Tomi Lahren discusses race issues

Discussion in 'Race Relations' started by Robert, Feb 13, 2016.

  1. Robert

    Robert Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 16, 2014
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    This is one bright woman.

    And she engages with a black to discuss race issues.

  2. DarkSkies

    DarkSkies Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2014
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    Hiring a Black citizen to parrot far-right bullcrap doesn't bolster the credibility of what is being said here. She only has him on because he will say things that she wants to. Unfortunately for her, even though it's coming from him, it's still garbage.
  3. Moriah

    Moriah Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2013
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    Thank you. I am not able to view this video on my computer, but I've seen this Tommy Sotomayer on YouTube videos on my cell phone. He is a self-hating tool of the right wing. They must pay him very well.
  4. DarkSkies

    DarkSkies Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2014
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    He's as bad as "Pastor" Manning.
  5. Space_Time

    Space_Time Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2015
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    Stop Giving Right-Wingers The Time Of Day *Cough* Tomi Lahren
    4 mins ago | By Quindara Lazenbury 0 Comments
    Tomi Lahren

    If you haven’t heard, yesterday the internet was buzzing after right-wing commentator, Tomi Lahren, was schooled by The Daily Show’s, Trevor Noah. In the interview, Tomi aka the “White Power Barbie” threw out many controversial statements such as ” I don’t see color,” and compared the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement to the Ku Klux Klan. Overall, the woman is absolutely ridiculous and it will boggle your mind even further to know that she’s only 24 years old. But the larger issue is why we as a populace keep giving these right-wingers the time of day?

    It should be noted that Tomi Lahren is not the first right-winger to manipulate the media in return for getting wide scale coverage and stimulating mass interest. An obvious example is President-Elect Donald Trump. We have witnessed in countless instances how Trump’s explosive, divisive and intimidating rhetoric has ignited a large-scale response and further incited reactions–whether good or bad (mostly bad #PostTrumpEra.)

    In observing Tomi Lahren’s inflammatory remarks in opposition to celebrities’ support of BLM and her criticism of President Obama’s response to the fatal shooting in Chattanooga, TN, Tomi is strategic and savvy. She uses the age-old propaganda tactic of “playing the media like a fiddle” and tailoring her controversial tongue to whip out buzz words and phrases destined to become viral. In mixing politics with pop culture, Tomi is capitalizing on the media’s quip for what’s trending in order to galvanize her own platform and further spew nonsense covered with cries over 1st amendment rights.

    Tomi and other right-wingers’ strategy is nothing new, and actually quite similar to other historically polarizing figures, such as Adolf Hitler. Now, before we get fired up about comparing a young, possibly opportunistic commentator to a dangerous and treacherous tyrant–hear me out. In this age of social media and internet sensations, the way the system of “15-seconds of famers” sustains is to find new ways to capture the media’s attention and this technique is perfectly executed by Tomi and her team. Just as Nazi Germany infiltrated all forms of art, literature, news, etc. by forcing ideals of nationalism rooted in fear and control– similar patterns occurs in how the media is used to stimulate a response based in fear or disapproval of opposing viewpoints. The goal is to suck us in by gaining our attention, stimulating a response and then question why we are reacting in the first place. Gaslighting, anyone?

    As with other controversial commentators, such as Ann Coulter, the formula for stimulating the most discussion is to say the most outrageous thing that comes to mind, mix in something about Black Lives Matter and sprinkle a dose of “I’m not racist but..” and boom! Viral internet sensation in 3..2…1! Which is why we–yes, we the people whose clicks, retweets, likes, shares and comments count, need to stop giving these people the time of day. If we really want change, let’s stop supporting the people who are continuously minimalizing our fight for equality and human rights and instead express our disdain by disengaging with the foolishness. In sum — stop entertaining the right-winged foolery!
  6. ThirdTerm

