Are the KKK liberal or conservative?

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by ManifestDestiny, Sep 26, 2014.

  1. Pardy

    Pardy Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 11, 2013
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    How could anybody deny that the KKK is right wing?
  2. garyd

    garyd Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2012
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    By actually reading what they have to say and understanding that populists and progressives have always been racist.
  3. Pardy

    Pardy Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 11, 2013
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    Okay. I'll remember that when I see a right-wing racist scumbag say something racist on this site... which should be soon.

    Sorry, but you just can't have it both ways. You can't deny being a racist while mocking, ridiculing, demonizing and attacking black people. Of course, there are other minorities who members from the Right love to attack, but there's something about dark skin.

    Here's what you'll never hear from a liberal: that the Ferguson protestors should be killed with machine guns.
  4. garyd

    garyd Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2012
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    It was the fire bombings and looting not their race that was the problem. I don't care what damn color you are you burn up and loot other peoples stuff, you deserve what ever bad (*)(*)(*)(*) happens to you, and a lot of bad (*)(*)(*)(*) ought to happen to you. You want to protest peacefully be my guest. I might suggest that in at least this case your angst is more than a bit misplace, but you have every right to protest peacefully, however the minute you break out a molotov cocktail someone ought to remove you from the gene pool as a witness to other bottom feeders that rational people aren't required to tolerate such nonsense.
  5. Pardy

    Pardy Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 11, 2013
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    Rational people don't need to tolerate unarmed black men being killed in droves.

    Who are these "bottom feeders"? Are you talking about all rioters, or just black ones? Is it just "good clean fun" when white people riot and loot after a football game?

  6. Inviolate

    Inviolate Banned

    Mar 4, 2014
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    No. They are losers. Just like the New Black Panthers are losers, and like America hating Progressive leftist O'Bama voters are losers.

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    Ah, the stupidity that partisanship has wrought...

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    It is not liberal, and it is not conservative. It is hate and delusion and not American.
  7. Questerr

    Questerr Banned

    Feb 6, 2007
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    I would like to direct you to the KKK's platform that I posted at the beginning of the thread. Perhaps you can indicate what issues on it are Progressive instead of Conservative?

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    I suggest you actually read the platform in the link. It's almost word for word the Conservative-championed Republican platform.
  8. garyd

    garyd Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2012
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    The racist part which is straight out of the 1930's progressive handbook.
  9. Inviolate

    Inviolate Banned

    Mar 4, 2014
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    Real Americans do not need to rely on hate as the substance of their ideas. National Socialists and Progressive leftist neo-communists do need hate as substance for their ideas.
  10. Questerr

    Questerr Banned

    Feb 6, 2007
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    No true Scotsman fallacy.
  11. expatriate

    expatriate Banned

    Feb 11, 2012
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    actually, all Byrd is today is worm food. I doubt they make any distinction as to former political affiliation when they chose their dining spots.

    But your point is "on point". Democrats of today bear little resemblance to democrats of 100 years ago. Republicans of today bear little resemblance to republicans of 100 years ago. For today's republicans to extol the party of Lincoln as anything that has any currency in today's society is just as silly as when they try to hang the KKK on the democratic party of today.

    I ask any righty on here: who do you think that KKK members voted for for President in 2008 and 2012? Do you think it was the democrat?
  12. The Germans are coming

    The Germans are coming New Member

    Dec 15, 2014
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    Honestly, arent they an organisation who are drifting into obscurity and insignificants?

    I know they had an influence, probably right up to the 1960s in US society.

    But arent they now just a small bunch of freakish weirdos who hardly have an impact on society anymore?
  13. Anders Hoveland

    Anders Hoveland Banned

    Apr 27, 2011
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    Socially conservative, somewhat in a populist way, but generally not very religiously conservative, but often hold very traditional social values.

    We have to remember they are an offshoot of the old Democratic Party, so some of their views on economic matters could be described as progressive.
  14. Troianii

    Troianii Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 7, 2012
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    Quite simple, really. The KKK is fundamentally neither left nor right wing. The common basis used by leftists to assert that the KKK is right wing is based on traits that are in no way central or themselves indicative of the right wing. The same logic applied by leftists would tell them that in order to be a good NASCAR driver, you have to be white and posses unclear diction.

    It's a matter of confusing integral traits with observed traits. When you stop and look at the actual policy positions of groups like the KKK they are, like the Nazis, neither clearly left nor right in our modern understanding.

    It also is dependent on what kind of left/right scale is used. One common such scale is communitarian on the left (which would include groups like Communists on the far left of the scale), and libertarian on the right (which would include libertarians on the far right of the scale, but not actually as the farthest - anarchists would usually be the farthest).

