Discussion in 'Middle East' started by HBendor, Apr 4, 2015.

  1. HBendor

    HBendor New Member

    Oct 24, 2009
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    In the mind of many non important people, the Jews are demonized, belittled, insulted and spat upon.

    While the mind of the intelectuals has only praise for them.

    Winston S. Churchill:

    "Some people like the Jews, and some do not.

    But no thoughtful man can deny the fact

    that they are, beyond any question,

    the most formidable and most remarkable race

    which has appeared in the world.

    John F. Kennedy:

    Israel was not created in order to disappear-

    Israel will endure and flourish.

    It is the child of hope and the home of the brave.

    It can neither be broken by adversity

    nor demoralized by success.

    It carries the shield of democracy and

    it honors the sword of freedom.

    David Ben Gurion:

    "In Israel , in order to be a realist,

    you must believe in miracles.”

    Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe:

    "Energy is the basis of everything.

    Every Jew, no matter how insignificant,

    is engaged in some decisive and immediate pursuit of a goal.

    It is the most perpetual people of the earth.”

    John Adams:

    "I will insist the Hebrews have [contributed] more

    to civilize men than any other nation.

    If I was an atheist and believed in blind eternal fate,

    I should still believe that fate had ordained the Jews

    to be the most essential instrument for civilizing the nations.

    They are the most glorious nation that ever inhabited this Earth.

    The Romans and their empire

    were but a bubble in comparison to the Jews.”

    Leo Tolstoy:

    "What is the Jew?

    What kind of unique creature is this

    whom all the rulers of all the nations of the world

    have disgraced and crushed and

    expelled and destroyed;

    persecuted, burned and drowned,

    and who, despite their anger and their fury,

    continues to live and to flourish.

    What is this Jew

    whom they have never succeeded in enticing

    with all the enticements in the world,

    whose oppressors and persecutors

    only suggested that he deny (and disown) his religion

    on and cast aside the faithfulness of his ancestors?!

    The Jew - is the symbol of eternity. ...

    He is the one who for so long had guarded

    the prophetic message and transmitted it to all mankind.

    A people such as this can never disappear.

    The Jew is eternal.

    He is the embodiment of eternity.”

    Eric Hoffer:

    "The Jews are a peculiar people:

    Things permitted to other nations are forbidden to the Jews.

    Other nations drive out thousands, even millions of people,

    and there is no refugee problem.

    Russia did it. Poland and Czechoslovakia did it.

    Turkey threw out a million Greeks and

    Algeria a million Frenchmen.

    Indonesia threw out heaven knows how many Chinese--

    and no one says a word about refugees.

    But in the case of Israel,

    the displaced Arabs have become eternal refugees.

    Everyone insists that Israel must take back every single Arab.

    Arnold Toynbee calls the displacement of the Arabs

    an atrocity greater than any committed by the Nazis.

    Other nations when victorious on the battlefield

    dictate peace terms.

    But when Israel is victorious it must sue for peace.

    Everyone expects the Jews

    to be the only real Christians in this world.”

    Mark Twain:

    "...If statistics are right,

    the Jews constitute but one percent of the human race.

    It suggests a nebulous dim puff of stardust

    lost in the blaze of the Milky way.

    Properly, the Jew ought hardly to be heard of,

    but he is heard of,

    has always been heard of.

    He is as prominent on the planet as any other people,

    and his commercial importance

    is extravagantly out of proportion

    to the smallness of his bulk.

    His contributions to the world's list of great names

    in literature, science, art, music, finance, medicine,

    and abstruse learning

    are also away out of proportion

    to the weakness of his numbers.

    He has made a marvelous fight in this world, in all the ages;

    and had done it with his hands tied behind him.

    He could be vain of himself, and be excused for it.

    The Egyptian, the Babylonian, and the Persian rose,

    filled the planet with sound and splendor,

    then faded to dream-stuff and passed away;

    the Greek and the Roman followed; and made a vast noise,

    and they are gone;

    other people have sprung up

    and held their torch high for a time,

    but it burned out,

    and they sit in twilight now, or have vanished.

    The Jew saw them all, beat them all, and is now what he always was,

    exhibiting no decadence, no infirmities of age,

    no weakening of his parts,

    no slowing of his energies,

    no dulling of his alert and aggressive mind.

    All things are mortal but the Jew;

    all other forces pass, but he remains.

    What is the secret of his immortality?"
  2. notme

    notme Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2013
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    There is just 1 country with a Jewish majority.
    They got that majority because they ethnic cleansed 100.000's of indigenous people to make room of Jews they imported. And they keep on voting on governments who got ethnic cleansing across their recognized borders to expand their Jew-nation. A heck of a lot Jews across the world support it, with their special lobby groups bribing governments to help them out with it. And the main difference with any other country... them Israeli Jews have committing them war crimes for 60 years straight now, and they refuse to stop with it. That is unique.

    So this has it's consequences on how their community gets treated/seen/generalized.
  3. Jonsa

    Jonsa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 26, 2011
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    Yes, there are many prominent and important people throughout history who have made favorable comments about the Jews and their contributions to civilization.

    Regrettably, they don't even move the scales when compared to the many prominent and important people throughout history who have made hateful and disparaging remarks about the Jews and their contributions to civilization.

    Aside from cheerleading, is there actually a point to this post?
  4. HBendor

    HBendor New Member

    Oct 24, 2009
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    Instead of <Slandering Jews> why don't you open a book and learn ABOUT THEM!!!

    The Jewish State in Situ <Israel> is a RECONSTITUTED STATE, while 22 ARAB STATES were CREATED this past century... We ~JEWS~ do not slander them, we criticize them yes, but no slander. Seriously now, go open a book and study about them before defaming them on a public forum.
  5. HBendor

    HBendor New Member

    Oct 24, 2009
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    On a recent similar subject... Haifa University Professor Steven Plaut writes...

