Spain's concerns shot down by the EU

Discussion in 'Western Europe' started by Routist, Jul 25, 2014.

  1. Routist

    Routist New Member

    Jul 25, 2014
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  2. Pro-Consul

    Pro-Consul Banned

    Dec 4, 2012
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    Good news. Hopefully Spain will finally respect British territory.
  3. martin76

    martin76 New Member

    Aug 21, 2013
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    The british ownership over Gibraltar has been respected... like we have said many times ... the waters are another matter, harder to solve, and that there are no changes except that the Treaty of Utrecht is changed, and that can not make or the EU (which is not a signatory in Utrecht) or anyone other than the Catholic King and the King of Great Britain.. and of course, the reef isn´t in British territory but in Neutral Zone, like everybody can see in any contemporary map from 1713 to 1937.

    It Just signed the Treaty of Utrecht, the governor of Gibraltar militarily occupied a tower called "Devil's Tower" and a mansion called "The Windmill", located on the east and west respectively, on Spanish soil. In 1730, when the construction of the "Line of Gibraltar" starts - line consisting of two forts and a wall across the width of the isthmus Britain calls on Spain to create a neutral ground in which both countries refrain from fortifying, land would be therefore Spanish.
    This request is not taken into account but, de facto, after the third siege was a strip of Spanish terrain of 1,450 meters in length, the whole width of the isthmus, between the fort and the "Line of Gibraltar" that Spain maintained for avoid friction and was regarded by both sides as "neutral ground.''

    When Napoleon invaded Spain there was a Spanish-British alliance, and, when French troops arrived in southern Spain in the year 1810, the British decide, with the consent of General Castano, to blow up the "Line of Gibraltar" and so British bomb in one day blowed all the line but British never allwo again to rebuild the line.

    In 1815, there was in Gibraltar an epidemic of yellow fever. Gibraltar´s Governor requested the Spanish authorities, the installation of a sanitary camp outside the place, in the so-called "Neutral Ground", being authorized by the Spanish authorities for humanitarian reasons, being installed at place now occupied by the airport.. This was took to continue expanding to north because once it was ended the epidemic, the British not only didn´t dismantle the camp but they placed sentries in forefront. Since then, Britain begins to consider "the neutral ground'', the zone between their guards and the Spanish sentries who continued standing in the now defunct" Line of Gibraltar ".

    Another epidemic in the year 1854 served to the British as a pretext to return the advance on the "neutral ground" building new huts and barracks and doing what they did in 1815. Despite all the protests made ​​by diplomatic means, the English didn´t move.

    In 1865 the Spanish government achieved a Joint Declaration on navigation in the waters of the Strait. Thereafter the smugglers´boats feel protected by the guns of the fortress and the British Navy, claiming that Spanish arrests occur in British waters, notwithstanding Utrecht doesn´t recognize any british jurisdiction over the waters around the Rock.(not even over the Rock, only owneship).

    In 1905, king Alfonso XIII visited Great Britain. The British government sized the momment to request that Spain renounce their rights has over Gibraltar according to the Treaty of Utrecht (inter alia, the jurisdiction and the waters).

    As Spain refuses to waive their rights signatured in Utrecht, (If Utrecht grant rights to British: the perpetual ownersihp also grant right to Spanish: the Juridisction), in 1908, the British started the construction of the famous "verja" or "fence" which was completed in late 1909.

    This was one of the most important decisions taken by the United Kingdom in the history of the dispute: not only physically separate the land gave at Utrecht - castle, city, port and fortress - but also 850 meters from the isthmus, which consisted of 1,450 called "Neutral Ground" appropriating land over which they haven´t and hadn´t right. The artificial Reef is faced that area ..So It is not in any area yielded in Utrecht... UK lack of rights over that zone.

    In 1938, when Spain was embroiled in civil war, the British again exploit internal conflicts and, therefore, the Spanish weakness to build an airfield in Spanish ground ensuring that it was an "Emergency Landing Ground.'' Although from the outset worked as a civil-military airport, whose runway it into the sea also fraudulently occupying part of the waters of the Bay of Algeciras.

    Finally, To avoid British penetration into Spanish soil, in 1942, Franco gave order and occupied the 600 meters remains of so-called "Neutral Zone'', despite the British authorities protest forgetting Spain took possession of a piece of land that was Spanish. Thus, Franco prevented the British could continue expanding to northward.

  4. Sixteen String Jack

    Sixteen String Jack New Member

    Apr 17, 2013
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    I don't often agree with the EU, but I do in this case.

    Also, the Argentine FA has been fined by FIFA after the Argentina players displayed a banner saying "Las Malvinas Son Argentinas" ("The Falklands Are Argentina's") before their World Cup warm-up match against Slovenia.
  5. martin76

    martin76 New Member

    Aug 21, 2013
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    Today is Thursday and I can´t find any sources about what was written on Sunday by the Telegraph... In any Case, EU is not part in the Utrech Treaty... EU can´t change what was agreed by the British Queen (Ownership) and the Catholic King (Jurisdiction).

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