    ThirdTerm Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2012
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    Tomi Lahren seems to be a younger Ann Coulter and she's better looking than the original. Lahren is a little bit scary because she's from a military family and you can imagine her dad was like a drill sergeant by listening to her. I don't know what she said in the OP's video but I agree that white guilt is as meaningless as war guilt. You cannot hold an entire group of people responsible for what happened a few generations ago.
  7. Egalitarianjay02

    Egalitarianjay02 Banned

    Apr 21, 2014
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    She seems very angry and racist. <Mod Edit- Rule 3>
  8. Crcata

    Crcata Banned

    Jul 8, 2016
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    Facts, objectively show the lefts narrative to be false.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Strange obsession you have.
  9. Moi621

    Moi621 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 13, 2013
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    Having watched the video today, I feel the interviewer was not appropriate.
    Right off the bat she gets labeled as "angry".
    He lacked intellect to really discuss some hot button issues although he drops the bylines.

    I would have much rather witness Jon Stewart conduct the interview.
    And Noah should go back to South Africa. His intellect just isn't there. Just his labels.

    Moi :oldman:

    r > g

    :nana: :flagcanada:
  10. Space_Time

    Space_Time Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2015
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    Trevor Noah didn't "destroy" Tomi Lahren on The Daily Show. What he did was much better.
    Noah took his own tactical advice on how to negotiate with Trump to interview Lahren &#8212; and it worked.
    Updated by Caroline Dec 4, 2016, 12:00pm EST


    Every Sunday, we pick a new episode of the week. It could be good. It could be bad. It will always be interesting. You can read the archives here. The episode of the week for November 27 through December 3, 2016, is the November 29 episode of Comedy Central&#8217;s The Daily Show with Trevor Noah.

    Daily Show host Trevor Noah, like many of his fellow late night hosts, has seemed unsure of how to treat the ongoing fallout from Donald Trump&#8217;s election victory.

    Since having to grit his teeth through a live election night show as it became clearer and clearer what the result was going to be, Noah&#8217;s been working through his shock on a nightly basis. His earnest face swings from bewildered to grimly amused in seconds, his jaw often left hanging by whatever new horror Trump&#8217;s latest Cabinet pick or histrionic tweet might portend.

    While Daily Show alums John Oliver and Samantha Bee dug deep into their anger to find traction, Noah kept more of a stunned distance, sizing up the world before him with a bewildered tilt of the head.

    But three weeks after Trump&#8217;s win, Noah has started to move on to the &#8220;what next?&#8221; stage of grief. Opening his November 29 show with another exasperated sigh, he offered a solution for those wanting to reason with Trump, whom Noah insists conducts himself like a temperamental kid.

    &#8220;You don&#8217;t argue with the toddler if you want to win,&#8221; Noah said. &#8220;Just keep asking the toddler to elaborate, because logic is the downfall of every toddler. Well,&#8221; he stopped himself, with a wry smile, &#8220;that, and shoelaces.&#8221;

    Noah got to try out his own suggestion the very next night, when Blaze commentator Tomi Lahren joined The Daily Show to debate him on everything from Trump&#8217;s election to Obamacare to Black Lives Matter. His patient, firm interviewing hinged on that &#8220;just keep asking the toddler to elaborate&#8221; logic &#8212; and it made for one of Noah&#8217;s best segments to date.

    Tomi Lahren is Trevor Noah&#8217;s inverse

    Throughout the entire interview &#8212; the full 26 minutes of which you can watch on Comedy Central&#8217;s website &#8212; Noah and Lahren didn&#8217;t agree on a single thing.

    Lahren is a 24-year-old from South Dakota who produces wildly popular Blaze videos that hinge on dismissing what she sees as &#8220;liberal snowflake&#8221; whining through a forceful, Rush Limbaugh&#8211;esque delivery. As Noah himself pointed out in September (see the above video), her &#8220;Final Thoughts&#8221; get millions upon millions of views. Even if the Daily Show audience might not be familiar with her, Lahren has her own audience that is all too eager to commiserate with her searing rancor.

