Peter Dow's political defence to the "criminal tweets" charge

Discussion in 'Western Europe' started by Peter Dow, Oct 27, 2015.

  1. Peter Dow

    Peter Dow Active Member

    Sep 28, 2008
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    I'm on trial for my @ peterdow tweets

    Trial date - Aberdeen Sheriff Court, 4th November 2015

    The tweets I posted on my @ peterdow Twitter account in July 2014, two months before the Scottish independence referendum, employed republican political rhetoric to try to express in the strongest possible terms my political support -

    • for a republic to replace the kingdom and
    • for an elected president to replace the monarch as head of state.
    I link from my Peterdow Twitter account to my Scottish National Standard Bearer website at SCOT.TK where I dutifully explain the reasons why the people of Scotland would do better, be safer and be more prosperous, if we exercise our political right to establish a Scottish republic.

    None of my tweets were literal "threats" or literally "threatening" that I or anyone else could, would or should "threaten" the Queen.

    My tweets were no more "a threat" to the Queen than Alex Salmond's "hold Westminster's feet to the fire" was a "threat" to anyone in Westminster. The police didn't arrest Salmond for making criminal "threats" for the same reason as the police shouldn't have arrested me.

    Politicians and political authors alike sometimes use rhetorical language. In my tweets I have employed rhetoric such as figures of speech, hyperbole, brevitas and synecdoche and such tweets cannot reasonably be interpreted literally.


    Peter Dow with his school, college and university degree certificates

    I'm a scientist with many qualifications and a science degree from Edinburgh University. I am an intelligent and educated man and I know the difference between "intelligence and education" and "stupidity and ignorance".

    My scientific opinion is that it was stupidity and ignorance on the part of police detectives, prosecutors and sheriffs who read my tweets and quoted them as their poor excuse -

    • to seek a sheriff's warrant to incite police officers to force entry to my home, search it and take my property
    • to break my front door down, as the police did, on 27th July 2014
    • to arrest me, to charge me and to hold me in a police cell overnight,
    • to ransack my flat from top to bottom, damaging my property in the process,
    • to seize my computer and my memory devices holding my irreplaceable science research and development data
    • to refuse to return my property even when it is not needed as "evidence" to "prove" anything because I admit the Peterdow tweets were mine
    • to impose in Aberdeen Sheriff Court oppressive bail conditions requiring me not to access the website of or social media, with the threat that bail would be withdrawn and I would be imprisoned until trial - and that's a real threat of police and prison officer violence against me
    • to terrorize me from posting about my political views on social media, which at that time would have been increasingly about the campaign for the Scottish independence referendum, supporting a "YES" vote
    • to trump up a criminal charge in respect of my social media posts
    • to proceed to a unfair trial in Aberdeen Sheriff Court on 4th of November
    I frankly and openly admit to owning the @ peterdow Twitter account and I've offered to delete any of the complained-about tweets which the police or prosecutors would otherwise take action over because no tweet is worth the loss of liberty and property which the police and prosecutors have terrorized me with.

    I would note in passing that gagging YES-campaigners, banning any of us from social media, rigged the indy-ref campaign in favour of a "NO" result.Banning those like me who disagree with the so-called "Edinburgh Agreement" (which, unlike Salmond & Sturgeon, I would not have signed) - rigged the unjust outcome of Scotland still firmly stuck in the UK, ignoring the legitimate demand for a 2-state solution, which would mean establishing an independent Scottish state now, as is the democratic right of the 1.6 million people and the 4 council areas who voted "YES".

    Although I am not a lawyer, it seems to me that all this unjustified police state violence and threats which I have suffered is in violation of my human rights in law under these articles of the European Convention of Human Rights -

    • Article 5 - liberty and security
    • Article 6 - fair trial
    • Article 8 - privacy
    • Article 9 - conscience and religion
    • Article 10 - expression
    • Article 11 - association
    • Article 13 - effective remedy
    • Article 14 - discrimination
    All of those ECHR articles, except 13, have been incorporated into UK and Scottish law. So if anyone should be on trial for breaking the law, it is those police and law officers of the state who have violated their duty and violated my legal human rights.

