Self supporting systems.

Discussion in 'Budget & Taxes' started by Brett Nortje, Feb 15, 2017.

  1. Brett Nortje

    Brett Nortje Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2014
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    This i have touched on previously, and, have seen recent developments even in the first world for the need of more staff at cheaper rates. this of course brings me back to my ideals of having a 'self supporting branch of state.'

    Let's start with the police? the police need to have more vehicles, maintenance of those vehicles and more room for paper work, and, of course, more staff. how would they be able to 'support themselves?'

    Well, if they were to fine people for being in jail, say they were taking drugs, this pays for their attention from the state's police. then, they could also fine people for 'lying,' yes? if the person submits false information, they are wasting the police's time and they need to be fined, of course, a lot more than actually costs the country or city, as they need to pay themselves, yes?

    How about when the person seeking the law 'recovers money?' let's say the victim had their credit card swiped, and the police nail the person... would that mean that the police are entitles to a small fee for the help they provided?

    If the police need to certify something, or even verify something, then there should be a small fee too. there are always tons of people going to the police for help, so they are entitled to recover some of their time in the form of cash, of course.
  2. Brett Nortje

    Brett Nortje Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2014
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    As for health care, these could be the stalwart of self servicing systems. they collect money from people that have operations, or insurance that is easy to get hold of. with the present costs of service from a hospital, the doctors could easily support themselves from that, yes? if you look at the prices of medication and operations, as well as routine check ups, then you will find that, first of all, they could operate to a great exertion on half what they get from the state. i have analysed that if everyone in the country was to have a routine operation during the year, then it would come to less than half of what the state allocates for the health industry, of course.

    But, there might be other ways to make money from inside the hospital? what about if the hospital was to have a teaching event each day at the local library, where people like kids can come to learn about what the doctors do? this would make an excellent day care, and, other sectors could share places like this to gather resources?

    If every hospital was to have too little space, then there could be some help if they were to use wheel chairs rather than stretchers? this would allow for about fifty percent more people to be in the hospital than normal, as they could lean back in the chair and then sleep wherever they want to.
  3. dadoalex

    dadoalex Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 8, 2012
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    This is not a new idea. Police forces have been doing this for ...well, forever (see Ferguson, MO.) The problem is that when you turn law enforcement into a "for profit" operations it incentivizes the police to find crimes where, in fact, they do not exist.

    Speed traps are a prime example of this.

    Quite often the operations eventually send several officers to jail.
  4. Brett Nortje

    Brett Nortje Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2014
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    Let's call this fund raising then?
  5. Brett Nortje

    Brett Nortje Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2014
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    With traffic departments, the obvious incentive here for fund raising is teaching people to drive, yes? that along with speeding fines would make for a good lot of money for the department.

    Then, there is the prospect of building simple government buildings near the city centre. these buildings would cost very little to build and maintain, and have a conference room that the public could rent out over weekends, like is done with churches and so forth. if the state departments were to convene there during the week to teach kids how they do things, this could be like an community outreach program, of course. the state could also make some money from the hosting of events and hobbies and so forth.

    The traffic department could also be halved in favour of making more space for police in the departments - they already have computers ad communications to bank on, yes?
  6. Brett Nortje

    Brett Nortje Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2014
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    These social services include child mothers, abandoned children and the elderly too. these are where people that are not helpless may be empowered to take care of themselves, or, at least help out with the running of the place.

    Those here that are able could do paper work on tablets or personal computers with internet options for the various other departments of state. this will save time and money, and, they will have something to do, as the boredom of having nothing to do could be overpowering.

    There must be some way to get the more able bodied out of these dependants to help out, they have nothing to do, and will make moral helpers, as they have little to gain through corruption, of course.
  7. Brett Nortje

    Brett Nortje Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2014
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    We are all familiar with outsourcing, yes? it is a little known fact that every department of state is overloaded with work, and, it would be much easier to contract some of it out. this would be where people that have gone to school and do not have jobs could come in handy, of course, as they could be given contracts or full time employment 'to help out.'

    So, who could we use? i suppose the adults of maternity care could help out, especially if they are literate, yes? all over the place, there are people that are quite able and would be able to help out for next to no compensation, maybe less than the minimum wage - we could call this a 'basic wage,' or something, yes?

    Then, there could be 'internships' where people volunteer, like police reservists, for contracts by helping out to see what they can do. maybe if they were to work with old cases, where the department has all the 'outcomes of that case' they could be graded and allowed to work part time with them. maybe in exchange for this work, they could be granted a government house, or, as it is called in my country, an r.d.p. house? this stands for rural development plan house.
  8. Brett Nortje

    Brett Nortje Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2014
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    In my country, there is a lot of effort being put into 'free education.' i was now thinking of the students working in the afternoon from three to five with state departments from various media centres or cell phones they might have. they could check the state departments are working properly, as they are college students wanting free education. this of course needs to be subsidized, so they could work on projects given to them by the state for work related to their courses and then get marks and money, of course.

    Then, they could also be targeted for forms to fill out, like questionnaires and surveys on certain things. this would also bring money to them, and then they could pay for their studies, or, the state could set it up so that it is all rolled into a certificate, so they will be able to work on these things for two hours a day, study and get free education too?
  9. Brett Nortje

    Brett Nortje Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2014
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    In my country, south africa, we have a problem with social services. it seems all the funding has been spent on things already, which means there was either not enough, or, there was enough but it was spent already on other things. i do not think social services is corrupt personally, as there is a thing called a budget statement that would expose them fully, and, this has not been the case.

    So, if we were to observe how social services can raise money, maybe it would be best to apply for a reserve bank loan? these come at no interest, and if they borrow enough, they could set up a fund where they place a lot of the loan total into a normal bank account where it will gain interest and then they can slowly pay the loan back, yes? this could be set up quickly, as, there is no problem with the state departments borrowing from the reserve - what else would they use it for?

    Or, they could privatize certain sites in the areas of the country that are used by the people? this would see community halls sold and rented out only for events and so forth - desperate times call for desperate measures, of course.

    Then, they could also observe what social services collects - what does it have that other people want? they could collect blood or even surveys, but this is not enough for the whole account of the area - from those in need, of course. they could also raise rates for water and electricity, so that they could 'pay the people with their own money.' then they could also have the municipality hook up the sewerage to the 'farming departments,' where they could begin reversing desertification or other passive farming techniques, of course.

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