Dear Pope Francis...... how about we assist the Jews to get Rabbi Nachman back?

Discussion in 'Humor & Satire' started by DennisTate, Jul 29, 2015.

  1. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    No kidding Sir!

    A good friend of mine from Israel has convinced me that if we Gentiles will assist the Breslovian Chassidic Jewish community to get the remains of Rabbi Nachman taken back to Israel......... there will be a massive shift that I believe will correspond with the ushering in of what will come to be known as the Age of Moshiach/ Messiah!

    In a way..... humanity is about to find out that Messiah Yeshua - Jesus - Issa, in his glorified form............ has a fantastic sense of humour!

    Sir...... I began reading near death experience accounts back in 1990 and proceeded to get myself excommunicated from two "soul sleep" teaching churches....... in about one month?!

    A couple of years afterward I read "Reliving Past Lives" by Helen Wambach Ph. D. and I got kind of curious..... so I scheduled an appointment with the only expert in my area who did past life regression. Now I could not be hypnotized........ because frankly .... as I felt the process begin........ the feeling of loss of control scared the hell out of me........ and so....... the attempt to hypnotize me was called off but........... Ms. Debbie Young is really gifted......... and she told me that she saw "The Vatican" in behind me??????

    I was wondering what in the world I would be doing at the Vatican........I'm practically Jewish....... and Jews and Catholics haven't been getting along all that well??????? Well..... 23 years later.... and the whole thing is beginning to make sense now?!
  2. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Pope Francis..... may have noticed this part of my signature............... and I have been thinking..... that even though I am a card carrying member of Canada's Liberal Party.......... this principle might just even work on the diabolical and dastardly Prime Minister Stephen Harper of Canada?????!
    Please pray or meditate on Canada's P. M. brokering Jordan - Israel peace deal?
    I know that many of you pray or meditate so please

    pray that P. M. Stephen Harper initiate a peace deal between Jordan and Israel?


    I am a member of a different Canadian political party but……… I have to admit that P. M. Stephen Harper is for good reason regarded as a rather "Davidic" figure by a high percentage of Israelis.

    What he did for Israel back in 2011 at the G-8 was one of the most courageous and wise acts by a political leader that I have seen since I began to watch world events back in the '70's!

    On Israel, Harper stands alone at G8 summit - The Globe and Mail


    Sir........ several years ago I became convinced of non-linear time.... .which basically means a nearly infinite number of Ezekiel 37 type events...... if they will be needed to accomplish something along the line of universal salvation.

    In this time line....... I believe that the chutzpah, courage and wisdom, shown by P. M. Stephen Harper back in 2011 at those G-8 meetings, probably saved the life of hundreds, if not thousands, if not tens of thousands of Palestinians, not to mentions quite a few Israelis?!
  3. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Pope Francis Sir............ the purpose for this letter/ discussion thread..... is somewhat explained in my submission for the Virgin Earth Challenge back in 2007:
    My two somewhat humorous submissions for $25 million Virgin Earth Challenge.
    Back in 2007 Sir Richard Branson and Mr. Al Gore announced the Virgin Earth Challenge!

    I had watched "An Inconvenient Truth" several times already and I was thinking about another angle on the subject that would fit better with Isaiah chapter 35.
    Dear Mr. Branson:

    It is my firm belief that the number one technological device to reduce atmospheric greenhouse gases has already been invented. It is the tree.

    What is desperately needed at this time is not necessarily a new mechanical device but instead a paradigm shift in economic theory regarding monetary policy. We require a readily understandable explanation on how leaders in business and government can direct not only millions, but actually trillions of dollars of investment into combating global warming.

    One of the most effective practical methods that could be put into place in the least amount of time would be dozens of the largest possible desalinization plants all along the Mediterranean and Red Seas. Huge quantities of fresh water could be dripped onto the Sinai and Sahara deserts and voila, well chosen species of newly planted fast growing trees could soon change the color of these relatively desolate areas, significantly reduce atmospheric CO2, positively affect local weather patterns and at the same time significantly counterbalance the increases in worldwide ocean levels as the polar ice caps melt. This will buy us some extra time and thus expand the “very brief window of opportunity to deal with climate change.”

    So who is going to finance the construction of all these massive installations not to mention the planting of all those seedling trees?

    I believe that it is possible for you to do this yourself Mr. Branson. You have already created a Virgin currency unit/coupon which has astonishing long term potential. My wife Maria Jose just returned from a two week trip to the British VIRGIN Islands. It is theoretically possible to link your Virgin coupon with the national currency of a small nation and you could soon be playing around in macro-economics. Considering the volume of business being done through your Virgin Group I would submit that you already are.