    I propose that

    • stupid and ignorant police officers and prosecutors should be dismissed from their employment
    • everyone should exercise their viewer discretion whether or not to read the strong language which is to be found on Twitter and
    • police and prosecutors should leave people like me posting harmless posts on social media well alone.
    Sadly, the reality is that "stupid and ignorant police officers and prosecutors who insist on arresting and prosecuting people for their harmless tweets" is what Scotland is cursed with now thanks to the dreadfully incompetent leadership of -

    • Chief Constable Sir Stephen House and
    • Lord Advocate Frank Mulholland
    who should both be sacked.

    Aberdeen is doubly cursed with a dreadfully incompetent area Procurator Fiscal, Andrew Shanks who should also be sacked.

    I'm innocent of any crime and no miscarriage of justice can accurately paint me as "a common criminal", because I could only ever be a political prisoner - unjustly arrested, unjustly prosecuted and perhaps unjustly convicted and unjustly punished for lawfully expressing my democratic political views.

    The tyranny of the police, prosecutors and courts in this bad kingdom is one of the reasons I am a republican. I believe that we, the people, would serve ourselves more fairly by electing a president as a helpful head of state, not only a figurehead - someone with a duty to hold the officers of the state to account for their abuses.

    Save my science

    Scientists must be allowed to get on with our scientific duties in the public interest and in the service of humanity.

    I have published new scientific and engineering concepts and proposals regarding -

    • making renewable energy more competitive, efficient and practical
    • mathematics to maximise energy generated from wind turbines 'farms'
    • designs for super-sized hydro-electric pumped-storage schemes
    • an approach towards a cure for cancer
    • a prototype of a cheap cryo-surgical instrument - my 'freezerbaton'
    • H-shaped super-bricks for assembling stronger, lighter structures
    • other published ideas in various scientific fields
    My irreplaceable science research and development data was held on the computer and memory devices seized by the police. I need that data returned to me urgently to allow me to continue with my scientific duties, as I requested of First Minister Nicola Sturgeon when she appeared with her cabinet secretary colleagues, here in Aberdeen, in February 2015.

    VIDEO of Peter Dow asking First Minister Sturgeon this question -
    "Good evening to you First Minister Nicola Sturgeon and to your ministerial colleagues. My name is Peter Dow and I thank you for this opportunity to ask you a question.

    Please may I have my computer equipment returned to me from the police who seized it when they raided my home in July 2014?

    They've taken my scientific research data which is irreplaceable.

    The police say they won't return my property unless and until they are instructed to do so by the procurator fiscal service.

    My lawyer has written to them, I've written to them but the Procurator Fiscal Service have not replied to state any outstanding reason for still holding on to my computer equipment - and after six months, I'm still waiting.

    Isn't it time for the Scottish government's law officers to look into this and then to order the return of my computer equipment?

    Also, I noticed that our new First Minister did not appoint new law officers or a new Chief Constable of Police Scotland, and shouldn't ANY First Minister be allowed to pick a new team of colleagues and not be stuck with those from the previous administration?


    VIDEO - First Minister Sturgeon replies to Peter Dow

    Later that evening in February 2015, I spoke to Justice Minister Matheson, as First Minister Sturgeon had suggested and I passed to him a copy of my document explaining the circumstances and demolishing the flimsy case against me and requesting that the charges be dropped and that my computer equipment be returned to me.

    Mr Matheson agreed to pass on my document to the law officers and I have anyway emailed the law officers directly myself. In all the 8 months since February 2015, the law officers have neither ensured that the Procurator Fiscal Service drop all charges against me nor have the law officers seen to it that the police return my computer equipment and irreplaceable science research data.

    So I've long since run out of patience with the Scottish government's law officers, who are the failing Lord Advocate Frank Mulholland and the failing Solicitor General Lesley Thomson.

