Red Squirrels Northern England

Discussion in 'Animal Welfare' started by ThirdTerm, Feb 26, 2015.

  1. ThirdTerm

    ThirdTerm Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2012
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    Red Squirrels Northern England has a simple mission: secure and increase red squirrel range in and beyond the designated Strongholds.

    Our work is principally based in Cumbria, Northumberland, Merseyside, Lancashire, north-west Durham and the Yorkshire Dales, in and close to areas where red squirrels are still living free in the landscape.

    Our fourth year of work continues extremely encouragingly with:

    - apparent stability in red squirrel range over the last three years
    - enormous active support from voluntary red squirrel groups and land managers
    - an ever growing understanding of how to effectively help red squirrels informed by research projects


    A team of Rangers and contractors to undertake grey squirrel control in areas important for red squirrels. This team are working alongside private landowners and local red squirrel groups to build the effective control networks needed to prevent further losses of red squirrels through disease transmission and food competition with grey squirrels.

    The impact of our work on red squirrels is being carefully assessed through landscape-scale, annual monitoring which began in spring 2012. Further monitoring work continues.

    Red squirrels native to Britain, are under threat from gray squirrels introduced in the 19th century from America. The grays are bigger and faster and the reds are in catastrophic decline throughout Britain. Personally I have only seen gray squirrels in cities like Cambridge and London and red squirrels are endangered in most of the British Isles. Fewer than 140,000 individuals are thought to be left, approximately 85% of which are in Scotland, with the Isle of Wight being the largest haven in England.
  2. perdidochas

    perdidochas Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2008
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    Sounds like they are suffering a shortage of gray squirrel hunters.
  3. Deckel

    Deckel Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 2, 2014
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    Even our squirrels are bigger, stronger, and faster than the Euro-rodents and don't you forget it. :flagus:


    Now save the dormouse while you are at it.

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