Trump cannot do the job he was elected to

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Sandy Shanks, Feb 26, 2017.

  1. Sandy Shanks

    Sandy Shanks Banned

    Jun 27, 2016
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    Opponents of Donald Trump during the election pointed out every chance they got that Trump was inexperienced, a novice at governing. His adoring fans loved that very thing about him. Trump was like them. He was not a polished politician. He said brash things, often without thinking. He made up stories that fit his arguments at the time regardless of their veracity. He was angry. He was going to get rid of establishment politicians. He declared he was for the unemployed, underemployed, which includes a lot of Americans. And, he was just angry on general principles.

    In other words, Trump was them. They love every buffoonish mistakes he makes. His scapegoats are their scapegoats, the news media, liberals, unnamed terrorists, Muslims in general, illegal immigrants in general, Obamacare, and high taxes.

    But now I wonder if they are beginning to realize that they made a mistake. Is Trump capable of leading the nation? The early evidence says no.

    Yes, there has been a blizzard of executive orders. However, that is his persona, issuing orders without consulting anyone, namely Congress. Signing executive orders is easy. Working with Congress is hard and very complicated. He has not signed one piece of legislation. He has not provided guidance to Congress on crucial legislation like repealing and replacing Obamacare, tax reform, immigration reform, and infrastructure repairs. Is that because he is unable to?

    For the past several weeks he has been completely mum on foreign policy, the one area where the executive branch can rule without consulting Congress. He imposed sanctions on Iran for firing a ballistic missile even though Iran has no nuclear weapons. He did not impose sanctions on North Korea when they fired a ballistic missile even though they do have nuclear weapons. Twenty-nine days ago he ordered the Joint Chiefs to come with a plan in thirty days to defeat ISIS . Notwithstanding his Muslim travel ban that was struck down by the courts, we have heard very little from him since on the foreign policy front.

    However, Trump has waged war on the news media. At his press conference on Feb. 16th, he spent nearly the entire time attacking the reporters in the room. He followed that with his speech at CPAC, spending an inordinate amount of time attacking the press. His attacks on the press occupies much of his time and the time of his staffers in the White House who have to explain matters to enraged reporters.

    The controversy over Flynn's firing and the investigation of possible collaboration between Trump's staff and the Russians occupies still another major portion of his time.

    He has spent a great deal of his time on campaigning for 2020. Whenever the opportunity arises, which is often when he controls the conversation, he reminds people of his brilliant election victory.

    He got into twitter wars with Mark Cuban and Arnold Schwarzenegger. He got himself involved in the issue of which bathroom people should use. For some strange reason he was concerned about Bernie Sanders being shut out at the DNC. I have to give credit where credit is due. He is saving valuable time by not attending the White House Correspondents' Association Dinner, largely because roasting would require a whole different meaning.

    As for key legislation to enable his agenda, he spends a lot of time telling people what he is going to do. He spends no time on his legislative accomplishments because there aren't any.

    It is almost as if Trump creates controversial issues because he is incapable of providing guidance on needed legislation. He wants to repeal and replace Obamacare, tax reform, immigration reform, and infrastructure funding, but he simply doesn't know how to do it. So, he fills his time with other matters while his adoring fans cheer him on. In this way he can be with his people instead of those demanding lawmakers and meddling reporters.
    monkrules likes this.
  2. Sandy Shanks

    Sandy Shanks Banned

    Jun 27, 2016
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    Trump's one big accomplishment, according to Trump, is in the manufacturing sector where he says he has saved a few thousand jobs at Carrier, Ford, Toyota, Lockheed Martin, Intel, and SoftBank. However, that may come at a cost for most Americans. For example, in Mexico, wages rarely cross $10 an hour, a third of what a majority of unionized workers in the United States earn. As an example, for Americans looking to buy cars, auto companies paying higher wages add up to higher sticker prices.