    My opinion now is that the Scottish government's law officers should be summarily sacked and replaced by the First Minister because these law officers have violated their duty to ensure that the Procurator Fiscal Service should not prosecute citizens for our political viewpoints and should not violate citizens' legal human rights to freedom of expression.

    These failing law officers cannot be trusted with independence from government, nor from the people's elected representatives. I therefore recommend that these law officers be held accountable for their failings and be summarily dismissed from their offices.

    A crime against humanity

    To interrupt my scientific duties and service to humanity with a police raid and court action amounts to the state harming the public interest and committing a crime against humanity.

    No state and no officer of the state should ever dare to obstruct what even one scientist can do for the prosperity of the people and for the benefit of humanity because there can be no "state immunity" for crimes against humanity, as the Nuremberg Trials demonstrated.

    No justice for republicans in Queen's courts

    I have been victimized, traumatised and offended against in this case and in other cases before this one, by what the sadistic and vindictive police, prosecutors, courts and prisons have unjustly and illegally done to me when, as a good man with a keen social conscience, I have bravely tried to do my duty to my neighbours, my community, my home city of Aberdeen and my country of Scotland and suffered arrests and imprisonment for my good deeds.

    There is a saying "no good deed goes unpunished". Indeed, it does seem to be true anyway that no good deed by a republican goes unpunished by a Queen's court.

    So I admit no "previous convictions". I admit only previous miscarriages of justice and wrongs done to me at the heavy hands of the Queen's courts' officials.

    So I don't expect that there will be a fair trial for me, nor for any republican, in any unjust royalist kangaroo court of this kingdom, where judges, who serve the Queen but not the people, will be sitting in judgement on republicans, who serve the people but not the Queen.

    Therefore in the unfair show trial on 4th November I will be appearing before another royalist court which can so easily do a wrong to me, especially if such court-wrong-doing is thought by wrong-doing royalists to serve their Queen.

    I believe that there can be -

    • courts which serve the people and do what is right and just, or,
    • courts which serve the Queen and do what is wrong and unjust
    but, in my republican opinion, there cannot be such a thing as "a court which serves the Queen and the people and does what is right and just, all at the same time".

    In serving the Queen, royalist judges often

    • follow misleading evidence lead by "the Crown" - the prosecutors
    • defer to the kingdom's fallible authorities
    • have contempt for human rights law
    • dish out cruel punishments for trivial or minor offences
    and so do wrong to the accused and a disservice to the people and therefore it is time to end the status quo of royalist courts, pretending to be "courts of justice" which royalist courts realistically can never be.

    No doubt my lawyer will do his best on the day but I believe that my best political defence can only be published by myself, in my blog, in emails, in press releases and in this Political Forum post.
  2. Peter Dow

    Peter Dow Active Member

    Sep 28, 2008
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    Scientists for Freedom of Expression in Scotland

    Peter Dow
    Peter Dow on Indy-Ref day, 18th September 2014

    Peter Dow, B.Sc. Hons. (Edinburgh)
    Former lecturer in Computing and Mathematics, Glasgow College of Nautical Studies.
    Independent research in applied science.

    • Author - political, economic & social science
    • Politics - Internationalist. Republican Socialist.
    • Websites -
      "Scottish National Standard Bearer" SCOT.TK
      "For Freedom Forums" FIGH.TK
      Twitter @ peterdow
    • Police quote political tweets as pretext for raid of Peter Dow's Aberdeen home in July 2014.
    • Computer with irreplaceable science data seized
    • "not like Gestapo" claims a detective constable
    • Prosecutor trumps-up ridiculous charge of "threatening communication" and court grants bail conditions limiting Dow's access to websites
    • Flimsy case demolished in 8000-word email reply

    Jon Godwin

    Jon Godwin

    Professor Jon Godwin, MSc DPhil (Oxon) CPhys MInstP FRAS FRSS
    Reader in Statistics, Institute for Society and Social Justice Research, Glasgow Caledonian University.

