A massive reevaluation of national wealth must occur in order to finance....

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by DennisTate, Feb 3, 2016.

  1. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    ..... the shift over to a truly green and sustainable economy!

    I just got back a brilliant summary of the numbers for the national wealth of the world's leading economies but.......
    ... it is apparent to me that we must look at these numbers and rethink the entire formula....... if we wish to finance the shift over to a truly green, truly sustainable economy.... and do it with the minimum amount of economic, political and social upheaval?!

    I hope a GOD exists but I am not holding my breath!

  2. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Canadian economist John Hotson summarizes our situation brilliantly:

    How can we now reform our unsustainable financial system?
    Is John Hotson Ph. D. correct in the following assertion?

  3. Spooky

    Spooky Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 29, 2013
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    Global warming doesn't exist.
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  4. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Spooky....... I would so love to be entirely incorrect in my concerns and for you to be correct about this but......... for some reason or another something unusual seems to be happening on the land based Greenland Ice Pack that indicates to me that we will soon be facing a rise in ocean levels.

    The West Antarctic Ice Sheet may be even more dangerous for our coastal cities and communities because so much of it is below sea level and therefore highly susceptible to cracking and sliding.

    For all I know..... this could be more so related to a natural part of solar activity and the earth's orbital pattern around the sun.... .but for whatever reason.... I do believe that we must discuss what can be done to protect our coastal communities and........... financing a massive increase in projects such as the Sahara Forest Project or Sahara Solar Breeder Project may be far far far far far less expensive than building dikes and sea walls?!
  5. Spooky

    Spooky Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 29, 2013
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    Global warming is the biggest scam in politics. We are coming out of an ice age so of course the earth will warm and most of the permanent ice will melt raising sea levels roughly 6-8 feet which means flooding as far as 200 miles inland in some places.

    This is natural and will occur and cannot be prevented. The solutions from the environmentalists is to create carbon taxes, build green energy production, and recycle your tin cans......none of which will halt the natural process at work. "Well why rush it they say", so their option is to avoid it and kick the can down the road so future generations have to face this with no preparation.

    If they were serious they would be trying to pass legislation preventing new building on the coasts, development of sea walls which Denmark has proved works, moving agriculture further inland, the creation of massive trenches to reroute the water but they are doing none of that.

    I have absolutely no respect for people that play politics in the face of the inevitable.
  6. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Spooky......... this is actually a good analysis of a big part of the whole situation.

    I believe it may have been back in 2006 during one of my three campaigns for political office when I attended a meeting in Goldboro, Guysborough County, Nova Scotia about a proposed natural gas project.

    I was outside talking to an actual expert in ecology. He asked me if I knew which one nation on earth has experienced cooling in its climate since 1950?

    I guessed Israel and he said that I was correct.

    Israel leads the world both in planting trees as well as in desalination of ocean water for agriculture and reforestation projects.

    There seems to be a connection between an increase in plant growth.... with moderation of the climate and weather?

    This sure fits with an alternative theory on climate stabilization by a New Mexico biologist and coach Carl Cantrell. I quoted Carl in my 2008 campaign writing:


    ........I am in agreement with environmentalist and economist Bjorn Lomborg that a carbon shift policy will probably be ineffective over the short term in combating global temperature increases or in preventing a destructive rise in world ocean levels.

    Two effective methods to combat global warming and simultaneously fight rising ocean levels have been proposed by New Mexico biologist Carl Cantrell.

  7. Spooky

    Spooky Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 29, 2013
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    A recent study also showed that arid environments such as deserts actually increase their co2 intake rates as those levels increase but it is not enough to halt what is coming. Science itself has shown that melting is cyclical so it is a question of do we begin preparing now or continue to try and convince ourself that it is preventable. When Mt. pinatubo erupted in the 1990's it released enough sulfer into the atmosphere to lower global temperatures by 3 degrees for four years and that was one isolated event out of millions happening everyday and it had a bigger effect on the environment overnight then everything humans have done since the industrial revolution.
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  8. lynnlynn

    lynnlynn New Member

    Mar 19, 2013
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    paper money will always exist due to the black market which the government depends on to sustain a larger government control over the masses.
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  9. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Yes...... vegetation is growing in parts of the Sahara and other deserts and experts believe that increased atmospheric CO2 is probably the major cause....... because the humidity levels in the atmosphere seems to have remained the same?

    I have been wracking my brain for years now on how best to prepare for rising ocean levels and I still think that every cubic meter of ocean water that is desalinated and added to the water table of Jordan or Israel or Qatar or North Africa will put less pressure on oceans to flood New Orleans, Florida, Bangladesh, The Netherlands and those 143,000 acres along Canada's Bay of Fundy that are protected from the world's highest tides only by dikes?


  10. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    I believe...... and hope that you are probably correct about this!

    The success of the Great Depression era Worgl, Austria local money experiment in over one thousand communities in the USA to my thinking proves that paper money is such a powerful tool for increasing economic activity that any government that bans it........... is attempting to gain greater control at the expense of the citizens of that nation.