    But when she sat down at the Daily Show desk and Noah asked her why she&#8217;s &#8220;so angry,&#8221; she quickly brushed off that characterization. &#8220;I&#8217;m actually not that angry,&#8221; she replied. &#8220;There&#8217;s just things that need to be said.&#8221; Then, after Noah pushed back, she shrugged. &#8220;Sometimes people just need to be called on their (*)(*)(*)(*).&#8221;

    From there, the interview was off and running.

    Lahren &#8212; who dressed up as a sexy Border Patrol agent this past Halloween &#8212; expressed excitement about the idea that &#8220;outsider&#8221; Trump could upend everything we know about American politics and &#8220;shake out the cobwebs&#8221; of Washington. She said she considers Trump to be thoughtful and levelheaded. She defended her assertion that Black Lives Matter has similarities to the Ku Klux Klan because of the rare instances in which protests have splintered off into looting.

    All the while, Noah furrowed his brow at Lahren like he was concentrating on translating her words into a language he could understand &#8212; and in a sense, he was.

    Inviting Tomi Lahren onto The Daily Show was a deliberate attempt to burst and merge two bubbles, even if just for a minute
    If post-election analysis is to be believed, there are currently two distinct categories of bubble in the United States: that of the dissatisfied &#8220;flyover state&#8221; conservative who feels overlooked, and that of &#8220;coastal elite&#8221; liberals who prize inclusivity above all else.

    The reality, of course, is so much more complicated than that. People on all sides of every issue have their own grievances, considerations, desires, and fears. But there&#8217;s still a very real gulf between those who vehemently believe in what Donald Trump was selling on the campaign trail and those who felt the same for Hillary Clinton and/or Bernie Sanders.

    There is, in other words, a world of difference in what people absorb from shows like Trevor Noah&#8217;s versus Tomi Lahren&#8217;s.

    Naturally, the conversation between the two was tense. When Lahren insisted that she doesn&#8217;t &#8220;see color,&#8221; Noah &#8212; a biracial South African man &#8212; visibly winced. When the Daily Show audience got restless and rained boos down on the stage, Lahren kept her hands clasped just as tight as her jaw. Neither host was under any illusions that they were going to find much common ground, nor that they would convince the other of their views.

    But as Noah steered the interview, it was clear that trying to sway Lahren was never his intent, or vice versa. Inviting her on was a way to show his viewers exactly the kind of rhetoric and thinking that didn&#8217;t just dominate the election, but won it.

    Noah interviewed Lahren less to argue with her views than to reveal them. It&#8217;s one of the smartest interviews he&#8217;s done in ages.

    Lahren and Noah size each other up. Comedy Central
    The Daily Show is no stranger to inviting people on that it might not agree with or has even mocked in the past. Under Jon Stewart, these interviews inevitably took an urgent turn, with Stewart pleading as the steadily raising voice of reason.

    Noah badly wanted to find some semblance of reason within Lahren&#8217;s blanket aggression toward all things liberal, but he went about it in the exact same way he proposed some should approach Trump. Yes, he expressed his opinions and challenged her on views he found confusing at best and offensive at worst. But he also just kept asking for clarity, for more information on why, exactly, Lahren thinks the way she does.

    The 26-minute interview is wide-ranging, but the standout moment came when Noah challenged Lahren&#8217;s views on Black Lives Matter as a hateful group in conjunction with San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick taking a knee during the national anthem. (One of Lahren&#8217;s most popular videos features her acknowledging Kaepernick&#8217;s form of protest as a First Amendment right while asserting her own right to &#8220;shred&#8221; him for doing it.)

    &#8220;What is the right way, I&#8217;ve always wanted to know,&#8221; Noah said carefully, &#8220;for a black person to get attention in America?&#8221;

    Lahren never gave him a straight answer. But he kept coming back to this point, asking her over and over again until it became clear as she just kept asking after Kaepernick and Black Lives Matters&#8217; motivations that she doesn&#8217;t quite have a response to his question, after all.

