Hitlers side

Discussion in 'History and Culture' started by WJV, Aug 27, 2016.

  1. WJV

    WJV Banned

    Jul 30, 2016
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    Have you ever heard Hitlers side of the story? It seems that most have not.

    Do you think he may have been upset about not getting in to art school?

    So you know that Hitler was Austrian. You know that he considered himself to be Germanic, as did many Austrians. Have you ever seen the images of Austrians lining the streets cheering Hitler in when the Nazi marched on Austria before WW2? He was welcomed as a conquering hero.

    (google images)

    Austrians cheering the Nazi 'invasion' of Austria. ( google images )

    So you may have heard that Hitler was "not German" but Austrian. This is quite a silly thing for someone to say. Hitler was Germanic and he like many Austrians and other people of Germanic blood wanted to form a Greater Germany. Germania was never conquered by the Romans and the Greater Germany that so many hoped for was pretty much the desire to establish a modern Germania for Germanic people. A Teutonic State.

    Germania ( google images )
    The Anschluss was the beginning of Hitler's empire which became known as the Großdeutsches Reich (Greater German Empire). It was also sometimes called Großdeutschland or Greater Germany. This was the first step in Hitler's boyhood dream of uniting all the ethnic Germans in Europe into one country.

    There were many ethnic groups in the old Austrian Empire which were agitating for their own independent countries before the start of World War I, including the Czechs who had never had their own country. Schönerer's dream of the unification of all the Volkdeutsch would have required the empire to be dissolved. This finally happened as a result of the Treaty of St. Germain that was signed by the Allies and Austria after Austria surrendered to the Allies in November 1918.

    From the beginning, the Pan-Germans were racists, before the word racist was even in use, and they were rabid anti-Semites who wanted a German nation of only ethnic Germans as citizens with the Jews and Gypsies excluded. Their hatred of the Jews intensified when Eastern European Jewish refugees began arriving in Vienna after the Russians started expelling the Jews from their homeland following the assassination of Czar Nicholas I in 1881, which was blamed on the Jews. The Pan-Germans were also against the Catholic Church because it exerted a lot of control over Austria, a Catholic country

    It was another Austrian, Theodor Herzl, a Jewish journalist in Vienna, who started the Zionist movement in 1896 when he wrote a book called "The Jewish State," which advocated the unification of all the Jews in their own country. Hitler was born in Braunau am Inn (http://www.scrapbookpages.com/BraunauAmInn/index.html) in Austria in 1889 and by the time he entered elementary school, the Pan-German movement was in full swing in his native country. The Pan-Germans formed a political party in 1897, the same year that the World Jewish Congress met for the first time in Switzerland to make plans for a Jewish state

    The Pan-German political party had its own flag and its followers sang the German national anthem; Hitler and his elementary school friends were waving the flag of the Pan-Germans at the same time that the Zionists in Austria were waving their flag, which is now the blue and white flag of Israel. Austrians were singing the German national anthem while the Jews were singing their anthem called "Hope" which is now the national anthem of Israel. In 1935 when Hitler proclaimed the Nuremberg laws which denied German citizenship to the Jews, he nevertheless added a clause which said that the right of the Jews to fly their own flag would be protected.

    So you can clearly see that many ideas of the 'nazi' party existed long before the nazi party even existed and that the Pan-German party was in many ways a forerunner to the National Socialist Party ( nazi ).

    Post-Napoleonic Europe was a time when the concept of nationality was still evolving and this caused conflict. I own a great book called - European Political History, 1815-1870 Aspects of liberalism. It is a book of essays on the problems that post-Napoleonic Europe faced. This is an editors note on an essay written by Lewis B Namier titled Nationality and Liberty.

    "British nationalism was territorial, and in France territorial and linguistic nationality approximately coincided. The nationalism that emerged in the nineteenth century was linguistic and the tribal or racial patterns bore little relation to real estate holdings. There could be no liberal resolution to the question of nationality. Nationalism may be subordinated or ignored. It might triumph over liberalism. The simultaneous attainment of liberty and nationality was impossible. Centuries of migration and conquest had hopelessly confused the linguistic map. Germans ( and linguistic nationalism was peculiarly although not uniquely German ) dominated the central European plain. They also all urban areas of the Hapsburg Empire ( to be urban was to be German ) and lived in colonies or pockets as far afield as the Caucasus, the central Balkans, and northern Italy.

