A Soldier's Vision Quest

Discussion in 'Creative Corner' started by longknife, Apr 24, 2015.

  1. longknife

    longknife New Member

    Dec 25, 2012
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    This is an excerpt of a novel I am working on.

    Sergeant Ray Daniels is suffering from PTSD, a selective amnesia that has taken away all memories of who he is, where he came from, and what horrible event took place to so severely injure him.

    He has met and is being helped by a Papago Indian elder and his family by putting him into a state induced by various herbs and plants to find his Totem – his Spirit Guide – and to find himself. Jackrabbit has become that guide and he has selected the name Brave Rabbit as his secret name from hearing a lot of Indian myths and legends where the creature shows great determination and bravery.

    He is in the midst of his Vision Quest.

    Brave Rabbit follows Jackrabbit until they are once again in the desert. Jackrabbit turns and gazes at him for several moments before saying, “You must go alone from here. Climb Baboquivari, where the remainder of your dream awaits.” With that, he turns and speeds away.

    The climb is difficult. Brave Rabbit slips and falls several times, scraping his knees and hands. For every ten paces he climbs, he slides back at least five in the loose soil. He feels the pain and wonders how such a thing can be. Is this not a dream? How is this happening?

    His throat is dry and pangs of emptiness knot his gut. He struggles to move and wonders if he has the strength to continue the climb.

    “Be strong, Grandson. You will complete this. I have faith in you.”

    The comforting voice gives Brave Rabbit the strength he needs to continue.

    At last, Brave Rabbit stands upon the peak. He sees far beyond the desert, past the hills and valleys of his homeland and across the great ocean to the east. He views the dark green forests where he’d trained with his units, hearing the happy music of German bands and the laughter of pretty Fräuleins. He shares difficult tasks with members of his unit. He proudly stands in front of a large assembly of soldiers as the three chevrons of a sergeant are pinned upon his sleeve.

    “It is time for you to be strong, Brave Rabbit.”

    Brave Rabbit spins, seeking the voice.

    An old, wizened man sits upon a nearby boulder, a small eagle feather hanging over his left ear. He has on a buckskin breech clout, boots, and jacket, showing sun-reddened skin.

    Brave Rabbit doesn’t need to ask. He knows it is I’itoi, Spirit of Goodness.

    “Remember. There are those who care greatly for you. You are not alone. What is done cannot be undone and you must go forward with your life.”

    The old man disappears. A small pebble, blue green, speckled in gold, lies where he’d been. Brave Rabbit picks it up and places it in his medicine pouch.

    Strong hands lift Brave Rabbit upon the back of a huge raven. The ebony bird spreads its wings, lifts into the air, and flies east, crossing the wide ocean filled with raging storms. Brave Rabbit soars above an inland sea, looking down at ships, including a huge American aircraft carrier and its escorts. Beyond that, the bird wings its way over a great trackless desert. Brave Rabbit knows he’s served there at one time, even viewing the area in which he’d fought terrorists.

    Mountains eternally capped with snow grow before him. They tower over a country where life barely survives, a land more barren and backward than he believes possible.

    An agonizing pain streaks through Brave Rabbit’s being as he understands what is to come. He desperately wishes it away and struggles to leap from the raven’s back, considering the endless fall to his death preferable to what he knows lays before him.

    The bird lands high on a mountain and Brave Rabbit tumbles off, struggling to stand. He reaches out to support himself against an icy boulder. Below, a rugged road leads to a huddle of crude buildings made of dried mud. Women in long robes that hide their faces and figures go about their chores. Small children play in the dirt, all gaunt and sad. Men in long robes and keffiyeh move out of the village, each carrying AK-47s and several rocket propelled grenade launchers. Others carry crates marked in Cyrillic letters. Brave Rabbit knows them to be Russian mines.

    They don’t appear to be evil men. Their life is hard and each has a light of something in his eyes that Brave Rabbit thinks might be belief in their mission. No matter how hard he tries, he can’t understand what drives men to strap bombs on themselves and die in order to kill those they believe are those who do not share their spiritual ways.

    However, there is something about this particular group of men that says their only goal is to kill those they believe threaten their way of life - no matter how barbaric Brave Rabbit feels it to be.

