If Climate Change Is Real; Why Are Winters Feeling Colder? Maybe This..

Discussion in 'Environment & Conservation' started by Silhouette, Dec 22, 2016.

  1. Silhouette

    Silhouette New Member

    Feb 14, 2011
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    As the atmosphere, which acts like a shield and blanket at the same time, begins to thin from destructive chemical reactions caused by things men are doing on the earth's surface, you would expect colder winters as CLIMATE CHANGE continues (not "Warming" per se)

    In the Winter, with a thinner "blanket" you would expect colder-colds. In the Summer, guess what we find? Warmer warms as the shield function of our atmosphere thins.

    I guess some people think it's fun to look at climate change like an infant. That way the pesky little details of what's actually happening can be denied. That way, industry doesn't have to encounter the hassles and expense of complying with global climate practices aimed at saving our planet. The simple minded greedy apes just want their bunches of bananas. They don't want to hear about the inconvenient details of how their greed is destroying their home.

    "But for awhile there we were having much cooler Summers than normal!"..

    Water, which is also ice, which makes up the ice caps on both poles of our planet, is a funny element. It has what is known in chemistry as a "high specific heat". What that means is, that it takes a lot of energy to change it from a solid to a liquid, a liquid to a gas, or a gas to a plasma. Many other compounds or elements do not need as much heat as water to do this. As an element or molecule, like water, approaches a phase change from solid ice to liquid water, it takes on the most energy in the form of heat to complete the phase change.

    So, to put that in layman's terms, while the Summer's were cooler, the ice caps' acceleration in melting were "stealing the heat" from the atmosphere....which we all felt on our skins as "a cooler Summer". "So climate change isn't really happening!!" Except that it is. Just not the neat little way that most minds would like to box it in.

    Do three experiments at home that will help you understand the full scope of how our climate is changing for the worse as far as organic life is concerned.

    1. The ice cube experiment. Put an ice chunk on the counter in a warm home. Hold your hand away from it. Then hold your hand near it. As your hand comes near to it, but doesn't actually touch it, you will feel cold. That is because as the ice melts, it is stealing heat from the immediate surroundings, including your hand as it approaches. Put a fan behind the ice chunk next. Place your hand in front of the stream of air blowing past the chunk. You'll notice cold too; and this will accelerate the melting of the ice. This is how the warmer wind functions blowing across the ice caps in Summer. The size of the ice caps are their ability to make the "false cool Summers" more noticeable. As they shrink in size, these cool Summers will not be felt as widely.

    2. The atmosphere "blanket" test. Now that it's Winter, you can go outside and try this simple test. Take a thick warm blanket outside and cover yourself with it as you sit for awhile in a chair. Then, take it off and replace it with a sheet. Sit for the same amount of time. Which is colder? The thinner sheet mimics the thinning atmosphere and the colder Winters showing up as the earth's climate change.

    3. The atmosphere "shield" test. In Summer, go out in the middle of July on a sunny day and sit under a solid type of shelter from the sun for awhile. Then, sit under an opaque or semi-clear piece of corrugated roofing. Or just directly in the sun without any shield. Which is hotter?

    For extra credit, the Winter solstice (shortest day) is near. On that day, should the sun be shining, take an automobile headlamp reflector, remove the bulb exposing just the bulb clip. Using a pair of welding glasses for safety, place a piece of paper or a small dry piece of wood in the clip. Aim the reflector directly at the sun, even later in the day if you like. DO NOT look directly at the center of the reflector or anywhere near it, even with welding glasses. It will be at its weakest and lowest potential of energy for the entire year. Wait several seconds until the wood or paper catches fire. Douse quickly with water you have nearby.

    This extra credit is the key to solving both our energy crises AND climate change. The less we damage our atmosphere with chemicals related to the petroleum industry and relying on it to give us energy, the more we can slow down the damage to everything; not the least of which, ourselves.

    As the atmosphere, which acts like a shield and blanket at the same time, begins to disappear from destructive chemical reactions caused by things men are doing on the earth's surface, you would expect colder winters as CLIMATE CHANGE continues (not "Warming" per se)

    In the Winter, with a thinner "blanket" you would expect colder-colds. In the Summer, guess what we find? Warmer warms as the shield function of our atmosphere thins.

    I guess some people think it's fun to look at climate change like an infant. That way the pesky little details of what's actually happening can be denied. That way, industry doesn't have to encounter the hassles and expense of complying with global climate practices aimed at saving our planet. The simple minded greedy apes just want their bunches of bananas. They don't want to hear about the inconvenient details of how their greed is destroying their home.