    1. Sometimes the Left in Israel does things you just could not make up. Take today's Haaretz lead editorial. Since ISIS is beheading Palestinians in the Yarmouk "refugee camp" in Syria, Haaretz wants Israel to run and rescue the po' Palestinian terrorists there under assault. See

    Got that? For more than a century, the only contribution to the world of "Palestinian" Arabs has been Islamofascist terrorism. The Jews have been the victims of this terrorism for a century. Now suddenly the same terrorists are getting their comeuppance in Syria from ... drumroll ... other Islamofascist terrorists, those from ISIS. Haaretz wants us to reward the fascist terrorists from the Palestinians by rescuing them from the fascist terrorists of ISIS. Haaretz did not volunteer to allow any Yarmouk refugees to live in the Haaretz editorial offices in Tel Aviv!

    I say we ship the entire Haaretz editorial staff and chorale of writers to Yarmouk to go fight to protect the Palestinian genocidal Islamofascist terrorists from the ISIS Islamofascist genocidal terrorists!

    2. May there be many like him:,7340,L-4645520,00.html

    Israeli-Arab dies in gun battle in Iraq after joining Islamic State

    A resident of northern Israel was reported killed by his family on Wednesday as a result of a gun battle in Iraq; the incident occurred two years after the man fled Israel to join the ranks of terror group.
  6. xavierphoenix

    xavierphoenix New Member

    Feb 16, 2015
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    In most cases the critics of Israel aren't anti Semitic with many of them Jewish from Israeli establishment like 6 past Shin Bets head, generals like Chaim Weizzmann etc. The problem is with human rights violations caused by the occupation. The problem is the occupation threatens to force Israel to a choice between binational or apartheid state. Yes there are worse human right violations like Russia, Sudan and North Korea. The Israeli view themselves as part of the enlightened Western world and the occupation goes against that nor do those states get 3 billion in military aide. You quoted David Ben Gurion the father of Israel. He became a dove after 56 war saying to his grandson before six day the borders of your homeland, my grandson, are the borders of the State of Israel as they are today. Before he died in 1973 he said all the territories should be given back except for Golan and East Jerusalem.
  7. HBendor

    HBendor New Member

    Oct 24, 2009
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    <occupied again> My friend you have to get rid of your caprice/fancy and all the fantasies that come with it... This is the Land of Israel... go find yourself and your group another place. I suggest Syria and Iraq... there will be a lot of work there rebuilding.
  8. xavierphoenix

    xavierphoenix New Member

    Feb 16, 2015
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    My caprice/fancy? what fantasies are you talking about?
    It's occupied this is the opinion of most of the world including UNSC,ICJ,Israeli Supreme Court, International Red Cross,etc.

    I'm not Palestinian. I'm American and Christian. The Palestinians in the territories have a right to continue residing in an area they have lived continuous for over 1,400 years.

    I do admire Israel within the Green lines. Though not without its flaws, Israel within the green lines is probably one of the if not the most prosperous democratic state that emerged post WW2. Within in the green lines it's a society that is more democratic and better in several ways than early days of the state when you had Arab citizens under military rule till 1966, opposition spied on, David Ben Gurion asking then opposition leader Begin permission(Begin refused) to put leftist Uri Avery under administrative detention, etc.

    I also don't want Israel to become a binational state(according to CIA world factbook if Israel were to annex West Bank 47% of population would be Arab) or an apartheid state. This is not just from people you expect like peace now or Meretz. After all your most decorated soldier Ehud Barak has said this. As I mentioned from a post before many who have been critical of the occupation come from Israeli establishment with perhaps harshest criticism from late Avraham Shalom your former Shin Bet head during the bus 400 scandal
    "We've become cruel. To ourselves as well, but mainly to the occupied population." Our army has become "a brutal occupation force, similar to the Germans in World War II. Similar, not identical."—Shalom, who clarifies that he is referring to the Nazis' persecution of non-Jewish minorities. Another former head stated We are making the lives of millions [of Palestinians] unbearable, into prolonged human suffering, [and] it kills me."
    Another former Shin Bet head Ami Ayalon said
    "We are taking very sure and measured steps to a point where the State of Israel will not be a democracy or a home for the Jewish people.”

    As I have said on this forum all of Israel's founders people if it wasn't for them there wouldn't be a state of Israel; all of them with exception of Shamir(who said its permissible to lie for Israel)
    and Begin regarding West Bank came out against occupation. This included Sharon saying at a Likud conference that its occupation and there is no other word for it and it's a bad thing.
  9. Pregnar Kraps

    Pregnar Kraps New Member Past Donor

    Jan 29, 2013
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    Great quotations!

    Added to my blog. TYVM!


  10. HBendor

    HBendor New Member

    Oct 24, 2009
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    All the people and names of the Josephus Flavious group above can be recycled...


