All of My Races are Beautiful

Discussion in 'Race Relations' started by Sane Centrist, Jan 19, 2016.

  1. Sane Centrist

    Sane Centrist Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2013
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    By now many of you know me, while a great many probably still don't.

    For those that have followed some of my threads, you would know that I'm a Mulatto on steroids, menacing I have many nationalities running through my veins.

    To be precise........

    From my mother's side I am: Moroccan, Native American Indian (Blackfoot Tribe), Irish, African

    From my father's side I am: Sicilian (who's ancestors started out from Syria), Greek, Scottish, Welsh, English, German

    I come from an extremely diverse background, and I was raised not to see color. On top of all the nationalities running through me & within my family that literally stretches all over the world, many other ethnic groups have married into my family.

    Jews, Hispanic, Asians, and Russians have married into my family, and their kids are so mixed up that they have their own zip code, and there is no possible way to classify or nail any one race down to them.

    Most of the babies I see being born these days fall under this category.

    I love everyone in my family (as we all should) and I do not judge any of them by what country they live in, which God they pray to or what language they speak.

    I have one cousin from Morocco that can speak six languages.........FLUENTLY!!!

    I have cousins & aunts in Amsterdam that speak 4 as a minimum.

    I love all of my races, and I love all of the blood's running through me.

    I think it's important for all people to embrace everything that they are, and also to realize that the person standing next to you is only separated from you by six degrees.....

    We are all just people, and the only thing we can do as people is be there for each other.......:peace:
  2. ThirdTerm

    ThirdTerm Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2012
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    What the scientists discovered was pretty phenomenal – the two groups possessed very different versions of a crucial gene, TYRP1, which coded for a protein involved in pigmentation. Just switching one letter of the genetic code (a ‘T’ instead of a ‘C’), marked the difference between dark hair and blond hair. Only one amino acid in the protein is different (arginine replaced by cysteine). So 25 percent of the Solomon islanders carry two copies of the mutant recessive gene. That means the blonds could have inherited their hair color from both parents. “It’s a great example of convergent evolution, where the same outcome is brought about by completely different means,” said Myles.


    The study also traced the origins of the Melanesian people in an effort to understand the mutant gene. They discovered that while all humans outside of Africa have genes passed down from the Neanderthals, Melanesians are the only known humans with a different prehistoric ancestry. They are believed to have evolved from an interbreeding of the Denisova hominin, Neanderthal man’s distant cousin. So the islanders have slightly different genes, which gives them their unique blond hair.

    I have encountered Melanesians in Australia, which was the weirdest experience of my life. But it makes sense now as we know now that they are the direct descendants of the Denisovans and my interest in human genetics started from there.
  3. Sane Centrist

    Sane Centrist Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2013
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    Very interesting.....

    I have two cousins in particular that are actually pretty famous (in the small town we all grew up in) in NJ.

    My one cousin (who's grandmother is Irish, Black, & Native American Indian) has bronze collared skin, golden brown hair,and like David Bowie (may he rest in peace) has one green eye & one brown eye. She has a very beautiful sculpted face and she resembles Jada Pinkett Smith. (actually she a dead ringer for her)

    My other (famous in our town) cousin is extremely fair skinned (damn near white) with blond hair & blue eyes and she resembles Vanessa Williams, so she's also very pretty.

    Actually I didn't know she was my cousin until we were in the 7th grade, and I had a huge crush on her because she's so pretty.

    Of course once our parents told us we were related, all bets were off and, I was devastated................:roflol:

    By the way those two cousins of mine have the same grandmother.

    I have other cousins, aunts, uncles that are just all over the place regarding the texture of their hair, skin color, eye color, everything.

    I myself have olive skin with pin straight black hair, and eyes that are even darker. They look like two huge black pearls, and most people are taken aback when they see me for the first time because they don't quite know what to make of me.

    What's nice of course is that everywhere I go (except for anywhere in Asia) I blend right into the crowds and nobody bothers me.

    We "are" a very unique tribe indeed..................but then we all our......

    Thanks for sharing the information.

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