    "But for awhile there we were having much cooler Summers than normal!"..

    Yes, yes we were. Again, climate change deniers will have to stretch their taxed little brains further to understand the "silly" science behind all the mystery.

    Water, which is also ice, which makes up the ice caps on both poles of our planet, is a funny element. It has what is known in chemistry as a "high specific heat". What that means is, that it takes a lot of energy to change it from a solid to a liquid, a liquid to a gas, or a gas to a plasma. Many other compounds or elements do not need as much heat as water to do this. As an element or molecule, like water, approaches a phase change from solid ice to liquid water, it takes on the most energy in the form of heat to complete the phase change.

    So, to put that in layman's terms, while the Summer's were cooler, the ice caps' acceleration in melting were "stealing the heat" from the atmosphere....which we all felt on our skins as "a cooler Summer". "So climate change isn't really happening!!" Except that it is. Just not the neat little way that most minds would like to box it in.

    Do three experiments at home that will help you understand the full scope of how our climate is changing for the worse as far as organic life is concerned.

    1. The ice cube experiment. Put an ice chunk on the counter in a warm home. Hold your hand away from it. Then hold your hand near it. As your hand comes near to it, but doesn't actually touch it, you will feel cold. That is because as the ice melts, it is stealing heat from the immediate surroundings, including your hand as it approaches. Put a fan behind the ice chunk next. Place your hand in front of the stream of air blowing past the chunk. You'll notice cold too; and this will accelerate the melting of the ice. This is how the warmer wind functions blowing across the ice caps in Summer. The size of the ice caps are their ability to make the "false cool Summers" more noticeable. As they shrink in size, these cool Summers will not be felt as widely.

    2. The atmosphere "blanket" test. Now that it's Winter, you can go outside and try this simple test. Take a thick warm blanket outside and cover yourself with it as you sit for awhile in a chair. Then, take it off and replace it with a sheet. Sit for the same amount of time. Which is colder? The thinner sheet mimics the thinning atmosphere and the colder Winters showing up as the earth's climate change.

    3. The atmosphere "shield" test. In Summer, go out in the middle of July on a sunny day and sit under a solid type of shelter from the sun for awhile. Then, sit under an opaque or semi-clear piece of corrugated roofing. Or just directly in the sun without any shield. Which is hotter?

    For extra credit, the Winter solstice (shortest day) is near. On that day, should the sun be shining, take an automobile headlamp reflector, remove the bulb exposing just the bulb clip. Using a pair of welding glasses for safety, place a piece of paper or a small dry piece of wood in the clip. Aim the reflector directly at the sun, even later in the day if you like. DO NOT look directly at the center of the reflector or anywhere near it, even with welding glasses. It will be at its weakest and lowest potential of energy for the entire year. Wait several seconds until the wood or paper catches fire. Douse quickly with water you have nearby.

    This extra credit is the key to solving both our energy crises AND climate change. The less we damage our atmosphere with chemicals related to the petroleum industry and relying on it to give us energy, the more we can slow down the damage to everything; not the least of which, ourselves.
  2. Silhouette

    Silhouette New Member

    Feb 14, 2011
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    Virtually all power plants do is boil water to run steam turbines. Nuclear energy does this simply by heating water with radioactive materials. But it's always "apply fire to water, boil it & use the steam to run a turbine". In the case of hydro-electric, the energy of moving water turns the turbines. Moving water or moving steam, either one, turns the turbines to create a stream of electrons leaving the generator.

    This can be done with the extra credit experiment I spoke about in the OP. And here's how. BTW, this isn't "solar energy" using panels. It's solar energy using the direct radioactive heat coming from the sun...just like nuclear...only we have evolved to deal with solar radiation better than plutonium..

    The placement of the mirrors to the tubes is everything. BigOil funded these huge ringed jokes to discredit the industry. Meanwhile our competitors were doing the actual math of placing linear arrays near the tube-oil heating source that heats oil to 300 degrees Celsius. Yes, I said Celsius.

    On days when there is less or no sun, these plants are joined to the hip with backup carbon or geothermal or wind or hydro sources. In the Southwest, where up to 300 days of pure sun can be expected in many places, the application of this technology is mandatory to replace the damaging types currently destroying our blanket/shield atmosphere.

    [video]https://youtu.be/7Gvwy8yDMzw[/video] < video shows ease of installation of solar thermal energy

    [video]https://youtu.be/ecMu1613Hcc[/video] < video shows how China is beating us at this technology.

