French Jews immigrating to Israel in record numbers

Discussion in 'Middle East' started by kahing, Dec 18, 2015.

  1. kahing

    kahing New Member

    Jul 2, 2015
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    This a very important a development. There are currently about 600,000 Jews in France, and it's a community very religious and very closely tied to Israel. Growing antisemitism has pushed increasing numbers of them to Israel. I wouldn't be surprised if a few years from now they're immigrating to Israel at the rate of about 20,000 per year.

    In addition to a larger population strengthening Israel economically and militarily, it will also bolster Israel's Jewish majority. Perhaps it could lead to greater calls to annex the West Bank.
  2. Margot2

    Margot2 Banned

    Sep 9, 2013
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    Do you believe that 600,000 French Jews are very religious?
  3. kahing

    kahing New Member

    Jul 2, 2015
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    French Jews tend to be very religious. True, not all are, but it's noteworthy that the French-Jewish intermarriage rate is around 40%. It's remarkable in itself that a majority shun marriage with non-Jews, especially when 58% of American Jews intermarry. Then, there is a survey I was just reading from a 2001 book that shows 68% of French Jews are very observant, and one-third said they were more observant than their parents.

    While not all are observant, it's very clear this is a very religious community. Furthermore, they close links to Israel. Many visit Israel (which is only a short distance away), 40% of observant French Jews opt to be buried there, and many have family there.

    So yes, combine that with rampant anti-antisemitism in France, and you'll be seeing a lot more immigration to Israel in the years to come.
    DennisTate likes this.
  4. Margot2

    Margot2 Banned

    Sep 9, 2013
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    Have you seen the numbers for Israelis leaving Israel and applying for citizenship in Spain, Germany and Russia?
  5. kahing

    kahing New Member

    Jul 2, 2015
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    Israel has net immigration (more people immigrate to than emigrate from Israel). And many, if not most people who leave Israel end up coming back after a few years working or studying abroad.

    Also, many might want EU citizenship for the potential benefits it offers (the right to live and work in 28 countries) but still want to stay in Israel. And many apply for citizenship in countries they would not want to live in just so they can live in prosperous countries like Britain and Germany. For example, Spain has high unemployment and Eastern European countries like Poland and Hungary and Romania are poorer than Western Europe, but Israelis still apply for citizenship of these countries without actually wanting to live there.

    Also, while some Russian Israelis returned to Russia in the past years, many Russian Jews are now moving to Israel because of what sanctions and falling oil prices are doing to the Russian economy.
  6. Margot2

    Margot2 Banned

    Sep 9, 2013
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    The average annual income for an Israeli citizen is $19,000, which is 17 times greater than that of Palestinian in the occupied West Bank and the Gaza Strip. Israel is one of the few states which have survived the current global financial crisis relatively unscathed and the security situation has improved considerably over the past few years.

    Despite such positive aspects of life in the "Jewish state", Israelis are rushing to get foreign passports and emigrate to a new life in the West.

    A recent study showed that a million Israelis left the country over the past two decades. Whereas in the past, emigrants tended to move away quietly, there is now little shame in abandoning the Zionist project. Indeed, they even have seminars and conferences to discuss emigration. The results of a survey of emigrants suggests that the main question for them is not, "Why have we left Israel?" but "Why did we wait so long before leaving?"

    A separate survey of young people showed that around half of settler youth would prefer to live somewhere else. Israel, they believe, is not the ideal place in which to set up home.

    Interestingly, the overwhelming majority of Israeli emigrants head to Germany. Successive Israeli government have exploited Nazi Germany's Holocaust against the Jews of Europe to justify usurping the land of Palestine. They have also extracted billions of dollars of "reparations" from the German government.

    Not only have one million Israelis left in the past 20 years, but there is also a rush among those left behind to get a foreign passport. Sixty per cent of Israelis, it is claimed, have made contact with foreign embassies to apply for passports.

    Around 100,000 Israelis already hold German passports; most are believed to be the descendants of German Jews who left the country before, during or after the Holocaust. Half-a-million Israelis are thought to hold dual US-Israeli citizenship; the US Immigration Department is dealing with 250,000 applications from Israelis for Green (residence) Cards and American citizenship.

    Most Israelis apparently justify their migration on the basis of looking for a "better" life, even though the economic situation in Israel is good. Since almost 40 per cent of Israeli citizens were born outside the country in any case, migration is not such a big issue. Security is often cited as the main reason; it may not be too bad at the moment but they want a more stable and secure future.

    Although the Israeli government is alarmed at the number of Jews leaving the supposedly "Jewish state", it does not want to highlight the issue in case it encourages others to make the move.

    The Israeli leadership recognises that the Zionist project was built on two key requirements: the seizure of Palestinian land and bringing in as many Jews as possible to settle on the land. In the light of recent data, however, it looks as if net immigration is falling. This could be the beginning of the end in Israel's demographic battle against the indigenous Palestinians.

    Migration from Israel is likely to result in big economic losses because many of those leaving are prominent in their fields as well-qualified scientists and technicians. They have an important role to play in maintaining Israel's technological superiority, which is a mainstay of the economy. The annual income from technical industries is estimated at around $7 billion.

