Internet Crimes against Children Task Forces (ICAC Task force) GONE CRAZY

Discussion in 'Law & Justice' started by truthprevails003, Aug 4, 2014.

  1. truthprevails003

    truthprevails003 Newly Registered

    Aug 4, 2014
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    So, leave it up to the government to seduce and entice people off adult based classified ads, and then throw out sexual bait of a younger girl or guy. Florida seems to especially ignore the law and try to arrest as many people as possible in a 4 day 'operation.' These shoddy operations consist of all kinds of federal agencies and local law enforcement, and even with all this support, they can't get it right. In essence, they report that all of those arrested were seeking out underage kids. This is so far from the truth, it's sickening. If they say the truth, they will not get the public support to openly humiliate and ruin the lives of anyone caught up in their entrapment. They focus on the one or two actual sexual offenders that they may have entrapped in the operation, and group in the others who were just looking for a casual encounter, which is not against the law. Outrageous government conduct includes using sex to entice someone to commit a crime. That is straight from the Florida Supreme Court. The genius law enforcement investigators only need to pose as a real minor, on a website that is generally used for minors, and they will have plenty of fodder for true sexual predators seeking out our children. The ICAC task force training is being ignored and law enforcement is doing the enticing and the seduction. Of course, the charges levied is enticing and luring, which is impossible to do when the law enforcement officers themselves are guilty of this. It's all a joke, and the public supports it because they think their children are safer. There should be a competent investigation for any who are arrested for this type of crime. The cases should have no chance of being thrown out due to entrapment and that is exactly what is happening.
  2. perdidochas

    perdidochas Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2008
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    Worried you'll get caught?
  3. truthprevails003

    truthprevails003 Newly Registered

    Aug 4, 2014
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