The hershey, pennsylvania connection

Discussion in 'Civil Liberties' started by chopper, Oct 29, 2016.

  1. chopper

    chopper Banned

    Oct 14, 2016
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    The sad thing about whats going on in Hershey, Pennsylvania, is that with white supremacy, they use blacks against blacks in order to throw off investigations. Several blackmen have swore that when they stayed at hotels and motels in Hershey, the treatment compared to what caucasians received, was horrible. And the white supremacists isn't stupid. They know that, for many many years, they've used blacks against blacks which aided in cases of racial discrimination. Even caucasian police drive around in the wee hours of the night, coming up with tails against blackmen. Should they be questioned, they'll used their badges against the complainants. And as Malaysians, Hindu, and even blacks and latinos know, caucasians will stick up for caucasians. A friend of a friend secretly followed Taxi number 901 (Dina). She is a white supremacist driver for American Taxi (717) 901-8294, who will never accept defeat when it comes to focusing on the deaths of black people. And according to Stan, who listened to the propaganda Dina's friends recently made about blacks who stayed in Hershey, Pennsylvania, it was very startling. Stan spoke about how racist bikers have been taking an interest in Dina's movement, and many of the white supremacists comes as far as York, Pa., where white supremacy is so extreme, they often hold rallies in downtown York, as well as in downtown Harrisburg. However, blacks staying either at apartments or at hotels and motels, there is spies set upon them who either monitors their internet activity, or listens to what goes on in places where they pay their rent.Some even swear that when they leave their hotel or motel rooms briefly, parties go into the rooms and do things. Others swear police worked with white supremacist motel owners and planted small chips in their rooms. Then they lied about it using drugs as a reason, even though the blacks didn't do drugs. Many of their informants have out of state tags on their vehicles to thrown off anyone who isn't a cop. Tags vary from Texas to Florida, et cetera. And if parties submit complaints like this upon the internet, certain police officers work with motel and hotel managers, who then employ rebutters, who will join t6he websites, and will focus on the complainant only! White supremacy is something else folks! Many of these tactics have led to aquittals and unsolved murders involving blacks and latinos.

    Racism in Hershey will never end as long as there is rogue police who rides around looking to make up lies on anyone who fights against racism and white supremacy. These cops make sure that whatever is stated against racism or racial discrimination, never ends. They are pure evil folks! All blacks and latinos have to do is visit Hershey, stay for about 4 weeks, and you will get the truth about a region which funds white supremacy! Many caucasian freemasons run this region! And these same freemasons have used blacks against blacks so that every race can be ruled under caucasian rule for many many years! They also have powerful witchcraft and Satanic spells! Don't be fooled, estates in Hershey is worth at least 2 or 3 million dollars. Many caucasians are very wealthy, anhd many use portions of their wealth against minorities. Several spiritualists swear that many are being possessed by evil entities which will never let go with racism against minorities. There have been caucasians who have said that they could gut blackmen, and cut the heads off of black babies, and will never lose any sleep. Hindus says that caucasians don't have souls, and forces are coming from underground and is possessing their bodies. We all know that insomnia along with peaked curiosity is what fuels click bait websites and information black holes where you click and you click and suddenly you find yourself in a very strange place reading about some very peculiar ideas.

    Historical accounts of books, vases, boxes, automobiles and of course, houses, have been reported to become “possessed” with otherworldly spirits but one of the most common inanimate objects subject to demonic or ghostly possession are toys – particularly, children’s dolls. Sprits can be put into dolls and humans, much like Djinn can be put in bottles or jars. Dolls, as well as humans, can be bathed in herbs, anointed with oils, smoked with incense and then placed on an altar. It is a simple ceremony of candle burning and ritual is done to ask that a benevolent spirit to enter into the doll. This is known as the “inviting” ritual. Now keep in mind that spirits have to be invited into the vessel in which they wish to occupy. The inviting ritual includes, of course, offerings of good food, drinks and sweets to attract a spirit. People have also created Voodoo or Altar Dolls in basically the same way. In Santeria, there is a very simple principle: the more you give them, the more powerful they are to help you and protect you. In Thailand, there is a national trend in people purchasing what are called “Look Thep” dolls. These children put through a ritual in which the soul of a child is invited to possess the doll. In the movie, A.I. Artificial intelligence, a mother purchases a robot that is supposed to be like a son. In order to activate the artificial boy or lifelike doll she must go through what is called the imprinting protocol. This is the moment where she has to say some words to activate the boy and guarantee its attachment to her.

