The ugly reality of BLM

Discussion in 'Race Relations' started by Polydectes, Aug 27, 2016.

  1. Polydectes

    Polydectes Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2010
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    There is a reason we see the movement today. But I want to get into that a little later.

    The first thing I want to address is that they are a Marxist terrorist organization. Now I didn't get this from news media or some right wing blog. I got it directly from their website.

    Right under their platform you'll see their demands. That is the word they actually use. They demand this. But let's see what they are.

    If you click the square thay says "end the war on black people." (I'm not kidding it really says that) you see some things. Let's analyze them.

    quick link to this heading.

    On the surface this looks like a good thing. But if you dig a little deeper you see what they really want.

    They want more money going to predominantly black schools. Why can't the schools get money from the community? My community pays for schools in my community. It's like they are underfunded because the community is poor. They want this money from the government. Meaning the already heavily burdened tax payer. They want an end to enforcing discipline. Yeah, at a school. No more discipline. So that is going to solve evert problem right? The list goes on in this particular demand but there are so many. Read further on the link if you want.

    More demands under that heading.
    2. I support the death penalty. It is 100% deterrent of recidivism.
    3. You don't have to pay bail. You can stay in jail and get a public defender.
    4. No. Don't be a criminal and you'll be fine. It's not that hard.
    5. No. Illegal immigration is a problem. Legal immigrants ate welcome.
    6. There isn't a war on them.
    7. Stop the crime first.
    8. I have no problem with this.
    9. No. If you don't like jail that's the point. Don't do things that get you put there.
    10. Stop crime first.

    That is just one of the 6 headings of their demands.
    We can delve further into the other five. But this should get us started.
  2. kreo

    kreo Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2008
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    Once unconstitutional special privileges program AA is abolished
    There will be no BLM.
  3. Polydectes

    Polydectes Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2010
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    You have to first desolve the civil rights act.
  4. Marcus Moon

    Marcus Moon New Member

    Aug 27, 2016
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    I see Polydectes points, but I think he bypasses the ugliest reality.

    It seems to me that the biggest problem Black Lives Matter has is that it is at its base, a racist organization/movement, hence the movement's name and the outrage when anyone dares to tweet that "All lives matter". I know I disagree with many people on this, but I do not think racism is inherently a moral evil. I do, however, see it as a serious intellectual flaw, a common result of not thinking logically. (Racism is a combination of the red herring and overgeneralization fallacies.) Bad thinking causes infinitely more harm than bad intentions. As a result of this racism, BLM has sabotaged any chance they ever had of making improvements to our society, and has instead become a force destructive of justice.

    Despite being so conservative that I think Charlton Heston was a liberal wuss, I can still recognize that there are serious flaws in our justice system, penal system, and how our schools deal with disciplinary issues and student behavior. These flaws result in inconsistencies in legal/discipline policies and penalties, and leave doors wide open for unabated abuse, unmitigated incompetence, and flagrant miscarriages of justice. (Whether or not these flaws stem from racism or result in inequitable treatment based on race is not relevant to my point, and belong in a different discussion.)

    As a result of the BLM racism, their narrative of a societal war against Black people, their refusal to consider practical issues and verifiable, realities, and their insistence on only advocating for Blacks, the movement alienated many people who think our justice system needs some improvement, simply because we don't want to associate with hateful, illogical, and unrealistic reactionaries. As a result of automatically, regardless of verifiable facts, assuming police are in the wrong in any conflict with a Black person, BLM has alienated police officers who would otherwise want to see improvements in law enforcement polices, officer training, and qualification requirements. (Face it, NOBODY has a greater interest in cops behaving with good judgment and restraint than other cops do.)

    I think the ugliest reality of BLM is that the illogic of racism, and the reactionary foolishness of riots and demonstrations for their own sake has resulted in violence, burned out businesses, and a more fractured society. Moreover, it has ensured that people who otherwise might have worked together to solve problems are instead making prosperity, equity, and justice increasing more difficult to achieve.
  5. Imnotreallyhere

    Imnotreallyhere Well-Known Member Donor

    Apr 8, 2014
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    I didn't see any Marxist rhetoric or terrorist threats on their site. Perhaps you can point them out.

    Community taxes are exactly how schools are funded. Poor communities have poor schools. This particular demand is actually pretty reasonable and easily met.

    Actually they only spoke out against zero tolerance policies, not against discipline itself. You should read more carefully.

  6. Polydectes

    Polydectes Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2010
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    Killing police is terrorism.

    But here are the Marxist demands.

    Gimmy gimmy gimmy everything for free just because I'm black. No, work for it lazy ass.

    No it isn't. Earn more money. Work harder and bring more money into your community.
    Even though.

    Don't go to jail. Don't be a criminal. It's supposed to be difficult.

    Yeah it's easy not to be a criminal.

    Why can terrorists operate in their community so easily? Because snitches get stitches? They can quit being idiots at any time.

    What are you talking about? Riot gear isn't military surplus.


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