    Link to previous thread
    waltky likes this.
  3. waltky

    waltky Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2009
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    May set a Christmas Day high of 65 degrees here...

    ... but we've also had sub-freezing temps so far this winter...

    ... such is weather in the Ohio Valley.
  4. HereWeGoAgain

    HereWeGoAgain Banned

    Nov 11, 2016
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    Temperature in the Arctic today: 32 F [... in December!]
    Temperature in Alaska today: 9 F

    From November:
  5. logical1

    logical1 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 15, 2011
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    While climate change is real, global warming is a hoax put out by the radical left for political reasons.
  6. HereWeGoAgain

    HereWeGoAgain Banned

    Nov 11, 2016
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    Global warming isn't even questioned any longer. Your statement is total fantasy,

    And we have over 90% confidence that humans play a significant role in changing the climate. That is the only point of contention - how significant our role

    Do you guys just spout this nonsense out of fear? Can't deal with the real world so you create a fantasy world of your own?
  7. jackdog

    jackdog Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2009
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    I agree. Global warming began as soon as we transited from the last glacial period about 12,000 years ago. Of course there were several bumps in the road such as the Maunder Minimum, and Younger Dryas
  8. Pycckia

    Pycckia Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2015
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    Note the date, ten years ago.

    Now that it is nearly 2017, have NCAR and PSU actually measured the predicted 3% reduction in the density of Earth's upper atmosphere?

    The Climate Change crowd has made a lot of predictions that didn't actually pan out. This leads thoughtful people to be a little dubious.
  9. HereWeGoAgain

    HereWeGoAgain Banned

    Nov 11, 2016
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    Yes, and natural variations are the primary argument against anthropogenic warming. So even those few who still think we play little or no role readily admit that the planet is warming.

    How about if the deniers at least shout down those who don't know the most elementary facts?
  10. jackdog

    jackdog Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2009
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    see my thread on .352 C to see how much effect we have on climate. Rather than spending trillions on useless measures such as solar and wind, invest that time and money into adapting and researching workable energy solutions
  11. SillyAmerican

    SillyAmerican Well-Known Member

    Jul 25, 2016
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    Agreed. We're chasing out tails, going from "Global Warming" to "Climate Change". So what's next? These changes will continue, no matter what you call them or who you blame for their occurring...
  12. HereWeGoAgain

    HereWeGoAgain Banned

    Nov 11, 2016
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    The language of climate change was selected because people who don't bother to learn were easily confused. Some areas will get colder even though the planet is generally warming. "Global warming" was too confusing so the title of climate change is used instead.

    Do you have any idea how much the price of solar has dropped per KW of output. Not only is the cost of production dropping precipitously, but multilayer cells capture more of the suns energy. And solar cells are now printed instead of constructed.

    Soon, you will be able to paint on a solar collector. Apply it like paint and when it dries its a photo-voltaic solar collector.

  13. jackdog

    jackdog Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2009
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    that's wonderful. now do you have any that work 24 and 7 so you don't need a fossil fuel backup for them ?
  14. Silhouette

    Silhouette New Member

    Feb 14, 2011
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    In fact, NASA has something to say about that:


    And it's not getting any better as the years go by without carbon emissions coming into check.

    Remember the thin vs thick blanket experiment in the OP?

    1. If climate change is real, why are we having record cold Winters!! A: Because a thinner blanket means you get colder without that protection from the freezing temperatures of space around the earth.

    2. If climate change is real, why did we get a few cooler Summers awhile back!? A: Because of the ice cube experiment in the OP.

    3. I HAVE noticed a slightly hotter feel to the sun in Summer, and my tender ornamental plants are getting bleaching and scorching on the tips of their leaves. A: Yes, because that thinning is letting more dangerous UV radiation on your skin and your plants. My advice is, stay out of the sun and watch the UV index on days when it's high. That's NASA telling you "you're under a dangerously thin part of the atmosphere today". Listen to them.
  15. Silhouette

    Silhouette New Member

    Feb 14, 2011
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    The second video link in post #2 shows the system the Chinese are developing which stores heat in molten salt tanks, if memory serves on that liquid, which continues to generate electricity through the night. However, with solar thermal steam turbines, there is the problem of cloudy or rainy days.

    But it isn't really much of a problem when you consider that if you tie solar thermal to the hip of ANY carbon based power plant, for every day the sun shines (and the night following, using the Chinese heat-storage technology), that's 24 hours of zero fuel consumption. In areas where the sun shines 300 days a year; you know, like the entire Southwest in the US., that's 300 days of zero carbon being burned. BigCarbon power plants, therefore, would increase their profits by like a zillion percent, getting tons of carbon credits from Uncle Sam in the process, if they cogenerated with solar thermal.