    In addition, Trump is seriously considering a tariff on imported goods to preserve American jobs and to finance his tax cuts. That, too, will increase prices to the American consumer. Manufacturing jobs 8.8% of the total work force. So, according to Trump's plan, 91.2% of Americans will be financing the other 8.8%.

    It is the blue collar worker who put Trump in the White House. So, if you are not a blue collar worker and you voted for Trump, you bought a pig in the poke.
    monkrules likes this.
  3. Arjay51

    Arjay51 Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2015
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    Sounds like someone is listening to only the democratic talking points and ignoring anything else, including the history of Obama.
    Merwen likes this.
  4. Sandy Shanks

    Sandy Shanks Banned

    Jun 27, 2016
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    I get my inspiration from Fox News. Do you think they are into Democratic talking points.

    I noticed you didn't question anything in the OP. May I assume you agreed with it? If not, why not, and be specific. Start with what I ignored, bearing in mind I wrote an article, not a book.

    BTW, this has nothing to do with Obama. Did you know, he is no longer our President? His history is not pertinent here.
  5. RiseAgainst

    RiseAgainst Banned

    Jul 26, 2011
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    Incorrect. He's doing a great job. He's doing exactly what those of us who voted for him wanted to do. In fact he's exceeded my expectations he's doing way more than I thought he would do.

    So I guess he gets an A+++ from me so far.

    The best thing for those who hate him is to continue crying and they might feel better about it over time.
    ButterBalls and Merwen like this.
  6. Arjay51

    Arjay51 Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2015
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    His history is extremely pertinent as Trump is being battered for doing exactly the same type of thing that Obama did. To say otherwise is faulty thinking.

    ou may assume anything you wish but it does not make it true. Some people assume anything and think that their assumption just has to be the only thing that is correct. This is what you appear to be doing.
  7. slackercruster

    slackercruster Banned

    Feb 14, 2011
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    Sure Sandy, lots of what you say is true. Still Trump is getting more done to reform America than most of the career politicians that preceded him. Trump works in his own way...not your way Sandy. Pretty soon you will be living in Mexico, so we don't want the USA run by CA standards.

    When it comes to Obamacare...America needs a 2 tier healthcare system. One healthcare system for the rich as a fee for service and one for the average person that is gov supplied - aka socialized healthcare. That is the only way you can do it. The rich can have whatever they want and the poor / average person can still get some healthcare. Socialized med wont be as good as rich med, but it can be doable. If you don't like socialized medicine, get 4 jobs and pay for the rich healthcare.

    Obamacare can't be replaced. Obamacare was never workable from the start. The system we have for healthcare is broken in the US, it will only keep spiraling out of control. Once healthcare turned into big biz it was put on a trajectory for destroying the ability of the average person paying for healthcare out of pocket. The healthcare provider know they can rape the insurance companies with exaggerated costs, so the whole system is rotten and greed filled.

    It is the same as the VW diesel cheating fiasco. If VW could of...they would of. Same with Obamacare. This issue has to be looked at from a radical new way to make something usable when it comes to healthcare in the USA.

    Don't like my plan...then keep what you got and let it keep spiraling and spiraling as the greedy capitalist philosophy dictates.

    Socialized education is has served us for ages, although the reps seem to want to dismantle that system. The public education cost is in the RE taxes and even if you have no kids you end up chipping in. If you don't want to use the socialized education system then you can pay for private school. This is how the healthcare should be. Everyone pays 3% of their income and gets some medical care. Or charge a sales and usage tax to cover basic healthcare for all. The usage tax may be good, the foreign tourists will even chip in.

    What is basic socialized healthcare? You got a bursting appendix, you can get it need a heart transplant...go get the rich healthcare.

    Socialized med is hard to promote in the US. We are a capitalist country. The greedy special interests and rich will tear it down as communism. The only way healthcare in the US can work any longer is to have a 2 tier system. The rich can pay for the best if they don't want socialized med. The average person can use the socialized plan. But you can never have success if you force the average person to pretend they are rich and force a high cost, unaffordable health plan on them.

