Call for Constitutional Convention

Discussion in 'Campaign & Political Reform' started by CyberCynic, Dec 23, 2013.

  1. CyberCynic

    CyberCynic New Member

    Apr 23, 2013
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    0: Introduction

    The mission of this publication is to reason the adoption of a new constitution for the United States, and describe the aspects of a prepared draft that is designed to generate a "transparent" government and dignified political system.

    1: Call for Constitutional Conventions

    Constitutional conventions are the peaceful revolutions, where the wisest inhabitants of the society gather to generate the organizational plan for governing the economic and cultural activities of the territory. The Secular Library suggests conventions be scheduled with respect to the four significant solar events of solstices and equinoxes, as will be the standard schedule of the Senate legislative body described in the proposed Secular Library Charter System (SLCS).

    2: Convention Rules

    • Delegates from sponsoring municipalities are welcome to participate at the conventions. It is recommended that delegates generate proposal constitutions to present at the conventions for credentials. Delegates without credentials for their proposals may not be permitted to participate in all debates conducted at the conventions.
    • The objective of the conventions is to certify a constitutional draft for state referendums. It is expected that variations of the SLCS will be presented by delegates for conventional review, and at some point a final version must be selected; unless the current union of states is to be restructured, which is possible for the SLCS to handle - just difficult for delegates and citizens to understand that two, or more, unions may be the ultimate compromise for the United States.
    • Delegates are then challenged to return to their municipalities and campaign the certified constitutional draft for state referendum.
    • Following the adoption of an SLCS constitutional draft, timely state elections will generate the municipal, state, and federal representation; and subsequently, the commencement of the legislatures and appointments. The federal courts, and prosecution of justice should not incur any disruption of service; and all security agencies are responsible for the continuation of their watches to protect the United States from foreign and domestic invasion during the reconstitution process.
    • All present federal appointments are responsible for their watch until properly relieved by the appointment process described in the adopted constitution. As of the current SLCS draft, the President of the United States may preside indefinitely until defeated in a popular national election. The Secretary of State and Attorney General will be appointed by the Senate. The Chairman of the Federal Reserve will be appointed by the Chamber of Commerce. The Speaker/Treasurer will be appointed by the Network of Representatives. The Supreme Court will be reduced to seven justices in an honorable manner. The vice-president is to be decommissioned and pending a Senate Security and House Properties Committee debriefing, the former vice-president, may possibly be awarded a pension issued by the federal government; otherwise, he is advised to seek a pension from his sponsoring state, as are all senators and representatives not elected, or appointed, to offices of the succeeding government.
    • All present federal bureaucracies destined for decommissioning will be dismantled in an honorable manner.
    • The United States Courts and Criminal Code are not expected to incur any disruption of service for the states and people of the United States during the transition. All evidence of criminal interference, including vandalism of documents necessary for the secure transition of the government, will be investigated and prosecuted as appropriate with United States Law. All officials seeking political asylum are advised to seek legal counsel. There is no reason to expect that the criminal code will be effected by the transition, because the problem is not about defining crime, but rather the efficiency of the government and political system. Criminal prosecution retains responsibility to protect the citizens from perpetration.
    3: Simple Reasoning for a New Constitution:

    The United States Constitution was drafted in 1787, and it has archaic and mispelled words. The Constitution is difficult to understand, and not agreed upon, as evident by the fact that there are institutionalized liberal and conservative interpretations. The Constitution has vague terms causing irregularities to the separation of powers that could not be determined, or properly organized in 1787; or subsequently repaired by the amendment process, because the checks and balances are entrenched in a disorderly system of constitutional directives and previous amendments.

    For the people who were taught that the United States was founded by unjust slave owners, it should not be that difficult to realize that a just constitution needs to be written. It should not be that difficult for elite intellectuals to recognize that corrupt politics and commercial transactions are the result of inadequacies of the social contract system. It should not be that difficult for humble conservatives to recognize that the government, like a business, needs to be reorganized, so as to correctly deploy the efficient techniques developed during the course of its evolution. It should not be that difficult for political pundits to recognize that "political gridlock" is the result of complex problems in the political system, as a result of an inadequate constitution, and the politicians' need to be known as doing something, rather than nothing; and the media's need for a story to tell. It should not be that difficult for the brilliant skeptics and secular atheists to recognize that our constitutional system is inadequate, because it is based on philosophical information a hundred years prior to the organization of the sciences, and that it is completely unreasonable to expect it to last forever as a perfect charter for guiding society to understanding reason. It should not be that difficult for the average citizen to recognize that if the Founders of the United States were tasked with authoring a constitution enriched with the technology and communications systems that we have today, that they would probably write it differently.

    4: The complex problems of our social-political system:

    The elected politicians are obligated to defend the Constitution; and therefore, not inclined to explain that it is inadequate, and that it compels them to speak with forked tongue and blatantly lie to constituents in order to defend the Constitution and the oblong legislation they generate.

    Inadequacies of the Constitution are exploited as political corruption that has been going on since the founding - it was a necessary evil, and we should be grateful that it was adequately checked and lead to the greatest epoch of technological advancement in history. However, there is no reason to believe that corruption will cease without a comprehensive constitution to better describe the mission of government agencies that were established after the Constitution was adopted and needed to be correctly separated from the executive branch to eliminate the political cronyism that we endure; and lucky to be able to handle the upheaval of the change.