    The "brain drain" has also affected the military and security sectors, which both rely on keeping ahead of the competition in the technology that they depend on. Notably, this is seen in the production of unmanned "drones"; aircraft which help to keep Israel in an advanced state of readiness to detect and repel strategic and existential challenges. Israel is also believed to be responsible for the development of the Stuxnet Virus which was used so effectively against Iran's nuclear development programme. A shortage of suitably-qualified personnel is now affecting Israel's intelligence networks as well.

    The question which remains to be asked is simple: If the founding myths of Israel are true, and there are religious and ethical reasons for the establishment of the state in a land in which another people were already living, why are so many Israelis leaving "the promised land"?


    There's another article in Haretz.
  7. Jackster

    Jackster New Member

    May 30, 2012
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    Cant blame them, if Europeans had a country of their own like Jews do we'd see the same thing.
  8. kahing

    kahing New Member

    Jul 2, 2015
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    That article is two years old. Here's an article from last year explaining how emigration rates from Israel are at an all-time low.

    Also, it should be noted that many Israelis left in previous years are not native-born, but emigrants returning to their home countries or to other countries (at one point one out of two Israelis requesting a US Green Card was a Russian-speaker and 30% of French Jews who immigrated to Israel returned to France). But even then, in recent years, record numbers of Israelis have been returning. I know not all do. I personally know an Israeli family in California with no plans of returning as far as I know. But overall, Israel is getting far more immigrants than emigrants, and this will only increase in the years to come as antisemitism continues and Israeli living standards rise.
  9. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Yes...… but some gifted people have even been shown about the possibility of an Exodus of Jews from America.

    Could G-d be planning another Exodus? But this time from the USA????

    This sounds almost too astonishing to be true…. but…….. beginning in 2012 I have ran into a theory on this that would fit strangely well with what happened in France last week?!

    I don't know if he is a near death experiencer or OBE'r or not…. but Pastor Shane Warren was given some sort of visionary dream of a hurricane of money……… of USA one dollar bills…. that he understood to mean a serious devaluation of the dollar???!

    The important part in this video is from about the fifteen minute mark to the twenty minute point.

    At the seventeen minute mark in this video Messianic Jewish visionary David Herzog states that he was shown that during a time of economic crisis in the USA a segment of the population would blame Israel……… as well as Jews living in America…. and American Jews would be forced to flee from the United State…… and go to Israel. Apparently many of them would choose a route through Canada?!?!

    Even one percent of a population….. who believes that violence is justified……….. and who hate another group of people and blame their own problems on that group of people……… can make life very difficult for an easily identified ethnic group?????!
  10. Margot2

    Margot2 Banned

    Sep 9, 2013
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    Jobs are hard to come by in Israel and housing is very expensive, plus Israelis who work have to support at the deadbeat Orthodox Haredi who won't work.
  11. kahing

    kahing New Member

    Jul 2, 2015
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    Israel may not be perfect, but it has lower unemployment than the USA and Europe (the lousy economic situation in France is also a reason behind immigration).

    Also, the Haredim are actually beginning to integrate into Israel's job market. It's a slow process, but it's happening. In 2012, 45% of Haredi men were employed.

    There's even a small but growing Haredi middle class
  12. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    This statistic is extremely useful to me.

    Since 55 percent of Haredi Jews living in Israel are UNEMPLOYED..... then this leaves an opening for a proposal for Israel and Canada to cooperate at a higher level were Israeli Haredi's could at the minimum........ become actors playing the role of Haredi Jews in a combined semi-reality science fiction series of films that focus on alternative, (and more positive), ways for Christian, Islamic and Jewish prophecies to work out in the time period that is a transition over to the "Era of Moshiach/ Messiah" or the age of the Mahdi and the Jesus of Islam, to Muslims..... and to the "tribulation to Millennium" as understood by Christians?!

    P. M. Benjamin Netanyahu, let's get into the production of....

    .... semi reality science fiction film projects that are partly financed through alternative local currencies, and/or State currencies, and/or community currencies......... that address specific problems that human beings are facing now in 2015?


    Basically..... Prime Minister Netanyahu....... what do you think of the idea of planning a massive semi-reality science fiction event for the year 2027.......... in which perhaps two hundred million Seventh Day Adventists, and / or Baptists, and/ or Pentecostals from China, and India and Mongolia, go to the Valley of Megiddo (pardon my spelling)..... and put pressure on the Jerusalem Sanhedrin to actually construct the Jerusalem Third Temple according to the description given in Ezekiel chapters 40 - 48?


    As I am sure you can guess...... I was being quite serious when I stated that ......

    Artistic Hollywood style "Armageddon" could bring world out of recession?!

    .........A serious attempt to replicate "Armageddon" would create a minimum of two hundred million jobs in China, India, Russia and Mongolia alone....... not to mention the number of jobs this would generate in Israel and the surrounding nations.

    Revelation 9:16

    "And the number of the army of the horsemen were two hundred thousand thousand: and I heard the number of them."

