Part 10 of Post Your Tough Questions Regarding Christianity

Discussion in 'Religion & Philosophy' started by Mitt Ryan, Dec 10, 2013.

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  1. dairyair

    dairyair Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2010
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    Is God still creating today?
    Or did God stop like Genesis verse says he did?
  2. GraspingforPeace

    GraspingforPeace Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2008
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    Why do you think this?

    When it rains, does it rain by mere accident?

    Humans are incredibly adept at seeing design in nature. It is a useful ability.

    What laws govern human morality? And why wouldn't there be natural laws?

    Obviously something caused it. Why you think that it has to be a personal God is not really explained.

    To me, it seems like you believe in this stuff because you're too afraid to accept that the alternative might be a possibility. "I can't believe this, we NEED a judge!"
  3. AlphaOmega

    AlphaOmega Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 10, 2013
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    You are wrong. The only word of god that you got came from another human who conveyed it to you not god. You can state all you want but you cannot sit there and state in open forum that my last sentence is incorrect. If you do you have no business chuckling at the flying unicorn as the same exact evidence exists for god and the flying unicorn. If you are correct please cite the proof that god spoke to you directly and while youre at it explain why you asked why the fyling unicorn with purple ears hasnt revealed itself but somehow never thought to ask the same question about your god.
    The flying unicorn with purple ears hasnt revealed itself because it wants to know you have faith. Or do you have proof your god is more correct. No one reading this has seen god nor talked to him/she/it, they have only talked to other humans who have told them they should believe in it without question.
    You also now cite the universe when only a few hundred years ago people who dared think the earth was not the center were burned alive at the stake. Some morality the religious had eh? Seems to me morality comes from people who think clearly and freely and had the courage to stand up to those who didnt and tell them they were WRONG. Dont even get me started on the catholic churches blind eye to the morality of priests raping young boys.
    Just because the Universe it too complex for us to understand at the moment it doesnt mean divine intervention, however it also doesnt mean there wasnt. We simply do not know and everyone reading this will die before ever knowing the answer. If there is a god Im pretty sure he did all this for every living being in the Universe to enjoy life not spend it worrying about whos god is more correct.
    Did you ever think god may favor the ones who werent "wasting" their lives in worship? Seems to me a true god would want you spending your free time helping your elderly neighbor paint her home instead of sitting on a wooden bench every sunday listening to a guy who likes little boys preach to you about morality.
  4. Mitt Ryan

    Mitt Ryan Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2012
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    You are right that there is zero evidence that a flying unicorn did it and so there is no issue there.

    So why would someone claim a flying unicorn with purple ears definitely did it then go ahead and present zero evidence that it did it, and someone else at the same time present zero evidence that it didn't do it? That doesn't make any sense at

    However it is not the same as saying God did it, for we do have evidence that God did it. We have the Bible, we have the historicity of His Son Jesus Christ our Lord Savior, who lived among us earthlings some 2,000 yrs. ago.

    We have first hand witness accounts written in the New Testament of the Holy Bible that depicts the birth, the life, the teachings of His ministry, the miracles He performed and the death and resurrection of our Lord Savior Jesus Christ.

    We also have archaeological artifacts that authenticates the credibility of the Bible. There are also scientific as well as philosophical explanations that makes the existence of God reasonable.

    So to say, "there is zero evidence that God did it" is a false statement, thus to say, "there is zero evidence that God didn't do it" is a true statement.

    Unless you do have evidence that God didn't do it and so if that is the case my question to you would be, What evidence do you have that God didn't do it because in your mind He doesn't exist?