    She touches the boy or artificial boy on the back of the neck; she then looks him in the eyes and says Cirrus, Socrates, Particle, Decibel, Hurricane, Dolphin, and Tulip. She says her name, the name of the artificial boy and then her name again in order to bond with it. Another reason why bonding words exist is because it is similar to what we read in the Book of Genesis. God used divine words to activate self-consciousness and so in the ritualizing of an altar doll one has to use divine words that only you understand and are meaningful. We draw the association between dolls and artificial intelligence because research and technology companies are now doing the same thing. Creating effective A.I. or Transhumanist Altar Dolls revolves around understanding and mapping the human brain and being able to activate the machine and brain within context and triggering using words or protocols. In Jewish folklore, the Golem is a being that is conjured from inanimate matter and is activated by thought and words. For example, Golem creators wrote the name of God on the Golem’s forehead, or on a clay tablet under its tongue, or wrote the word Emet (“truth” in the Hebrew language) on its forehead. By erasing the first letter in “Emet” to form “Met” (“death” in Hebrew), the Golem can be destroyed. Some ancient Jewish recipes for creating a Golem required a person to combine each letter of the Hebrew alphabet with each letter from the Tetragrammaton (YHVH), and pronounce each of the resulting letter pairs with every possible vowel sound.

    The Tetragrammaton serves as an “activation word” to pierce reality and energize the being. Most Golems in the medieval literature were dumb but could be made to perform simple, repetitive tasks. The challenge for the Golem creator was figuring out how to get the Golem to stop doing the task. The Golem was literally a monster made of clay programmed to defend villages and kill anyone who wished to harm a Jew. The most famous Golem narrative involves Judah Loew ben Bezalel, the late 16th century chief rabbi of Prague, also known as the Maharal, who reportedly created a Golem to defend the Prague ghetto from anti-Semitic attacks and pogroms sparked by Blood Libel accusations. Golems are monsters that are created for protection. Golems are not intelligent, and if commanded to perform a task, they will perform the instructions, literally. In many depictions, Golems are inherently perfectly obedient. In its earliest known modern form, one story has Rabbi Eliyahu of Chełm creating a Golem that became enormous and uncooperative. In one version of this story, the rabbi had to resort to trickery to deactivate it, whereupon it crumbled upon its creator and crushed him. This is similar to the Frankenstein story where the creator of the monster did so with good intentions but his hubris got the best of him and his creation turned on him. The word Frankenstein itself means, man of stone. The Golem has also evolved into the mindless zombie that becomes animated with some kind of chemical or even by magical invocations that are found in rituals of voodoo.

    There was also Old Testament legends of Teraphim or severed shrunken heads that were used as oracles. Magic words or thought forms were placed in the heads and they were used in necromantic rituals. These servitors or egregores were later spoken of by magicians like Aleister Crowley as powerful entities that can be created by thought. He spoke of something called a Homunculus or small silver man that would do his bidding and move at his every whim. Anton LaVey, the renowned Black Pope of the Church of Satan had a fascination with life-like mannequins. He often said that he was preparing for the day when the science of robotics will enable industry to begin the production of artificial human companions. ”The forbidden industry,” he called it. “Polite, sophisticated, technologically feasible slavery.” However, in order for this to happen some people would have to get over the hurdle for their fear of dolls. The fear of dolls is called, Pediophobia and they live in that place that we have talked about before and that is the uncanny valley. This uncanny valley actually is the space occupied by humanlike things that provoke a sense of unease or even fear in actual humans. The term, coined in 1970 by the Japanese robotics engineer Masahiro Mori, describes that uncomfortable middle ground between lifelike and clearly inanimate: not quite fully human, but not quite something else, either. Pediophobia, is also related to what can be called automtonophobia or a fear of things that look like humans, like robots, wax figurines, and statues.

    Pediophobia translates to “fear of little children,” and is linguistically is the cousin to the word for the fear of actual children: pedophobia. It is also interesting to point out that rag dolls don’t evoke the same spookiness as a baby-size thing with real hair. Fear of dolls, or possessed humans, didn’t really exist until the 19th century, when innovations in toy-making — like eyes that could open and close meant more realistic-looking products. People who fear dolls are more likely to also fear clowns. Both are reactions to ambiguous, slightly off versions of a normal face. Sometimes haunted dolls, and possessed humans, have been known to be a bit dangerous for people who haven’t tested them before, and that’s partially because they don’t realize there are protocols and proper instructions on how to make deals with the spirit world. White supremacy has tooken on a different path whether minorities know it or not. Will you be a sacrifice for Moloch?

    October 29, 2016
  2. Aleksander Ulyanov

    Aleksander Ulyanov Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2013
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    What. The. :confusion::omg::alcoholic::angel:

    Are computer privileges in the 666th ward getting loose again, or is the new Dr Strange movie out already?:wink:

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