Repeal and Replace Obamacare....Not so Fast!

Discussion in 'Health Care' started by popopolitics, Jan 11, 2017.

  1. popopolitics

    popopolitics Member

    Jan 10, 2017
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    Although I have insurance through my employer, I have talked to many people who have Obamacare. I live in a Rust Belt state and have spoken to many people who have Obamacare as I have worked in a tax office for many years. I have seen the ACA from the beginning to where it is now. Mostly lower income people have gotten Obamacare and also the middle class who could not get insurance through their employers. I have heard more complaints about Obamacare than people who support it.

    The Affordable Care Act was rushed through Congress without any of the Senators even having time to read it before passing it into law. Is this the way they are going to Repeal and Replace Obamacare? I personally don't think they should repeal it until a replacement plan has been revealed and thoroughly studied and read our representatives and congressmen.

    I am concerned that our legislature is just in a hurry to make good on Trump's election promise and get something through as fast as possible. Something that effects so many Americans should not be taken lightly. It deserves more thought than just pushing something through to satisfy a campaign promise. I feel an immediate repeal and replace will end up in a boondoggle just like the Affordable Care Act.

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