    It is no different than having a high earner and a low earner in a marriage. You either live to the budget that is double of the lower earner or the high earner has to pay for the bulk of it if they want to live on a higher level. You can't force a low earner to be a high earner if it is not in them.

    Here is Obamacare in action...

    I used to be able to cover doctor office visits out of pocket, but can't afford it any more. In Jan '16 I called a dermatologist to ask about a wart removal and it is $490 for 5 minutes of work. The doctor does not even do it...his assistant does it. In 2015 it was $175 for the same wart removal, but they raised the rates if your uninsured. They said under Obamacare it is illegal for me to not have med insurance and it is insurance fraud for them to charge a different rate than what they get under Obamacare when they bill insurance companies...$490.

    Medicine prices started to skyrocket once the greedy learned they can hike up medicine costs by astounding percentages. They can hold the chronically ill by is pay up or die. There is nothing wrong with that is there? This is textbook material on how a good capitalist should work. Get the highest price the market will bear for the product. If a pill cost .35 cents to make, why not mark it up to $1000 a pill? If an insurance company will pay for it why not $5,000 a pill? There is no law against making profits...this is not the 1960's Mayberry.

    It is not even a question of being able to afford Obamacare med plans. They are useless, at least for me. Thousands of $ in deductibles and copay. I think the goal of insurance companies is to sell you insurance you can not use unless you are very sick and rich.

    If the US ever does get a socialized healthcare system then the job is to keep it from spiraling out of control with costs. Humans have a tendency to F' up whatever they get their hands on. This is why we don't make good communists. If we were bees or ants we would make good communists. But self-centered greedy humans can't do it. Bees or ants will give their life for the good of the colony...humans generally wont (military notwithstanding), it is every man and every woman for themselves.

    Now that Cuba is opening up some may want to look at that option for healthcare. People have been going to Mexico for healthcare for years. I heard Cuba provides good healthcare and it is affordable. Sad the US is so screwed up with healthcare, but that is our world. You people that want to go back to 1960's Mayberry have to face the music. We will never get back to it.

    The powerful healthcare and pill industry will fight a socialized add on plan. It will no doubt take $ from them. They can't rape the sytem if there is a socialized option and competition. But someday we should consider what is best for society instead of what is best just a few rich ones. This goes under the auspices of putting America, specially Americans first.
    ButterBalls, Robert and Merwen like this.
  8. Senator Jack

    Senator Jack Active Member

    Jan 16, 2017
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    Always Obama. Always Obama. Your boy WILL go down as the worst president of all time. He's already proving that.

    Ps...and the history of Trump? Hmmmm. Here's just a few of his respectable accomplishments.

    A. Starting a FAKE university to line his pockets
    B. Stiffing contractors out of pay HE did owe.
    C.Groping women and bragging about it.

    ...and he was elected president. Lot of blind eyes and the uneducated in the U.S. of A.
    monkrules likes this.
  9. Thehumankind

    Thehumankind Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2013
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    There are two reactions needed here,
    either he be guided through critics or just leave him alone doing what he wanted to do until his blunder will bring him towards impeachable offenses.
  10. Arjay51

    Arjay51 Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2015
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    I just love to watch a liberals head explode when the just have to jump up to defend Obama against the very same charges that they make against Trump.

    Predictable and amusing.
    ButterBalls likes this.
  11. TOG 6

    TOG 6 Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2015
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    Forum rules require you to credit your source when you copy/paste from somewhere else..
  12. Sandy Shanks

    Sandy Shanks Banned

    Jun 27, 2016
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    Really? You got taken in by his bluster. But, let's face it, you got taken in by the best, a quintessential con man. At this point in his administration Trump has the lowest approval rating of any President in American history. Wake up, people. You bet on the wrong horse. Middle class and blue collar workers who voted for him will find that out in about a year.

