u're not in the military, use softpoint ammo, makes 223 deadly

Discussion in 'Warfare / Military' started by gorte, Apr 20, 2015.

  1. gorte

    gorte Banned

    Mar 31, 2015
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    indeed, such 223 ammo is MORE deadly than is 308 ball, for the peripheral hits, which are normally more common in combat than solid, central hits. You bleed out a lot faster (and thus NOTICE sooner) a 3/4" diameter hole in you body than you will with a .30 caliber hole in you, and the 223 softpoints deliver that 3/4" hole, folks! 308 ball delivers only the .30 cal hole, unless it hits bone, that is. At least, the 223 does so at the ranges where you need a swift stop of the attacker (ie, inside of 200 yds of range) Even the short barreled 223 AR's will do that.

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