    Pope Benedict XVI may be in an even stronger position than you Mr. Branson to transform the world economy virtually overnight through the introduction of a new Vatican Currency Unit that could be linked with each and every national currency where the Vatican State is free to do business.

    I plan to elaborate in great detail on these two major alternatives in a later writing but I felt that you and your staff should now see the simple explanation that I wrote up for applying this theory within a micro-economy to greatly reduce unemployment. Although combating global warming would seem to be a conflicting goal to job creation, there need be no dissonance when we all have a better grasp of the big picture.

    I ran as an independent for the office of MLA in the most recent Nova Scotia provincial election.

    Dennis Tate primary campaign writing for June 13/06 election.......

    .......(Hey..... I just noticed...... that 6/ 13/ 6.... might just be an even more scary number in some ways than 666?????)
  4. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Dear Pope Francis......... a few days ago I got a personal message through this forum...... that I immediately asked if I could post it publicly...... the implications of all this are off the scale.
    Ignorance shown in my 2008 campaign, my apology to Ms. Elizabeth May!
    Green Party Leader Ms. Elizabeth May.... I just got back a brilliant and scary Personal Message..... that I knew I had to add into this discussion:
    (Emphasis mine)......

    Quote Originally Posted by
    Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!

    Ms. Elizabeth May......... it is my belief that what AboveAlpha writes here is as TRUE................ and as accurate........ as any of the world's best experts on the climate could write......... More accurate...... because AboveAlpha has pretty much conquered fear....... and has a higher level of honesty combined with understanding...... than virtually any expert..... with the possible exception of Dr. James Hansen himself...... who truly impressed me by doing such an excellent job of explaining what Global Dimming....... could lead to...... if it was decreased too rapidly and/or at the same time that little was actually accomplished toward actually reducing a general global warming trend!
  5. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Pope Francis Sir........... one of the reasons why I decided to write to you..... is because several years ago a friend of mine from India introduced me to "God's Peace Plan for the Holy Land."
    I am so impressed by this amazing booklet that I have already read it three times. It is my feeling that genuine peace between Israelis and Palestinians could not begin until after this brilliant plan was more well known. The author received this in either an out of the body experience or even perhaps a near death experience. You can read more about this book was given to Robert in the Facebook group......
    Near Death Experiences bring us TOGETHER!
  6. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Pope Francis...… Sir....... here is one of the aspects of the humour of Messiah Yeshua - Jesus - Issa...… that I am referring to.

    My Israeli friend Mordecai Spiro seems to have far far far far more zeal......… to see the remains of Rabbi Nachman taken from the Ukraine to Israel than 99% of Christians like myself have to do what needs to be done to make this prediction become a reality?!

    (Acts 1:11)

    Bring Rabbi Nachman to Jerusalem

    Can......… we Christians............… begin to have a greater admiration for the zeal shown by Breslovian Chassidic Jews such as Mr. Spiro???????

    Should our admiration for Mr. Spiro's zeal for Rabbi Nachman, inspire us to take our own faith more seriously?

    Could we agree with him......… that Mr. Spiro achieving his goal........ could cause Jews and Gentiles to establish better relations by cooperating on this obvious win - win - win - win proposal explained by Mr. Spiro?

    Since the Prophet Jeremias was shown that The G-d of Abraham has a great deal of respect for people who will follow the advice of their grandfather.......... even when that counsel is in addition to what was shown to Moses and the Patriarchs......… then it seems obvious that I as a Christian should look at the zeal of Mr. Mordecai Spiro for his favourite Rabbi, in a somewhat similar way.

  7. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Pope Francis...... Sir...................... one of the ways in which Messiah Yeshua - Jesus - Issa displays his phenomenal sense of humour..... is by rewarding us radically beyond our wildest imagination after we get the smallest thing half right????!!!

    A day or so ago I again read how author Robert Mendelson was given......"God's Peace Plan for the Holy Land" that I drew your attention to in post #5...... This so reminds me of II Corinthians 12:1-4.......

    Pope Francis............ Sir....... over and over and over again..... as I personally spoke with Mr. Mendelson by phone....... he humbly stressed that he never could have thought of God's Peace Plan for the Holy Land himself...... out of his own mind and set of life experiences.
  8. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Pope Francis Sir.......... considering that I only got 31 votes in all three of my campaigns for public office combined....... I do believe that I can rival even John KingofthePaupers Turmel......... for the title of..........
    Canada's Worst Politician, the film series concept?!

