Simplified python programming.

Discussion in 'Computers & Tech' started by Brett Nortje, Dec 18, 2014.

  1. Brett Nortje

    Brett Nortje Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2014
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    In 2010, i wrote the following guide to robot programming for python:

    I never got around to testing it, but tested it last night, and it works fine. I amaze myself too! but, i was cruising the net, and I came across a game design guide, so, decided that it needs to be simplified too, seeing as how it has graphics and sound to learn. :gallery:
  2. Brett Nortje

    Brett Nortje Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2014
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    The firs thing you need to do is to find a good site for sound and graphics files. the program will, upon command, as if it were just switching things on and off, or, selecting when this, then this, activate the 'sound' or 'animation.' this is like taking a camera, pressing a button, seeing the flash, and out comes your graphic, or, having your body tense up, then coughing. it is really that simple!

    He explains it the best, don't you think? Now, for game loops. this is like a program loop, of course. if it loops, it is like a helicopter blade, and when it stops, it will crash automatically, as that is what a program does when it doesn't loop anymore - it crashes. perfectly normal though...

    Now, the quickest way to make a good game is to observe the engines of existing games. if you like the way the the things move around, at a certain speed, and the 'templates' which are the icons on the screen - like shortcuts for windows - then this will work nicely. you simply decompile an existing game, then change it carefully. the good news is that there are lots of 'templates' in games like ice wind dale, being the little blocks to tick on the outside of the screen - you can remove the color of the 'background' and stick in your own 'buttons.' buttons are g.u.i. type things where you can encode it to take up an area of the 'outline of the screen,' where the mouse will not go, and 'map' your way into the icon, as if it were actually inside the screen.

    Hell, you could do this with multiple games! you could play Never Winter Nights with Tekken moves, if you modify the 'graphics' and engine to run at a 'constant speed.' of course, blending the engines will be hard, but, have no fear! if you were to place them 'on top' of each other, so that they have each other's source code, then it first of all will require a lot of ram, but, it will be able to 'switch modes!' this would mean, of course, that Tekken is now programmed to pick things up, but won't. it will just ignore the request or command, and act as if it wasn't happening. of course, the program will not stall, as, it is just running operations, and, will be programmed to ignore this one.

    Seeing as how most games have a lot of 'options' or ways of working, you could make the ultimate game right now, with, the ultimate graphics and sound, all by making a 'hybrid' game.

    If you want to add to the game at all, all you got to do is program the source from the beginning of the program, and then it will be set up to take rule one or two, and change with it. then, at the end of the program, you can make your real changes! you could make up new when this, then this commands, and add new graphics.

    I think rebuilding existing games is over rated. the real trick is to decompile, use smaller 'files' for those effects, and then add onto it. :roflol:
  3. Brett Nortje

    Brett Nortje Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2014
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    Actually, it seems to me to be, if statement something, response tab print something. this is like a reaction method of sorts, where there is no need for any more knowledge of programming except for maths and multiple prints, yes?
  4. Brett Nortje

    Brett Nortje Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2014
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    I find programming is about interactions with the motherboard where all the devices are. the c.p.u. just processes information, of course. if you really want to know what is going on, you need to understand the processes of the motherboard, like the bus - without the bus, nothing will work! this bus i speak of is all those little lines you see on the 'green board thing.' this is where the circuits are, like with a light bulb - you see, if the circuit is connected to the rest of the board, electricity travels through it to the next thing. the more things you have connected, the more of the bus you are using, or, r.a.m.

    So, now you understand how electricity flows, and, you will be better off at making your own programming language! or;

    If you were to observe that the input you use is actually modulated or turned into a tiny 'voltage,' this means some characters carry more charge than others, yes? this means you are basically interacting with a bus that carries information from one transistor to the next - the current will be charged further, and, the current will be cut out in various places depending on what you tell the bus to connect or disconnect, giving you 'output.'

    ~ That is what computers and electronics are about - output. would you program a computer that has no output? how about a hydraulic arm that doesn't do anything, but has a lovely theory behind it?

    Now, if you want to make your own programming language, or understand it better, then i have told you all you need to know to get technical. if you were to combine certain characters or symbols, you could modify the output by merely repeating certain characters next to each other, not meaning anything to you language wise, but meaning to repeat or emphasize certain things, thereby 'increasing charge.'
  5. Brett Nortje

    Brett Nortje Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2014
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    Now i want to teach you about fields and how to use them. fields are there for grouping things together, code of course. if you were to group characters together, they would be a word, yes? a field in word would be the whole document or each specific word, with the spaces being the start and end of fields. this is how spell check works, it has a list of words it recognizes as being verified, and anything that does not meet the list is underlined in red, of course.

    If you were to observe fields in excel, you would see that there are many fields, as many as you make, with sub fields within the 'blocks,' yes? this would mean that each field relates to another field as you group them together, but you are not creating fields or groups, you are activating them, of course.

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