    ~by Yoram Ettinger

    1. The May 2006 "BESA Perspectives" on Palestinian demography, published by the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies is available on line: 2. DEMOGRAPHOBIA has succeeded &#8211;&#8211; more than Palestinian terrorism and more than US and global pressure &#8211;&#8211; to afflict Israel's policy-makers with weariness. However, Demographobia has been based on grossly erroneous data, as clearly exposed by the "BESA Perspectives" and by the February 2006 study published by BESA. Both documents were authored by Bennett Zimmerman, Dr. Roberta Seid and Dr. Michael Wise ( ). 3. A 70% inflation in the number of Palestinians in Judea & Samaria has been documented, and corroborated, by data published by the Palestinian Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education and Election Commission. 4. A 67%:33% durable Jewish majority has prevailed in the Green Line and Judea & Samaria (60%:40% including Gaza) for 40 years, compared with an 8% minority in 1900, 33% in 1947 and 45% in 1949 (including Gaza). The long-term demographic trend bodes well for the Jewish majority. Palestinian birth rate declines systematically (as has been the case throughout Muslim and Arab societies), while net emigration has persisted since 1950. 5. A JEWISH DEMOGRAPHIC MOMENTUM has been in motion, as evidenced by the annual rise in Jewish births from 1995 (80,000) to 2004 (104,000), while the number of Arab birth (within the Green Line) has stagnated around 40,000 annually. Net positive Jewish migration (Aliya and returnees &#8211;&#8211; over 20,000 annually since 2001) has bolstered the Jewish Demographic Momentum. Jewish fertility rate has grown to 2.7 children per woman (highest in the industrialized world), while the Arab fertility rate has declined from 10 children per woman in the 1960s to 4 children in 2004. 6. A March 17, 2006 "Gallup" survey ( expects convergence between Jewish and Arab fertility rates west of the Jordan River (while net positive Jewish migration and net negative Arab migration persists)! 7. Demographic Fatalism has misled Israel's policy-makers to assume that a retreat from Judea & Samaria geography (although J&S is indispensable security-wise) would save Jewish demography.

    In the process, Security Considerations &#8211;&#8211; which are essential for survival in the Mideast - have been marginalized by Demographobia. Setting the record straight on demography, would resurrect steadfastness by Israel's policy-makers, and would reclaim the prominent role of Security Considerations in Israel's public debate on the future of Judea & Samaria. May we heed a lesson of this week's portion of the Torah (Be'Ha'alotkha) and of Maimonedes (whose marble replica is featured at the House Chamber on Capitol Hill): Weariness is a prescription for oblivion and should not be tolerated. Yoram (

    PS. The term Demographobia was coined by Harry Horowitz, the founder of the Menachem Begin Heritage Foundation
  11. xavierphoenix

    xavierphoenix New Member

    Feb 16, 2015
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    The demographics are against Israel. There already is majority of Arabs between the Mediterranean and the Jordan river using CIA world factbook stats.
    2.7 million are in West Bank+1.8 million in Gaza+1.94 million(7.8 million total Israeli population 24.9% non Jewish mostly Arab) Israeli Arabs is 6.44 million compared to 5.86 million Jewish Israeli.
    Other sources that put the estimate close to 2.7 million in the West Bank is the Israeli civil administration in the West Bank at 2.657 million.
    The Israeli Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories put the number at 2.754 million Palestinians in West Bank, 1.73 million in Gaza. Israel's central bureau of statistics of put number of Israeli Arabs at 1.719 million. In this calculation Jews and Arabs between Mediterranean and Jordan are even with 6.203 million Arabs compared to 6.218 million Jews living in Israel according to central bureau of statistics. Using these numbers if Israel were to annex West Bank Arabs would be 4.467 million(or 42%) of the population compared to 6.218 million Jews and would give Arabs 50 Knesset seats.
    The Palestinian population is younger and has an higher growth rate which is expected to stay that way for a while with Arab growth rate projected higher at 1.8% compared to 1.4% for Jews in Israel in 2035 according to Israeli central bureau of statistics. Growth rate is higher in West Bank than Israel with 1.99% growth rate compared to 1.46%(this includes all Israelis including Arabs and is from CIA world factbook) growth rate and 23.41 births per 1,000 compared to 18.44 births per 1,000.,7340,L-4396940,00.html

    Considering the original dream is over the dream of holding onto the West Bank won't last. Using CIA world factbook status if Israel were to annex West Bank 4.64 million 43% would be Arab and 5.86 million would be Jews. If that would occur 53 seats could be won by an Arab list(if that would happen you probably would have Joint List and haredi parties who don't have real interest in Zionism and would go with any gov as long as their yeshivas are funded even if they don't teach core curriculum, most exempt from army while other Jews aren't)

    Again this is according to David Ben Gurion your foundering father and Ehud Barak(who also said if he was a Palestinian he at one point would have joined a Palestinian terrorist group) your most decorated soldier. You also survived from 1948 to 1967(including withdrawing from territory in the case of Sinai and Gaza after 56 war) despite arguable much greater security threats. Those critical of the occupation as mentioned before are your most decorated generals like Dayan, your 6 past Shin Bet chiefs, even the late monster Sharon who clung to greater Israel for most of his career in end went against it.

    The list of generals that support the two state solution on this list include Yossi Alpher, Shaul Arieli, Gabi Ashkenazi, Ami Ayalon, Ehud Barak ,Omer Bar-Lev, Eitan Ben Eliyahu, Benjamin Ben-Eliezer, Shlomo Brom, Ran Cohen , Meir Dagan, Nehemiah Dagan, Avi Dichter, Yuval Diskin, Eran Dolev, Shlomo Gazit, Carmi Gillon, Shaul Givoli, Efraim Halevy, Dan Halutz ,Yehoshafat Harkabi ,Yisrael Hasson, Michael Herzog, David Kimche, Amos Lapidot ,Amnon Lipkin-Shahak, Amram Mitzna, Shaul Mofaz ,Israela Oron, Ilan Paz, Yossi Peled ,Yaakov Peri ,Uri Sagi ,Danny Seidemann, Avraham Shalom, Ariel Sharon, Nahtan Sharoni, Gilead Sher, Ephraim Sneh, Iftach Spector, Elazar Stern, Ezer Weizmann, Amos Yadlin, Aharon Yariv, Danny Yatom, Gadi Zohar

    Again if you want Israel to survive as a Jewish democratic state, if you want to follow founders of your state then you can't hold onto the West Bank. Again this is according to many of your security experts.
  12. HBendor

    HBendor New Member

    Oct 24, 2009
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    Palestinians???????????????? There is no such designation in the world, maybe this is a terminology that you adhere to... There is no Palestine!
    This nomenclature was opted by Arafat at the behest of Nasser in 1964... so you are building castles on sand dunes... good luck... but hey we will survive.
  13. xavierphoenix

    xavierphoenix New Member

    Feb 16, 2015
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    No such designation in the world?The 1.7 million in Gaza and 2.7 million in West Bank are called Palestinians by the world and view themselves as that.