    In emails to Peter Dow, Professor Godwin writes -

    "I should of course share your deep upset at having my research and the "tools of my trade" seized from me by the powers that be. ...
    what I might be able to do to help?"
    "... commiserating with you over what seems a quite extraordinarily high-handed reaction to it, in particular considering the sometimes very colourful conversations one encounters daily on internet bulletin boards, etc etc. In particular, seizing your property in "evidence", rather than perhaps just copying whatever might be relevant to the possible case and then returning it, seems almost wilfully obstructive and I can only imagine your consternation as to what might become of it later. ..."
    "the implications for "freedom of expression" are potentially serious. Meanwhile, I wish you well and hope that this matter ends happily."
    - Professor Jon Godwin, Glasgow Caledonian University, January 2015

    Contact - Peter Dow, 21 Hollybank Place, Aberdeen,
    Tel. 01224 583906
  3. Peter Dow

    Peter Dow Active Member

    Sep 28, 2008
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    If you would like to help my political defence then here are some things you can easily do -

    Suggested tweets
    Please copy and paste these texts and tweet them!
    or post a similar tweet but with a hash-tag list of your own composition.

    Post a link
    Please post a link to my political defence blog on Facebook or on another social media network or on an on-line discussion forum of your choice.

    Thank you very much!
  4. Anders Hoveland

    Anders Hoveland Banned

    Apr 27, 2011
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    I guess you don't have "freedom of speech" or "freedom of the press" over there in the U.K. So sorry to hear about that.
    You Britons should really work to get an Amendment written into your Constitution. Oh wait, I forgot, your country doesn't really have one.

    As you were unfortunate enough to discover from firsthand experience, courts are not always fair. Judges just rubber stamp whatever the prosecutor tells them to, for the most part.
    The real power is not in the written laws themselves, it's in the application of those laws. Judges can basically make up the law in the cases presented to them as they see fit.
  5. Diuretic

    Diuretic Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2008
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    Britain has a Constitution. It's just not written which makes it difficult to study but it does exist. You'll find the US Constitution took many of its own ideas from the British one.

    Scotland has a separate legal system from England and Wales. I know very little about it.

    But for Peter Dow if you are still posting - what they did pinch you for? What are the charges?
  6. Anders Hoveland

    Anders Hoveland Banned

    Apr 27, 2011
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    This is the type of thing that happens in Third World authoritarian countries, but from what I have been reading, more and more it is beginning to happen in Western countries (like the U.S., U.K., Canada, and Australia) too, where police barge into people's houses all based on some inane online comments posted on social media.
  7. Hoosier8

    Hoosier8 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 16, 2012
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  8. Peter Dow

    Peter Dow Active Member

    Sep 28, 2008
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    "Sorry" is good to hear, thank you Anders. Would that be "sorry" enough to tweet a tweet for me? With this text, may I suggest?

    Absolutely correct. I favour a republican constitution with an elected president and perhaps a constitutional court to help the president uphold the constitution.

    That's exactly how it is here Anders.

    Thank you for telling it like it is. :hug:
  9. Peter Dow

    Peter Dow Active Member

    Sep 28, 2008
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    I think we could do with borrowing back some ideas from the US Constitution, such as the First Amendment.

    Well we have our own Scottish parliament to make law in certain defined areas but it still feels very much like a police state / judicial dictatorship in that civil liberties or human rights seem to get trampled over very easily.

    Well you can read this report in the local newpaper - which sums up the prosecution viewpoint.

    Press & Journal - Aberdeen man accused of threatening Queen on social media sites
    An Aberdeen man is due to go on trial accused of threatening the Queen on social media sites.
    Alastair Peter Dow is alleged to have caused fear and alarm on July 25 and 26 last year by posting offensive, abusive and threatening messages online about Her Majesty.
    Prosecutors claim the 54-year-old acted in a threatening and abusive manner while at his home, 21 Hollybank Place.
    Dow denies the charge against him and will go on trial next month.