    “Oh, Dear God! No! Please take me from here.” Brave Rabbit turns to find the raven gone. He is stranded, with no choice but to watch the horror to come. He tries to leave his perch, to rush to the east where he knows his base camp is located. His feet will not move. He cannot lift them from the dust.

    The men below prepare their ambush. Brave Rabbit tries to scream a warning, but his mouth does not open, his voice remains muffled. He struggles to run to warn the soldiers in the base camp twenty-five kilometers away, but his feet are cemented to the ground.

    Even from such a distance, he can make out someone who looks like the face he sees in the mirror. The man wears the stripes of a staff sergeant and sits in a tent among other men. They listen to Captain Jamieson telling Second Lieutenant Carlson, the platoon leader, of their mission. The company translator has received word from the Afghan company co-located with them that Taliban activity has increased in the area. They are going to make a recon-in-force to see if it is true.

    It’s a trap. They are sucking you in. The entire company needs to go with aerial backup.

    As hard a Brave Rabbit tries, they cannot hear his shouts. Except - he sees himself look around as if hearing something.

    Brave Rabbit stares at each man in turn.

    Good Lord! I can see their faces!

    And, outside the tent, the members of his squad sit around doing what soldiers always do before a mission - cleaning and checking their weapons, turning to their comrades to ensure they too are prepared.

    There's Willie Jefferson, a brother from the slums of Chicago. He’d broken from the sad, hopeless life of the ghetto to get a high school diploma and enlist in the army. He is taking online college courses and plans to be the first in his family to get a degree.

    Private Carlos Rodriguez, Brave Rabbit’s driver, from the barrios of East LA, checks out his TOW assembly. Corporal Jimmy “Cricket” Rogers and Private Bob “Tomcat” Andress check their M19 belt-fed mortar.

    Sergeant Carl Howard, of the second fire team, adjusts his glasses as he finishes putting his M249 Squad Automatic Weapon back together after cleaning it.

    Brave Rabbit carefully looks at each member of his nine-man squad, listening to their voices as they banter about the upcoming mission. Memories flood him of the other times they’d faced danger together. He recalls the hours spent in camp swapping stories, showing pictures of their loved ones, and telling lies that everybody knows are just that.

    He’d lived with them, shared cruddy MREs, Meals Ready to Throw Up. Before being sent to the Land of No Beer, he’d shared more than a few back in Hohenfels, Germany. He’d met their wives and girlfriends. They are his family. No! More than family.

    The sobs start softly. Brave Rabbit fights back the tears as he watches the convoy form up and prepare to depart the base camp. Rodriguez gets behind the wheel of their squad’s Humvee while Brave Rabbit slips into the front right-side seat. Willie stands up behind the big fifty-caliber machine gun, while Rogers and Andress take their place in the rear; Rogers has the radio, while Andress clutches his SAW. Howard and his fire team man the second Humvee.

    The next vehicles in the convoy are two Bradleys holding the first and second squads. Between them is the platoon command Humvee with Lieutenant Carson and Sergeant First Class Blackwell, with a radioman, a medic, and an Afghan translator. Two more Humvees hold the fourth squad, bringing up the rear.

    “They puttin’ us up front again, Sarge,” Rogers gripes. “If that’s what it means to graduate from pathfinder’s school, I ain’t goin’ to go.”

    Brave Rabbit can’t choke back the tears or wipe them from his cheeks.

    The ambush occurs as the report related. Only this time, it's no longer words on a piece of paper, disembodied and unreal.

    Brave Rabbit hears the blasts, the incoming rounds, the screams of anger, pain, and death. Rogers agonizingly shouts for help, static not revealing whether or not it's on the way. A great searing misery fills Brave Rabbit and he shoves it back into his unconscious, concerned with dragging Rodriguez’s body from the Humvee.

    Rogers grunts when the bullet hits and Brave Rabbit grabs his collar to drag him behind the boulder. He desperately seeks ways to save his guys, his brothers, his gut heaving as he sees the first Bradley pouring oily black smoke, the sounds of ammo cooking off from the heat. Willy lies on the ground on the far side of the Humvee and Brave Rabbit crawls around to grab his collar and drag him into the ditch on the far side.