    City in Austria Printed Local Currency

    It is interesting to note that TEN USA STATES ARE DISCUSSING MINTING A STATE COIN and they are also encouraging local governments to follow the example of towns like Ithaca, New York that have printed up a local paper currency.

  11. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    I just got back a brilliant reply in another discussion that can help us to understand how serious our situation really is....... and how desperately we need to figure out a method of financing better science........ and fuller and more complete responses to what is happening!

    It is a dangerous thing if our greatest scientific minds are in what could be termed a "mentality of poverty" that is largely the result of seriously flawed economic theory that is founded on far too extreme and too Atheistic a version of Evolutionary Theory?!


    MTBE causing water to repel oxygen.
    This may help to explain why all those dead zones are popping up in the oceans?

    ChristopherABrown elaborates here:



  12. Spooky

    Spooky Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 29, 2013
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    Dead zones have always occurred. In fact, massive die offs happened far more frequently in the past then they do today and we have archaeological evidence to prove it. Species, with human interaction, have become far more resilient. There are actually many hundreds of species that rely on humans for their very existence. In a way, you could say that human interference in the environment has been a net benefit to life on earth.
  13. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    I supposed that that is true in some ways................... maybe our ancestors played a role in the extinction of some very deadly pre-historic creatures..... that most of us would tend to agree are just too dangerous to have around?

    I saw some sort of fossil, it may have been found in Texas, that seems to be petrified mud with the clear footprint of a human....... with the footprint of a Raptor or some other type of large lizard right behind them perhaps stalking them????????!

    Our ancestors...... who constructed the pyramids and other ancient technological wonders..... may have had far far far far more technology than our experts like to imagine but...... it seems that the burning of libraries such as that of Alexandria, Egypt..... erased the records of what we humans could perhaps do at one time?!
  14. Spooky

    Spooky Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 29, 2013
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    Indeed, it is well known that the first arrivals in the Americas were responsible for the extinction of megafauna. During that ice age there was a small corridor leading south that animals and humans shared and let's just say that the animals lost out.

    But on the other hand you have the younger dryas period where agriculture took off, among other things, that allowed many species to thrive. Especially birds, insects, and vermin.

    It all balances out.
  15. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    True.......... it does balance out...... .but ..... if some sort of off the scale intelligence that exists in fundamental or nearly fundamental energy does exist........ and if that Intelligence was attached for some reason with a prehistoric life form...... then in theory a new time line could be began with the replication of a moment in history when at least two of those life forms were still here...... and a new time line could be spun off in which that species is not extinct????!

    I am again quoting the writer who not only has an amazing understanding of economics..... .but also of high level theoretical physics!

    The Philosophical implications of Multiverse Theory?
    I have suspected for about fifteen years that that time is not limited to being one straight line but instead branches.

    Over in another thread I just received a very specific and pretty amazing explanation for this that is in the language spoken by high level theoretical physicists.

    If........ you and I have been thinking seriously about changing our diet, becoming more physically active, well now we have another possible motivator?!

    The new and improved version of you and I may well get to live out life over and over and over again many times over nearly infinite time in the future, for each time that a moment within our lifetime is recreated and time is spun off in a new possible direction based on different choices that we are all free to make?!
  16. Spooky

    Spooky Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 29, 2013
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    You would need to prove the existence of that energy first of all. As far as I know it has not. It is in fact the very energy, extrapolated, which supposedly caused the Big Bang but you could also attribute it to a divine being. You are going to the very theoretical levels now.
  17. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    I am no expert...... I wrote a SAT back in 1980 in order to apply to a college in the USA and my IQ was only 118....my score was 1199 if I remember correctly.

    I am not attempting to prove things but instead my goal is to attempt to ask better questions and put better information in front of people who are in a position to do something with those ideas........ and with the data that I quote...... There are some really good quotation on String Theory in this blog that I wrote...... (and my conclusions do seem logical to me)......... but I have to leave judgment of these theories to others more qualified to do so.............. but all of us are capable of tweaking and modifying our beliefs to be somewhat more accurate?!

    Also..... I think that Creationists like myself........ should give some credit to the people who believe in Evolutionary Theory.......... because those two Theories do not necessarily contradict?!

    Evolutionary Theory can be either Atheistic or Theistic.................... and some fascinating evidence is available to all of us with open minds that strongly indicates that a more Theistic version of Evolutionary Theory is both more intellectually honest...... as well as more useful in producing happier young people?!


    ...I actually do believe in evolution but I think that anybody who would dogmatically limit evolution to our four dimensional space time continuum lacks basic mathematical aptitude.

    Back in the 1990's I read several articles on GUT and string theory. Later on I read Stephen Hawking's Universe. In his chapter The Anthropic Principle he speculated that perhaps there were an infinite number of unsuccessful universes out there somewhere in which was no life due to the fact that electromagnetism, gravity, weak and strong nuclear force were not properly tuned for life as we know it. It seems obvious to me that another possibility is that the first intelligent life form might be composed of energy. Probably a fundamental energy such as SuperForce or Super Energetic Matter which may be the common denominator for all four forces active in our fourth space time dimensional continuum.