    But it beggars belief that anyone could take the political rhetoric in my tweets literally and think that I could "threaten the Queen".

    The Queen is well known to have a bigger army, navy and airforce than any Scotsman, however much of a "Braveheart" he is. :wink:

    If anyone is threatening someone else it is the Queen threatening me as she threatens all Scots in that it is the Queen's police, prosecutors and courts who threaten us all with imprisonment. :roll:
  10. Peter Dow

    Peter Dow Active Member

    Sep 28, 2008
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    Well it was a referendum that declined freedom, but as I point out, it was not totally "democratic" because I, at least, was terrorized by the police and courts and stopped from campaigning on social media by court orders and fear of imprisonment on remand until the trial.

    The state broadcaster, the BBC, didn't devote all that much air time to the referendum campaign and so the only place where most Scots had a chance to have any say whatsoever was on social media.

    Now if the BBC had devoted a whole TV channel to independence referendum coverage for a whole year before the referendum and allowed many more Scots to get their views heard - then it would have been a lot more democratic.

    I would however point out that 1.6 million Scots did not decline the chance of freedom and if the outcome was truly "democratic" then there would be granted a 2-state solution, establishing an independent Scottish state with control over the 4 council areas which voted "YES" for independence.

    So the referendum and the status quo outcome was rigged and so it was not really democratic - though more democratic than being denied any referendum at all I suppose.

    But there's no way with all the campaign rigging and dirty tricks such as my arrest and banning from social media which went on that that referendum will be the final word on it.

    Those 1.6 million Scots still want our freedom and we won't take "NO" for a final answer.

    Well unless the authorities can jail enough of those defiant ones like me to terrorise enough of the rest of the 1.6 million to keep quiet and accept it.
  11. Hoosier8

    Hoosier8 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 16, 2012
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    It appears that a similar effort is underway here in the US with government labeling patriots as enemies of the State and a threat to their hegemony. Unfortunately for them we do have a Constitution and courts that generally uphold the first amendment much to the dismay of many authoritarians here.

    I don't find much of what you say about independence on the web to be threatening to anyone but those in power. In fact, it seems to be reflective of our Founders.

    One question. What is the background on the uniform you wear when protesting?
  12. unbiased institute

    unbiased institute Member

    Oct 23, 2015
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  13. Peter Dow

    Peter Dow Active Member

    Sep 28, 2008
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    I'm greatly inspired by the US.

    The Founders didn't threaten King George personally though and he and his kingdom resumed diplomatic relations with the republic on its founding.
    When John Adams was appointed American Minister to London in 1785, George had become resigned to the new relationship between his country and the former colonies. He told Adams, "I was the last to consent to the separation; but the separation having been made and having become inevitable, I have always said, as I say now, that I would be the first to meet the friendship of the United States as an independent power."

    Irish republicans, who unlike Scottish republicans, have engaged in significant armed resistance with the UK, have also resumed good terms with UK and monarch, as have the political wing of the Provisional IRA, who fought for the north of Ireland to become part of a united Ireland (and republic) before a peace agreement was agreed both sides of the border of Ireland.

    Scottish republicans tend to be a peaceable and civilian lot, if not exclusively so these days. Certainly, I am unaware of any "Scottish Republican Army" worthy of the name.

    This jacket?
    From my website, a bit of a cut and paste, if you are interested.

    Peter's Standard Bearer Outfit

    As to why there should be so much curiosity about this I am not quite sure? Yet I have received so many comments and questions about what I am wearing in many of the photographs in my Scottish National Standard Bearer website that I think it will save me time in the long run if I produce a web-page about this which I can link to whenever the issue arises.

    The Standard Bearer outfit which I wear on the rare occasions when I am doing some high profile campaigning is intended to be functional and the function is to complement my duties as a Scottish National Standard Bearer as regards the political and military functions which I have defined for the modern era in this website.

    I have adapted a military-style jacket obtained from an army surplus shop. Clearly, it is not a "uniform" because as a unique custom-made outfit, it is not uniformly the same as clothing worn by anyone else.