    How does disprove anything I have said? Again listen to your founders and your security experts who say holding onto West Bank will turn Israel into a binational or apartheid state.
  14. Jonsa

    Jonsa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 26, 2011
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    Oh dear. More right wing quasi academic analysis.

    UNWRA, World Bank, CIA, Israeli government all wrong and these right wingers (unqualified demographers you'll note) are correct.

    Keep drinking the koolaid.
  15. Jonsa

    Jonsa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 26, 2011
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    Maybe its time you stopped building sand castles in your bathtub.
  16. HBendor

    HBendor New Member

    Oct 24, 2009
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    Yes the Arabs of Palestine (Eretz Yisrael) also called themselves descendents of 'Philistine' but, when they found out that the Philistines of the Bible were in actuality Aegean people, now they all of a sudden are the descendents of the Canaanite... Someone has to explain that the original Canaanites were absorbed by the Israelites... so these Arabs (most of them) are new comers to the region and they squatted there... most of them cannot substantiate ownership of a parcel of Land.

    The Muslims/Arabs controlled and owned Andalous (Spain) for 900 years... Where are they now?
  17. fifthofnovember

    fifthofnovember Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2008
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    No such designation? The U.N. disagrees with you, and they have a bit more pull than some anonymous internet jockey.

    General Assembly Votes Overwhelmingly to Accord Palestine ‘Non-Member Observer State’ Status in United Nations
  18. notme

    notme Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2013
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    It's actually a proven fact that Palestinians are the descendants of the people who have lived there since ancient times. If you want I can source that. Besides that,.. this whole "Palestinians haven't lived long in Israel/Palestine"-meme is what Jews bring in as a claim that thieving, stealing and ethnic cleansing Arabs is alright since they supposedly do not belong here, and them immigrant Jews across the world do because of their race. Ergo, it's an exceptionally totally racist rant that you see Jews make on boards all over the place.
  19. HBendor

    HBendor New Member

    Oct 24, 2009
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    Like the dozen or more self annointed groups of Arabs they now have to substantiate their imaginary background.
    For FOUR HUNDRED years the place was part and parcel of the Ottoman Empire from 1515 to 1917 there was no palestinians per se but Arabs (imported Arabs from the surrounding Arab countries to till the plots of the <effendis>, in addition to imported Muslims from Europe i.e.Bosnia, Albania, Georgia etc... at their arrival they could not even communicate with the local crowd since theirs was a strange language never hear before.

    Aliens Arabs from Trans-Jordan and Syria during the Mandatory British Control

    We emphasize that “under the Immigration Ordinance persons habitually resident in Trans-Jordan may, unless the High Commissioner otherwise directs, enter Palestine direct from Trans-Jordan although they are not in possession of passports or other similar documents”. The Yale study also mentions this phenomenon in relation to both Jews and Arabs. The nature of the situation makes it difficult to arrive at precise and authorized figures on Arab immigration to Palestine between the two world wars. Estimates range from 60,000 to 200,000. There is general agreement, however, on one point: The chief reason for the reversal of Arab population movement was the Jewish settlement and development of the land, which altered its aspect and created sources of livelihood previously non-existent.

    James Parkes elaborates this point in his book A History of Palestine from 135 AD to Modern Times (p. 320): “The Arab population continued to grow at a phenomenal rate, there was a substantial illegal immigration of Arabs especially from the Hauran (the Golan heights), and Arab prosperity increased through the increased activity of the Jewish community and the many new openings for employment which it offered.”

    Luke and Keith-Roach, high-ranking officials in the Mandatory government, in the 1934 edition of their Handbook of Palestine (p. 41) describe “the continuous replenishment of Palestine and Syria from the tribes of the Arabian Desert.” And we find, in the discussions of the League of Nations Mandates Commission in 1935, reference to the report of the governor of Syria’s Hauran district that during a period of a few months of the previous year thirty thousand Hauranese had emigrated to Palestine and settled there (Permanent Mandates Commission, 27th Session, l935,p. 47). During the riots of 1936-1939 mercenaries from Syria and Lebanon were brought into the country and many stayed after the disturbances had subsided...
  20. HBendor

    HBendor New Member

    Oct 24, 2009
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    ~by HBendor
    The modern majority of Muslims and Christians in Israel are Arabs it is true... but they tag their ancestry from the surrounding ARAB COUNTRIES as they came to Palestine to build Camps and access roads for the British Mandatory Forces during the British Mandate... and have OVERSTAYED...!
    Their situation was and still is akin to the present status of the Albanian Muslims in Kosovo... who flocked north to get jobs and refused to return back to their country of origin Albania... They wanted to steal Kosovo and secede with it from Yugoslavia/Serbia...

    The Jews are not alien to their Land they are [THE SONS OF THE ORIGINAL OWNERS= ARD IBNA&#8217;A IHAL ASLYIN] quoting Sherif Hussein of Mecca... This is their ONLY Land, this is their ONLY Homeland, and this is their ONLY Patrimony!
    The proof of that is illustrated by hundreds of Archeological Sites which would illustrate their History and substantiate the ownership of *The Land of Israel* from time Immemorial...