    And no, let me be perfectly clear, rejection/denial of the evidence I have given you is not evidence that God didn't do it.
  5. AlphaOmega

    AlphaOmega Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 10, 2013
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    Ohh gee how clever your proof of your god is your own bible. My pink flying unicorn book is the same evidence as you have. What evidence do you have that my pink flying unicorn didn't make the universe? You don't. Im not sure what part you don't understand but you don't have any evidence at all. All you have is statement from other humans who believe in the same thing you do. You see it because you want to see it not because its really there.
    I also noted you carefully stated your artifacts authenticate your bible NOT your god. Now why is that? So to clarify, your proof of God is your bible (written by human hands), your proof of your bible is some artifacts that seem to coincide with statements in the bible (also made by human hands) Your proof is a circular reference and as you know circular references mean you have done something wrong somewhere along the line.
    Also, other people on planet earth believe in different gods than you, are they incorrect and if so how did you determine their bibles and artifacts were less correct than yours?
  6. taikoo

    taikoo Banned

    Jul 25, 2012
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    What I put in bold is exactly correct.

    All atheists disbelief your god, and all others. What could be simpler?

    You can add all you want to, but your contention is as ridiculous as if I were to say the majority of
    Christians hate nessie and batboy, and, of course, the secret alien base on the moon.
  7. dairyair

    dairyair Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2010
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    Is God still creating?
    Or did he stop?
    RoccoR likes this.
  8. Mitt Ryan

    Mitt Ryan Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2012
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    Hold on, you're getting way ahead of yourself. So far we haven't even begun expanding throughout the universe.

    Right now is just a dream to do that.

    And to believe in a theory that says man was brought here by traveling spacemen who came from another part of the universe is just pure nonsense.

    So this highly advanced spacemen came here one day, just to drop some humans off to populate the earth, and were left to live primitive lives from the start, and to slowly develop into where we are now in history?...yeah! right!

    If that was the case our early earthly human ancestors would have written a book revealing to us that spacemen brought them here to populate the earth. Do you know where that book is?

    And why didn't they retain any of the advanced knowledge that these spacemen supposedly already had?

    You have been watching one to many syfy alien spacemen
  9. AlphaOmega

    AlphaOmega Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 10, 2013
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    Please reread my comment. I said what fits your theory better is.......
    Also, I've asked you nicely before to stop responding to my posts that are old. If you cant respond to my posts in a timely manner such as even a weeks timeframe then please don't. I'm not interested in trying to dig through old threads to see what the context was. Its supposed to work like a forum not a bimonthly snail mail penpal letter. Thanks
  10. Mitt Ryan

    Mitt Ryan Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2012
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    No, we Christians don't rely on theories, we rely on what is told to us as written in the Holy Bible. Guys like you cling to theories.

    Sorry but as I go along through the threads, I will respond to questions or comments made by other posters. If you don't want to respond when I respond to a post you've made in the past then fine...don't respond.

    Currently I'm on pg. 40 of Part IV and so I have a lot more posts to respond to. If your posts comes up, I will respond to it at my own discretion.
  11. AlphaOmega

    AlphaOmega Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 10, 2013
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    "We Christians don't rely on theories" Did you really say that? The bible is a theory until you cite proof which in all of your posts you have cited nothing other than beliefs of other humans who wrote a story. You have yet to show anyone here that everything you have ever learned about your religion came from the lips and writing of another human being who wants you to believe. Other than that your God theory and the pink flying unicorn have the exact same "proof" now don't they.
    Also, fine keep answering posts made months ago in order to irritate me on purpose. That's a clever path around the forum rules. How god loving of you. Thanks for proving my point further and further. I've asked you nicely yet you refuse to stop doing something to bother another human. HMmm no why is that? Oh wait I know, I have the audacity to not believe in what you believe and therefore you now purposely like to irritate me by doing something that you know bothers me. Do they teach you to purposely irritate people in church who don't agree with you or is that a sin you need to work out at your next confession? Like I said, if you cant answer questions in a timely fashion then you shouldn't be on this forum. A forum is for discussion not yearly penpal responses.
    Purposely responding to my old posts from weeks and months ago is perfectly fine but each time you do it will prove you a hypocrite and the opposite of what your bible actually teaches you since you are not doing it to have a conversation you are doing it because you know it irritates me even after I asked you not to. How would your god like the fact that another human being asked you to stop doing something that bothered them and you kept right on doing it? LOL, like I said....hypocrisy. Religious types are full of it and they illustrate it every day. Please keep illustrating it so I can point it out.
  12. Mitt Ryan

    Mitt Ryan Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2012
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    God is omnipresent/ubiquitous but life is not evident elsewhere in the universe especially in our own backyard of our solar system.