    The concept, "vote the bums out," is an impossibility - a false argument. The inadequacy of the Constitution to describe the specific missions of the federal government allows people to vote for people who are not disposed to fix the government. At best we know that lawyers are the most likely credentials for the legislators and economics for the executive, but we are not beholden to such qualifications, because it violates our concept of the prohibition of religious test, which is all the people could understand in 1787, for understanding how politics and government work. In contemporary directives we would probably not worry about a religious test, but rather a political party test.

    The Constitution was written in vague terms and unformulated order, because they did not know how to format it, or determine the scope of a central government for the dual society that they had in 1787 - free (capitalism) and slave (semi-socialism) states. It gets further complicated when it is understood what the founders were determined to do - advance technology with the understanding that the best that they can do, as far as a constitution, is still going to be flawed. The Founders did not have the array of disciplined knowledge, and communications network, that we have at our disposal to design a government.

    Today we know what a competent central government needs to do for a union of states, but we are beholden to an inadequate constitution and fanciful political campaign system that compels politicians to promise salvation and voters to believe their platitudes and vague promises.

    5: The Secular Library Charter System

    The Secular Library Charter System (SLCS) is a system based on the Secular Library Classification theory for organizing the constitution. The SLCS challenges the qualities of all previous organizational systems, most notably, political charters and religious doctrines. The SLCS is lengthy, but not as lengthy and unmanageable as the Affordable Care Act. The SLCS is comprehensible - it is presented in a formatted hierarchy system similar to a table of contents for sophisticated technology.

    The part that most resembles the 1787 constitution, and of interest to most people, is Article 2: Government. The SLCS federal government is divided into seven familiar branches and administrators:
    1. The Department of Judicial Review --- Chief Justice of the United States
    2. The Department of Justice --- Attorney General of the United States
    3. Senate - sovereignty law --- Secretary of the United States
    4. Chamber of Commerce - commercial law --- Chairman of the United States
    5. Network of Representatives - civil law --- Speaker of the United States
    6. The Department of the Interior --- Custodian of the United States
    7. The Administration is reduced to six executive services which are co-supervised by the President and the corresponding administrator from the previous six parts of the government:
    1. Marshal Service to secure the gallows
    2. National Security Administration to spy on the people
    3. State Department to patronize the people
    4. Federal Reserve to borrow the people's money
    5. Treasury to steal the people's property
    6. Emergency Services to provide the people ready-to-eat meals and blankets
    What will be un-noticeably missing will be the commerce bureaucracy, which will be delegated to the state chambers and bureaucracies, which will be regulated by the federal Chamber of Commerce. The Senate and Chamber of Commerce should be limited to taxing the states and organizations because they have to ask the Network (House of Representatives) for tax collection. The Network of Representatives has the control of the Treasury, Department of the Interior, and subsequently taxation. The Network of Representatives will be apart of their municipal councils and state networks; and they will not be residing in Washington, because they will be working in their local districts using the Internet to do their government work, including voting on municipal, state, and federal treasury legislation - they will be responsible for keeping track of all the dollars and cents of the three levels of government their constituents are subject to.

    The other articles are for describing state responsibilities and abstract concepts that guide the government services in the states, and are intended to be more comprehensive in the state constitutions. Of concern to the citizen is finding the definitions for Nature, Life, Citizenship, Dependent, Slavery, Alien, Rights, Responsibility, Social Justice, White Privilege, Duty, Representation, Organization, Religion, Administration, Supervision, Orders, Statute, Taxation, Debt, Economics, Efficiency, Regulation, Qualification, Integrity, Competency, Mission, Commission, and all other terms necessary to the organization of a just society.

    Find the attachment for the html rendering of the latest draft.

    Article 0: Preamble
    000. Providence
    010. Style
    020. Mission
    030. Dedication
    040. Proclamation
    050. Explanation
    060. Commencement

    Article 1: Sovereignty
    100. Transaction
    110. Justice
    120. Federation
    130. Citizenry
    140. State
    150. Organization
    160. Property

    Article 2: Government
    200. Administration
    210. Judiciary
    220. Prosecution
    230. Diplomacy
    240. Commerce
    250. Trust
    260. Property

    Article 3: Citizenship
    300. Life
    310. Nativity
    320. Assimilation
    330. Rights
    340. Polity
    350. Responsibility
    360. Record

    Article 4: States
    400. Providence
    410. Sovereignty
    420. Government
    430. Citizenship
    440. Municipalities
    450. Organizations
    460. Documentation

    Article 5: Representation
    500. District
    510. Appointments
    520. Commissions
    530. Duties
    540. Limitations
    550. Compensations
    560. Tenure

    Article 6: Documentation
    600. Validation
    610. Amendment
    620. Order
    630. Statute
    640. Regulation
    650. Taxation
    660. Property

    Copyright © 2013.12.18 Ronald Martin, NYC, USA
  2. Steady Pie

    Steady Pie Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 15, 2012
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    In the meantime, try upholding the one you have now ;)

    Any good constitution will create a sort of free market within the government - a market of federal bodies. The role of the Federal government should be to regulate interaction between these bodies, not within them. They should, for the most part, be left entirely alone.

    Representation is best at the individual level, failing that, the smaller the better.
  3. CyberCynic

    CyberCynic New Member

    Apr 23, 2013
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    You have almost 3000 posts, you are the first response to the opening post and you copy the whole post, and do not make any direct arguments, you just make indirect comments???:roflol:
  4. CyberCynic

    CyberCynic New Member

    Apr 23, 2013
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    0: Introduction

    The mission of this publication is to reason the adoption of a new constitution for the United States, and describe the aspects of a prepared draft that is designed to generate a "transparent" government and dignified political system.