    The usage of the nomenclature i.e. &#8220;occupier of Palestine&#8221;&#8230; shows to what extend detractors of Jewish history are disingenuous and probably have very little knowledge on the background of the Middle East. Israelis/Jews are in their own realm... they own it&#8230;! One cannot be occupying its own country...!
    Palestinians are all Jews, Arabs, Christians, Metawalis, Circassians, Caucasians, Bukharis, Albanians, Turks, Uzbeks, Bosnians, Greek Catholics, Kurds, Druze, Egyptians, Moghrabim (N-Africans), and even Bahais...

    The term "Palestine" is believed to be derived from the Philistines, an Aegean people who, in the 12th Century BC, settled along the Mediterranean coastal plain of what is now Israel and the Gaza Strip. In the second century AD, after crushing the last Jewish revolt (132-135AD), the Roman Emperor Hadrian first applied the name &#8220;Palaestina&#8221; to Judea (the southern portion of what is now called the West Bank) in an attempt to minimize Jewish identification with the land of Israel.

    The Arabic word "Filastin" is derived from this Latin name.
    The Twelve Tribes of Israel formed the first constitutional monarchy in Palestine about 1000 BC The second king, David, first made Jerusalem the nation's capital. Although eventually Palestine was split into two separate kingdoms, Jewish independence there lasted for 212 years. This is almost as long as Americans have enjoyed independence in what has become known as the United States.' When Jews began to return to their Patrimony/ Palestine in large numbers in 1882, fewer than 250,000 Arabs lived there.

    No independent Arab or Palestinian State ever existed in Palestine. When the distinguished Arab-American historian, Princeton University Prof. Philip Hitti, testified against partition before the Anglo-American Committee in 1946, he said: "There is no such thing as 'Palestine' in history, absolutely not. In fact, Palestine is never explicitly mentioned in the Qur'an, rather it is called "the Holy Land"
    (al-Arad al-Muqaddash). At that time, Palestinian Arabs did not view themselves as having a separate identity. When the First Congress of Muslim-Christian Associations met in Jerusalem in February 1919 to choose Palestinian representatives for the Paris Peace Conference, the following resolution was adopted, quote:-

    We consider Palestine as part of Arab Syria, as it has never been separated from it at any time. National, religious, linguistic, natural, economic and geographical bonds connect us with it. Unquote.

    In 1937, a local Arab leader, Auni Bey Abdul-Hadi, told the Peel Commission, which ultimately suggested the partition of Palestine: "There is no such country [as Palestine]! 'Palestine' is a term the Zionists invented! There is no Palestine in the Bible. Our country was for centuries part of Syria."

    The representative of the Arab Higher Committee to the UN submitted a statement to the General Assembly in May 1947 that said "Palestine was part of the Province of Syria" and that, "politically, the Arabs of Palestine were not independent in the sense of forming a separate political entity." A few years later, Ahmed Shuqeiri, later the chairman of the PLO told the Security Council: "It is common knowledge that Palestine is nothing but southern Syria."

    Palestinian Arab nationalism is largely a post World War II phenomenon that did not become a significant political movement until after 1967 Six-Day War and Israel's liberation of Judea and Samaria (West Bank) from the occupying forces of Jordan.
  21. xavierphoenix

    xavierphoenix New Member

    Feb 16, 2015
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    Genetic studies prove that some or most of the Palestinians are descended from local inhabitants that were Christian or Jewish(meaning that Jews and Palestinians have some genetic links) that converted to Islam after the 7th century conquest. These local inhabitants in turn were part of a core population that lived there for centuries with some since prehistorical times.
  22. notme

    notme Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2013
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    People move around a bit. But most just stick around. It's a fact that the Palestinians are the actual descendants of the people who live there since ancient times. I can source it. Of course, you dislike that fact because you believe a race can inherit right to land. And in your case, you believe Jews got the rights to the land of Israel. It's part of the Jewish/Christian extremism where them rights were "given" to them by "God" so it's alright to ethnic cleansing Arabs in Israel and in Palestine. Its even sweettalked that the genocide of the people of Canaan was alright that way.
  23. xavierphoenix

    xavierphoenix New Member

    Feb 16, 2015
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    Also most of the land as of 1945 was owned by Arabs. Here is stats from British mandatory gov on land ownership by district.
    Haifa 42% comapred to 35% Jewish, Acre 87% compared to 3% Jewish,Beisan 44% compared to 34% Jewish, Nazareth 52% compared to 28% Jewish,Safad 68% compared to 18% Jewish, Tiberias 51% compared to 38% Jewish,Jaffa 47% compared to 39% Jewish,Ramle 77% compared to 14% Jewish,Jenin(West Bank) 84% compared to 1% Jewish,Nablus(West Bank) 87% compared to 1% Jewish,Tulkarm(West Bank) 78% compared to 17% Jewish,Hebron (West Bank) 96% compared to 1% Jewish,Jerusalem 84% compared to Jewish 2%,Ramallah(West Bank) 99% compared to Jewish 1%,Beersheba 15% compared to Jewish 1%,Gaza 75% compared to 4% Jewish rest of percentage was public/other
  24. xavierphoenix

    xavierphoenix New Member

    Feb 16, 2015
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    Some but not of the Arab population increase(time of 1922 census counted 670,000 Arabs in Palestine and population doubled by 1948) during time of mandate wasn't due to immigration. Most researchers agree that the increase was mostly natural due to mandate reducing infant morality rate and increasing life expectancy. Ithzak Hakor argued that about 100,000 immigrated and is based
    on the fact that by mid 1940's that Arab population reached population projected in 1950 by peel commission. The director of immigration department of the mandatory government stated that Arab immigration did not significantly change the population. Haganah intelligence service estimated legal immigration at 525 in 1944, 829 in 1945, and 3,000 in 1946. There some illegal immigration but was mostly seasonal workers. palestine immigration legal arab&f=false palestine illegal arab seasonal&f=false
  25. HBendor

    HBendor New Member

    Oct 24, 2009
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    I wrote about this very subject in the past...