    Trump is interested in lowering the corporate tax rate. His plan to lower income taxes will benefit the rich, like himself and his family and frriends, far more than the middle class and blue collar worker. Why do you think the stock market is booming? Investors and CEOÂ’s got one of their own in the White House. If you are not the owner or CEO of a large corporation, the stock market is your first clue that something is very wrong.

    To pay for these tax cuts Trump is proposing a 20% tariff on all imported goods. That will result in a 20% price increase on imported goods to the middle class and blue collar consumer. For example, a Ford built in Mexico that costs $20,000 today will cost $4,000 more under TrumpÂ’s plan. Percentage-wise, this will have a smaller effect on the rich. That is why a tariff results in a regressive tax.

    A 20% tariff will really hurt the blue collar worker who got suckered into voting for Trump. The protectionist policies Trump says is designed to protect American manufacturing jobs will do the very opposite. A 20% tariff on all imported goods will cause nations to reply in kind. This will result in less exports, thereby hurting American manufacturing.

    Folks, you got taken.
  13. Sandy Shanks

    Sandy Shanks Banned

    Jun 27, 2016
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    I presented a list of facts, not assumptions, and I noticed that, for a second time, you chose not to challenge those facts. That is wise. Challenging facts is a useless endeavor.

    "His history is extremely pertinent as Trump is being battered for doing exactly the same type of thing that Obama did." Would you care to explain that statement, or that just the standard argument when someone raises critical facts about the Trump administration? I really have no idea what you are talking about.

    Not that it matters. In case you missed it, this thread concerns Trump, not Obama.
  14. Sandy Shanks

    Sandy Shanks Banned

    Jun 27, 2016
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    Thanks for the tutorial on health care. I am on Medicare, so it is just a matter of curiosity what the Republicans do about health care. They have a tough job ahead because Trump and the Republicans have made a lot of promises, health care and tax reform. If they don't come through, they will have a lot of problems at the ballot box.

    "Still Trump is getting more done to reform America than most of the career politicians that preceded him." I pointed out, "Signing executive orders is easy. Working with Congress is hard and very complicated. He has not signed one piece of legislation. He has not provided guidance to Congress on crucial legislation like repealing and replacing Obamacare, tax reform, immigration reform, and infrastructure repairs. Is that because he is unable to?"

    Explain your point of view as it relates to my statement.
  15. Sandy Shanks

    Sandy Shanks Banned

    Jun 27, 2016
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    Because of the Russian connection, there is a lot of heat on Trump to release his tax returns. What is he hiding? Trump is the first President since 1976 -- 40 years ago -- not to release his tax returns. Does he have business interests in Russia. That would explain his ten year history of admiration for Putin.
  16. Sandy Shanks

    Sandy Shanks Banned

    Jun 27, 2016
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    Please tell us what the heck you are talking about. Why is it when there is criticism of Trump, his loyal followers never question the criticism. Instead, they change the subject to Obama, but never explain what they are talking about. Is it because they don't know what they are talking about. Changing the subject to Obama is imply a knee jerk reaction.
  17. Senator Jack

    Senator Jack Active Member

    Jan 16, 2017
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    ...and we just love watching your head explode when confronted with the truth. I see you didn't refute his "accomplishments" I mentioned. :roflol: Enjoy your headache. He's one and done and sinking fast.
  18. Sandy Shanks

    Sandy Shanks Banned

    Jun 27, 2016
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    I wrote that statement. I wrote the whole article. An author and a retired columnist, I have some experience at writing. However, there are times when I do use sources. When I do that, I give the source credit and/or provide a link. Example below.

    Just weeks into Donald Trump’s presidency, you would think that everything had changed. The uproar over the president’s tweets grows louder by the day, as does concern over the erratic, haphazard and aggressive stance of the White House toward critics and those with different policy views. On Sunday, White House aide Stephen Miller bragged, “We have a president who has done more in three weeks than most presidents have done in an entire administration.”