    He spots the grenade launcher in Andress’ dead hand, along with the pouch of ammo. Trying to stay under cover in the ditch, he fires round after round up the hill from where he’d seen the first shots. He has no idea whether or not he is close. He just keeps firing.

    Another hot thing plunges into his leg. And then, blackness engulfs him.
    DennisTate and (deleted member) like this.
  2. longknife

    longknife New Member

    Dec 25, 2012
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    I am going to seek a literary agent for this novel and would appreciate feedback on the followingL

    Dear xxx,

    He jerks upright, fists clenched, stomach cramped in agony, He can't remember what roused him. He knows not who he is, where he came from, or how he came to be in a hospital hooked up to tubes and lines.

    I am seeking representation for Sonora Symphony, a contemporary novel of 109,000 words.

    This is a unique approach to a serious problem facing tens of thousands suffering from Post -Traumatic Symptom Disorder. It effects military and civilians alike. A program of healing Marines suffering PTSD via American Indian healing was tried at Camp Pendelton, California but I do not know why or when it was discontinued. I was fortunate in that mine was dealt with over the years, although I still react badly to the sound of gun fire decades later.

    Staff Sergeant Ray Daniels is lost in the fog of war, alone and nobody will tell him anything. Frustrated and angry at being poked and prodded and asked questions for which he has no answers, Ray leaves the hospital and with but twenty dollars in his pocket, sets off into the night. His spirit guides lead him to a small all-night diner on the edge of the Sonora Desert.

    A Tohono O'odham veteran takes Ray into his home and, in an effort to heal him, shows him the surrounding desert. Joe Redmond feeds him good food and herbs, as well as sharing stories and legends of The People. Slowly and in bits and pieces, Ray regains snippets of memories.

    Army regulations state that, if his amnesia is not cured, Ray will be discharged and sent to a Veteran's Administration facility. Ray learns he is a member of the Eastern Band of the Cherokee. When Joe indicates there is a possible way of regaining Ray's memory using traditional Indian medicines. Ray begs Joe to take him through it – even if there is a possibility it could be fatal.

    I am from Southern California and spent twenty-three years in the US Army. I retired in 1980 and moved to Las Vegas. Bluewood Publishing has released three of my historical novels about the founding of the California missions – Father Serra's Legacy.

    As per your submission guidelines, a synopsis is attached.

    Your blog and agency website indicate your interest in the American west and spirituality. Thank you for your consideration,

  3. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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  4. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Longknife..... I betcha that you already know about the statement that Adolf Hitler is said to have made near the end of WWII.

    I was told that he stated something to the effect of....
    By 48 tribes... he of course was referring to the North American First Nations peoples.

    You may find this writing interesting some time that you are a bit bored:

    Iriquois White Dog, does it equal a goat of Yom Kippur...does Ghost Dance prophecy equal Ezekiel 37???
  5. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Longknife......… sorry if this is somewhat diverting the topic..... but I personally believe that "Vision Quests" or "Dream Quests" are quite real and can help each of us to understand the plan for our lives that was set in motion even before we were born.

    Wgabrie has related some events from his own life to me..... that to my thinking.... sound more like a Vision Quest than simply a hallucination as he has been told that they were.....

    Please notice post # 247 and 248:

  6. longknife

    longknife New Member

    Dec 25, 2012
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    I too obviously believe that Vision Quests - or other similar actions set forth in a wide variety of beliefs - are real and play an important role in one's life.

    Thanks all for the comments.

    Now just wish to hell I could find someone to help me get this story published. :roll:
  7. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    I just put your writing in front of one of the most astonishingly well informed posters on this forum:


    Our Lawful And Peaceful Revolution - Defense & Enforcement of the Constitution.

  8. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Longknife....... just a few months ago I was given a "prophecy" that is inspiring....... but frankly a little scary?!


    Mr. Sean Fraser, I have decided to leave Canada's Liberal Party.

    ...........(post 9).....