    13.72 billion years is roughly equal to ZERO time when compared with eternity. If fundamental energy would always have existed, as I assume Dr. Hawking seems to believe due to his suspicion of their having been an infinite number of unsuccessful universes and probably Big Bang + Grand Collapses, then if evolutionary theory could be expanded to have occurred within infinite time as opposed to limiting abiogenesis and evolution to abouit 4.5 billion years than you increase the probability of evolution being possible by essentially an infinite factor! I do believe in evolution occurring, but I suspect that perhaps 99% of evolution probably occurred before our Big Bang which was probably planned and choreographed by the Life Form/life forms that would probably be composed of fundamental energy.

    Is evolution more probable to have occurred within 13 billion years or within eternity?

  18. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    The word "divine" carries lots of baggage with it!

    I like to think in terms of a Creator who has actually LEARNED..... and in a sense .....EVOLVED...... over infinite time in the past!

    Many Theologians would argue that if G-d has any need to LEARN..... then He/ She..... would not meet their definition of G-d!?!?

    I thought that this passage from a near death experience account was brilliantly written...... and sure seemed to fit with Chapter 13 of Stephen Hawking's Universe?!


  19. logical1

    logical1 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 15, 2011
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    Why screw with what is working now?
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  20. Professor Peabody

    Professor Peabody Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 19, 2008
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    It wouldn't matter one way or the other for you, so why are you hoping?
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  21. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Actually.... that statement was made by somebody else..... but quoted by me.

    Back in 1990...... I actually volunteered for a rather difficult role in life............. and if I had thought that there was no G-d of Abraham...... no Ancient of Days the Father..... and no Messiah Yeshua - Jesus....Messiah the Passover Lamb..... and no Holy Spirit..... rest assured I would NOT have volunteered to become some sort of metaphorical "Yom Kippur goat" ...… IF.... The G-d of Abraham indeed had some use for one?!?!

    I personally am absolutely convinced of the existence of a Supreme Intelligence who probably planned and choreographed an essentially infinite number of Big Bang type events over nearly infinite time in the past...… and I believe in the ability of that Supreme Intelligence to take a human being by the right hand and guide them through life as asserted in Isaiah 45:1?!

  22. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    For many reasons............. one of them is that the system that is working now is only working for a rather small percentage of the population of the earth.

    Another reason is because logic indicates a massive death toll would probably be caused as climate change hits all the governments and all the businesses of the earth with something like the "perfect Storm."
  23. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    The company Monsanto..... is terribly UNDERVALUED....... because they have been given control over ancient seeds.......... that obviously may hold the key to feeding the world's hungry......… if we rethink the creation of money to make it possible for hungry people to be able to purchase food????!


    Could a Utah State Dollar save the USA Dollar?

    Have you seen any of the following films:

    1. The Future of Food
    2. Food Inc
    3. The World According to Monsanto.

    If so..... then you know that the USA dollar to some degree is linked to and backed up by a plan to control the world's production of food in such a way that could eventually produce global famine.

    "George Soros says that America must give up the dollar and accept world currency."

  24. Professor Peabody

    Professor Peabody Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 19, 2008
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  25. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    If..... we will begin to look at the true value of human life differently...… to see each human life as perhaps having something like infinite value........ a series of events can be set in motion that will lead to a massive increase in the valuation of the stock market!

    I am not exactly talking about an increase in taxes..............actually income tax was an emergency measure as originally proposed and those days can come again...... look at what Canadian Prime Minister Mackenzie King began up here in 1940.......


    From 1940 to 1970 the Government of Canada put roughly half of the total money supply into the economy through loans issued through the federally owned Bank of Canada. Provincial and municipal governments could borrow the money to build roads, schools, hospitals and sewage treatment facilities at zero or one percent interest. In 1970 we changed our system and since that time a higher and higher percentage of all government debt is financed through loans issued through privately owned banks. At this time it is ninety eight percent. This policy may be great for our banking sector but it was estimated that in the one year of 1995 alone our federal government could have saved roughly SIXTY FIVE BILLION DOLLARS in interest payments if we had gone back to creating half the total money supply through these low interest rate loans issued through the bank that is OWNED BY ALL CANADIANS.

    Considering that our deficit was approximately thirty billion dollars for that year, simply by changing back to an already proven monetary and banking system, we could theoretically have had a FEDERAL BUDGET SURPLUS OF THIRTY FIVE BILLION DOLLARS in 1995.

    The massive cutbacks in the Canadian military, in health care, highway construction, social programs and education were profoundly affected by these accounting practices?


    What must be done to set in motion LOWERING ocean levels thirty centimeters / one foot.... to create a buffer zone......… can be something like an INFRASTRUCTURE project that most of us agree must be done or the consequences....... will be terrible!

    This should be financed interest free.... and once we take that step... we will realize that income tax...… and many other taxes....... were decided on due to their psychological value....... not because they were actually the only way to finance necessary projects!

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