    Here is a little more information about John............. we would both love to have your prayers Sir!
  9. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    So Pope Francis.......... Sir........what I am advocating is for the metaphorical Bride of Messiah...... to rise up........ to become more well informed.... .and show significantly more initiative......... and learn from history what we really are capable of accomplishing.......... and not forget to add some humour to our efforts?!

    North American churches should each have their own currency!

    I am of the belief that each large church in North America should discuss the printing up of their own church currency unit such as has been done by a group of socially active citizens in Calgary, Canada with their

    Here is a good article on how important local currencies were during the Great Depression:

    Whatcom Watch Online - Story Display

    City in Austria Printed Local Currency

    Surely everybody who reads this article would agree that we have many advantages over the people who lived in Worgl, Austria during the Great Depression?!

    If they can do it....why can't we?

    Here in Canada the only problem that we have to watch out for is that we must pay the same rate of taxation if we earn Calgary Dollars as if we had earned Canadian we have to keep our level of bartering at the point where our tax bill doesn't get too high.....but if we volunteered our time and our church earned a local currency from another could be amazing where this could lead!

    ......... (Note.... FDR was in a very different situation than we are in here in August of 2015. Back in the '30's The Russian Communist REvolution was so new in the minds of political leaders..... that of course they for valid reason feared Communist infiltration of these local currency movements. In our time period..... we might well be wiser to fear a massive devaluation of the USA dollar............ and the probability of a lot of upheaval all over the world if indeed this does occur)???
  10. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Pope Francis..... Sir....... i should mention that you and I do have at least one mutual friend.
    Rabbi ........, linking Jerusalem Third Temple with Grand Unified Theory of Modern World Problems.


    Pope Francis........... the humour of the Jewish Messiah and of the G-d of Abraham/ HaShem/ YHWH/ Allah........ sure does have an edge to it doesn't it Sir?????
    First century church may have numbered 400,000... did the majority convert to Islam?

    Poll question......."Palestinian people = grandchildren of second century church, does this idea move you?"
    Rabbi Yeshayahu Hollander is one of Mr. Tsvi Misinai's strongest supporters.

    Tsvi Misinai - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  11. Brett Nortje

    Brett Nortje Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2014
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    This is not illegal. it is like swapping game tokens or chips at a casino, yes? making it 'legal' to bank would be a problem though. is it illegal to barter?
  12. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    You are absolutely correct Brett!

    Here in Canada, this could even become a major source of revenue for the federal and provincial governments because........... once a barter dollar or barter hour is paid out to an individual....... as wages..... they must pay the same rate of taxation for having earned one thousand Calgary Dollars, as they would if they had earned one thousand dollars Canadian!
  13. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Brett........ a subject came up in another discussion........ that I have known for several months that i have got to get into with Pope Francis...... .because the potential is so huge.......
    Washington’s Fifth Columns Inside Russia and China


    Revelation 13:4
    "And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?"
    One important part of this new theory that I have been weighing....... .is that the F-35 and F-22 Raptors seem to be so far advanced over the competition........... that they make them look almost funny?!
    Could P. M. Stephen Harper be correct about the F-35 being the best for our air force?

    The USA and Canada........ from the militaristic point of view of Russia and China..... .are basically like one nation.

    Back on page one of this discussion.......... I gave a link in post #2...... because I suspected that some of Pope Francis's most diligent assistants would do their homework........ and read post #6 on that page......
    Please pray or meditate on Canada's P. M. brokering Jordan - Israel peace deal?


    I feel that this amazingly insightful message from a man from Uganda who I am pretty sure had a near death experience during a bout with malaria............. can alter the course of world events.

  14. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    If the message from Mr. Eporu Ronald Alfred, was given by the Ruach ha Kodesh, by the Holy Spirit, then the implications are huge, because this means that Isaiah chapter 45.......... can be fulfilled in the very near future...............

    Here is a statement about this "beast" that would tend to scare us deeply religious Christians or Messianic Gentiles away from this idea but............. I believe that there is astonishingly valuable hidden gold right there under the surface.......
    "And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them. And power was given him over every tribe, and people, and tongue, and nation."

    In a way..... we need to go back to Daniel chapter 2 to understand this........ because Daniel was given the longer term image of this "beast" as Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greco-Macedonian Empire and lastly Rome.