    ~by HBendor

    The question of land ownership in Israel - or before 1948, Palestine Mandate - has been the subject of much discussion. What is the status of the land on which, from the end of the nineteenth century, Jewish settlements - kibbutzim, moshavim, villages, and cities - were established? For decades, Arab propaganda has been reiterating the claim that, legally and ethically, the Arabs are the true owners of the land and that the portion actually belonging to the Jews is minute.

    The Arab claim rests on two premises:
    (1) At the latter part of the nineteenth century, the Palestinian Arabs were living and cultivating their lands in peace and security, until the European Jewish immigrants drove them from their territory, creating a large class of landless and dispossessed Arabs;

    (2) In 1948 a small Jewish minority, which owned only 5% of the territory of the country, took over the 95% that belonged to the Arabs, and, illegally and immorally, established the State on that territory. It is necessary at this point to examine the state of the land and its inhabitants during the period of Turkish rule. In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries - long before the beginning of modern Jewish settlement and Jewish acquisition of land - the population of the country was minuscule and continually decreasing. In 1738, the land was described by the English archeologist Thomas Shaw as "lacking in people to till its fertile soil" (Travels and Observations Relating to Several Parts of Barbary and the Levant).

    The French historian Conte Constantine Francois Volney writes:
    "The peasants are incessantly making inroads on each other's lands, destroying their corn, durra, sesame and olive-trees, and carrying off their sheep, goats and camels. The Turks, who are everywhere negligent in repressing similar disorders, are attentive to them here, since their authority is very precarious. The Bedouin, whose camps occupy the level country, are continually at open hostilities with them, of which the peasants avail themselves to resist their authority or do mischief to each other, according to the blind caprice of their ignorance or the interest of the moment. Hence arises an anarchy which is still more dreadful than the despotism that prevails elsewhere, while the mutual the contending parties renders the appearance of devastation of this part of Syria more wretched than that of any other." (Travels Through Syria and Egypt in the Years 1783, 1784, and 1785)

    There were, in addition to the local disputes, actual wars. In the beginning of the nineteenth century Napoleon's armies invaded the land; in 1831 it was conquered by the Egyptians, and nine years later again by the Turks. All these - in addition to the internal fighting - created in the country a climate of insecurity, which led to a sharp decline in its physical state and to the emigration of its inhabitants, who left in search of better living conditions elsewhere. Many of those who nevertheless stayed and continued to work their land were forced to relinquish ownership of it and find refuge with people of means or with the Muslim religious endowment fund ("the wakf" . A situation was created, then, in which the true owners of the lands did not reside on them, but leased them to others while they themselves spent their lives in such distant places as Damascus, Beirut, and Cairo.

    H. B. Tristram, who wrote of his travels in the Holy Land in his 1865 book The Land of Israel.- A Journal of Travels in Palestine, presents a revealing description of the living conditions in the Land of Israel as he found them in the middle of the nineteenth century:

    "A few years ago, the whole Ghor (Jordan Valley) was in the hands of the fellahin = (Imported Land tillers) and much of it cultivated for corn. Now the whole of it is in the hands of the Bedouin = (Marauding Nomads), who eschew all agriculture except in a few spots cultivated here and there by their slaves; and with the Bedouin come lawlessness and the uprooting of all Turkish authority. No government is now acknowledged on the east side; and unless the Porte = (Turkish Leader) acts with greater firmness and caution than is his wont... Palestine will be desolated and given up to the nomads."

    Alexander Keith, recalling Volney's 1785 description (quoted above) fifty years later, commented: "In his day [Volney's] the land had not fully reached its last degree of desolation and depopulation." (The Land of Israel).

    Other travelers and pilgrims recorded similar reports of the dreary state of the Land around the middle of the nineteenth century. Here are just a few examples:

    Alphonse de Lamartine, in 1835: "...a complete eternal silence reigns in the town, on the highways, in the country ... the tomb of a whole people" (Recollections of the East, Vol. I, p. 308).

    A contemporary German encyclopedia (Brockhaus, "Allegmeine deutsche Real-Encyklopaidie", Vol. VIII, p. 206, Leipzig, 1827) calls Palestine "desolate and roamed through by Arab robber-bands."

    In 1849, the American W. F. Lynch described the desertion of Palestinian villages "caused by the frequent forays of the wandering Bedouin" (Narrative of the United States Expedition to the River Jordan and the Dead Sea, p. 489).

    And again H. B. Tristram, in 1865: "... both in the north and south (of the Sharon plain), land is going out of cultivation, and whole villages are rapidly disappearing from the face of the earth. Since the year 1838, no less than 20 villages have been thus erased from the map (by the Bedouin) and the stationary population extirpated" (p. 490).

    Better known in this context, perhaps, are the words of the American author Mark Twain, who records personal impressions of a visit to the Holy Land in 1867. His account abounds in descriptions such as these:

    "Desolate country whose soil is rich enough but is given over wholly to weeds - a silent mournful expanse We reached Tabor safely ... We never saw a human being on the whole route" (p. 451, 480); "There is not a solitary village throughout its (the Jezreel Valley's) whole extent - not for thirty miles in either direction. There are two or three small clusters of Bedouin tents but not a single permanent habitation. One may ride ten miles, hereabouts, and not see ten human beings" (p. 448); "Of all the lands there are for dismal scenery, I think Palestine must be the prince. The hills are barren ... the valleys are unsightly deserts... It is a hopeless, dreary, heartbroken land... Palestine is desolate and unlovely... Palestine is no more of this workday world. It is sacred to poetry and tradition - it is dreamland" (pp. 564, 567).