    So using the word "ubiquitous" is not appropriate since it means to be present everywhere at the same time, for we know we need not look any further than our own solar system to see it's not the case.

    That theory is flawed. An asteroid impact would kill any organisms that were clinging on to the asteroid. How could any life survive such an impact?

    An asteroid impact depending on the size of the asteroid could be equivalent to hundreds of atomic bombs the size that were dropped on Nagasaki & Hiroshima to thousands of those size bombs.

    Anything that was once living would be incinerated/annihilated and thus die.

    A virus to me is something that kills life, not spread life. Find a better word to support your theory.

    Our finite minds couldn't possibly know the infinite mind of God and think this would make sense for God to do.

    But anyway life will someday expand elsewhere, but right now in the early stages of the human race it is only here on earth as we know.

    We see that man has the ability for space travel but of course at this stage limited in scope. There is talk of having some humans in the near future inhabit the planet Mars.

    We Christians believe life here on earth is a gift just like you and we enjoy and thank God for our lives but that is just the first gift, the 2nd gift is much more rewarding, it is the gift of eternal life in paradise with God and others who are saved in God's Kingdom of Heaven.

    Of course I can't answer for God and so anything I say is mere speculation but like I previously mentioned we will expand someday but how far will we go?...only God knows.

    It is not hard to worship the Creator who gave us this beautiful gift of life. Why would anyone not want to worship this God the Creator? Everything that exists came from Him, I'd say it would an honor and privilege to worship the Creator God!

    So you believe in a god, who is your god? Has he revealed himself to you? Or is this just a god you have made up the way you want him to be?
  13. taikoo

    taikoo Banned

    Jul 25, 2012
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  14. dairyair

    dairyair Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2010
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  15. taikoo

    taikoo Banned

    Jul 25, 2012
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    its based on people feeding it.
  16. Mitt Ryan

    Mitt Ryan Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2012
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    No, it is not a scientific fact but a theory, a contemplation, a speculation.

    Until the day comes that over-population indeed ends society as we know it, then it longer is a theory but a fact and so for now it's remains a theory.

    Oh so should we thank them for being the group that initially started the AIDS epidemic?

    Let's be honest, the outbreak of AIDS originated within the gay community and now it has spread to the hetero community.

    So do you still want to thank the gays for doing their part?

    There are much much better ways to slow the population growth rate, I'm sure you can come up with some better ideas that doesn't entail human miseries to achieve the goal...can't you?
  17. Logician0311

    Logician0311 Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2013
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    That's quite the double standard from someone who consistently makes statements on behalf of all theists...

    Of all the things that were "known" about "God" at the time the Bible was written, most have since been disproven. In order to keep scripture relevant, it's been necessary for believers to constantly move the goalposts by reinterpreting scripture and redefining "God" to fit within the rapidly shrinking unknowns left by scientific progress.
    As a result, there are far more reasons to disbelieve than believe - but you want people to prove "God" doesn't exist?!

    Would you find it reasonable for someone to demand you disprove the existence of Thor, Poseidon, Shiva, or the tooth fairy?

    Western theists often claim to believe in a benevolent, omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent deity who enables free will. Pointing out that the scriptures you also claim to believe in (and the world we all live in) does not support such deity's existence is not a sign of hatred. It's pointing out logical fallacies in your position.

    Because so many theists claim their belief in "God" stems from the Bible (or other such man-made documents), it is perfectly reasonable to point out the flaws in their logic - especially when theists are constantly trying to legislate their dogma to force their views on others.
  18. Logician0311

    Logician0311 Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2013
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    As a theist, shouldn't you believe that the AIDS epidemic was "God's will" and give HIM some of the credit? :)
  19. tecoyah

    tecoyah Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2008
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    I wonder where all the other STD's came from.....I guess I should refrain from pleasing my wife, so I do not contribute to this terrible epidemic of sinful fornicated disease.
  20. Mitt Ryan

    Mitt Ryan Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2012
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    God did reveal/manifest Himself in the human flesh some 2,000 yrs. ago as the Savior Lord Jesus Christ.