    Daniel 2:32
    Back when I was a teenager, and even into my twenties and thirties....... the idea could not cross my mind that America and Canada could perhaps be the continuation of this "beast"....... because the idea had been drilled into my head so thoroughly that the final resurrection of Rome had to arise in Europe and the Middle East and North Africa....... the territory of ancient Rome.

    But...... it is interesting that British, American and Canadian laws carry on in the legal traditions of Rome far more than we might tend to imagine.
  15. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    If......... this "beast" were to attain what could be termed "Cyrus Consciousness"...... and simply admit how deeply into anti-Semitic thought we had been in the past........ and IF......... we began to look at the fulfillment of Ezekiel chapters 40 - 48 very differently........ then voila.............. the "beast" could shift away from the supposed "reason" age of near total skepticism/ Atheism........ into an era when we look at religious texts....... from all 127 provinces of most of the earth...... quite differently???!

    A pretty decent case can be presented that ........ by pleading guilty to having been anti-Semitic in the past........ and resolving to be less anti- Semitic in the future................. can lead to a massive shift in the entire world economy.......
    Artistic Hollywood style "Armageddon" could bring world out of recession?!

    ..........A serious attempt to replicate "Armageddon" would create a minimum of two hundred million jobs in China, India, Russia and Mongolia alone....... not to mention the number of jobs this would generate in Israel and the surrounding nations.

    Revelation 9:16

    And the number of the army of the horsemen were two hundred thousand thousand: and I heard the number of them.
    China now holds so many American dollars that any possible way to cooperate at a higher level seems to be worthy of consideration.

    One of the "stages" is the Jerusalem Third Temple complex. Without conflict a film is boring and we all know that lots of conflict surrounds the idea of rebuilding the Third Temple. Two logical years for this to happen are 2030 (only fifteen years in the future) and also 2070.

    Rebuilding of Jerusalem Third Temple may be least expensive way to stabilize climate?
  16. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    It is interesting that the town of Ithaca, New York....... even created its own "alternative credit union" to deal with the volume of Ithaca Hours being exchanged.

    One of the reasons why I began this discussion over in the Humor and Satire section has to do with a message that I was given back in 2013...........

    Pope Francis....... I know that you believe in restoration Sir........ but some cases are exceptionally difficult.................. according to one of the amazingly gifted people who I tend to run into due to my interest in near death experience accounts................. I apparently might just be one of the worst human being, who ever lived........... back here again?????????????!!!!

    My first reaction to this assertion was to laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh but then.........................
    Who is the most evil person who ever lived?

    ....(post #60).....
  17. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Pope Francis.... Sir.............. even before receiving that message about who I might have been in a past life........ I had already figured out that much of the economic problems being experienced in the USA....... can be traced back to us Canadians being under informed about serious flaws in monetary policy that goes back for centuries.

    President Ronald Reagan and Pope John Paul II began a new level of alliance between the USA and the Vatican...... It was amazing how well they each cooperated together to bring down the Iron Curtain.

    An apology to all Americans from a Canadian, and a thank you!

    Some of my ancestors were Masons from Dixie who came to Country Harbour, Nova Scotia at the time of the American Revolution. I deeply appreciate the fact that so many Americans were closer to God than we Canadians tend to be and somehow your leaders were guided to not persecute us!

    I also wish to apologize for the fact that the leadership of my nation was less guided by the Holy Spirit and we did not understand how the independence of America was comparable to the division of the Northern Kingdom of Israel from the Southern Kingdom of Judah at the time of King Rehoboam the son of Solomon.

    I also wish to apologize for our elitism because it has been playing a significant role in your economic crash of 2008. If a higher percentage of Americans understood the full implications of truly wise monetary policy the world would begin to look quite different indeed!
    Chapter 49 — The History of Banking
    Control in the United States

  18. wgabrie

    wgabrie Well-Known Member Donor

    May 31, 2011
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    Dennis that's an interesting note about the history of currency in the colonies. I didn't know about that.

    Well, with an economic hardship like that, the one that followed the English decree to only trade in gold and silver, no wonder the colonies rebelled.
    DennisTate likes this.
  19. wgabrie

    wgabrie Well-Known Member Donor

    May 31, 2011
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    Oh, and by the way Dennis, regarding the most evil person who ever lived...

    I think that lady who told you you were a historic villain is crazy. There just isn't a past life for all of us. Why, there are more humans alive today than in all of history combined.

    To me you're just DennisTate.
    DennisTate likes this.
  20. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    I am convinced that the real backing for the USA dollar is the productivity of Americans.