    Referring to the same era, the Christian historian James Parkes writes in "Whose Land"? "Peasant and Bedouin alike have contributed to the ruin of the countryside on which both depend for a livelihood... In spite of the immense fertility of the soil, it is probable that in the first half of the nineteenth century the population sank to the lowest level it had ever known in historic times."

    Conclusion: The propagandist myth of an "entire Palestinian people uprooted from its soil by the Zionists" is shattered against the reality of the nineteenth century: plunder and devastation, war and destruction, chaos, anarchy, a population dispersed and declining. All this occurred many years before the beginning of the Zionist settlement, while the Jewish population still resided in the "Holy Cities" of Jerusalem, Hebron, Tiberias, and Safed, long before these Jews together with Jewish immigrants from the lands of the Diaspora began purchasing land and tilling the soil. Moreover, at the end of the nineteenth century the Jewish pioneers began to make the desert areas of the land bloom, rendering the country highly attractive to Jews and Arabs alike. It is an undisputed fact that after World War I the pattern of Arab emigration was reversed: Until that time, the number of Arabs who left the land exceeded that of those who came to live in it. Starting in the 1920s, there were more immigrants than emigrants. In addition, where did they settle? Usually in those areas which did the Jewish settlers develop!

    What was the state of the land - its ownership and cultivation - at the end of the period of Turkish rule? Most of the territory was concentrated in the hands of a few wealthy landlords, most of whom lived far from their property. In many cases these lands were, or seemed, unfit for agriculture, and were therefore neither settled nor cultivated. Tenant farmers worked occasional plots. According to a Turkish register drawn up shortly before World War 1, there were at that time 3,130,000 Dunams in the hands of 144 landlords that is, approximately 22,000 Dunams average per family. In the Nablus and Tul-Karem districts, five families held 157,000 Dunams, of which the Husseini family owned 50,000 Dunams in various parts of the country, and the Abdel-Hadi family 60,000. The largest single holding, 230,000 Dunams in the Jezreel valley, was in the hands of the Sursuk family, which resided in Beirut and Cairo.

    The Palestinian peasant, then, was indeed exploited and at times dispossessed, not by the Jewish settler, but rather by his fellow-Arabs: the local sheiks, the Bedouin village elders, the Turkish tax collector, the merchants and moneylenders (at interest rates as high as 60%), and if he was a tenant-farmer = imported Land Tiller, as was usually the case, by the absentee landlord as well.

    When considering the issue of the lands which passed from Arabs to Jews, and on which the pioneering Zionist settlement was founded, six facts should be borne in mind:
    (1) The land was paid for in full.
    (2) Most of the land purchased involved large tracts belonging to absentee landlords.
    (3) Most of the land acquired was uncultivated because it was swampy, sandy, or rocky, or for other reasons considered unsuitable for agriculture.
    (4) For this reason, the initial purchases did not involve large sums of money, but with the passage of years the price of land began to rise as Arab landowners took advantage of the growing demand for rural tracts.
    (5) Modern agricultural methods introduced by the Jewish pioneers, which improved the lands and increased their yield, were quickly adopted by the neighboring Arab farmers.
    (6) The number of farmers forced to leave their land due to the Zionist undertaking was relatively very small.

    All those who left were compensated in accordance with the law, either by monetary payment or by other agricultural land; and indeed most continued to be farmers.

    Furthermore, a large number of Arabs from other parts of the country or from neighboring countries settled in the areas developed by the Jews.

    Following are some revealing statistics:
    (1) Out of the 429,887 Dunams acquired by PICA (Palestine Jewish Colonization Association) from private landowners between 1880 and 1947, 293,545 Dunams - close to 70% - were large tracts of uncultivated land, most of which belonged to absentee landlords.
    (2) The purchases of the Palestine Land Development Corporation included an even greater percentage of large tracts - approximately 90% (455,169 Dunams out of 512,979, which were purchased of private owners).
    If we add to this the 66,513 Dunams of Beersheba desert land and the swamps of the Hula Valley, we will find that the purchases of the corporation totaled close to 580,000 Dunams.
    (3) A third body which purchased property in Palestine was the Jewish National Fund, which leased the lands to groups or individual settlers for periods of forty-nine or ninety-nine years, in accordance with the principle that the Land of Israel belongs to the Jewish People, and no one has the right to hold permanent ownership of Israeli soil. In the first thirty years of its existence, the JNF acquired 270,084 Dunams, of which 239,170 (close to 90%) were large tracts. This percentage dropped during subsequent years, but of the total area of 566,312 Dunams purchased by individuals, at least 50% were large tracts of land which was either totally uncultivated or only superficially cultivated.

    The prices paid by Jewish individuals and organizations for property in Palestine reached, during the 1930s, legendary proportions. The Palestine Royal Commission ("the Peel Commission" of 1937 reported that in the year 1933 alone sums totaling 854,769 Pounds sterling were paid; in 1934 the total reached 1,647,836 Pounds sterling and in 1935, 1,699,488 Pounds sterling. During those three years alone, then, the total sum paid to Arab landlords reached 4,202,180 Pounds sterling, which was the equivalent of over $20 million at the time. Ten years later, in 1944, an acre (4 Dunams) of good, fertile land in the State of Iowa cost $ 100, while in that same year Jews in Palestine were paying over $ 1,000 for an acre of parched soil.