    China now holds so many American dollars that any possible way to cooperate at a higher level seems to be worthy of consideration.

    One of the "stages" is the Jerusalem Third Temple complex. Without conflict a film is boring and we all know that lots of conflict surrounds the idea of rebuilding the Third Temple. Two logical years for this to happen are 2030 (only fifteen years in the future) and also 2070.
    .............................. ......................

    Oh wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I just noticed something in that verse that I had never previously clued to........"horsemen".......... .. two hundred million men capable of riding a horse........... will not be easy to organize by 2027?????!

    Also.... they need to become sufficiently adept with swords, spears, bows and arrows...... that they can put some fear in poor ol' Disciple John/ Yohannan.......(or whoever it actually was who was given the visionary dream known to Christians and the Messianic community as The Book of Revelation or The Apocalypse)!

    .... and scare Israel's IDF...... NOT AT ALL!!!!!!!!!!?
  13. Margot2

    Margot2 Banned

    Sep 9, 2013
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    Do they count Muslims in the unemployment rate?

    If Israel is doing so well, they should stop taking US foreign aid much less demanding an additional $50 billion over the next ten years.
  14. Margot2

    Margot2 Banned

    Sep 9, 2013
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    Sounds like you are mocking Revelation.
  15. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    To a degree.... that is true..... but if AboveAlpha's theories on Multiverse are basically accurate.........… and if my impression that his theories indicate non-linear time in such a way that produce a theoretically nearly infinite number of fulfillments of Ezekiel 37 then.........…
    it would seem logical that there must eventually come along a person...… a Christian political leader with a "Cyrus destiny"........ and although a majority of Christians may look at this person as an anti-Christ.... simply because this person actually is able to work out a workable peace deal in the Middle East..... then.......... the fulfillment of the Christian anti-Christ prophecies could be worked out in a way that is shockingly positive....... especially to Christians who were expecting vastly worse treatment at the hands of their opponents led by this "anti-Christ" person................ who from the point of view of G-d... is really more of a Cyrus type of leader??????

    (Here is the link where I quote AboveAlpha's explanation for Multiverse Theory that I understand to fit extremely well with non-linear time):

    The Philosophical implications of Multiverse Theory?

    I have suspected for about fifteen years that that time is not limited to being one straight line but instead branches.

    Over in another thread I just received a very specific and pretty amazing explanation for this that is in the language spoken by high level theoretical physicists.

    If........ you and I have been thinking seriously about changing our diet, becoming more physically active, well now we have another possible motivator?!

    The new and improved version of you and I may well get to live out life over and over and over again many times over nearly infinite time in the future, for each time that a moment within our lifetime is recreated and time is spun off in a new possible direction based on different choices that we are all free to make?!
  16. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    I am almost certain that the statistic quoted is merely for Haredi ...… exceptionally observant Jews.... who have great difficulty being on a work side that is to at least some degree non-kosher, unclean, defiled, to them!
  17. Gilos

    Gilos Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2011
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    The question dear Margot is why should anyone trust an article that links the migration to "Zionism" and "ethical reasons for the establishment of the state" :)

    Its garbage, Islamic porno, yea sure we are leaving the land and in a few years you can have all to yourselves :)

    btw does your source say the Jewish numbers in Israel are increasing or decreasing ?

    - - - Updated - - -

    And we ave Army service and some "action" from time to time, yet this is home.
  18. Margot2

    Margot2 Banned

    Sep 9, 2013
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    Middle East monitor is pro-Israel..

    The other article that effectively says the same thing is in Haretz.
  19. kahing

    kahing New Member

    Jul 2, 2015
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    Yes, Muslims are counted. Arab women have a particularly low employment rate, but it's also changing. The Israeli government is trying to get them to work alongside the Haredim. The target is that 63% of Haredi men and 41% of Arab women to work by 2020.
  20. Gilos

    Gilos Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2011
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    Haaretz said a Million Israelis left in 20 years? that the Jews are fleeing because they just cant stand "Zionism" anymore ? or did your brain connect the dots abit from here and alot from Israeli enemies press ?
  21. Gilos

    Gilos Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2011
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    We are making an effort to get them in Hi Tech, Haredim and Arabs, better success with the Haredim women than with the Arabs so far but numbers are growing, I think 2016 will be a record year in Arab QA training.
  22. tidbit

    tidbit New Member Past Donor

    Jul 5, 2015
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    I feel for the Israelis being stuck in the middle of Arabs, and being the whipping post for them. However, does a larger Israeli population mean that Americans will have to fork over even more of their hard earned tax dollars to support them?
  23. Margot2

    Margot2 Banned

    Sep 9, 2013
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    Netanyahu is asking for an additional $50 billion over the next ten years.
  24. clarisse150

    clarisse150 Member

    Apr 15, 2012
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    Polls show that Jews are more and more liked by french people... That's really sad that people so well integreated in our country, wich are completly part of it since centuries, have to leave because of haters people :(...
  25. kahing

    kahing New Member

    Jul 2, 2015
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    Military aid. It has nothing to do with this. In fact, a larger working population (many of these immigrants are well-educated) will probably mean even less reliance on US aid in the future.

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