    As long as American workers have reasonably good equipment and machinery to work with....... as long as American workers are reasonably well trained............ as long as American workers are reasonably healthy and have a reliable transportation system to get products and services from point A to point B..... then the USA dollar should maintain its relatively strong and stable value...........
  21. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Thank you WGabrie............... you are onto an important principle............. in a sense King Solomon was correct that...... when we die........ our entire thought process and perspective of our place in the multiverse is altered.

    Death and rebirth...... to whatever degree the evidence for it is valid...... is certainly a new beginning..... .It is interesting that in Judaism....... one day ends and another one begins at sunset............. The analogy may be that from sunset/death..... to sunrise/birth..... we begin to plan our next incarnation.... in such a way that we can most effectively make our Creator happy..... and benefit others............
    Near death experiencers report being given a totally new outlook on everything....... what used to annoy them greatly and drive them kind of crazy......... can now seem to be something with a great purpose behind it...???!
  22. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Wow! I just got an interesting update on the Canadian version of this topic....... Only six minutes and amazingly informative!
    Canada to control its own money ?

  23. wgabrie

    wgabrie Well-Known Member Donor

    May 31, 2011
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    That's interesting Dennis, I have often thought that even just minimizing the interest rate on the debt could help get it under control. It would just take a really long time to pay it back.

    But Dennis, this was from February and now it's August. Did Canada burry the news and now they want nothing to do with it?
    DennisTate and (deleted member) like this.
  24. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Wgabrie...… I honestly don't know?!

    We are now in the middle of another federal election campaign....... so I rather doubt that many of the candidates will talk about this during the campaign......… On the plus side though..... if the Canadian government does succeed in burying this again....... this sure would create a massive opportunity for Pope Francis?!

    Volunteerism is over twenty percent of North American economy… could organizing it...

    back up…… stabilize…. insure… the value of the USA dollar?

    Ithaca, New York has one of the simplest and easily understood measuring instruments for economic activity imaginable.

    Is it theoretically possible for a group of people to accomplish a much greater organization of volunteerism through a database that would give North America a secondary economy that we could fall back on….. just in case?
  25. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Wgabrie........ have you read much about the hidden Fatima Prophecies?

    From what I have heard of them....... they seem to remind me of articles in Latin that appeared in The Catholic Encyclopedia from the eighth century until fairly recent history, on "The Anti-Christ."

    A friend of a friend who attended Ambassador College, knew Latin, read those articles...… and was pretty shocked............… According to Roman Catholic prophecy throughout the dark ages....... this Anti-Christ guy would come along in the "latter days" and voila........ the vast majority of people would abandon worship on Sunday and instead...… Judaize..... and begin to worship from Friday sunset to Saturday sunset..... the Jewish Sabbath.

    Veneration of The Virgin Mary would be significantly decreased........ so as you can guess..... this idea was pretty scary to Pope's throughout the dark ages. Now in 1917 when The Fatima prophecies were given....... some of those prophecies ..... I believe....... elaborated on Catholic Prophecy for the latter days........and I have another angle on all this that I believe will give Pope Francis some peace of mind.........…

    It is important to note that back in 1990 I personally made an interesting and rather scary offer to the G-d of Abraham/ YHWH/ HaShem........

    Yom Kippur/The Rapture connection?!
    My dad, Robert Tate died on January 1, 1990. He had NOT given his heart to Rabbi Jesus/Yahushua so far as I knew.

    Around that time I ran into the near death experience accounts through an article in Psychology Today. As I read several books by Dr. Raymond Moody I went into something of a philosophical/theological crisis as I encountered evidence that the "soul sleep" doctrine that I had been taught by evangelist Garner Ted Armstrong and his dad had almost certainly been terribly in error!

    I had been fasting on Yom Kippur since the late 1970's and I had always wondered what this verse could possibly mean:

    "but the goat on which the lot fell for Aza'zel shall be presented alive before the LORD to make atonement over it, that it may be sent away into the wilderness to Aza'zel."(Leviticus 16:10 RSV)

    .........In a nutshell I have came to strongly suspect that Azazel is the fallen angel who will be somewhat like General Abner who brought the ten tribes over to King David or to Rav Shaul/Paul who repented of persecuting Christians and followers of God.

    I suspect that when the fallen angel Azazel returns to the God of Abraham with his whole heart...when Yom Kippur is completely fulfilled....then a major step will have been taken toward the ushering in of a truly new era of worldwide peace where even the eating habits of wild animals like lions will be altered!

    "And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand:And if Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against himself; how shall then his kingdom stand?"

    (Matthew 12)

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