    1: Call for Constitutional Conventions

    Constitutional conventions are the peaceful revolutions, where the most reasonable inhabitants of the society gather to generate the organizational plan for governing the economic and cultural activities of the territory. The Secular Library suggests conventions be scheduled with respect to the four significant solar events of solstices and equinoxes, as will be the standard schedule of the Senate legislative body described in the proposed Secular Library Charter System (SLCS).

    2: Convention Rules

    1. Delegates from sponsoring municipalities are welcome to participate at the conventions.
    2. It is recommended that delegates generate proposal constitutions to present at the conventions for credentials. It may be a good exercise for delegates to generate a constitution by improving their state constitution for the municipalities and federal government. This exercise would not be that difficult, except the state constitutions are chaotic, where as, the federal constitution is inadequate; and ultimately, neither are formatted and detailed so as to allow for a proper auditing exercise.
    3. Delegates without credentials for having generated constitutions may not be permitted to participate in all debates conducted at the conventions - just like art school critiques, there is no appreciation for the critic who cannot do the work himself.
    4. The objective of the conventions is to certify a draft for state referendums. It is expected that variations of the SLCS, and other examples, will be presented by delegates for conventional review, and at some point a final version must be selected; unless the current union of states is to be regrouped, which is possible for the SLCS to handle - just difficult for delegates and citizens to understand that two, or more, unions may be the ultimate compromise for the United States.
    5. Delegates are then challenged to return to their municipalities and campaign the certified constitutional system drafts for municipal and state referendum(s).

    3: Adoption of the SLCS

    1. The first order of adoption of the SLCS should be the municipal charter, which will generate the auditing of the municipality, allowing the states and federal governments the opportunity to prepare for the adoption of the appropriate charters, and subsequently, the auditing of the respective government services.
    2. Following the adoption of the SLCS federal charter, Senate appointments will be conducted by the mayors, and it should be expected that they will reappoint the current senators and more, as may be necessary to complete the six defined Senate Juries (committees). The House of Representatives will remain as scheduled, if it is not reorganized - it doesn't really matter because they will continue to be controlled by the lobbyists to write commerce legislation, which has to be approved by the Auditors. For the sake of confidence and avoiding confusion, the mayors, governors, and the president, are not necessarily subject to an election contest for the transition process - that will be a district decision. The federal courts, and prosecution of justice should not incur any disruption of service; and all security agencies are responsible for the continuation of their watches to protect the United States from foreign invasion during the reconstitution process.
    3. All present federal appointments are responsible for their watches until properly relieved by the appointment process described in the adopted constitution. As of the current SLCS draft, the President of the United States may preside indefinitely until his competency is challenged and a replacement is appointed by a popular national election. The president has co-supervisory duties as the Treasurer, Commander in Chief, Commerce Commissioner, and National Security Director - he will not have crony control of the Justice Department either. The Attorney General, Secretary of State, and Solicitor General, will be appointed by the Senate. The commerce bureaucracy and Federal Reserve will be controlled by the House of Representatives. The Treasury, IRS, and Interior, will be controlled by the newly commissioned Network of Auditors and their leader, the Inspector General. The Supreme Court will be returned to the original six justice positions in an honorable manner. The vice-presidency is to be decommissioned and pending a Senate Security Jury and a Network of Auditors Properties Council debriefing, the former vice-president, may possibly be awarded a pension issued by the federal government; otherwise, he is advised to seek a pension from his sponsoring state, as are all senators and representatives not elected or appointed to offices of the succeeding government. Beyond that, it might be a good idea to consider the origins of the American axiom, "the government lied to you."
    4. All present federal bureaucracies destined for reorganization or decommissioning will be conducted in an honorable manner.
    5. The United States Courts and Civil Code are not expected to incur any disruption of service during the transition, because the new constitution only effects the efficiency of the government and political system - not regulatory law. Criminal prosecution retains its responsibility to protect the citizens from perpetration. All evidence of criminal interference, including vandalism of documents necessary for the secure transition of the government, will be investigated and prosecuted as appropriate with United States law. All officials contemplating their liability for their acts during the former administrations are advised to seek legal counsel - unlike the former government the reconstituted Justice Department will be separate from the Executive Administration, and will be able to prosecute the workload without prejudice or bias.

    4: Simple Reasoning for a New Constitution

    The United States Constitution was drafted in 1787, and it has archaic terminology and mispelled words. The Constitution is difficult to understand, and not agreed upon, as evident by the fact that there are institutionalized liberal and conservative interpretations.

    For the people who were taught that the United States was founded by unjust slave owners, it should not be that difficult to realize that a just constitution needs to be written. It should not be that difficult for intellectual liberals to recognize that political corruption and commercial fraud are the result of the exploitation of inadequacies of the social contract system. It should not be that difficult for humble conservatives to recognize that the government, like any enterprise, needs to be reorganized so as to correctly deploy the efficient techniques that were developed during the course of its evolution. It should not be that difficult for political pundits to recognize that "political gridlock" is the result of the law makers need to be seen doing something, rather than nothing, when there is no need for law making. It should not be that difficult for the brilliant skeptics, secular atheists, and independent critical free-thinkers, to recognize that our constitutional system is based on philosophical information a hundred years prior to the organization of the social sciences, and that it is unreasonable to expect it to last forever as an adequate charter for guiding the approach to orderly society. It should not be that difficult for the average citizen to recognize that if the Founders of the United States were tasked with authoring a constitution enriched with the knowledge and communication systems that we have today, that they would probably write it differently. It just should not be that difficult.