    Furthermore it is prophesied that He shall return one day with splendor and glory! We don't know when but when the time is right for Him, He shall return!

    The Creator of the universe and everything that exists...afraid?...stop being silly.

    He is the supreme sovereign ruler over His entire creation!

    So since God revealed Himself in the flesh just once then we can conclude He can't be a fairy tale, He is not acting in accordance with fairy tales.

    Name calling is just a biased emotional outburst and has no merit, so under the circumstances can be rendered invalid.

    A few things to correct here, the writers of the Holy Bible who were inspired by God were not unknown, they have names, they were real life people.

    Furthermore they did not claim gods, but claimed just one God. What book are you reading? Must be some Greek book, they believed in many gods.

    Lastly, do you have a better explanation of why things exist? If it is not God that created all existence then are we all just a freak cosmic accident that came from out of nowhere...from nothing?...nah, I like the claim made by our ancient ancestors.

    God is the Eternal Creator!
  21. AlphaOmega

    AlphaOmega Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 10, 2013
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    LOL Open laugh out loud........BASED ON WHAT? Your feelings?
    We didn't think there was life at the sulfur vents on the bottom of the ocean until we were smart enough to get down there and look. If life can happen on earth, it can happen elsewhere. Our galaxy alone contains a staggering mathematical odds that not only does like exist but there is another planet where people are talking about politics on something they also call a website. Now factor in that there are billions and billions of galaxies. Google the hubbble deep field. We focused on what we thought was a spot in the sky containing empty space and we found billions of galaxies. Show me a person that thinks that no where else in the Universe (given the size) contains life and I will show you a certified fool.
  22. Mitt Ryan

    Mitt Ryan Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2012
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    Human nature generally does not value or fully appreciate something that comes to it cheaply or without costing something...time, money, effort, etc. Sounds to me like one good reason why God will not do this. God wants us to seek Him.

    One must trust in God and ask Him to help you find Him and you will find Him.

    Jesus taught us, "Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks the door will be opened."---Matthew 7:7-8 NLT

    While there are many who won't personally seek God, God has made His existence so obvious to us but sadly many fail to recognize it while they can plainly see it but somehow be blinded to accept it.

    What can be known of God should be clear to us by studying creation. We can take note of the clockwork mechanism of the universe, the laws of physics, the anatomy of all living beings, especially of our own anatomy the human race and the physical sciences themselves present the evidence of a Creator so much so that if we fail to discern the "eternal power and divine nature of God" by studying His creation...we are without excuse.

    Scripture tells us, "They know the truth about God because He has made it obvious to them. For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see His invisible qualities---His eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God."---Romans 1:19-20 NLT

    Anyone who believes the entire vast universe and all living creatures came into being through unguided evolution has gone through a bigger leap of faith than an "uneducated" faith in God. And so the necessity of a Creator could not be more obvious.
  23. AboveAlpha

    AboveAlpha Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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    HIV and AID's was the result of people in Africa eating what is known as Bush Meat which can include Gorillas, Chimps, Monkeys....etc.

    When a person injects such meat they can contract the Simian Venial Disease which is transmittable to Humans as Human's are Apes as well and also have Genomes similar to none ape Primates such as various Monkeys.

    Since we have no natural immunity to HIV or AID's...some people actually do have immunity....AID's spread quickly first in Africa due to eating Bush Meat as well HIV or AID's can be spread by any fluid transfer such as Heterosexual or Homosexual Sex.

    For you to post what you have specific to a GOD's Punishment is demonstrating what a SICK mind you have.


    - - - Updated - - -

    Forgive me....this should have been directed at someone else.

  24. Mitt Ryan

    Mitt Ryan Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2012
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    Well said WanRen! You tellem my friend!
  25. dairyair

    dairyair Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2010
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    Is God still creating?
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