Letter To Be Read And Spread To ALL Americans, And People Of The World

Discussion in 'United States' started by Watchman, Dec 2, 2014.

  1. Watchman

    Watchman New Member

    Apr 21, 2011
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    My American Brothers and Sisters, it is high time we get a grip on reality, and all come together, and work together, to fight for a common cause, against a common threat and enemy, the traitors of the United States of America, those who blindly follow and obey unConstitutional rules, laws, and orders, and, the global elite / illuminati; when we are inevitably and imminently attacked and invaded by Russia, China, and some of their allies(which we have been invaded already through infiltration by our government's allowance for decades), then, maybe, we will get our GOD given, Constitutional Republic back.

    This 3rd World War / World War 3, can be and is able to be prevented, just as 9 / 11 could have been prevented. The global elite / illuminati are the ones pushing these plans, agenda, and propaganda for their lust of their new world order. They can be stopped, but we MUST unite, and fight them. They, and those following and obeying them in our government, and all over the world, can be defeated, if we would only UNITE and FIGHT, NOW!!!

    Our common cause is for the preservation of our GOD given, Constitutional Freedoms, Liberties, and Justices and Rights for ALL. Our common threats and enemies are the traitors of this great Nation, who have betrayed their Oath, and the global elite / illuminati, who have sold us out, and who have made good, law abiding American Citizens, and Citizens around the world, Christians, Patriots, Military Personnel, Veterans, Survivalists, Preppers, and Constitutionalists, to be terrorists and extremists.

    Former Department of Homeland Security Secretary, Janet Napalitano, and muslim dictator and tyrant in the White House, said these very words in April, 2009. Read it in an article, "The New Terrorists and Extremists." The real threat, enemy, and terrorist of and to the American Citizenry, is the U.S. Government that has allowed U.S. to be destroyed from within and without, taking orders from a foreign enemy, betraying U.S. and selling U.S. out…ordered by the satanic global / illuminati, for their new world order plans, agenda, and propaganda. MOST of what is going on is happening on purpose, and is orchestrated by design, to ruin and take away our Constitution, because the U.S. is the last and final and greatest threat to their new world order, because of our Constitution, and our right to have and bear arms.

    Certainly, Russia, China, their allies, and isis, some of which are already here, are our enemies. However, those blindly following, obeying, and serving muslim dictator and tyrant in chief in the White House, and at least half in our government are traitors, guilty of treason, obeying and following blindly unConstitutional orders, and have even turned on and against our own Military, Veterans, and Civilians. WOE to the government that has turned on and against, and betrayed their own Military and Citizens, that have served, fought for, bled, and so many died to protect and keep safe, that you, government, may sleep peaceably in your beds at night, and do the things that you want to do. At least half of our politicians, and those in other government positions, and some in the Military and Law Enforcement are indeed guilty of treason, and have betrayed their Oaths, to defend the Constitution against ALL enemies, foreign and domestic.

    Make NO mistake…WHEN attacks happen again on U.S. Soil, NOT a matter of "if," but, WHEN, isis and other groups will be blamed, however, it will be used as an excuse( a false flag, if you will), to further erode our GOD given Freedoms, Liberties, Rights, and Justices for ALL, and lock U.S. down permanently, and our traitors, NOT letting a good crisis go to waist, will be coming for Christians, Military Veterans, Survivalists, Preppers, and Constitutionalists, ALL by the orders of the United Nations and global elite(illuminati), for their new world order plans and agenda. They believe they are gods, or, that they will become gods.

    This being the case, this is NOT about being black, white, red, brown, yellow, or any other color of skin. This is NOT about race or color. This is NOT about religion, though, in a sense, it is, because the illuminati are satanists and they hate Christians and Jews. BIBLICAL PROPHECY is being fulfilled. This is about the preservation of our GOD given, Constitutional Freedoms, Liberties, and Justices and Rights for ALL. If we do not come together as Americans, to fight these threats and enemies, and remove these traitors from their positions and duties, there will be NO America and NO Constitution left. We will continue down the path of being turned into a 3rd world Country, these United States of America, being gone, forever, lost to the pages of history.

    We need to repent as a Nation, first and foremost, for turning our back on the LORD.

    2 Chronicles 7:14 [Full Chapter]
    if my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

    Around a year and a half ago, I posted a thread on here about the U.S. fighting against Russia and China in the near future, and I was laughed off, and labeled a paranoid, delusional, tin foil hat conspiracy theorist.