    This problem was compounded by the master nationalities which had, or claimed to have, histories, and the peasant or subject nationalities which did not.
    Eugene C Black / European Political History, 1815-1870 Aspects of Liberalism.

    So what I am getting at here is that it is beyond ludicrous for a person to claim that Hitler was not Germanic.

    The German concept of 'folk' goes beyond the legal concept of 'citizenship'. The idea of Germanic 'folk' is a concept of nationalism that goes beyond borders and is a sense of community held together by traditional ties of kinship and status. Hitler was Germanic and the German concept of 'folk' can explain why Hitler and the National Socialists felt justified in their 'European Mission'.

    I felt very shocked when I first saw the footage of Austrians lining the streets of Austria to cheer in the National Socialists and celebrating Hitler as a hero. Now that I have a better understanding of the history it makes total sense. I now understand why Germanic/Teutonic history can have such a great appeal. As a Teuton I feel proud that the Roman Empire stopped at the Rhine. Germanic history is a proud history. If it wasnt for the Germans we would all be speaking Roman. :)

    Ok. So when WW1 breaks out Hitler is so happy because he hated the Austro-Hungarian alliance and thought that all "Germans" should be united with Germany. WW1 represents change to a young Hitler and he enlists in the German Army and ends up fighting on the front lines against the French.

    So in Mein Kampf Hitler explains that he had a great deal of respect for the French and that they were great opposition. He says that the French had been made out to be pushovers by German propaganda leading in to the conflict but that this was not the case at all. Hitler saw many of his German comrades die in battle and the fighting was long and tough.

    Hitler says that the tipping point of the war came when the Germans on the eastern front began to get on top of the Russians. Hitler was very happy because they were on the brink of breaking the French as well and with the Russians under control more resources could be sent to western front to finish off the French with a final thrust.

    Hitler says that right at this time when the Germans should have been finishing the French a strange thing happened. Support for the war in Germany faded. The troops on the front line were reading that back home in Germany many were now wanting an end to the fighting. Hitler could not believe it. He blamed the German propaganda of the time for not keeping the German public supporting the troops. Hitler says that English propaganda was superior to the German.

    Then something happened that made Hitler furious. Just when Hitler thinks that he and his German comrades should be breaking the French and bringing an end to the long and hard fighting, Hitler hears that some German protesters have gone on strike in Germany to protest the war. There were strikes at ammunition factories. Hitler considered these Germans to be saboteurs and traitors to the nation of Germany.

    Worse than starving the German troops on the front lines of ammunition in Hitlers opinion was the fact that the German strikes lifted the spirits of the almost broken French and rallied them. Hitler blamed communists for the strikes.

    So around this time Hitler is blinded by a mustard gas attack and is taken back to Germany to a hospital.

    So now Hitler is in a German hospital with blinded burning eyes. While he is in hospital he hears that the Germans have decided to end the war. Hearing the news of the German withdrawal makes Hitler cry.

    When Hitler regains his sight he finds that Germany has been taken over by communists.

    So Hitler blames communists for costing Germany the war. He feels that his German comrades have died for less than nothing because Germany accepts full responsibility for the war and agrees to accept the crushing terms of the Versailles Treaty.

    In between WW1 and the national Socialist Party being elected to power Hitler sees Germany reduced to terrible poverty under the treaty forced on them by France and England. The German-Jewish community were managing the most well under the harsh conditions and Jewish-Germans had the majority of good professional jobs and leading business. Hitler blamed the Jews for inflation and made them a scapegoat and target of his low-level ( dunderhead ) propaganda.

    So if you are keeping up, Hitler thinks he is German, he fights for Germany on the front lines in WW1 and they kind of lose. He blames communists and Jews. He has already formed a negative opinion of Jews during his youth in Austria and in his opinion they dominated Austria and especially Vienna. He is using the harsh social conditions under the treaty and the struggle against communism to put blame on the Jewish community and to put doubt on the patriotism of German Jews.