    The shoulder and chest Lion Rampant ("Scottish National Standard") badges were bought off the shelf. The Scotland flag lapel badges were made by a local company and the white border around the traditional St. Andrew's cross ("Saltire") is simply a manufacturing artefact rather than by design. The "DOW" name badge was home-made from items available from a hardware shop.

    Republican red arm-band

    The red arm band is a traditional method whereby socialists can identify themselves in situations where a threat to order may arise - when stewarding a demonstration or large public meeting or less frequently these days, in street-fighting against fascists.

    For example, when a member of the Labour Party in Glasgow in the late 1980s, I wore a red arm-band while serving as a steward at a big public meeting addressed by Tony Benn.
    Often the arm-band is simply a strip of red cloth tied around normal clothing. This is the inspiration for the slightly neater tailored version on my jacket.

    In passing, I would of course reject any comparison with the use by Nazis of a red-arm-band-with-Nazi-swastika worn as part of some Nazi uniforms.
    Real socialists had copyright on red arm bands long before the Nazis were thought of. The Nazis abused words as well as people, and they had no legitimate claim to the words "socialist", "nationalist" or the colour red.

    I have thoughtfully written the word "REPUBLICAN" on the arm band, so that I could not be mistaken for one of the Queen's officers, and even if Labour MPs and MSPs swear allegiance to the UK monarch, I certainly do not, and so that I should not be mistaken for maybe a Salvation Army variation or para-medic or something.

    Co-incidentally or not, the American republican party's colour is red and I would say I tend to be a more enthusiastic supporter of American republicans like Condoleezza Rice than do other Scottish, British and European socialists, so once again the word "REPUBLICAN" serves me well.

    My outfit represents I believe my political roots in socialism and republicanism from where I began my journey to Scottish nationalism - and therefore it is not splendidly, overtly Scottish, with a kilt and so on, as you might see worn by the Scottish military.

    I am not saying there is anything wrong with current Scottish military uniforms or anything, it is simply that I wish to be seen to reject the whole notion that if Prince Charles is in a kilt or some other royal dresses the same as a traditional Scottish soldier, that somehow makes that royal "one of us Scots" or loyal to Scotland when in fact he and his family are the true enemies of the Scots, however they dress.

    Red trousers

    Republican socialist red trousers - wearing this colour of trousers saves me from having to carry the people's Red Flag, first dyed red by the blood of socialist martyrs, as well as the Lion Rampant, Scottish National Standard. After all, I only have one pair of hands.

  14. Hoosier8

    Hoosier8 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 16, 2012
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    The outfit looks official or military and I bet you get a lot of interest or detractors because of it. I don't fault you for it as it does make you stand out but standing out in regular society means crazy person to a lot of folks, even if the person isn't crazy. Evidently the idea of freedom from the yoke of England also makes you stand out as a threat or crazy person.

    Well, freedom, that is government by the people, is hard to win and once won, hard to maintain.
  15. Peter Dow

    Peter Dow Active Member

    Sep 28, 2008
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    Well I got enough interest, one way or another, in the outfit and associated protesting, to get a profile video made for the BBC as a 10-minute chapter of a longer Scottish human rights documentary, The New Ten Commandments, which made me stand out, in a sane way, at the premiere of the documentary shown at the Edinburgh International Film Festival in Summer 2008 and I stood out the one time the documentary was broadcast on TV in Scotland, in December 2008 and the video on YouTube has had 13,900 views.

    The profile video is on YouTube titled

    Scottish republican socialist Peter Dow, author and protester
    This is a video of the film 'The Right to Freedom of Assembly' starring Peter Dow, directed by David Graham Scott.

    It profiles political website author Peter Dow who protested against Queen Elizabeth at the Scottish Parliament at Holyrood, Edinburgh in 2007.

    This short film was produced as a 10-minute film chapter for the feature-length film 'The New Ten Commandments', a Scottish-produced human rights film which premiered at the Edinburgh International Film Festival in summer 2008 and was broadcast on BBC Two television in December 2008.