    But Miller was dead wrong about this. There is a wide gap, a chasm even, between what the administration has said and what it has done. There have been 45 executive orders or presidential memoranda signed, which may seem like a lot but lags President Barack Obama’s pace. More crucially, with the notable exception of the travel ban, almost none of these orders have mandated much action or clear change of current regulations. So far, Trump has behaved exactly like he has throughout his previous career: He has generated intense attention and sold himself as a man of action while doing little other than promote an image of himself as someone who gets things done.

    I have been accused of plagiarism before on this forum. I always take that as a compliment. So ...

    Thank you.
  19. Wehrwolfen

    Wehrwolfen Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 19, 2013
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    It laughable to see the alternative world the progressive Left lives.
  20. perotista

    perotista Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2014
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    I never liked and still do not like the idea of Trump leading this nation. Never liked isn't a strong enough word. I hated the idea. But I also hated the idea of Hillary Clinton leading this nation. I voted against both and I didn't care which one won. One is just as bad as the other or just as evil.

    The mistake was in my opinion was in nominating these two in which the majority of Americans didn't want either one to be their next president. But it is what it is and it is what it is because of the decisions our two parties made in their nominations. For me, a president Trump is just as good as or bad as having a president Hillary Clinton. Either way this nation is going to suffer. We might as well suffer with a 5th grade schoolyard bully who throws temper tantrums like a three year old via twitter than one who laughs at putting our classified national security information at risk. Both were losers in my opinion and we elected a loser.
    monkrules likes this.
  21. JakeJ

    JakeJ Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 5, 2015
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    The ONLY thing President Obama has accomplished in the same time frame was that he along with a majority of Democrats and Republicans gave the richest people in the world tens of billions of dollars from the public treasury, calling it "stimulus" money. And I believe all of Obama's appointees had been approved too, unlike with President Trump.
  22. One Mind

    One Mind Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 26, 2014
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    LOL If a community organizer could do it, a CEO will do it much better. Just common sense folks. He will be a far greater success than the Hillary faux liberal will be able to handle.

    It will have to be chaotic, messy, for he is taking on an entrenched corrupt system created in the service of our elites. It should not be pretty, and the faux liberals should be in perpetual hysteria, if he does his job. So there will be plenty more OPs like this one. We will eventually tire of them and only the circle jerk boys will respond. Trump has had more success in the short time he has served, than any president I can remember. As he fights MSM and both parties.

    We may be looking at the greatest president since FDR and JFK. One had a failed coup against him, the other murdered by the same class of people who tried to run a coup against FDR. This is the kind of resistance trump is taking on. I think he knows it too. Too bad the faux liberals have thrown in with the sociopaths who want to continue to run America.
  23. way2convey

    way2convey Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2009
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    This is pure garbage. Sure, Trump's getting his political DC sea legs, but he's doing just fine. Legislation,done right, requires time. He could just slam some BS HC bill out and lie about it or take his time and get it right. Same with tax reform, it's complex & takes some time to do right. So, chill out.....enjoy the ride....he's dong fine. I'm very interested in what he's going to say tomorrow night, because trust me, if he screws the pooch, I'll be the first one on board to rail against him.
  24. Arjay51

    Arjay51 Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2015
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    And a fact contrary to your opinion is presented and you try to discount it. Not a surprise.

    As for these "facts" that you claim to present, they are figment of your imagination hence not worth challenging. Your biggest mistake is assuming that your opinions count as facts and anything that counters them is off topic. The argument of a fool.
  25. Arjay51

    Arjay51 Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2015
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    Denying the relevance of Obama to dispute your hate claims is the knee jerk reaction. Ignore that Obama was way worse than Trump at this point in his presidency, that the media is doing your thinking for you and make up stuff to blame Trump for is a typical attempt at defending the indefensible. aka Obama.

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