    Since the wars end Hitler decided to follow his fathers lead and become a statesman. So Hitler begins to attend seminars and meetings mostly with former military. Hitler begins to form a philosophy for for a political party that will be capable of defeating communism in Germany. Hitlers main ideas were anti-Internationalization ( anti-globalization ). Hitler big thing is interest. He claims to have gotten all of these ideas himself pretty much but Germany was always a center of high political thinking and the bulk of Hitlers stuff was thought of before him and all he really did was put existing ideas together, innovated the thinking, and made it into a working political philosophy - National Socialism ( ( or nazi ism? :) ) National Socialism was not exactly fascism ). Hitler and National Socialists cannot claim all credit for the economic miracle that was Hitlers Germany because so many of the ideas can be linked to someone that came before. The Pan-German movement for example has many of the same ideas as National Socialism. The Hitler Youth was pretty much the same as the Youth League that came before it. All Hitler and National Socialism was was an evolution of already existing thought and practice.

    So Hitler helps form this new party and becomes their leader. The National Socialist Party battles communists on the streets of Berlin. There are thug gangs of communists and thug gangs of National Socialists and people like Joseph Geobbels writing propaganda script egging them on.

    The National Socialist movement gains influence and backing. The party tries to take power in a failed coup in 1923 and Hitler is sentenced to five years in jail and while in jail he writes his highly successful book/manifesto - Mein Kampf/My Struggle. Hitler seems to have admired the Glory to rome style of Julius Caesar. His failed coup was a form of Triumvirate similar to what Caesar got going with Pompey the Great and Marcus Crassus. Anyway, he goes to jail and writes a book.

    Hitlers book sells very well. Incredibly well. The book helps the party. In the 1933 German elections the National Socialist Party gets the most votes of any party. Hitler is able to make himself dictator of Germany by using a German law called the enabling act.

    So now even though Hitlers National Socialist Party is easily the largest in Germany there are still many German communists and supporters of other parties. Hitler needed to convince many but most Germans were relived that Hitler had ended what democracy had descended to under the crushing treaty that western powers had forced on Germany after WW1.

    Hitler eliminates any person that could fragment the National Socialist Party on the infamous Night of Long Knives. The SA leadership is murdered. Hitler takes control of the regular German army and becomes Commander in Chief by having them take an oath of allegiance to Hitler personally.

    So Hitler has all his rivals killed and gets things all his own way with only sycophants left he can force all of his ideas on the destiny of Germany.

    Hitler and National Socialist economics transforms Germany from economic basketcase to envy of the world in just 4 short years. Germans see change right away. While suffering under the brutal Treaty of Versailles Germany was forced to make reparation payments to the victors. They were expected to reimburse the cost of the war for all participants - cost being more than three times the value of all the property in Germany. When Hitler came to power unemployment was 30% and the world was in The Great Depression. Yet he managed to fix everything. He outsmarted the International Banking Cartel by issuing German Marks similar to Lincoln Greenbacks. With work, Hitler paid all of Germanys debt in no time. It is incredible.

    So Hitler has turned things around and he has many supporters around the world including Americans Henry Ford and Charles Lindbergh. Hitlers racist book is a huge success. Hitler has made Germany the envy of the world but also fired most Jews from their jobs, removed their full citizenship and stamped a big J on their passports. Many left Germany. Certain German-Jews were left alone because they had fought for Germany in WW1 and Hitler considered them to be German.

    In 1939 Hitler is Time Magazines Man of the Year.
    "But Führer Hitler does not regard himself as a revolutionary; he has become so only by force of circumstances. Fascism has discovered that freedom--of press, speech, assembly--is a potential danger to its own security. In Fascist phraseology democracy is often coupled with Communism. The Fascist battle against freedom is often carried forward under the false slogan of "Down with Communism!" One of the chief German complaints against democratic Czechoslovakia last summer was that it was an "outpost of Communism."
    - Time magazine 1939

    So you also have you also have Hitler being nominated for a Nobel Peace prize by prominent American-Jewish author Gertrude Stein. I thought that the Obama nomination was strange but Hitler? And nominated by a Jewish person? She thought that he had removed conflict and ensured peace.

