Why Nemtsov killed

Discussion in 'Russia & Eastern Europe' started by Alik Bahshi, Feb 27, 2017.

  1. Alik Bahshi

    Alik Bahshi Member

    Aug 14, 2012
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    Two years is no Nemtsov, but still did not find, who ordered his murder.

    Alik Bakhshi
    Why Nemtsov killed

    Which began shooting in the Russian opposition politicians - a landmark event, and says that Putin has completed reconstruction of the Stalinist model of the vertical of power, standing at the very top of it? Previously, Putin made short work with his opponents by the judiciary, the physical elimination of political opponent; there is an expected result of the sovereign democracy as defined Putin political system in Russia, in other, more understandable words - democracy for the sovereign (1). Sovereign was enough growl out among his mongrels, type - I got this Nemtsov to decide his fate. In fact, more than Nemtsov, none of the known politicians in Russia so openly denounced the Russian president a liar.

    Perhaps today it is difficult to find a politician who does not have Putin's perceived differently as a liar (2). Frankly, Putin does not care what people think about him outside of Russia, for him the main thing - it is the opinion of the Russian people, to which he returns in the former empire borders. Putin's course "Back to the empire" is supported by the people and reflects its imperial worldview, so Russia's aggression against Ukraine received Russian people with unprecedented jubilation and rabid enthusiasm. From the outside it seems somehow crazy, but it is a reality, in the face of which was boldly Nemtsov, and he was not silent:
    "Let us begin, for example, with a simple question: why the Russian soldiers die, and you as the commander in chief, Mr. Putin, renounce these soldiers? And you're lying, that they are not at war? And we can see their graves, those soldiers. We see them in Kostroma, these graves. We see them in Pskov. We see them in Nizhny Novgorod, where I worked as a governor. Why are you, Supreme Commander, renounce their own soldiers? You did not deserve to be the commander in chief then? Why did you lie that there is not our weapons? You're in the Minsk Agreement, Mr. Putin, they fixed "Tornado-S" that you are allotted. Did you know that the "Tornado-S" - a modern multiple rocket launchers - that they have only the Russian army, they entered the Russian army only in 201» (http://sobesednik.ru/politika/? 20150228-pered-ubiystvom-nemcov-govoril-o-pominkah-i-brosil-vyzov-put)

    The fact that the Germans once again accuses Putin of lying that Putin himself has not taken vigorously to challenge, I believe, the liar would not cause much negative emotions. Do not smile could cause Putin's explanation of the fact of presence of Russian troops on the territory of Ukraine, namely, that the personnel soldier is free to dispose of his leave and, if the tank goes to spend a weekend in Ukraine, it's a private matter. But the fact that this soldier is not buried as a hero may cause confusion among the people of course, and perhaps just indignation. However, Putin is certainly here and is free to explain the death of a tourist-soldier, smoking in gasoline vapors, and a malfunction of the fuel in the tank, in the end; no one is safe from accidents. However, home burned down in a tank soldier, Putin can send to hell in the spirit of his own jargon. The fact that Russian soldiers killed in Ukraine, buried without proper military honors, said that the war instigated by Putin with the brotherly Ukrainian people, shameful and unwittingly conjures up the Afghan war. Then fulfill their internationalist duty secretly buried in zinc coffins without accompanying words of gratitude - each state debt to its soldiers for ... here and I cannot find words for and what actually Soviet soldiers fought in Afghanistan and what sort of international duty they're paying with their lives.

    I can assume that the bold words Nemtsov, denouncing President Vladimir Putin in his improper attitude toward Russian soldiers could cause fury among the latter, which led to the massacre of the opposition. By the way, in a sovereign democracy happen without the knowledge of the sovereign cannot do anything, and the more the Kremlin walls, and all attempts by the authorities to find the bases ridiculous.

    Not important details and details of the dastardly murder of Nemtsov, - it is clear he was killed by the system that Putin has created a system that meets the mentality of the Russian people, the system, whose name - fascism.

    I want to note a surprising and ominous distinctive feature of Russian fascism or fascism in Germany. The fact is that if Hitler to come to power had to create a party to engage in political propaganda, write, in the end, "Mein Kampf," that nothing of the sort Putin needed. Putin has just opened the floodgates in the presence of the Russian nation chauvinism and immediately became the Fuhrer (3.4). Putin did not need the party, his party - it's the whole Russian people with his relic imperial worldview, and if the German people renounced Hitler, the Russian people will never by their Führer did not deny, for democracy and the Russian people is nonsense (5). Russian people in a democracy is lost. This truth Boris Nemtsov does not want to understand, and paid for it with his life.
  2. RUS

    RUS Member

    May 26, 2016
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    You didn't said who has losses from Putin's lies. No one? It is bad or good? :smile:

  3. Skypiercer

    Skypiercer Member

    Feb 6, 2017
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    Indeed, I hardly can understand why Kadyrov killed him. Nemtsov was a "dead politician" who got 1% in presidential elections, he was not a threat to Putin. He just insulted barbarian and it happened many years ago, an animal plotted to avenge him for years and killed him. Shot him in the back. What cowards those criminals are. And the world considers them as brave fighters, warriors. In reality, they are just criminal uncivilised barbarians, those bastards from Caucasus.
  4. Alik Bahshi

    Alik Bahshi Member

    Aug 14, 2012
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    Putin does not leave chances for life to people who know too much and expose his lies. Today, Putin, with the help of his agents, killed in the center of Kiev the former deputy of the Russian Duma Voronenkov, who left Russia, fearing for his life. The terrorist Putin has his hands on his elbow in blood.

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