    Which runs, of course, awry of a political scale like that which I suppose you would be using.


    Which, as studies have shown, though the 'right' is far less likely to self-identify as libertarian, they are far more likely to be libertarian on the issues.
  15. ThirdTerm

    ThirdTerm Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2012
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    It was the Australian Labour Party which introduced and fought extremely hard to entrench the White Australia Policy and extreme racism has historically been associated with the political left. The KKK is often described as a military wing of the Democratic Party and the domestic terrorist group murdered hundreds of white Republicans, who preached racial tolerance and attempted in vain to pass civil rights legislations. The Pacific Coast Race Riots of 1907 was a clash of working classes and the white working class resorted to violence to protect their jobs as it was perceived that employers were firing Caucasian workers, and replacing them with immigrants. Denis Kearney, a California labour leader of the late 19th century, was responsible for instigating both the San Francisco riot and the Bellingham riot in the early 20th century and Kearney was part of a nativist movement to increase the power of the working class, claiming credit for the passage of the Chinese Exclusion Act in 1882.

  16. PatriotNews

    PatriotNews Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2008
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    Was the KKK liberal? No. Was the KKK conservative? No.

    Was the KKK supportive of the Democratic Party and it's racist policies? Yes.

    Was the Republican Party the target of violence and lynchings by the KKK? Yes.

    Was the Democratic Party liberal or Conservative? It was the liberal party. It was a populist movement and generally has always in favor of government intervention in economic issues of the day, whether it was the 19th or the 20th century. The Democratic Party was of course against "big government" when it came to Reconstruction in the South. I think we all understand why.

    Was the Republican Party liberal or Conservative? It was conservative, except under Teddy Roosevelt who was a progressive.

    Racism is not a conservative or a liberal political ideology. Racism is a personal belief in ones own genetic superiority. You can be a democrat or a republican, a liberal or a conservative and believe that you are racially superior. But, for the most part, democrats throughout history have been the party of the KKK, lynchings, violence, Jim Crow laws and segregation. It will be nice to some day get beyond race and work on elevating minorities and all the poor to higher standards of living. We should work on that, and not the divisiveness that the current president is concentrated on.
  17. ManifestDestiny

    ManifestDestiny Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2013
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    I bet since their beginning they have always voted for southern white conservative candidates
  18. ManifestDestiny

    ManifestDestiny Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2013
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    "The civil rights movement, once a controversial left-wing fringe, has grown deeply embedded into the fabric of our national story. This is a salutary development, but a problematic one for conservatives, who are the direct political descendants of (and, in the case of some of the older members of the movement, the exact same people as) the strident opponents of the civil rights movement. It has thus become necessary for conservatives to craft an alternative story, one that absolves their own ideology of any guilt. The right has dutifully set itself to its task, circulating its convoluted version of history, honing it to the point where it can be repeated by any defensive College Republican in his dorm room. Kevin Williamson’s cover story in National Review is the latest version of what is rapidly congealing into conservatism’s revisionist dogma.

    The mainstream, and correct, history of the politics of civil rights is as follows. Southern white supremacy operated out of the Democratic Party beginning in the nineteenth century, but the party began attracting northern liberals, including African-Americans, into an ideologically cumbersome coalition. Over time the liberals prevailed, forcing the Democratic Party to support civil rights, and driving conservative (and especially southern) whites out, where they realigned with the Republican Party."
  19. PatriotNews

    PatriotNews Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2008
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    I don't see how the article you posted refutes in anyway my post, or what it has to do with the OP. The article by Jonathan Chait, which I read in it's entirety, is a liberal version of rewriting history while claiming the conservative article is a rewrite of history. Chait is either completely ignorant or intentionally omits the facts about the histories of each party for the purpose of demonizing conservatives.

    If you would like to dispute the facts in my post, which ones?

    Let me prove to you that the word conservative ≠ racist:

    Was Woodrow Wilson a conservative or a liberal?
    Was Warren Harding a conservative or a liberal?
    Was Calvin Coolidge a conservative or a liberal?
    Was Herbert Hoover a conservative or a liberal?
    Was FDR a conservative or a liberal?
    Was Harry Truman a conservative or a liberal?
    Was Dwight Eisenhower a conservative or a liberal?
    Was JFK a conservative or a liberal?
    Was LBJ a conservative or a liberal?
    Was Richard Nixon a conservative or a liberal?

