Child Protective Services. Any opinions would be great

Discussion in 'Human Rights' started by Infant Guardian, Jul 25, 2016.

  1. Infant Guardian

    Infant Guardian Newly Registered

    Jul 25, 2016
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    Currently in the USA most people feel CPS is a legitimate service.

    If we look a bit closer we see that CPS, Enforced Disapearance, Arbitrary Indefinite Detention

    All 3 of these things are litterally the same.

    Person is taken by gov
    Person is innocent
    Persons is kept detained, wherabouts unknown to family
    Person is not accused of a crime
    Person is placed outside the protection of law enforcment
    Person may never be scene again by family
    Person is not given a release date/bail/public hearing/jury

    Enforced Disappearance
    Person is taken by gov
    Person is innocent
    Persons is kept detained wherabouts unknown to family
    Person is not accused of a crime
    Person is placed outside the protection of law enforcment
    Person may never be scene again by family
    Person is not given a release date/bail/public hearing/jury

    Arbitrary Indefinite Detention
    Person is taken by gov
    Person is innocent
    Persons is kept detained wherabouts may or may not be known to family
    Person is not accused of a crime
    Person may or may not be outside the protection of law enforcment
    Person may never be scene again by family
    Person is not given a release date/bail/public hearing/jury

    Any comments would be great if you can think of any other similarities or differences. facts only please.

    ie dont say things like its in the best interests of the child as that is not a fact
    and dont say things like the parents neglected the child because again that is not a fact
    thanks i would appriciate opinions. Its just hard to belive that cps is acceptable in the usa.

    Oh and most importantly. In terms of the effects child protective services has on the child, family, friends, neighbors, coworkers. CPS effects them
    the same as a kidnapping. All these people suffer the loss of the child, its irrelivent who took the child. So in terms of the effects on the community cps
    is identical to a kidnapping. Let me know if you think cps is a legitimate services because everyone tells me im crazy for not thinking its legit.
  2. DoctorWho

    DoctorWho Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2016
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    I have Zero clue what you are asking or saying, there must be someone that can take over the protection of a child in crisis, is the current CPS system in place perfect ? No, however, until something better replaces it, it is what it is.
    Merwen likes this.
  3. Fugazi

    Fugazi New Member Past Donor

    Nov 29, 2012
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    I feel you are being a little thin on the ground with stating the circumstances where the CPS can do what you claim.

    As far as I am aware in order for the CPS to remove a child from their parents there must be a compelling reason to do so and they do have a number of things they have to adhere to in order to remove a child .. the only time those things can be over ruled is if there is a clear and imminent danger to the child's welfare ie if obvious physical and/or sexual abuse ... of course as you say that abuse may not have come from the parents or even a member of the family .. however I wonder how you would react if a child was left with parents who had obvious signs of abuse and that child was killed before the CPS could get a court order to remove the child.

    There are of course occasions where there is an over reach of powers by the CPS (as happened in the UK), but TBH I would rather that than a child die because they did nothing.
    Merwen likes this.
  4. Merwen

    Merwen Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2014
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    Even a child that has been abused must be made available for supervised visitation with
    the abusive parent unless a judge removes this requirement--and such an order is almost impossible to obtain.

    Visits with parents do not stop until after parental rights have been legally removed, and that tends to be a long and involved process.
  5. Ripley

    Ripley New Member

    Sep 19, 2016
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    Child Protective Services always, always tries to keep the child with the family if at all possible. The last thing they want to do is exacerbate an already bad situation by splitting up the family. If the child is in danger and needs to be removed, they try to place the child with another family member. If they can't, the child is placed in foster care.

    Once the parents have resolved the issues that originally had the child removed, CPS works to get the child back to the parents, as long as the child is safe.
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  6. delade

    delade Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2017
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    Nice... If I may ask, what kind of Nation would you like The US to be? With all the 'corrupt' and 'unnecessary' things in The US, what kind of US would you like to see and what kind of US do you think other people would like to see?
  7. delade

    delade Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2017
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    Person is taken by gov
    Person is innocent
    Persons is kept detained, wherabouts unknown to family
    Person is not accused of a crime
    Person is placed outside the protection of law enforcment
    Person may never be scene again by family
    Person is not given a release date/bail/public hearing/jury

    CPS has authority to 'kidnap' a child without letting anybody know??? Not even any relatives?? Aunts, Uncles, Grandparents, God Parents, etc??? Other siblings??

    No One? This is more top secret surveillance than keeping a foreign runaway Politician in hiding for treason reasons..
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2017
  8. Merwen

    Merwen Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2014
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    Each State in the US has its own laws regarding CPS, so it is difficult to give you more specific answers without knowing more about the specific situation that has upset you. In general, though, CPS agencies do not themselves have a right to remove a child without a court order. One is sometimes gotten by telephoning a judge in the middle of the night if, for example, after-hours CPS workers respond to a site and find starving or injured children with no competent adult trying to care for them--which can be the case in, for example, a drug house.

    During the day, CPS workers who do not dare leave an unsupervised child alone can call the police for assistance. In Pennsylvania, at least, the police can take emergency 24 hour custody and turn a child over to a CPS agency to see that the child gets care. This can happen in such situations as a naked toddler wandering along a busy roadway with no obvious parent in sight.

    Many parents do not realize that, if an informally assigned babysitter, daycare worker, or other party calls CPS stating that the parent has not returned at an agreed upon time and they are unwilling to care for a child longer, CPS must step in and care for the child. This sometimes happens to parents that are habitually late picking their children up, or who casually assume someone else will babysit their child if they drop them off, without getting an agreement to that.

    In Pennsylvania,an emergency hearing must then be scheduled within a few days (72 hours, I believe) to give a judge a chance to review why CPS took custody and to give the parents or care takers a chance to explain the situation of concern. Sometimes the child will be returned to the parent at that hearing. If not, a full hearing, with attorneys representing all parties, must be held, I think within about 30 days.

    If the child is not returned at the second Hearing, in Pennsylvania, there must be a court review of the family and child situations every six months until the child is either returned home or freed for adoption. Parents that do not make their whereabouts known sometimes miss these hearings and cause their parental rights to be removed by reason of abandonment. Parents that have problems interfering with their ability to parent, such aspoor health, mental illness, drug addiction, and incarceration,have a right to services to help them work outa safety plan that will allow the child to eventually return to their custody. Even parents that a child is terrified of usually get the right to at least monthly visitation, unless rock solid proof of a harmful effect on the child has been provided to the assigned judge, who then sometimes suspends parental visits.

    In Pennsylvania, at least, the situations you describe do not occur if the CPS agency has a valid address provided to send parents case plans and evaluations and court orders, as well as announcements of court dates, times, and locations. It is up to parents to keep in touch with the agency caring for their child, though, and if no information is being provided it is up to the parent to contact the agency and find out what is going on. If they wait until after parental rights are terminated, they have lost all rights to their child.

    In a few very serious cases, where there has been severe injury or sexual abuse to a child, parental rights may be lost even if a parent does stay in touch.

    I am willing to answer more specific questions if you have any.
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2017

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