    To those people, I say, you are not laughing now, are you?! We have turned a blind eye to Russia and China for many years, ignoring them, believing they are no threat to U.S., and, believing they are incapable of doing anything, and, they are bad off economically. During this entire time, China and Russia have built up their military, their weapons, their technology, and have stock piled weapons of mass destruction. In past recent months, NOW, the world's eyebrows are raised, and the world seems to be paying attention. If you underestimate your enemies and their capabilities, you will end up dead. China and Russia are a force to be reckoned with, now, and, based on what I have read, Russia has better tactical nuclear weapons than the U.S. does, which, now, we are trying to correct our complacency and apathy. I pray and I hope that we are NOT too late. Russia, China, and their allies will be and are being used by the global elite / illuminati to attack U.S., to destroy U.S., and our Constitution. We are the last and greatest threat to their new world order agenda. They will try to destroy U.S., however, the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY is ALWAYS on the side of Freedom, Liberty, and Justice for ALL. We will win. We ALREADY won. The HOLY BIBLE says so and declares it.

    As far as isis is concerned, this is agenda and propaganda as well, from the global elite / illuminati, to try to destroy U.S., and, once again, destabilize the Middle East. Many in our government, many in our agencies, and even some in our own Military, are secretly assisting, supporting, supplying, and helping them. Some of our enemies are already here, because our borders are wide open and unsecured, and, our enemies will continue to come in and infiltrate. We even have a muslim in the White House that is a sympathizer, and, more than likely, even a member of this genocidal, murderous, extremist group. obola is NOTHING more than an impostor, that hates America, our Constitution, and the American People.

    To our traitors, those that have betrayed U.S. and their Oaths, to defend the Constitution against ALL enemies, foreign and domestic, if another attack is allowed to happen again on American Soil, like the attack was allowed to happen on 9 / 11, when there was much information and intelligence, even from Russian Intelligence, to prevent those horrendous events from happening,
    We, the People, Constitutionalists, Patriots, are going to destroy EVERY mosque in the United States, and EVERY muslim will be killed.

    isis, We, the American People, DO NOT and WILL NOT fear you. We will continue living our lives freely, in peace, NO matter what the F.B.I., or other agencies warn U.S. about, as they continue to secretly support and assist you with your fear tactics and your terrorism. We will NOT tolerate another act of terror in our Country, with the Middle East or anyone else being blamed, when it was really an inside job, a government black op, using terrorists. U.S. government agencies, We, the People, will come for you WHEN this happens again. We know you have helped, assisted, supported, and supplied our enemies, and then, shifting all of the blame to them when a horrible event happens here, in hopeless efforts and attempts to cover your tracks and lies and betrayal. You will be dealt with as a domestic and foreign enemy, for allowing such events to happen, and, for helping and assisting our enemies. The punishment will be DEATH, for your treason and betrayal. You are the real threats, enemies, and terrorists.

    It is true, our borders are wide open, and allowed to be by various agencies, to further destroy U.S. from within and without. Come right on in. Go ahead. Then, when things kick off, and, they will, EVERY last one of you are going to die, EVERY muslim, and EVERY mosque in the U.S. will be destroyed. There will be NO mercy, NO prisoners, and NO quarter. Your pathetic, terrorist religion you call islam, will forever cease to exist in the United States of America.

    If you continue kidnapping Americans over seas, British, or others of our Allies, news reporters, journalists, contractors, EVERY last one of you are going to die, and EVERY mosque will be destroyed, including your dome of the rock, and that giant, pathetic, black box you all pray to.

    We are taking our Country back, NOW!!!

    Mr. muslim dictator and tyrant, obola, in the White House, and your regime, We, the People, demand that you step down, leave Office immediately, and those in your regime, also. This is NOT a request. We, the People, are taking control of our Country, because our government, that is supposed to be of the people, for the people, and by the people, have betrayed U.S., are incompetent, and you are only serving yourselves and your own interests, and taking orders from a foreign enemy that is trying to destroy U.S., the global elite / illuminati. This government is hellbent on tyranny, dictatorship, oppression, harassment, and terrorizing of good, innocent, law abiding American Citizens. You and your regime, and those that blindly follow and obey your unConstitutional orders from the satanic, global elite / illuminati, are guilty of the worst and highest of treason, of which the punishment is death. Step down, and leave your positions and duties in office, immediately!!!

    This is your last and final warning. If you do not comply, JUDGEMENT TIME!!!

