cities in Europe have muslim majority.. So yes, it is part of the occupied muslim world.
  13. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Topic. Israel.
  14. Marlowe

    Marlowe New Member

    Mar 13, 2011
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    The eight-year-old girl called a whore by Israel's Jewish religious hardliners

    A frightened eight-year-old Jewish girl has been called a 'whore' and spat on as she walked to school through an ultra-orthodox settlement in Israel.

    Naama Margolese has become a symbol in Israel for the growing abuse of women and young girls by Jewish extremists.

    Even though she is religious herself, and wears long sleeves and a skirt, she is deemed not to be religious enough by the zealots in Beit Shemesh, about 11 miles west of Jerusalem.

    Read more:

    (btw - the mail is'nt one of the most respected sources - but the same was reported elsewhere )
  15. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Give it 10 mins.

    Someone will answer by showing you a clip of the Grand Mufti, or saying 'everyone does this, it is the same everywhere'..


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