    So I have no complaints about the consequences of dreaming up and wearing the outfit, though I very rarely wear it these days, campaigning almost exclusively on the internet, at least while I am not under arrest or terrorized into keeping a low internet profile by police and court orders.

    Oh no "freedom from the yoke of England" is a mainstream political idea in Scotland now.

    The SNP - the Scottish National Party - is the governing party, with a majority of the Members of the Scottish parliament in the SNP and so are a vast majority of the Scottish Members of the Parliament of the UK, in Westminster, London.

    What's not so quite so mainstream is the republican notion of "freedom from the yoke of the monarchy".

    The Scottish government's First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, who is also the undisputed leader of the SNP sets the tone of her government and party which has a very comfortable accommodation with the monarchy, is overtly royalist in tone, pro-Queen Elizabeth and pro- an independent Scottish kingdom, with all serious talk of the prospects of a Scottish republic firmly kicked into the long grass until "after independence" as they say.

    Many, perhaps a majority of the members of the SNP, like me, are republican in aspiration.

    So to be a Scottish republican, in the SNP or outside, is not to "stand out like a crazy person" though First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, as have all previous First Ministers of Scotland stands by the Queen, singing "God Save the Queen" as might be expected by the kingdom's officers and officials. Needs must, I suppose.

    It's hard work and it requires sacrifice but no pain, no gain. :strong:
  16. Anders Hoveland

    Anders Hoveland Banned

    Apr 27, 2011
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    Question though: Isn't Scotland heading in the same direction as England, just a few decades behind?
    If so, what would be the real point of separation?

    Not that I'm for or against it, I'm all in favor of more regional sovereignty when it comes to countries and states in general.
  17. Peter Dow

    Peter Dow Active Member

    Sep 28, 2008
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    Both Scotland and England are required by the United Kingdom to head in the same direction, at the same time. If the UK says "Our direction will be to put Peter Dow on trial for his tweets" then both Scotland and England will be required to head in that direction.

    If Scotland and England were individuals, there would be a Scotsman and an Englishman in the back of a UK prison van.

    If you understand the UK as "like a prison van" then "separation" means someone has got out.

    The UK is for sovereignty of Her Majesty the Queen and subjugation of the people.

    I'm for sovereignty of the people where each person has governing rights and freedoms to belong as he or she pleases to self-governing nations, establishing such nation states as are required to serve the people.
  18. Anders Hoveland

    Anders Hoveland Banned

    Apr 27, 2011
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    Yes, but my point was, comparatively speaking, Scotland and England are similar societies. Even if Scotland was not politically bound to England, would not the society begin drifting in a similar direction? What really are some tangible differences that an independent Scottish government would institute? I mean immigration, taxation, war, civil liberties, that sort of thing...
    Do you just want independence for the sake of independence? I'm sure there are abuses under the U.K. but what makes you think there wouldn't be the same abuses under an independent Scottish government? Please explain to us outsiders, I have to say I'm really not that familiar with the situation.

    Also, is it possible you could show us the offending comments that got you into trouble, or at least give us a better idea what they were?
  19. Diuretic

    Diuretic Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2008
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    Peter are you to be tried by a jury? Because the charge seems serious enough to warrant one.
  20. Peter Dow

    Peter Dow Active Member

    Sep 28, 2008
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    Can I come back to this later, as in after November the 4th, when, if I am still a free man, I will have time to discuss all these interesting questions?

    My big concern now is the court case and I have much to do see if I can find someone, anyone, to tweet those tweets for me, to raise the profile of my political defence blog in Scotland someone who will just help me, in my hour of need and not distract me in a peripheral discussion to the crisis I am going through when I really need urgent help! :frown:

    Suggested tweets
    Please copy and paste these texts and tweet them!