    Back in 2010 I got an amazing prophecy from my wife's friend in Ecuador. It was in Spanish so my wife verbally translated it for me.... and about the only part that I really noticed was the part about Hebrew being spoken on land that I own here in Nova Scotia....... I was wondering what in the world would people who already know Hebrew be doing here in Nova Scotia because our economy is pretty awful and perhaps eighty percent of younger families have already left to find jobs out west in the Alberta oil sands or elsewhere?????

    In 2012 my daughter in law gave me the full fledged written English translation and I was wondering what in the world the whole prophecy meant. I posted it to a Christian forum and asked if anybody got any ideas on it?

    Within a few months I heard two episodes of Sid Roth that gave me a good theory. In the first show..... Pastor Shane Warren spoke about a dream where he saw a hurricane of money that he understood to be a terrible devaluation of the USA dollar.

    A few shows later Pastor David Herzog spoke about a dream he had been shown about a time coming of great economic distress when many Americans would blame the nation of Israel........ and American Jews would be persecuted and they would flee to Canada and then on to Israel. Pastor David Herzog stated specifically that America's First Nations peoples would play a huge role of helping Jews to escape to safety.

    Longknife...… I try my best to do a lot of volunteerism and my favorite form of it is on these forums.......... What I am writing now is a challenge to you Sir...… to try your best to put something together where "A Soldier's Vision Quest" becomes the story that gets a lot of artistically inclined people together........... and we use local currencies or even a micro-nation currency to partly finance artistic projects that actually address other problems that people are experiencing.

    Obviously...… a series of documentary, reality and semi-reality films that set up a Hollywood version.... could create many jobs for North American First Nations actors?!

    If nothing else..... here is one part of the "mantle of Cyrus" that I can certainly live by:



    Large churches in democratic nations should print their own currencies.


    An Exodus of Jews from the USA..... on to Canada and then on to Israel.....assisted by the 48 Tribes........ has what could be termed "Artistic Value" that could perhaps be transformed into diplomatic, educational, inspirational and even ECONOMIC value????!

    Is it OK if I explain further in this thread?

    Or in your opinion is this rather like hijacking your thread?


    Could G-d be planning another Exodus? But this time from the USA????
  9. jmblt2000

    jmblt2000 Well-Known Member

    May 28, 2015
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    I don't know the Papago Indians religion or customs but there are some that are similar to the Lakota Sioux traditions. The vision quest is generally done when a boy is transitioning to manhood.
    If you can't get a literary agent to help you look at a website called Wattpad, self publish a few chapters and then deal with a printer that does print on demand. The readers and other authors on the sight are more than happy to give feedback, once you generate interest, then you will sell books.
    DennisTate likes this.
  10. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    This sounds like a great way to do this.

    I am going to consider this option as well.........
  11. longknife

    longknife New Member

    Dec 25, 2012
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    This story is giving me fits. I've had two publishers give me contracts for it. One went out of business before we went to press and I split with the other because they didn't want to push it - they too went out of business. I'll check out Wattpad. Thanks.
  12. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Sometimes..... it can be a good idea to allow a version of your book to be online for free.......
    then you get feedback........ but then later on when a publisher finally comes to agreement with you....
    the free version needs to be taken down off the internet......

    This near death experiencer has allowed his account to be free online... but will take this down when his publisher....
    feels it is ready to be printed......

  13. Deckel

    Deckel Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 2, 2014
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    Self-publish via Amazon print on demand service if nothing else
  14. jmblt2000

    jmblt2000 Well-Known Member

    May 28, 2015
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    Check out a book on the site called "Life's A Witch" by Brit The Bookslayer...My daughter wanted the book, so I went to Barnes and Nobles and there found out it was a print on demand paperback. It took a little longer to get, I think it was 10 days, but draw enough interest and you could drive demand.
  15. longknife

    longknife New Member

    Dec 25, 2012
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    Thanks for the suggestions. I'm holding off on Amazon as I've got a gut feeling that I'll get a publisher for it - and the sequel. Waiting until June or July.
  16. longknife

    longknife New Member

    Dec 25, 2012
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  17. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    I can try my best to assist you to make some connections so that your
    book could become like an opening gambit that leads to:

    Thread: Rebuilding of Jerusalem Third Temple may be least expensive way to stabilize climate?

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