    And, very simply, on days when its cloudy or raining, you burn carbon. But the reduction is monumental. I should re-emphasize that even in latitudes like Canada, all it takes is a mirror angle adjustment for solar thermal to quickly bring the heating oil in the tubes to much higher than boiling water. Off to the heat exchangers, steam to the turbines and away you go!...every sunny day of the year...
  16. jackdog

    jackdog Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2009
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    that tech has been around for years. here is a link for the latest, located in the Moroccan desert. Cost was 3.9 billion dollars, it produces 370 gigawatt-hours per year. In the USA you pay about six cents US per kilowatt-hour.Do the math and the payback time of the plant would be a hundred and seventy-seven years. That is assuming there are zero maintenance costs. Oh and the molten salt lasts 3 hours, after that it has to be kept in a liquid state using natural gas.


    so you want to build a 4 billion dollar plant and then build fossil fuel plants to back it up at night and on cloudy days. Now just me but I would just build the fossil fuel plants and save myself 4 billion. Hope you are not planning a business career
  17. Deckel

    Deckel Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 2, 2014
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    So we had record high global warmth when it is hot in the summer but in winter the summers were actually cooler than the warmest on record? Lucky thing people will believe anything they are told without questioning or remembering what they were told previously to believe.
  18. Silhouette

    Silhouette New Member

    Feb 14, 2011
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    ^^ As long as the molten salt has heat you don't need natural gas unless you like running an inefficient system.

    As for the rest of your data; it's patently false. Next to the mining, refining, transportation and environmental damage costs associated with either nuclear or carbon steam generation, the snap-on simplicity of everyday concave mirrors shining on a simple oil-filled tube is cheap, inexpensive child's play. And, free energy every minute the sun shines.

    Try another spin. That one didn't work.
  19. Silhouette

    Silhouette New Member

    Feb 14, 2011
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    Read the OP. As long as the ice sheets melting are still large enough to contribute, their "theft" of heat in order to complete the phase change of water from solid ice to liquid water will be felt in the warmer seasons as "a cooling trend". But that will be temporary as the sheets hit a tipping point of no longer being large enough to affect even temperate Summers. Equator Summers are nearly immune from this false cooling trend already. And that will creep north as the short years go by to include all regions tropical and temperate.

    Enjoy this while it lasts. And, if you own real estate in low elevations near any ocean...I would consider quickly selling. There are enough climate-deniers out there where you can still make a bundle and run while you can. But about 5 years from now that won't be the case. Sell ...sell....sell!!
  20. jackdog

    jackdog Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2009
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    well I guess for 4 billion dollars they did not get a very efficient system then because if you do the research on the plant you will find they use natural gas to keep the salt in a molten state after 3 hours. Maybe you should go over there and straighten them out
  21. Deckel

    Deckel Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 2, 2014
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    Either we have record warmth or we do not. In summer they say "Why this is the hottest July on record" and in the winter they are now sating it is colder because the summers aren't as warm.

    In 5 years we will be exactly as we are now, AGW folks appealing to the future because they do not know what logical fallacies are in their own sense of logic.
  22. jackdog

    jackdog Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2009
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    I bought property half a mile inland from the ocean 30 years ago. It is still 1/2 mile from the ocean. According to Al Gore I should have had waterfront property ten years ago
  23. kgeiger002

    kgeiger002 Active Member Past Donor

    Jun 18, 2013
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    It's a very nice day in Tampa FL. This type of weather is always appreciated. I remember days like this thirty years ago.
  24. sawyer

    sawyer Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 29, 2012
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    Now that's funny! I'm in my 60s now and have seen multitudes of these "five years from now" predictions come and go. See you in five years.:smile:
  25. Befuddled Alien

    Befuddled Alien Member

    Jul 17, 2016
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    This is 100% true ... except when it isn't. Many types of plants do not utilize a secondary steam cycle. Gas turbine plants use direct combustion gas (from natural gas or oil) to rotate a turbine. Diesel engines use direct combustion/reciprocation to turn a generator. Fuel cells (often used as emergency back up power) use a chemical reaction with natural gas. Solar cells directly convert solar into voltage via the photovoltaic effect. Then there is wind power, tide power, etc.

    The term you are most likely looking for here is 'Thermal Power Plants'. Thermal plants are generally very good as base load units. But, they are not so good at back-up power. The utilization of a secondary cycle makes the start-up time too long to be of use in an emergency or as a peaker.

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