    We, the People, who are serving in the U.S. Military as Active Duty, Reserve, Veterans, Civilians, Christians, Law Abiding Citizens, Constitutionalists, Patriots, Survivalists, Preppers, and the like, we are NOT extremists and terrorists. We are American Citizens that concerned about and for the policies, laws, and orders coming from Washington D.C., through and from the global elite / illuminati, and, we are concerned about the road our Country is speeding down, and, it is NOT a good road. It is a road of and to destruction, tyranny, oppression, harassment, dictatorship, and terrorism from an out of control, rogue government, that has turned on its Military and Citizenry. Hitler did it to his own people in Germany. Lenin and Stalin did it to their own people in the U.S.S.R. Mao Tse Tung did it to his own people in China. And, now, mr. obola and
    his regime are doing it to the American People, here, at the beck and call of the new world order by the global elite / illuminati.

    You are the real threats, enemies, and terrorists of Freedom, Liberty, Rights, and Justices for ALL. The traitors of this Country and the Oath they swore, and the globalists are the real, true enemies, threats, and terrorists. You will be dealt with. We will come for you.

    For trying to start another race or civil war with the incident in Ferguson, Missouri, and other incidents in various places throughout the United States, to try to further spread martial law throughout the U.S. in increments, to further clamp us and lock us down, to try to divide and conquer, We, the People, and take more Freedoms, Liberties, and Justices away, we are coming for you, as a People, UNITED.

    The unConstitutional, harassing, oppressing, and terrorizing of good, innocent, law abiding American Citizens through and by eroding away our GOD given Constitutional Freedoms, Liberties, and Justices for ALL, your surveillance and spying and following We, the People, with your predator drones, spy planes and spy helicopters and other vehicles on U.S. Soil, when such weapons and technology are to only be used in a war zone, on and in a foreign land, NOT here at HOME, for your policies, executive orders, and the like, We, the People, are NOT taking it any more, and We are coming for you.

    We, the People, are well aware that there are plans by you, and the global elite / illuminati, to indefinitely post pone, or, completely cancel and / or suspend forever, our U.S. Presidential Elections, thus, keeping obola in Office indefinitely.

    For the misuse and abuse of our Armed Forces throughout the world, calling and saying some countries and people were a threat, when they were NO threat at all, all you wanted was their oil, and, when supposedly there were weapons of mass destruction, and, there were found NONE, for NOT securing our borders... for such things, and, the many lives that have been destroyed, ruined, and killed, especially our Service Men and Women, We, the People, are coming for you.

    For ALL of these things, We, the People, demand that you leave, and step down immediately. If you do not comply, JUDGEMENT TIME!!!

    We, the People, are uniting for a common cause, for the preservation of our Constitutional Freedoms, Liberties, and Justices for ALL, against a common enemy, this traitorous, foreign and domestic, out of control, rogue, tyrannical, terrorizing, harassing, oppressive enemy government, and the globalists / global elite / illuminati.

    DO NOT test our resolve!!! The Declaration of Independence says it is our right, it is our duty, to throw off an oppressive, tyrannical government, and we are doing so, NOW!!!

    We, the People, are returning our Country back to her Constitutional Republic, as "One Nation, Under GOD!!!"

    We can, and We will prevent any further erosion of our GOD given Constitutional Freedoms, Liberties, Rights, and Justices for ALL, and We can and will prevent this 3rd World War, and the United States of America from being destroyed further. We have to act, though, my American Brothers and Sisters. Time is short. We must meet and act NOW, as a People, an American People, UNITED, FIGHTING, RESISTING, and ultimately STOPPING and DEFEATING this satanic, new world order takeover, agenda, propaganda, and plans, by the Grace, Mercy, and Help from our LORD and SAVIOR, GOD ALMIGHTY, JESUS CHRIST, We, the People, will prevail, and overcome. Help U.S., LORD, We ask in JESUS NAME, AMEN.

    In this post, you learned about our common cause, and our common enemies and threats. Now, what are We, the People, going to do about?! As an American People, we have more power than they want to admit. The Declaration of Independence states that it is our right, it is our duty, to throw off tyrannical, oppressive government, and establish or institute new government. It is NOW or never, People. We are already in BIG trouble, possibly passed the point of no return, but, there is still hope. Let us take it to them for what they have done to this Country!!! We, the People, can prevent World War 3 from ever happening, and, We can prevent the United States of America from being destroyed further. Our Founding Fathers are rolling in their graves!!! Traitors and globalists…we are coming for you!!! You have been warned!!!

    Your move!!!

    "When the People fear the government, there is tyranny. When the government fears the People, there is Liberty." Thomas Jefferson

    "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." Sir Edmond Burke
  2. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    What do you think of the theory that aspects of The British North America Act of 1867 that made Canada an independent nation may have been based on the wise central banking policy of President Abraham Lincoln?


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