    Noah didn&#8217;t slam this point home so much as he cajoled it out of her, drawing Lahren further out until she talked her way into the dead end he suspected was there all along. The interview wasn&#8217;t, as some said of Noah&#8217;s performance afterward, an evisceration. It was a thoughtful invasion, a methodical exploration behind enemy lines.

    As far as tactics go, &#8220;just keep asking the toddler to elaborate&#8221; might be Noah&#8217;s best yet.

    The Daily Show airs Monday through Thursday at 11 pm on Comedy Central. Previous episodes are available to stream on CC&#8217;s website and on Hulu.
  11. micfranklin

    micfranklin Banned

    Jun 13, 2009
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    She's basically a less nasally but equally annoying and pompous Ann Coulter. I watched that interview with Trevor Noah and counted a few times where she didn't answer his questions. I've also wondered for months why she has an issue with Kaepernick.
  12. gc17

    gc17 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 7, 2016
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    Kind of like PMSNBC right? Once again kill the messenger.
  13. DarkSkies

    DarkSkies Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2014
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    Yes, especially when they have no credibility.
  14. Deckel

    Deckel Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 2, 2014
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    She is angry and weird and really shouldn't have engaged this issue with a guy whose mere existence could have resulted in his parents being imprisoned.
  15. micfranklin

    micfranklin Banned

    Jun 13, 2009
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    Actually, now that I think about it, she's kinda fascinating to watch and listen to if for no other reason than to disprove and pick apart her criticisms of anything. Then again, I could say the same for anybody.
  16. gc17

    gc17 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 7, 2016
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    Credibility according to whom? In the left's mind there is no one on the right that has any credibility.
  17. DarkSkies

    DarkSkies Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2014
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    Many people on the right have credibility. However, wrapping talking points in spin or debunked messaging and doing it often weakens that credibility. The guy the OP shared the video on speaks a lot of truth, he just harms himself when he sounds like a foolish white supremacist.
  18. Spim

    Spim Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 11, 2016
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    Noah isn't worth my time, he went into the interview with a snarky agenda, and I don't bother with that crap, back in the day I used to love Stewart, he was very entertaining early on but over the last couple years on his show he became less funny and more of a curmudgeon so I stopped recording his show (2014 ish?)
  19. Space_Time

    Space_Time Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2015
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    Here's more:
    To the Black Men Asking Victims of Racism to Give Tomi Lahren a Chance

    Michael Arceneaux
    xoJaneDecember 9, 2016

    She&#8217;s White, racist, and camera-ready. She already had all the help she ever needed.

    Tomi Lahren, the so-called &#8220;queen of the alt-right,&#8221; has the intellectual curiosity of a dead gnat.

    Regardless of what her Facebook follower count suggests, she is not at all remarkable. It has never been that difficult to sell racism to the masses &#8212; especially when it is presented in a package of thin, blonde, and White. Lahren didn&#8217;t need the help of Black men to assist her in her goal of elevating an ugly platform and poisonous rhetoric, but some needlessly lent their services anyway.

    Lahren&#8217;s appearance on The Daily Show with Trevor Noah was not the &#8220;evisceration&#8221; that many argued it to be. What people watched was Noah present reason to someone who in turn opted to stand steadfastly in her stupidity. Like the parrot she is, Lahren did nothing but evade questions and regurgitate prepared statements when challenged, all before a national television audience. Some people wanted to think she was made to look dumb because it served some cathartic need. Unfortunately, when someone is willfully obtuse, looking dumb comes with the territory, rendering whatever momentary sense of satisfaction moot.

    Defending his choice to interview Lahren, Noah told CBC's The National, "It seems fruitless to some, but ... the other alternative is to stay in those bubbles that you talk about, so why not have a conversation?" During an appearance on Power 105.1&#8217;s The Breakfast Club, he likened the interview to Collision Course, a joint album from Jay Z and Linkin Park, noting, &#8220;It doesn&#8217;t mean you have to agree, but at least you&#8217;re in the world where you are hearing the opposing view.&#8221;

    What kind of Black man asks victims of racism to afford a racist the nuance she does not deserve?