    Hitler was a total jerk to Jews but nobody seemed to care very much. How can you tell an entire section of a community that they are no longer full citizens all of a sudden? I know that many Jews did stay and like I said, many that fought in WW1 kept their jobs. I also know that many many Jewish Germans fought for Hitler in WW2. I know that certain Jews thought Hitler worthy of a Nobel Peace prize. But still. How could the world just sit back and say nothing when Hitler was persecuting Jewish-Germans? The world didnt care. Even after the war began it was almost impossible for Jews to escape Germany because no nations were accepting Jewish refugees. America even fired a warning shot at a Jewish refugee ship that wanted to come to America and this was during the war. Its crazy.

    So Hitler deserved no Peace prize. All along he intended to go to war and form a new Germania from all of Europe. All along he intended to take back German land that was lost under the WW1 treaty. All along he intended to get revenge on the French.

    So Hitler made Jews poor and had them living in ghettos. Only when Hitler invaded Poland did England decide to declare war on them. America never declared war on Germany. Germany declared war on them for supporting England.

    Hitler always had revenge on his mind and especially French revenge. He felt that France had humiliated Germany and he wanted to do the same to them. Hitler was big on symbolism. At the end of WW1 the Germans signed the Treaty of Versailles in a French rail car. When Hitlers German army blitzed the French at the start of WW2 and forced them to surrender Hitler wanted to humiliate them in the same way they had done to Germany. What he did was he made the French use that very same French rail car, in the exact same spot it has been when the Germans were forced to sign the Treaty of Versailles, to force the unconditional surrender of the French. This was perhaps Hitlers greatest moment. His greatest triumph. Poetic revenge for what the French did to the nation of Germany.

    Hitler triumph.jpg
    (google images)

    Hitler triumph 1.jpg
    (google images)

    And the rest is history.

    Would you agree that Hitler not getting into art school contributed to all of this?

  2. hk91a2

    hk91a2 New Member

    Aug 12, 2016
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    I see no one has commented on your thread, so I will. As to your question, frankly, no. Hitler was very aware of the Zionist Jews and their destruction of Germany, but Europe, as well. His sole interest was reunification of Germany, and traditional Germanic lands stolen from the Germanic people after WW1. Hitler wanted the Jews to have a homeland of their own which would put an end to their parasitic nature in host country's. History is replete with examples of the Jews being expelled from other nations in order to save themselves. The Holocaust from the Jewish prospective is a proven lie; today no serious historian takes the Jewish version seriously. The Austrian people demanded and got annexation to Germany, there was no invasion "by force of arms" ,that is a Zionist/Bolshevik farce. The so called "invasion of Poland" was a self-defense action taken to stop the mass murder of ethnic German poles in west Poland. Stalin's Zionist backed Checka murder squads under the direction of the NKVD were slaughtering ethnic Germans in mass. Not only did Stalin invade in force eastern Poland, he invades Finland, as well. Interesting how the "world according to Zionism" never mentions that. Brittan, and France at the behest of the World Jewish Congress use that as an excuse to declare war on Germany. Hitler caught Stalin red handed building up his forces for a full scale invasion of western Europe despite their treaty, and the rest is history; as they say.
  3. Flare

    Flare Banned

    Jul 27, 2016
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    Adolf Hitler - The untold TRUE story

  4. juanvaldez

    juanvaldez Banned

    Aug 13, 2016
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    The victors write history. I understand Hitler's beef with the Jews.
  5. Ronstar

    Ronstar Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 19, 2013
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    why does that not surprise me.

    do you also think the Holocaust was justified?
  6. Nocilis

    Nocilis New Member

    Sep 30, 2016
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    The main thing people criticize Hitler was the genocide.

    No one deny he was at one time a great leader and contributed greatly to Germany's rise.
  7. politicalcenter

    politicalcenter Well-Known Member

    Jan 10, 2011
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    This so called great leader brought about death, destruction, famine, genocide, and the disgrace of the German people. What a great guy.

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