A look at Exploring Psychology 9th Edition by David Myers

Discussion in 'Race Relations' started by Egalitarianjay02, Apr 11, 2016.

  1. Egalitarianjay02

    Egalitarianjay02 Banned

    Apr 21, 2014
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    I have decided to take a break from the board to read Nisbett's book and make a thread replying to two articles that critique his work. While doing some reading to prepare for the thread I decided to look at an old debate on my Youtube channel where Empress came to debate on my discussion page. During the debate Empress cited a book that she felt supported her arguments on Race & IQ.

    These are some of her comments about the book:

    If you follow the discussion on Youtube you will notice that I pointed out to Empress that Myers actually used one of my primary sources on the IQ gap closing. I also acknowledged that the IQ gap persists and pointed out that she is attacking a strawman because my point of contention isn't with the existence of racial IQ gaps but with the cause of them. I decided to take a look at the book for myself. I discovered that another book by Myers with the same content (Psychology 9th Edition) is available in PDF format on the internet. So I downloaded that and took a look at the quote she is citing. I found it in Chapter 10 on page 434. What is very interesting about this section of the book is that Myers goes beyond what Empress quoted to make arguments supporting an environmental cause of group differences in IQ!

    Myers makes many interesting arguments:

    1) That the Black-White IQ gap is decreasing
    2) That genetic research supports environment as a cause of racial differences in IQ
    3) That race is socially constructed
    4) That the rise and fall of civilizations (one day they're in a golden age the next era they are not) does not support a genetic racial hierarchy in intelligence
    5) That Asian academic achievement appears to be caused by culture rather than genetics
    6) That under the same environmental conditions Black and White test scores are comparable

    Myers even cites the well known research of Richard Lewontin using quantitative genetic principles to show that differences in a heritable trait can be entirely caused by environment even when the genotypes being compared are identical.


    This book also mentions Nisbett's research several times further showing that Nisbett has credibility in the field of Psychology.

    I'm curious to see what Empress has to say about all of this. I won't be replying much if at all until I make the Nisbett thread but I will check in to see if she responds to this thread or if any else has something to say.
  2. Empress

    Empress Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2014
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    Get this: You have the time go to through the Myers text but not Nisbett's book - for 2 years running?? I detect dishonesty.

    Well isn't that special?


    Truth is that you aren't going to refrain much from posting here or elsewhere and will eagerly go on and on in this thread and elsewhere to further your agenda while avoiding defending it because you are on unstable ground.

    What you're doing with this book is conflating theories presented as possible explanations in a textbook as "proof" of something. Textbooks present varying theories on subjects that are under ongoing study.

    I own the PDF of that book and the paperback version. The college I attended at the time was using it.

    You asked for a citation quoting Rushton on race and IQ in a textbook, and you provided one here. Note it also cites other "racists" on the topic.

    Your flaws are numerous:

    1) It says that a number of social scientists "believe" that race is artificially constructed, not that it IS and is proven as such. That is a subject that is not covered under the field of psychology and your trying to forward that argument here is as misplaced as it is dishonest. It is summarizing some different points of view on the subject as it did by mentioning Rushton, Jensen, etc. Even if a psychologist in a book made such a claim, it's not a valid one, as it's outside of his field of expertise and is merely a statement of his opinion.

    2) You seem to have missed this passage: "Yet the test score gap stubbornly persists, and other studies suggest the gap stopped narrowing among those born after 1970 (Murray, 2006, 2007)." So you have one study which seems to show what you like, and several others that show the opposite. This is why the discussion on the academic achievement gap is still ongoing.

    3) I've already answered regarding Lewontin and what psychology studies have shown per severe environmental stresses on IQ. You again grossly overstate the environmental impact on adult IQ. Lewontin is a Marxist biologist, not a psychologist.

    4) The book stated the heavy genetic impact on IQ and you ignored it.

    5) I've never argued for a "racial hierarchy." I've stated repeatedly I have no interest in racial supremacism.

    6) Moral of the story: Misquoting and stretching a psychology textbook and evading defending Nisbett's shoddy methods and conclusions does not prove equality, let alone your weird theory that white people made black people have low average IQs.
  3. Egalitarianjay02

    Egalitarianjay02 Banned

    Apr 21, 2014
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    You are attacking strawmen. You have not properly addressed Lewontin's argument and I did not misquote the book. You keep whining about Nisbett. When the day comes that I make the thread I predict that you will have nothing significant to say. As far as this book goes clearly it cites a lot more evidence for the environmental position that you deceptively ignored.

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