    Can someone tell Trevor Noah how to get off of Sesame Street? We literally have an unabashed bigot heading to the White House. Do we really need to be hearing from someone with such a facile understanding of racism in America at a pivotal moment like this?

    There is nothing wrong with speaking to someone with opposing views, but to speak to someone who has made it grossly apparent of how they feel is an exercise in futility. Lahren has compared Black Lives Matter to the Ku Klux Klan, America&#8217;s oldest terrorist organization. Lahren does not simply have different views; she denies Black people their humanity and actively mocks our pain and misfortune for profit. She is a racist and a simpleton who ought to be relegated to the dumbest blocks of Facebook from whence she came. Noah appeared to have done this interview for the sake of drawing much-needed attention to the show. So be it, but don&#8217;t describe an act of desperation as one of nobility.

    Still pretending life is an after school special though, Noah went on to say that &#8220;racism does not stand up well to contact,&#8221; proclaiming, &#8220;When people are in contact with someone of another race&#8230; you find that racism doesn&#8217;t hold up.&#8221;

    Plantation owners seemed to do just fine with proximity and so have the countless other number of racists in present day. To wit, Noah argues, "In America, where do they hate Muslim people the most? The places where there are none." Noah lives in New York City, where bigots are actively attacking Muslim women.

    As for Charlamagne, he, too, went with that 'let&#8217;s talk to folks of opposing views' stance in the case of Lahren. And though he tried to clarify his comments on Twitter in which he asked why some &#8220;woke&#8221; Black or Latina woman doesn&#8217;t duplicate Lahren&#8217;s success on his radio show, he still fails to truly grapple with the privilege to which his prejudice-harboring friend enjoys.

    There are plenty of educated, progressive Black women contributing to the culture by way of their prose, podcasts, and videos. Maybe Charlamagne will highlight more of them on his radio show. Those women would certainly provide more useful dialogue than the sexist, homophobic, conspiracy-theory yielding trope that is Umar Johnson. However, that doesn&#8217;t change how much easier it is for women who look like Tomi Lahren and Black men willing to attach themselves to her.

    Regardless of what Trevor Noah or Charlamagne Tha God do moving forward, it will not absolve them of the sin of lending their platforms to a racist nitwit. At this rate, Tomi Lahren is well on her way to taking her racism all the way to Dancing with the Stars and a TV contract. It&#8217;s a tragedy, but it is not atypical.

    Still, be very clear about the Black men who helped her get there, how it came at the cost of all of us, and the understanding that they didn&#8217;t have to help her.

    She&#8217;s White, racist, and camera-ready. She already had all the help she ever needed.

    This story was originally seen on To The Black Men Asking Victims Of Racism To Give Tomi Lahren A Chance

    How Bill O&#8217;Reilly and Trevor Noah Turned Tomi Lahren Into a Mainstream TV Star

    Yahoo TV Ken Tucker
    Yahoo TVDecember 9, 2016
    Two unlikely allies &#8212; The Daily Show&#8217;s Trevor Noah and Fox News&#8217;s Bill O&#8217;Reilly &#8212; have unwittingly conspired, over the space of a week, to turn fringe right-wing commentator Tomi Lahren into a mainstream media star. Lahren, if you don&#8217;t already know, is the 24-year-old host of Tomi on Glenn Beck&#8217;s TheBlaze network. She&#8217;s the one who has broken through that website&#8217;s clutter of mis-, dis-, and crypto-information with her blunt commentaries about &#8212; well, about how wrong every liberal is. She doesn&#8217;t mind playing fast and loose with invidious comparisons: These days, saying that Black Lives Matter is the reverse-race version of the Ku Klux Klan will get you far.