    5: The complex problems of our social-political system

    The elected politicians are obligated to defend the Constitution and therefore not inclined to explain that it is inadequate, and that it compels them to speak with forked tongue and blatantly lie to their constituents in order to defend their inert activities and oblong legislation that they generate.

    The inadequacies of the Constitution are exploited as political corruption, and it has been going on since the founding. It was an unspecified provision that unleashed the greatest epoch of technological advancement in history, and we can appreciate that it was adequately checked by social norms, but we mistakenly base our confidence in the Constitution, because of the good that we recognize as our history. However, there is no reason to believe that political corruption will cease without a comprehensive constitution to better separate and describe the missions of government services that they could not imagine in 1787, because of the lack of information about society and government. We are unavoidably approaching a robot served society, and it is ridiculous to believe that the 1787 Constitution is adequate for handling the ensuing dilemmas of human error and systematic order. Sooner, or later, the issue will have to be addressed, and it is certain that a comprehensive government charter will be necessary - let's get to work on it.

    The Constitution is of vague descriptions causing irregularities in the actualization of the separation of powers, and it has a lack of separations that could not be determined in 1787. As it is, the presidents are expected to organize the executive services; and the services have been pushed and pulled, reorganized, decommissioned, recommissioned, consolidated, and assigned new oversight, many times over, ultimately leading to the cronyism that now prevents the prosecution of justice in all of the services. Subsequently, it cannot be repaired by the amendment process, because the checks and balances are entrenched in an incomprehensible system of statutory directives and previous amendments - it is a mess and nobody can figure it out.

    The Constitution was written in unformulated order, because they did not know how to format it, or determine the scope of a central government. They had their hands full with the dual society that they had in 1787 - capitalist (free) and semi-socialist (slave) states. It gets further complicated when it is understood what the founders were determined to do - advance technology with the understanding that the best that they can do is still going to be flawed. The Founders did not have the array of disciplined knowledge, and communications network, that we have at our disposal to design a government - if they did, you can safely bet that they would do it differently.

    Today we know what a competent central government needs to do for a union of states, but we are beholden to an inadequate constitution and fanciful political campaign system that compels politicians to promise salvation and voters to believe their platitudes and vague promises, because people want to believe that someone else will make their lives better. There is only one way to change Washington, and that is by changing the Constitution; and you can bet that the senior congress members have been well aware of this fact for many years, now.

    The concept, "vote the bums out," is an impossibility - a false argument. The inadequacy of the Constitution to describe the specific missions of the federal government and qualifications for politicians, allows people to vote for people who are not disposed to fix the government. At best we know that lawyers are the most likely professionals for the legislatures and economists for the executive branch, but we are not beholden to such qualifications, because it violates our prohibition of a religious test, which is all the common folk could understand in 1787 for understanding how politics and government work. In our contemporary political climate we would probably not worry about a religious test so much, but rather, a political party affiliation test - same thing, both are social management organizations.

    The belief in term limits is a false belief resulting from the citizens inability to comprehend the problems of the Constitution, and belief that there is a never ending supply of honest politicians who only want to work for a decade, or so, and then go do something else. As it is now, with term limits on the president we are going to experience the retired president making hay on the succeeding president, so as to enhance his legacy, based on his knowing that the position is a no-win situation, because it is chaotic, because it is based on antiquated technology.

    The concept of "compromise" loses its actuality because eventually principles have to be enforced. If compromise was actually possible everyone would recognize the compromise and not expect the politicians to figure out what the compromise is. How do we recognize compromise of abstract systems??? there is nothing to measure to understand the "happy medium." And we all know that the strategy is to bid high - ask for more than what you want. So it is just silly to believe in compromise: compromise has been compromised. Ultimately, the politicians participate in "political gridlock," because they need to be seen doing something, otherwise the people would realize that they should not have to compensate the politicians as well, as they do - the Constitution was not designed to employ the elected officials when there is no need for legislation.

    What is difficult is composing a constitution, and compelling agreement from jealous political and scholarly leaders, and the average citizens who naively expect their leaders to explain to them that the Constitution is inadequate. Average citizens do not have the time to comprehend the inadequacies of the abstract systems that the constitution is, and understand why the government cannot conduct business in accordance with their simplified understandings. It is easier to just claim that the politicians are not following the Constitution and that it needs to be enforced - that is all the average citizen can understand.

    6: The Secular Library Charter System

    The Secular Library Charter System (SLCS) is a system based on the Secular Library Classification theory for organizing the constitution. The SLCS challenges the qualities of all previous organizational systems, most notably, political charters and religious doctrines. The SLCS is lengthy, but not as lengthy and unmanageable as the Affordable Care Act. The SLCS is comprehensible - it is presented in a formatted hierarchy system similar to a table of contents for sophisticated technology.

