Trump's business experience doesn't qualiify him? Depends.

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by spiritgide, Jan 19, 2017.

  1. spiritgide

    spiritgide Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 25, 2016
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    It's clear to see that the nation is highly divided over Trump- or at least aspects related to the Trump style. Most say that business experience does not qualify you for politics. That you must be polite, negotiable, not make people mad.... after all, that's what being presidential is all about. Or is it? The president's job is administration- manage the nations affairs... It's business. How well has that been doing?

    Look where we are. In virtually any area- our economics, our financial management, the efficiency of our system, the way we treat our citizens, the way we preserve their rights and freedom, the respect of other nations, the value of our word and honor that few trust anymore, the degree to which we achieve our objectives- our government's performance sucks. I have never met anyone who thinks these are good things, yet many think it's the best we can do. How bad is it, really?

    Our national debt is skyrocketing. Our military condition is degrading. Our manufacturing base is disintegrating. Our educational system is producing students with lower competence in primary skills than 20 other nations. Our unfunded liabilities, financial obligations (not shown as debt) that government has created with various legislation and you probably don't even know about dwarfs the national debt and is estimated to be double the net worth of the entire nation- possibly more than $200 trillion dollars. Our healthcare system is the most expensive in the world by far, yet is not the best quality. Insurance cost is off the charts. Our tax system in the world's largest and most complicated. We have 5% or world population- but 25% of the worlds prisoners. Everywhere you look, this is how our system dysfunctions. This is the legacy we are leaving to the future as things stand now.

    Why is this?

    You probably know what a “Rube Goldberg” device is, but to refresh your memory- it's finding the most complicated way to do a basic task. It's like a machine with a multitude of parts and mechanical functions that all interlink to eventually flip a light switch. Every link slows down the process and adds to the cost, delays the result, and increases the potential for failure. It is basically a joke- demonstrating ridiculousness.

    In human terms, it's like sending the three stooges to a field to dig a 3x3 ft hole, and having them spend the next month arguing about who is boss, what kind of shovel will be used, what we would do if it rains, should we put a tent over the hole, what color should the tent be, what kind of shovel should be used, which end of the shovel to use, and endless drivel that goes on for weeks before anybody actually begins the simple job.That is how governments tend to work- just like Rube Goldberg devices. The purpose and objective, the need to get the job done efficiently is set aside while they play political games.

    This process guts the efficiency and performance of government, consuming excess resources and increasing the required time to do everything, and consistently compromising and distorting the end result. The process and political opportunities invariably over-ride the objective. It's true- Business experience does not qualify you to be a political Rube Goldberg operator at all. The real question is why that kind of mindset qualifies you to be a politician.

    Now imagine another scenario- you send one good man to dig the hole. He begins immediately, works steadily- and finishes the job in one day. Business must operate like this- it can't waste resources or become bogged down in endless argumentative process. Business actually has to support itself and be as efficiently run as possible, and never lose sight of it's real objective. Virtually every dollar that comes in is an earned dollar from willing buyers of their product, not from a well of free dollars taken as taxes or fees from people who never get their money's worth. They face constant competition. If they lose that efficiency- they will be gone, so they are focused on getting the job at hand done effectively and moving to the next... and that is why top managers succeed, why they make things happen fast and economically, lowering costs and conserving resources at the same time.

    The ballot on this presidential election could have offered the choices under an alternate description:

    A. [ ] Expand the Rube Goldberg Device

    B. [ ] Dismantle the Rube Goldberg Device and replace it with effective management.

    This is why you see the Trump Cabinet is filled with professional, successful managers- people who cut to the chase and don't tolerate the endless waste system of the Rube Goldberg process. This is why Trump acts swiftly and boldly, sweeping aside the Goldberg processes and arguments to get to the real tasks. The fact that this offends the Goldberg supporters trying to keep the status quo does not concern him, he has business to take care of. It is how a great CEO thinks. Since we have never had one, it's going to be a new experience. The whining will continue- but so will the changes in how we do business in Washington.
  2. CrankyPant

    CrankyPant New Member

    Oct 13, 2015
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    A) Business experience has little to do with being President. The last MBA in the White House crashed the economy.
    B) Once you get past the smoke and mirrors and incessant bragging, Trump has a terrible business record.

    Which brings me to what I've said all along - Donald Trump doesn't have one single qualification to be president. Republicans have screwed America.
  3. spiritgide

    spiritgide Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 25, 2016
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    No qualification, except that he won the election? I can see that doesn't count for you.

    Terrible business record? I think the number of Trump operations world wide is around 600 operating businesses. How many more does he have to build before he gets above your "terrible" standard?

    An MBA is a paper degree- not a certificate of business success. I've seen CPA's destroy a business too, simply by complicating it to death. I've had a PhD working for me as a warehouse janitor- and Edison had only an eight grade education. It's performance that counts, not paper.

    How many businesses do you own- that qualify you to make these judgements?

    That's what I thought.

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