    The claim that the Arabs were being driven out was raised as early as the 1930s. This claim was investigated by the British, and rejected almost completely - and this at a time when British policy in Palestine was clearly moving from a pro-Zionist to a pro-Arab position. Two official British documents from the year 1937 deal with this claim. One is the report of the Peel Commission (Chapter 9, Par. 61), which relates that during the years 1920-1939, 688 Arab tenant farmers were removed from their land as a result of purchases made by the Jews. Five hundred twenty-six of the Arab farmers remained in some agricultural occupation, and four hundred received alternative plots of land in other locations. The second document is one of a series of memoranda prepared by the mandatory government and published in London (Colonial No. 133, p. 37). It contains the findings of the 1931 investigation of Lewis French, which totally refute the claim that the Zionist undertaking in Palestine caused the creation of "an entire landless people among the Palestinian Arabs". The memorandum notes that the total number of applications of registration as landless Arabs reached 3,271. Of these, the claims of 2,607 were rejected as not belonging to this category, and only 664 heads of families were recognized as having legitimate claims.

    Approximately half this number - 347 - agreed to accept the government's offer of resettlement. The rest refused, either because they had found employment elsewhere, or because they were unaccustomed to the agricultural methods, such as irrigation, employed in the new locations, or because of other reasons. In his investigation of the hill country, where the Jewish purchases were minimal, Lewis French found that out of seventy-one Arab claims of eviction, sixty-eight were rejected (The Esco Foundation for Palestine, Inc., Vol. II, p. 716).

    Finally&#8230; What was the land ownership situation when the State of Israel was established in 1948? According to the official data published by the outgoing British mandatory administration before the establishment of the State (Survey of Palestine, 1946), only 8.6% of the land was in fact owned by Jews, while over 70% was state land, which had passed from Turkish to British authority and now to Israel, the legal heir of the British Mandate. The remaining lands - 33% belonged to Arab landowners, and the Arab owners who hastened to obey the call of their leaders &#8220;to clear the way for the Arab armies, which would annihilate the Jewish State&#8221;, abandoned 16.9%. These landowners did not consider the possibility that the Jewish State would remain.

    The key to the entire problem lies in that large percentage of state land, most of which was in the Negev - an unsettled area of approximately 12,557,00 Dunams, or close to 50% of the entire area (26,320,000) of mandatory Palestine. These lands had never been under Arab ownership, neither during the period of British rule nor even during the preceding Turkish regime, these were simply STATE LANDS .

    The contention heard time and again from Arab propagandists - that 95% of the territory of Palestine had belonged to the Arabs - is, therefore, entirely without basis in fact...!

    To those that think differently without any substantiation I say&#8230; No amount of Monday morning quarter backing is going to help your belated dreaming&#8230;
    There was no ARAB country in the middle east called Palestine... the place was called the Ottoman Empire for 400 years until 1917 when the British Forces Liberated it from the Turks and received a Mandate to manage it&#8230; They governed it for the next 30 years until 1948..

    The Brits recognized the right of the Jews to the Land of their forefathers...
    Palestine Arab nationalism to whatever degree it is conscious ideal today, is a product of recent political currents. Until the 1920&#8217;s, no such national community had even existed in Palestine. This is why the Balfour Declaration and the League of Nations Mandates charged the Jews of the National Home with guaranteeing the civil and religious right of other inhabitants... (The Arabs, Christians, Druze, Circassians, Kurds, Armenians, Bosnians, Moghrabim [North Africans], Egyptians, Syrian, Bedouins... were the other inhabitants.)

    No mention was made of other National Rights of other inhabitants..., as it was recognized that the only NATIONAL CLAIM to the Area was that of the Jews...!!

    However, the FICTION of Palestine Arab Nationality is still being exploited. If the Palestinian Arabs were in fact a separate nationality, their anger should have been directed against Jordan and Egypt since these were the two countries that invaded duly &#8220;Reconstituted Israel in 1948&#8221;, and retained a substantial amount of Real Estate. (Jordan... Judea and Samaria and Egypt the Gaza area...) and never even considered creating a Palestinian Arab Entity there for nineteen years...

    Now if you had an Atlas from let say from 1517 on to 1917 when the British took over... you would have noticed that the place was called &#8220;THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE&#8221; for FOUR HUNDRED years and NOTHING ELSE...!

    There was NEVER a Palestine&#8230;! No independent Arab or Palestinian State ever existed in Palestine. When the distinguished Arab-American historian, Princeton University Prof. Philip Hitti, testified against partition before the Anglo-American Committee in 1946, he said: "There is no such thing as 'Palestine' in history, absolutely not. In fact, Palestine is never explicitly mentioned in the Qur'an, rather it is called "the holy lands" (al-Arad al-Muqaddash)

    At that time; Palestinian Arabs did not view themselves as having a separate identity. When the First Congress of Muslim-Christian Associations met in Jerusalem in February 1919 to choose Palestinian representatives for the Paris Peace Conference, the following resolution was adopted, quote:-

    We consider Palestine as part of Arab Syria, as it has never been separated from it at any time. National, religious, linguistic, natural, economic and geographical bonds connect us with it... Unquote.

    In 1937, a local Arab leader, Auni Bey Abdul-Hadi, told the Peel Commission, which ultimately suggested the partition of Palestine: "There is no such country [as Palestine]! 'Palestine' is a term the Zionists invented! There is no Palestine in the Bible. Our country was for centuries part of Syria."

    The representative of the Arab Higher Committee to the UN submitted a statement to the General Assembly in May 1947 that said, "Palestine was part of the Province of Syria" and that, "politically, the Arabs of Palestine were not independent in the sense of forming a separate political entity." A few years later, Ahmed Shuqeiri, later the chairman of the PLO, told the Security Council: "It is common knowledge that Palestine is nothing but southern Syria."

    Palestinian Arab nationalism is largely a post World War I phenomenon that did not become a significant political movement until after 1967 Six-Day War [since the PLO was created by Egypt in 1964]... and Israel's liberation of Judea and Samaria (West Bank) from the occupying forces of Jordan.

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