    The part that most resembles the 1787 constitution, and of interest to most people, is Article 2: Government. The SLCS federal government is divided into seven familiar branches and administrators:
    1. The Department of Judicial Review --- Chief Justice of the United States
    2. The Department of Justice --- Attorney General of the United States
    3. Senate - sovereignty law --- Advocate General
    4. House of Representatives - commercial law --- Speaker of the House
    5. Network of Auditors - civil law --- Inspector General of the United States
    6. The Department of the Interior --- Custodian of the United States
    7. The Administration is reduced to six executive services which are co-supervised by the President and the corresponding administrator from the previous six parts of the government:

    1. Marshal Service to secure the gallows --- local judiciary
    2. Department of National Security to spy on the people --- Solicitor General
    3. Department of State to patronize the people --- Secretary of State
    4. Department of Commerce to enslave the people --- Speaker of the House
    5. Department of the Treasury to steal the people's property --- Inspector General
    6. Department of Emergency Services to provide the people ready-to-eat meals and blankets --- Custodian of the United States

    The Department of Justice will be isolated from the executive administration to improve the objectivity of the Attorney General and delegated employees - eventually eliminating cronyism that is caused by "regime change." The DoJ will not initiate investigations, as it does now, it will receive indictments from security agencies for the processing of prosecution. This will ultimately improve the profession of lawyering and paralegal services throughout the industry.

    The Senate and House of Representatives should be limited to taxing the states and organizations, because they will have to petition the Network of Auditors for tax collection. The Network of Auditors has control of the Treasury and Department of the Interior, and subsequently taxation. The Network of Auditors will be the municipal councils and state networks, and they will not be residing in Washington, because they will be working in their local districts using the Internet to do their government work, including voting on municipal, state, and federal revenue legislation - they will be responsible for keeping track of all the dollars and cents of the three levels of government their constituents are subject to. That is something that we desperately need.

    The other articles are for describing state responsibilities and abstract concepts that guide the government services, and are intended to be more comprehensive in the state constitutions. Of concern to the average citizen is finding the definitions for Nature, Life, Citizenship, Dependent, Slavery, Alien, Rights, Responsibility, Social Justice, White Privilege, Duty, Representation, Organization, Religion, Administration, Supervision, Orders, Statute, Taxation, Debt, Economics, Trust, Efficiency, Session, Break, Regulation, Qualification, Integrity, Competency, Mission, Commission, and all other terms necessary to the organization of a just society.

    Article 0: Preamble
    000. Providence
    010. Style
    020. Mission
    030. Dedication
    040. Proclamation
    050. Explanation
    060. Commencement

    Article 1: Lexicon
    100. Transaction
    110. Sovereignty
    120. Justice
    130. Diplomacy
    140. Commerce
    150. Trust
    160. Property

    Article 2: United States Government
    200. United States Administration
    210. United States Judiciary
    220. United States Justice
    230. United States Senate
    240. House of Representatives
    250. Network of Auditors
    260. United States Interior

    Article 3: Liberty (Civil Rights)
    300. Rights to Transaction
    310. Rights to Nature
    320. Rights to Justice
    330. Rights to Life
    340. Rights to Commerce
    350. Rights to Culture
    360. Rights to Property

    Article 4: States
    400. Providence
    410. Judiciary
    420. Prosecution
    430. Administrative Law
    440. Commercial Law
    450. Civil Law
    460. Property Law

    Article 5: Budgetary
    500. Executive Administration
    510. United States Courts
    520. Department of Justice
    530. United States Senate
    540. House of Representatives
    550. Network of Auditors
    560. Department of the Interior

    Article 6: Documentation
    600. Validation
    610. Amendment
    620. Law
    630. Statute
    640. Regulation
    650. Codification
    660. Taxation

    Please direct all inquiries:

    Copyright © 2014.01.29 Ronald Martin, NYC, USA
  5. CyberCynic

    CyberCynic New Member

    Apr 23, 2013
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    0: Introduction

    The subject of this publication is to reason the adoption of a new constitution for the United States, and describe the general aspects of a proposal drafting that is designed to better approach a "transparent" government and dignified political system.

    1: Call for Constitutional Conventions

    Constitutional conventions are the peaceful revolutions when the responsible people of the society gather to generate the organizational plan for governing the economic and cultural activities of the territory. The Secular Library suggests conventions be scheduled with respect to the four significant solar events of solstices and equinoxes, as will be the standard schedule of the Senate legislative body described in the proposed Secular Library Charter System (SLCS).

    2: Convention Rules

    1. Contingent groups of municipalities, no larger than two political delegates from sponsoring municipalities and one security escort per thirteen delegates are welcome to participate at the initial conventions. Delegates may travel with more escorts should they believe it to be necessary. Security credentials are to be issued by state-wide organization detailing the identification of all delegates and escorts. Security credentials will be inspected by the local sheriff of the convention. There will not be any state or municipality population weighted decisions conducted at the conventions.
    2. The objective of the initial conventions is to certify base drafts for state mark-up of various aspects for organizing the government including describing the security services, civil rights, states rights, election rules, and legislature rules. Reason would suggest that we are looking for formatted constitutions so the government can be audited correctly. It is expected that variations of mark-up drafts will be presented by delegates in future conventions, and at some point a final version must be selected; unless the current union of states is to be regrouped, which is possible for the SLCS to handle - just difficult for delegates and citizens to understand that two, or more, unions may be the ultimate compromise for the United States.
    3. It is recommended that delegates generate proposal constitutions to present at the conventions for debate credentials. It may be a good exercise for delegates to generate a constitution by improving their state constitution for the municipalities and federal government. This exercise would not be difficult, except that the state constitutions are chaotic, where as, the federal constitution is inadequate; and ultimately, neither are formatted and detailed so as to allow for a proper auditing of the government; otherwise we would not have the problems that our society is enduring.
    4. Delegates without debate credentials for a proposal constitution draft may not be permitted to participate in all of the debates conducted at the conventions. Like any review process for tangible technology there is little to no appreciation for the critic who cannot do the work himself. This practical regulation is especially necessary with social contracts, because of the necessary understanding of the abstract systems being manipulated, as such contempt only leads to badgering from the jealous critic, and frustration for the lone presenter who is then essentially an instructor without the convenience of arbitrated order.
    5. Delegates are then challenged to return to their municipalities and campaign the certified draft for municipal and state referendum. The municipal and state review process should provide the platform for coffee house philosophers, and contemptuous lawyers, to express their concerns for detailed explanations of the proposed systems during the months between the national conventions. Be advised that there is a tremendous effort to make this adoption process more accessibly efficient than the 1787 process, because of the advancements in education and communications; but order and reason must be considered paramount.
    6. It would be much more efficient if we were to conduct the presentation of drafts and mark-up process on television, and the Internet, so more people can learn the process and understand the ideas that are to be deliberated.

