Holocaust: The WW2 Babi Yar Genocide Hoax

Discussion in 'History and Culture' started by hk91a2, Sep 3, 2016.

  1. hk91a2

    hk91a2 New Member

    Aug 12, 2016
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    The story goes that the Einsatzgruppen C carried out a mass murder of Jews.

    Shortly after the occupation of Kiev by German forces, Bolshevik communists set-off a series of terrorist bombs throughout the city. The resulting explosions killed many civilians and German troops. Apparently during the subsequent fire-fighting and rescue effort a Bolshevik Jewish sympathizer was caught red-handed cutting a fire hose in half. The Einsatzgruppen (anti-partisan units) were not amused.

    During the period dating 9/29-30, 1941 they gathered up 33,771 Jews, and marched them off to the “ravine” at Babi-Yar and shot them all. Moreover, further evidence cited by Holocaust story tellers is the suspect report “Ereignismeldungen” The biggest problem with the report is it does not support the physical facts discovered at the Babi Yar ravine. Many historians today view this report with great suspicion as a fraud.

    The Babi Yar ravine contains no evidence at all to support the claim that tens of thousands of Jews were killed there. There simply is no evidence what so ever to support such a claim despite numerous times “expedition teams “have looked for evidence. The monument shown is nothing more than a hoax.

    Moreover, Holocaust story tellers maintain that the reason no bodies were found there, is because the Nazis sent a “special team” there to exhume, burn, and crush the remains. Incredibly, the phony report maintains that this special team used headstones from a nearby Jewish cemetery to smash the last of the bones to dust. Does anyone have any idea at all, how long it would take to accomplish such a herculean feat?

    What’s even more incredible is the Soviets produced a captured German officer by the name of Paul Blobel SS-Standartenfuhrer who of course CONFESSED to destroying all 33,771 bodies with-in 30 days! 8/18/- 9/19/1943 What an extraordinary feat! (Very similar to the Katyn massacre, which we know now according to KGB archives was carried out by Cheka/Bolshevik NKVD troops, not Germans) Anyway, on to the photograph; we now know from scientific research it takes about 1 acre of excavated land to bury 10,000 bodies. That means you would need about 3.5 acres of excavated land to bury 33,771 bodies. The precision Ariel photograph shown shows no sign what so ever of geographical disturbance.

    Even if you increase the depth of excavation to 16 feet you would still need about 1.5 acres which could accommodate up to about 50, 000 bodies. This would have been a major excavation project for modern heavy equipment even by today’s standards. The storytellers claim that that this was done in 1941, and again in 1943 is sheer fantasy. Consider heavy combat operations, not to mention a battle weary front obtaining all the necessary equipment needed, preposterous. Other problems with the Babi Yar story: The victims were machine-gunned? Generally it takes twice as many rounds of ammo to kill a certain number of people. The amount of ammo needed to kill 33,771 people would be about 67,000 rounds, probably more to do the job. That much ammo would weigh 1,876 pounds; now, lead is an essential element in the production of ammunition, as such it is an inert substance that survives practically forever in soil. That incredibly amount of lead in the soil should leave some trace behind, unfortunately, no trace has ever been found. The other problem is the incredible amount of fuel needed to reduce the bodies to the point where the remainder could be pulverized to dust. Now, the storytellers maintain that all these incredible feats took place two years AFTER the massacre while the Germans were in full scale RETREAT!

    The other problem with the story: the storytellers maintain that the bodies were burned out in the open with WOOD! OOOK! Wood piled on to open iron rails, present day open air cremations carried out in India among the Hindus require about 10 hrs. And 330 pounds of wood. This means that 11 million pounds of wood would be required to cremate 33,771 bodies. Now, to believe that anyone could cut-down that amount of wood, even if it were available, in the face of a rapidly advancing Soviet army is Ludacris. Not to mention that many trees would go unnoticed by everybody is preposterous.

    In conclusion, the US national Archives in Washington DC contain 600 wartime Ariel photographs of Kiev, and Babi Yar. And yet, the Ariel photographs taken between 5/17/1939 to 6/18/1944 show no disturbance what so ever to the terrain at Babi Yar. No sign of human activity at the ravine.

    Ariel view of Babi Yar Ravine Babi Yar ravine.jpg

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