What is politics?

Discussion in 'Political Science' started by Brett Nortje, Jan 21, 2017.

  1. Brett Nortje

    Brett Nortje Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2014
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    Everyone out of pride says they know what politics is, and, most of us do - us computer forum users. there are many though that do not know what politics really is, and, politics itself lacks a definite description, if you ask me? i mean, there are so many definitions out there, and people will disagree just for the sake of the debate!

    So, i want to deal with a few concepts about politics - resources, happiness and lifestyle and policies. these i find cover most of the political spectrum, with anything financial related to lifestyles of the people, along with education and health care, of course. if you asked me a long time ago, i would have said politics is all about resources, human resources, emotional resources, financial resources and other living and non living resources, of course.

    The way i see it politics is 'a form of discussion.' this started way back when with the cavemen and they would all sit around and decide who got what amount of 'food of clothing.' this is a social development, and that is why i call it a conversation, of course.

    Then, the people developed into more grand and higher societies as opposed to lower societies, probably a title given by ability to produce goods or fighting ability, and then there was class structure, yes? this obviously had something to do with the strengths some people had, and, others were born into this special block of society, obviously.

    Come today where the social structure has become one of wealth and where you live. this is the replacement of the monarchy and such, with great men being rich men or great thinkers - a much more gentle society.

    Now, my question is, what is next? will society change? i mean, will there be a new way of evaluating the classes, or, is this the highest structure we can have, elevated from animals?
  2. Ole Ole

    Ole Ole Banned

    Dec 30, 2016
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    National Socialist are a Politic name on the Nazi.
  3. Ole Ole

    Ole Ole Banned

    Dec 30, 2016
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    Politic come through old Monarchy and system to follow and after industry through all country in Europe, China, USA and Mexico then South America and in France they come with Communism in 1840 and with Karl Marx introducing Communism in world and 1900's they come to South America, Central America, Europe and Asia. Middle East never wanted Communism last 120-150 years. Islam are only progressive Left and reality name are last 60 years normal thinkers. They are against Western world since England in old time wars and Napoleon in Egypt 1740-1780. And Turkey with old England warrior against turks in Middle each. Old England in outland's wars were a old USA in old school wars then Sweden come some big power in 1640's and have Monarchy as biggest Politic.

    England become Untied Kingdom in after 1675 or 1695 and in 1800's they have big armies the British Navy and Army. 100,000-160,000 seeman and warriors big nation with France of Europe then come Germany with industrial compentition and Karl Marx were from Germany and Racism species were old specie in Germany before they goes over to Militarinism then National Socialism how are a Nazi species. A politic name on a Nazi. But they could not won all WW2 the Germans. Close to won all Europe before British with British Imperium and America with Democracy Democracylation all Germany even the East Germany occupate by Soviet Union East Germany were well Democracy some well Western Germany there Western Powers occupate Western disctrict ?! Two armies in 45 years before Germany in 1990 was back since 1945 after WW2 end.

    Even Nazi regime are Militarinism like Fascism in 1935 in Italy and new regimes after 1955 they become progressive Left diktators in Middle East and in Cuba and in Venezuela maybe Colombia too. Venezuela was Marxist regime Karl Marx promises in 1800's to outside Western world in 1900's. Hussein, Kadaffi progressive Left diktator and then Iran's leader were fundamentalist in 1965-1995. But one Western world country was alerted in both this diktator and kill them in Middle East. USA are that country how promises all diktator they loses.
  4. Ole Ole

    Ole Ole Banned

    Dec 30, 2016
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    Terrorist are new fundamentalist thing happen in Arab and so well Western world.

    America do nothing vs Communism diktator in No. Korea and Belarus and Laos.

    :flagus: :flagus: :flagus:
  5. Ole Ole

    Ole Ole Banned

    Dec 30, 2016
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    Or America aren't against Communism ?!

  6. PoliticalHound

    PoliticalHound Banned

    Jan 18, 2017
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    This is the essence of politics. Tribal conflict. Between humanity who is still evolving. One day we get there. But not today.
  7. Ole Ole

    Ole Ole Banned

    Dec 30, 2016
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    America can not mess with No. Korea and their nuclears.
  8. Sushisnake

    Sushisnake Active Member

    Jun 30, 2016
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    Good OP.
    But this:

    "social structure has become one of wealth and where you live...with great men being rich men or great thinkers..."

    Does not correlate to this:

    "- a much more gentle society."

    As you seem to imply. In fact, I think we're going backwards. We are returning to a type of feudalism where rich men are held to be great men and great thinkers all over again. Yeah, it's got democratic forms - we vote every few years or so - but it's not democracy. How can it be democracy when the global plutocracy decides who produces what and where and when and for how much?

    I don't think this is the best we can do because we've done better in the past for the blink of an eye between the end of WW2 til the late 1970s.
    WittySocrates likes this.
  9. slipperyfish

    slipperyfish Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2012
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    As you know Sushi I have been banging on about our gradual progression backwards for some time, not only in politics but also society in general. You call it a return to Feudalism, perhaps you are right.

    As far as politics is concerned however, right now Popularism is rampant within western democracies at the cost of good policy and vision. This is unsustainable as we all know. It is not new however. Through modern history Popularism has risen its head on many occasions and it is usually driven by fear. Germany comes to mind with the rise of the Nazi Party. Trump in some ways could also be placed in this new and rampant movement.

    Humans need two basic fundamentals, sustenance and shelter. Their politics change when either is threatened. This is why we are seeing the advent of extreme political parties and the Popularist movement right now. With threats to our shelter all around us, we tend to gravitate to words that make us feel safe. However they are words only, policy is a different matter. Most people do not understand the difference.

    I think this will be the normal for some time to come, with very few governments allowed time to effect change. Visionaries from either side of the political divide will be seen as political heretics by the various tribal supporters that oppose them. Societies will change as the distribution of world wide wealth changes position from old incumbent to growing economies from the previous third world. The UN will lose whatever relevance it still has. Perhaps we will then see revolt from within the incumbent wealthy nations as they finally realise the threat has become the reality.

    A bleak view I know, considering how advanced we believe we are. Perhaps in scientific terms we are, but in emotional terms we seem to be retarding our growth through fear.
    Sushisnake likes this.
  10. Ole Ole

    Ole Ole Banned

    Dec 30, 2016
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    Real Nazi symbolic.
  11. Skruddgemire

    Skruddgemire Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2017
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    Politics. From the word "poly" meaning many, and "ticks"...meaning blood sucking parasites.

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