    3: Adoption of the SLCS

    1. Should the SLCS be the accepted constitutional system the first order of adoption should be the state charter, which will sanction the municipal charters and generate the election of municipal prosecutors and the auditing of the municipalities and state, allowing the federal government the opportunity to prepare for the adoption of the federal charter, and subsequently, the reorganization and auditing of the government services.
    2. Following the adoption of the SLCS federal charter, federal senate appointments will be conducted by the mayors (state senate), and it should be expected that they will reappoint the current senators and more, as will be necessary to complete the six defined federal Senate Juries (committees). The House of Representatives will remain as scheduled, with the added responsibility for deliberating local and state legislation, comprising the municipal councils - dispersing the political lobby industry out of Washington and into the municipalities, so we can all enjoy the perks of the big money. Ultimately, the representatives' legislation has to be approved by the corresponding level of the Network of Auditors and senates before it is law. For the sake of confidence and avoiding confusion, the mayors, governors, and the president, are not necessarily subject to an election contest for the transition process - that will be a district decision. The federal and state courts will not incur any disruption of service, and all security agencies are responsible for the continuation of their watches to protect the United States from foreign invasion and domestic disorderliness during the reconstitution process.
    3. All present state and federal appointments are responsible for their watches until properly relieved by the appointment process described in the adopted constitution. As of the current SLCS draft, the President of the United States may preside indefinitely until his competency is challenged and a replacement is appointed by a popular national election. The president has co-supervisory duties as the Commander in Chief, National Security Director, Secretary of State, Commerce Commissioner, and Treasurer - he will not have crony control of the Justice Department. The Attorney General, Solicitor General, and Advocate General will be appointed by the Senate. The commerce bureaucracy and Federal Reserve will be controlled by the House of Representatives. The Treasury, IRS, FBI, and Interior (all U.S. property), will be controlled by the newly commissioned Network of Auditors (state attorney generals) and the appointment of their leader, the Inspector General. The Supreme Court will be returned to six justice positions in an honorable manner to supervise the legislative assemblies and litigation courts.
    4. The vice-presidency is scheduled to be decommissioned and pending a Senate Security Jury and a Network of Auditors Sovereignty Council debriefing, the former vice-president, may be awarded a pension issued by the federal government; otherwise, he is advised to seek a pension from his sponsoring state, as are all executive officials, senators, representatives, and bureaucrats, not elected or appointed to offices of the succeeding government. Beyond that, it might be a good idea for politicians and bureaucrats to consider the origins of the American axiom, "the government lied to you."
    5. All present state and federal bureaucracies destined for reorganization, or decommissioning, will be conducted in an honorable manner.
    6. The United States Courts and Civil Code will not incur any adverse disruption of service during the transition, because the new constitution mostly effects the efficiency of the government system that legislates and prosecutes the laws, and not the regulatory laws that are already "on the books." Prosecution of criminal law retains its responsibility to protect the citizens. All evidence of interference, including vandalism of documents necessary for the secure transition of the government, will be investigated and prosecuted as appropriate with United States Law. All officials contemplating their liability for their acts during the former administrations are advised to seek legal counsel - unlike the former government the reconstituted Department of Justice will be considerably more isolated from the other parts of the federal government, and will be able to prosecute the workload without personal prejudice, political bias, or ethnic discrimination.

    4: Simple Reasoning for a New Constitution:

    The United States Constitution was drafted in 1787, and it has archaic terminology and mispelled words. The Constitution is(*)difficult to understand - it is not as simple as our elementary school lessons of three branches of government. Furthermore, it is not agreed upon as is evident by the facts that there are institutionalized liberal and conservative interpretations, and no other state, foreign or domestic, uses it to format a replicate constitution. The 1787 constitution is unique to the epoch of its generation, and only seems to perpetuate a uniqueness, because of the emergent complex commercial activity that the "new" land mass of the country could accommodate. Other countries did not have such opportunity, because they were entrenched in traditional ways of community that could not generate new ideas as quickly as America.

    For the people who were taught that the United States was founded by unjust slave owners, it should not be that difficult to realize that a just constitution needs to be written. It should not be that difficult for intellectual liberals to recognize that political corruption and commercial fraud are the result of the exploitation of inadequacies of the social contract system. It should not be that difficult for humble conservatives to recognize that the government, like any enterprise, needs to be reorganized so as to correctly deploy the efficient techniques that were developed during the course of its evolution. It should not be that difficult for political pundits to recognize that "political gridlock" is the result of the law makers need to be seen doing something, rather than nothing, and that the political system is not organized to deliberate the technical intricacies that our all-encompassing legal system has evolved to. It should not be that difficult for the brilliant skeptics, secular atheists, and independent critical free-thinkers, to recognize that our constitutional system is based on philosophical information a hundred years prior to the organization of the social sciences, and that it is unreasonable to expect for it to last forever as an adequate charter for guiding the approach to orderly society and rational thought. It should not be that difficult for the average citizen to recognize that if the Founders of the United States were tasked with authoring a constitution, enriched with the knowledge and communication systems that we have today, that they would definitely write it differently. It just should not be that difficult to understand that a new constitution is indeed what we need.