    Which brings us to Trevor Noah. Still trying to find the tone of his version of The Daily Show, Noah has recently been trying out Concerned Healing. He invited Lahren on his Nov. 30 show, and their 14-minute chat has been viewed more than 3 million times on YouTube. (I also watched the extended, 26-minute version.) This is the kind of viral success Comedy Central has been praying for since Noah replaced Jon Stewart. Too bad it didn&#8217;t result in anything like a good conversation or debate. &#8220;Why are you so angry?&#8221; was Noah&#8217;s opening question after playing a clip of Lahren talking in what I heard as a rather calm, direct manner. You don&#8217;t need me to tell you that this is not a question a woman likes to hear from, or ought to be asked by, a man as his opening gambit.

    Trevor Noah Confronts Tomi Lahren Over Black Lives Matter, Colin Kaepernick Comments on &#8216;The Daily Show&#8217;
    Trevor Noah Confronts Tomi Lahren Over Black Lives Matter, Colin Kaepernick Comments on &#8216;The Daily Show&#8217;
    Lahren&#8217;s TV style is to talk very fast, in sound bites that come across as simultaneously well-rehearsed and robotic. Which is how she answered everything Noah asked her. One of the few moments of semi-spontaneity &#8212; as when she told Noah she &#8220;doesn&#8217;t see color&#8221; &#8212; were met by the host with a joke: &#8220;What do you do at a traffic light?&#8221; As O&#8217;Reilly said when he played that clip, &#8220;Well, that was stupid.&#8221;

    But the Noah-Lahren meeting was met with high praise in various precincts. Vulture headlined it &#8220;Trevor Noah Thoughtfully Confronts Tomi Lahren.&#8221; (Well, he challenged some of her previous statements, but he also let her slide when she evaded him.) Vox referred to Noah&#8217;s &#8220;patient, firm interviewing,&#8221; and said this was &#8220;one of Noah&#8217;s best segments to date.&#8221; What an excellent example of a backhanded compliment.

    Some producer over at The O&#8217;Reilly Factor must have seen the numbers and media reaction that Noah got with Lahren and urged O&#8217;Reilly to Factor-ize her, and he did, on Wednesday night. Referring to The Daily Show as a &#8220;far-left program,&#8221; O&#8217;Reilly made sure to tell Lahren that Daily used to be hosted by Jon Stewart, and that he had been a guest on that version of the show a number of times. (Maybe Bill thought she hadn&#8217;t been born then.)

    Yet O&#8217;Reilly could not understand why she went on The Daily Show. He asked Lahren to explain how she became famous, first telling her about his own rise from journalism school through local television to network news. (She smiled indulgently, as though she were listening to a boring, forgetful person.) Lahren then quickly told of her rise from college conservative to viral Internet phenom to Blaze-buster with a thing for hating on Colin Kaepernick.

    After pointing out that the audience &#8220;mocked her,&#8221; he asked why she went on. Big surprise: Like O&#8217;Reilly, Lahren saw The Daily Show as a way to reach a different audience. As for the scattered boos and jeers? &#8220;You can&#8217;t expect them to play fair,&#8221; said Lahren. &#8220;You can&#8217;t expect any liberal show or comedy show from the mainstream media to be fair.&#8221; They parted amicably in agreement. See? From &#8220;far-left&#8221; to &#8220;fair and balanced,&#8221; Lahren is going mainstream.

    Tomi airs weeknights at 7 p.m. on TheBlaze. The Daily Show airs weeknights at 11 p.m. on Comedy Central. The O&#8217;Reilly Factor airs weeknights at 8 p.m. on Fox News.
  20. DarkSkies

    DarkSkies Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2014
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    Here's my pov on this: There are plenty of platforms that cultivate the likes of Tomi Lahren that aren't mainstream. If one works to counter certain types of ideologies, they need someone incredibly sharp and merciless to do it. This way, opposing views are expressed and dangerous ideologies take their rightful blows.

    For example, the man that debated Spencer made Spencer look like a complete fool. This is how it's done. Don't give such people a platform unless you are prepared to crush their arguments and deal seriously with their belief system.

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