    Peter Dow's political defence blog #peterdow #Scotland2015 #scotnight #SNP #the45 #indyref #ReportingScotland #bbcsp​


    Peter Dow's political defence blog #peterdow #NicolaSturgeon #MichaelMatheson #ScotsLaw #humanrights #STUC​

    or post a similar tweet but with a hash-tag list of your own composition.

    It's part of my defence case that I offered to delete any complained-about tweets and so if I was to post the text of the complained-about tweets anywhere else on the internet that would be doing the perverse opposite.

    It makes no sense in my defence for me to repeat the act which got me into trouble with the police in the first place.

    I've provided a link to my Twitter account in my opening post but there are bail conditions preventing me from accessing Twitter myself so that's the best idea I can give you of what they were, sorry.
  21. Peter Dow

    Peter Dow Active Member

    Sep 28, 2008
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    Not now, no, but originally, when I was first charged, back in July 2014 with a different charge than I am now charged with, yes, the prosecution did plan to try me with a jury and up to 5 years imprisonment possible.

    Then in June this year, the prosecution down-rated the seriousness of the case, changed the charge and decided to proceed by summary trial before a Sheriff only and a sentence of up to 1 year in prison. (In Scotland, people are not allowed a jury trial as of right, as opposed to in England, where someone accused, I believe, can insist on their right to trial by jury.)

    Presumably it took them that long to get their collective minds around the fact that I wasn't actually a "threat" to anyone and the police had greatly overreacted to a non-threat?

    So the charge is now causing fear and alarm because someone (the police) might have thought I was threatening, even though I wasn't actually and that's, somehow, supposed to be my fault, and not entirely down to the stupidity and ignorance of the police.
  22. Diuretic

    Diuretic Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2008
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    I suspect the police have been put up to this. The much vaunted independence of the police - independent from political interference - is basically bull(*)(*)(*)(*) these days. Here's hoping the Sheriff susses it out. And for those who may be a bit confused, I think a Sheriff in Scotland is a judicial officer and not a law enforcement officer.
  23. Peter Dow

    Peter Dow Active Member

    Sep 28, 2008
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    The trial date has been rescheduled to 23rd February 2016.


    Meanwhile please will anyone here support my political defence by posting a couple of tweets for me? A court-imposed bail condition denies me access to tweet my own tweets so I need help please.

    Suggested tweets
    Please copy and paste these texts and tweet them!

    #Peter Dow's political defence blog #indyref #SNP #Scotland2015 #scotnight #ScottishLabour #the45 #ReportingScotland


    Peter Dow's political defence blog #indyref #SNP #KeziaDugdale #NicolaSturgeon #humanrights #bbcsp #bbcqt #BBCNews

    or post a similar tweet but with a hash-tag list of your own composition, including "#indyref #SNP" every time and new hash-tags too.

    Post a link

    Please post a link to this blog on another social media network or on an on-line discussion forum of your choice.

    Peter Dow's political defence blog
  24. Sab

    Sab Active Member

    Jan 26, 2013
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    Since you are rapidly anti English why would we want to aid you tweet your hatred?
  25. Peter Dow

    Peter Dow Active Member

    Sep 28, 2008
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    I'm not "anti English" in the least.

    I've have friends and family who are English or who live in England. I love the English.


    I'm anti-Queen, not "anti-English" like you mistakenly assumed with no evidence whatsoever for your prejudice about me.

    The only hatred in my tweet is not against the English, who I love, but against

    • my legal human rights being cruelly violated by the police and courts in Aberdeen
    • unjust royalist arrests, prosecutions, convictions and punishments of me

    Most of those bad things are done to me by Scots - Scottish police, Scottish prosecutors, Scottish judges, Scottish prison officers.

    Why on Earth would I blame the English for all the bad things those Scots are doing to me?

    No, it is not the English I blame it is stupid Scots who trust the Queen and her courts. Scots should not be so daft as to trust the Queen and that's what my republican politics is about - explaining all that to the Scots - that the cause of all our problems is not the English but the bad decisions Scots make because Scots trust a Queen and her courts who should never be trusted.


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