    5: The complex problems of our social-political system:

    The elected politicians are obligated to defend the Constitution, and therefore, not inclined to explain that it is inadequate, and that it compels them to speak with forked tongue and blatantly lie to their constituents in order to defend their theatrical activities and obtuse legislation.

    The inadequacies of the Constitution are exploited as political corruption, and it has been going on since the founding. It is what unleashed the greatest epoch of technological advancement in history, and we can appreciate that it was adequately checked by social norms; but we mistakenly base our confidence in the Constitution, because of the good that we recognize as our history, and disregard that we actually do not understand the complex government systems that have been developed over the centuries that perpetuate the corruption. There is no reason to believe that government corruption will cease without a comprehensive constitution to better separate and describe the missions of government services that they could not accurately determine in 1787, because of the lack of information about society and government. The best that the founders could describe was the expectations of intrusions of privacy, because of the expansion of government. To such a subject it is essential to consider that we are unavoidably approaching a robot served society, and it is ridiculous to believe that the 1787 Constitution is adequate for handling the ensuing dilemmas of human error and systematic order. Sooner, or later, the issue will have to be addressed, and it is certain that a comprehensive government charter will be necessary - it would be a good idea if we commence work on
    organizing an adequate government.

    The Constitution is of vague descriptions causing irregularities in the demarcation of government power, and it has a lack of separations that could not be determined in 1787. As it is, the presidents are expected to organize the commercial and security services; and the services have been pushed and pulled, reorganized, decommissioned, recommissioned, consolidated, and assigned new oversight, many times over, ultimately leading to the crony bureaucracy that now prevents the prosecution of justice in all of the departments. Subsequently, it cannot be repaired by the amendment process, because the checks and balances are entrenched in an incomprehensible system of services - only an arrogant fool claiming that he can change it by his mere presence would want to be president of such a mess.

    The Constitution was written in unformulated order, because they did not know how to format it, or determine the scope of a central government. They had their hands full with the dual society that they had in 1787 - capitalist (free) and semi-socialist (slave) states. It gets further complicated when it is understood what the founders were determined to do - untangle social organization from the "master-mind" authoritarianism, and advance technology, with the understanding that the best that they can devise is still going to be flawed. They knew it would have to be reorganized at sometime, because that is the theory of the social contract, but to say so back then would have lead to a lack of confidence for the society. The Founders did not have the array of disciplined knowledge and communications network that we have at our disposal to design a government - if they did, you can safely bet that they would do it differently. The quotation affixed to the memorial arch in Washington Square Park in New York refers to this: "Let us raise a standard to which the wise and the honest can repair. The event is in the hand of God." Where "the hand of God," is allegory for social order.

    Today, we know what a competent central government needs to do for a union of states, but we are beholden to an inadequate constitution and fanciful political campaign system that compels politicians to promise salvation and voters to believe their platitudes and vague promises, because desperate people want to believe that someone else will make their lives better. There is only one way to change Washington, and that is by changing the Constitution; and you can bet that the senior congress members have been well aware of this fact for many years, now.

    Term limits is a false correction resulting from the citizens inability to comprehend the problems of the Constitution, and a belief that there is a never ending supply of honest politicians who only want to work for a decade, or so, and then go do something else. The correction to corruption is to eliminate the inadequacies of the charter that guides the organization, and term limits is merely a false correction. As it is now, with term limits on the president we are going to experience the retired president making hay on the succeeding president, so as to enhance his legacy, based on his knowing that the position is a no-win situation, because it is chaotic, because it is based on antiquated technology - that's what Americans do - trash talk.

    The concept of voting the incompetent politicians out is a false argument. The inadequacy of the Constitution to describe the specific missions of the federal government and qualifications for politicians, allows people to vote for people who are not disposed to fix the government. At best we know that lawyers are the most likely professionals for the legislatures, and economists for the executive branch, but we are not beholden to such qualifications, because it violates our prohibition of a religious test, which is all the common folk could understand in 1787 for understanding how politics and government work. In our contemporary political climate we would probably not worry so much about a religious test, but rather, a political party affiliation test - same thing, both are social management organizations.

    The concept of compromise loses its actuality because eventually principles have to be enforced, otherwise the organization ideas has no meaning. Such a concept appeals to the minority faction, because they have not exercised their control of social order. The problem is that they want control of the corrupt system, instead of fixing the corrupt system, and that is because of their immature development of trust, which prevents their development of abstract technologies. If compromise of our political system was actually possible now that we have exercised it for two hundred years everyone would recognize the compromise and not expect the politicians to figure it out. How do we recognize the compromise of abstract systems??? What do we measure - organizational autonomy??? And we all know that the strategy is to bid high - ask for more than what you want. So it is just silly to believe in compromise: compromise has been compromised. Ultimately, the politicians participate in "political gridlock," because the Constitution was not designed to employ the elected officials when there is no need for legislation. We need a constitution that is designed to compensate the people's securities when there is no need for new laws.