    Who segregated the federal government? Wilson. Liberal.
    Who gave a speech in Birmingham Alabama on civil rights for African Americans? Harding. Conservative.
    Who said the rights of African Americans were just as sacred as those of any others in his first inaugural speech? Coolidge. Conservative.
    Who invited the wife of the only black congressman (a republican) to the White House since Booker T. Washington in 1901? Hoover. Conservative.
    Who put 300,000 Americans into concentration camps? FDR. Liberal.
    Who was once a member of the KKK? Truman. Liberal.
    Who sent federal troops to desegregate Little Rock high school? Eisenhower. Conservative.
    Who voted to weaken the 1957 Civil Rights Act to please Southern Democrats? JFK. Liberal.
    Who kicked the black Mississippi delegates out of his nominating convention? LBJ. Liberal.
    Who desegregated most of the Southern public schools in his first term? Nixon. Conservative.

    There are too many examples to list of the conservatives, like Harding, who wanted to pass anti-lynching laws as opposed to FDR, who didn't, which illustrate the conservatives fighting for civil rights while democrats fought against. How many example must I give? I have listed plenty more examples in these threads:

    Democratic Party's record on Race
    The GOP's Record on Race
    The Myth of the Southern Strategy
  20. Junkieturtle

    Junkieturtle Well-Known Member Donor

    Mar 13, 2012
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    I find it interesting that once we have a black president, I see folks trying to claim the KKK is "liberal" or "progressive".

    Just a word of advice. Playing the stupid card is just as annoying and overdone as playing the race card. Saying the KKK is anything but a right-wing organization is the same as throwing an entire deck of stupid cards on the table.

    Every so often, a person's ability to make themselves believe or at least pretend to believe in the most ridiculous nonsense because it matches their biases still manages to surprise me.
  21. expatriate

    expatriate Banned

    Feb 11, 2012
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    you cite stuff from nearly a century ago. did you MISS this paragraph from the post you quoted?

    "Southern white supremacy operated [past tense] out of the Democratic Party beginning in the nineteenth century, but the party began attracting northern liberals, including African-Americans, into an ideologically cumbersome coalition. Over time the liberals prevailed, forcing the Democratic Party to support civil rights, and driving conservative (and especially southern) whites out, where they realigned with the Republican Party."

    EVERYBODY knows that the democratic party used to be the party of southern white racists. NOBODY disputes that. NOBODY. EVERYBODY knows that, as the party became more diverse, and more northern, the coalition WAS cumbersome. Starting in '48, when HHH gave the keynote speech at the DNC in Minneapolis, when the Dixiecrats left the convention, that coalition became uncomfortable and eventually untenable. EVERYBODY knows that. EVERYBODY knows that by NOW, the southern white racists have NO home within the democratic party. Just like EVERYBODY knows that the GOP was the party of Lincoln and Ike and Rockefeller and Reagan and now it is an uneasy coalition that includes the uber wealthy, southern racists and people with tea bags on their... hats. EVERYBODY understands that the GOP is different now than it was at its inception. That's not rocket science. The democratic party also is a fundamentally different party than it was a century ago so bringing up stuff that Wilson and FDR or LBJ or Byrd did is simply silly, just like bringing up stuff that Teddy and Taft and Eisenhower and Dewey did is equally irrelevant.

    Let's try to talk politics here and leave ancient history for another board.
  22. FreshAir

    FreshAir Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 2, 2012
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  23. Bluesguy

    Bluesguy Well-Known Member Donor

    Jun 13, 2010
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    They are mostly Populist which falls somewhere between Conservative-Libertarian-Liberal. But the main thing they are are segregationist and racist which bridges all three and not unique or indicative of any of the them.

    As in

    George Wallace: American Populist Paperback – January 21, 1995
    by Stephan Lesher
  24. Bluesguy

    Bluesguy Well-Known Member Donor

    Jun 13, 2010
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    A made up blog by someone claiming to be the KKK?

    The KKK were Populist who crossed the lines that separate traditional political spectrums. They do not support Israel like liberals, they support a progress income tax system like liberals, they are against big business like liberals, they are .-abortion like conservatives, they believe in smaller government like conservatives.

    The fact is when they were mainstream, they along with the other segregationist found a home in the Democrat Party, a history the left is bound a determine to rewrite.

    But if you really want to accuse conservatives and more to the point Republicans of being segregationist and racist why not point me to the parts of THEIR platforms which indicate this.
  25. Bluesguy

    Bluesguy Well-Known Member Donor

    Jun 13, 2010
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    They didn't "operate out of" the Democrat party they were an intrical part of it and found their home there. Even after the first split with the Dixiecrats in 1948 they ALL went right back into the Democrat party and remained there until they lost the battle against the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts to the Republicans.

    Yes until those Southern white racist no longer had any influence or part of the South and a new breed took over.

    What Southern white racist, can you point to some of them?

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