    The concept of impeaching officials for impropriety is a non-sequiter - Bill Clinton and Charlie Rangle are the contemporary examples that it does nothing. As much as we want to believe that there is a system in place to discipline the public officials of such high offices - there is not. And if there were, we would recognize that it is a crony justice system that we pledge to believe is just and is only abused by the arrogant politicians, because we do not know any better to fix it with a better constitution. Suppose we levy criminal charges against the president - what is going to happen? Who is going to do the prosecution? Who is going to jury the trial? Who is going to execute the office while he is on trial? All the king's men are culpable for knowing what happened - they're all corrupt. It is a big mess and we have to reorganize the system so as to eliminate the paths to corruption and manage the prosecution of criminal charges to the high offices. Again, the politicians are not obligated to explain this to you, they are obligated to defend the Constitution as being adequate.

    It is a difficult task to compose a constitution, and compel agreement from jealous political and scholarly leaders, who desire the notoriety for such an accomplishment. And then there are the average citizens who naively expect their elected leaders to explain to them that the Constitution is inadequate. Average citizens do not have the time to comprehend the inadequacies of the abstract systems that the 1787 Constitution is, and understand why the government cannot conduct business in accordance with their simplified understandings of it. It is easier to just claim that the politicians are not following the Constitution and that it needs to be enforced - that is all the average citizen can understand.

    6: The Secular Library Charter System

    The Secular Library Charter System is a system based on the Secular Library Classification theory for organizing knowledge - it is similar to the Dewey Decimal system for organizing books in the library, except the SLC is a scientific ordering. The SLCS is eventually going to be lengthy, but it will never be as lengthy and unmanageable as the Affordable Care Act. The SLCS is comprehensible, because it is presented in a formatted hierarchy system similar to a table of contents.(*)

    The part that most resembles the 1787 constitution, and of interest to most people, is Article 2: Government. The federal government is divided into seven familiar branches and administrators:
    Judiciary --- Chief Justice of the United States
    Department of Justice --- Attorney General of the United States
    Senate - civil/administrative law --- President of the Senate
    House of Representatives - commercial law --- Speaker of the House
    Network of Auditors - criminal law --- Inspector General of the United States
    Department of the Interior --- Custodian of the United States
    The Administration is reduced to six executive services which are co-supervised by the President and the corresponding administrator from the previous six parts of the government:
    Department of National Security to secure the gallows --- local judiciary
    Department of Intelligence Assessment to spy on the people --- Solicitor General
    Department of State to patronize the people --- Advocate General
    Department of Commerce to enslave the people --- Speaker of the House
    Department of the Treasury to steal the people's property --- Inspector General
    Department of Emergency Services to provide the people ready-to-eat meals and blankets - Custodian
    The Department of Justice will be isolated from the executive administration improving the objectivity of the Attorney General and delegated attorneys - eliminating cronyism that is caused by "regime change." The Department of Justice will not initiate investigations, as it does now, it will receive indictments from security agencies for the processing of prosecution. The Department of Justice will be checked by prosecution from the Network of Auditors with a Senate Jury in the Supreme Court. This will ultimately improve the profession that we all agree needs adjustment.

    The Senate and House of Representatives should be limited to taxing the states and commercial organizations, because they will have to petition the Network of Auditors for tax collection. The Network of Auditors has control of the Treasury, and subsequently taxation. The Network of Auditors will be comprised of all the municipal prosecution councils, and they will not be residing in Washington, because they will be working in their local districts using the Internet to do their government work, including auditing/commenting/voting on municipal, state, and federal (revenue) legislation - they will be responsible for keeping track of the dollars and cents of the three levels of government that their constituents are subject to.

    The other articles are for describing state responsibilities, election rules, and abstract concepts that guide the government and society. These areas of the charter system are expected to be more specific in the state constitutions and municipal charters. Of concern to the average citizen is finding the definitions for Nature, Life, Citizenship, Dependent, Slavery, Alien, Rights, Responsibility, Social Justice, White Privilege, Duty, Peers, Representation, Organization, Religion, Administration, Supervision, Orders, Statute, Taxation, Debt, Economics, Trust, Efficiency, Session, Break, Regulation, Qualification, Integrity, Competency, Mission, Commission, and all other terms necessary for the organization of a just society.

    Article 0: Preamble
    000. Declaration
    010. Designation
    020. Organization
    030. Proclamation
    040. Dedication
    050. Explanation
    060. Commencement

    Article 1: Sovereignty (concordance)
    100. Administration
    110. Jurisdiction
    120. Justice
    130. Diplomacy
    140. Commerce
    150. Trust
    160. Property

    Article 2: United States Government
    200. United States Administration of Government
    210. United States Institution of Jurisprudence
    220. United States Institution of Justice
    230. United States Institution of Diplomacy
    240. United States Institution of Commerce
    250. United States Institution of Trust
    260. United States Institution of Property

    Article 3: Liberty (Civil Rights)
    300. Rights to Security
    310. Rights to Nature
    320. Rights to Property
    330. Rights to Life
    340. Rights to Commerce
    350. Rights to Culture
    360. Rights to Justice

    Article 4: Economics (state electoral obligations)
    400. Providence
    410. Judiciary
    420. Prosecution
    430. Civil Law
    440. Commercial Law
    450. Criminal Law
    460. Property Law

    Article 5: Budgetary
    500. Executive Administration
    510. United States Courts
    520. Department of Justice
    530. United States Senate
    540. House of Representatives
    550. Network of Auditors
    560. Department of the Interior

    Article 6: Documentation
    600. Validation
    610. Amendment
    620. Law
    630. Statute
    640. Regulation
    650. Codification
    660. Taxation

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