Contrasting U.S. Media Coverage of Two Besieged Cities

Discussion in 'Latest US & World News' started by Horhey, Mar 19, 2017.

  1. Horhey

    Horhey Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2010
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    "Worthy and unworthy victims". Victims of the U.S. and its allies are marginalized, smeared, or ignored. Victims of U.S. enemies are covered extensively and enjoy enormous, albeit, insincere sympathy (crocodile tears, obviously).
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2017
  2. moon

    moon Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2008
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  3. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    Thanks for posting this Steven Chovanec article, Horhey.

    I'm so glad you posted it not because it is good, but because it encapsulates everything that is currently wrong with Progressive Media, and why I've largely turned a deaf ear to websites like Information Clearing House and Progressives as a whole like Glen Greenwald. A) It takes on obvious facts - Aleppo, Syria, Iraq’s Mosul disasters of U.S. or Greenwalds Trump Coup pieces and spins them. B) using quoted sources - from the questionable to the documented frauds - (i.e.) Oxfam, Washington Institute’s Fabrice Balanche, Stephen Gowans,Patrick Cockburn, Nafeez Ahmed, Noam Chomsky, The New York Times, who all cancel each other out with their previous Syria 'sectarian war' lies, BS routine, or blaming the Saudis. C) while "humanitarian crisis dominated headlines while key facts, such as Al Qaeda’s domination of the opposition forces" is the NO DUH lead of the Syria catastrophe U.S. war crime, the story wastes 5 paragraphs of our time telling us
    what WE ALREADY KNEW: the NYT/MSM suck. D) Even the summation is incorrect: (apparently because it's appealing to a niche audience who want to forget that Chomsky, Ahmed, Cockburn, Gowans, all establishment paid hacks spent 8 years spinning that Syria was 'sectarian' or the Saudis fault, like Yemen, BOTH OF WHICH ARE U.S. led wars by Pres. Obama as is the invasion of Iraq) Chovanec states - "In the cases of Mosul and Aleppo, the similarities of the tragedies that have devastated the two cities serve to further highlight the very dissimilar way in which the two stories have been reported," and the reason is clear, Chovanec reads the wrong sources, from the top to bottom of this article, all discredited establishment paid hacks like Chomsky, who in 2016 endorsed the election of Hillary, the Syria butcher who got arms, training, and funding for al Nusra / FSA / ISIS along with her Democrat Obama, and the other Democrat Party cronies who lied and covered it up, until objective unbiased sources exposed it beyond all reasonable doubt.
    E) Chovanec only proves one thing with this article, that Progresive media is just a focus group of the Democrats, and like Information Clearing House, TruthOut, CorsortiumNews, Newsbud (Boiling Frogs), Code Pink, Wikileaks, Intercept, Snowden, Democracy Now, are tools of the establishment whose days are over with.
  4. Horhey

    Horhey Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2010
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    You've taken off from the planet.
  5. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    Then you explain it to me genius, OK ?

    How is the re-invasion of Iraq not Obama -Hillarys fault ?

    How is the invasion of Libya not Obama -Hillarys fault ?

    Who got arms, training, and funding for al Nusra / FSA / ISIS, if not Obama-Hillary?

    Who got arms, training, and funding for the LIFG (Libya Fighting Group) if not Obama-Hillary?


    “The Terrorists R Us.” The Islamic State “Big Lie”

    By Prof Michel Chossudovsky
    Global Research, December 24, 2016

    Who is Behind Wikileaks?

    By Prof Michel Chossudovsky

    Last edited: Mar 20, 2017
  6. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    Good post ... I read Manufacturing Consent some - "Political Economy of the Mass Media" 30 years ago - also read Necessary Illusions "Thought control in a Democratic Society"

    In watching the media spin and spin for 30 years, I can honestly say I have never seen it this bad. It used to be "all the news that is fit to print". Now there is just no news at all in the mainstream media.
    Horhey likes this.
  7. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    Yeah -

    too bad all the so-called "Progressives" like Chomsky and Michael Moore put their reputations on the line defending, and trying to elect Hillary the warmonger.

    So now that after 8 years of Obama wars, maybe the anti-war Left in America will finally realize that Progresive media is just a focus group of the Democrat Party, to be used, lied to, and exploited during election time.

    Last edited: Mar 21, 2017
  8. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    That is unfortunate. I did not realize Chomsky was shilling for Hillary ?
  9. Horhey

    Horhey Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2010
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    It's a little better, actually. See post #1 for some of the most appalling examples.
  10. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    Not sure what you mean by a little better. The most appalling example was left out of your narrative.

    The administration under Rotten Ronald Reagan supported death squad dictators (and the terrorism and genocide committed) in El Salvador, Guatemala and Indonesia.

    The media hid this from US citizens calling some of these groups (such as the Sandinista's in Nicaragua) - Freedom Fighters while the other side was characterized as Gurrilla's

    In Syria - Obama (in conjunction with Saud, Turkey and others) supported the radical Islamist Jihadists (including Al Qaeda/Al Nursra, ISIS, Islamic Front and other Islamist groups of the same ilk)

    This led to the worst humanitarian crisis so far this decade (500,000 killed and counting), the refugee crisis, and the rise of the modern incarnation of ISIS.

    ISIS was a small insignificant group in Iraq prior to the war. Arming and support of the Islamist Jihadists by various nation states allowed these Jihadists to take over most of Syria from 2011 to 2013. It was in 2013 that some of these Jihadists decided to form an Islamic State - IS-ISIL/ISIS.

    They then moved into Iraq (the dog got off the leash). It then became necessary to create a few necessary illusions/false narratives. These Islamist Jihadists suddenly became "Moderate Rebels".

    Prior to this the NYTimes had interviewed rebels who stated categorically that they were all fighting to instill Strict Sharia/Theocracy as the law of the land/political system. Not that we did not already know this. This was the whole call to Jihad - the fight against "secularism".

    What ever Assad's faults (and the were many), Syria was secular. They did not have Sharia. They had freedom of religion - Christian Generals in Assad's army. There was drinking alcohol and dancing in Bars. Women could wear skirts and normal bathing suits and did not have to ask permission from a man to be educated.

    Those fighting for Assad were fighting to keep individual rights and freedoms - against the Islamist's who hate individual rights and freedoms and want to force their religious beliefs on others through violence/Jihad.

    In the case of Reagan - the terrorists were in other countries and limited to those countries. In the case of Syria - the people Obama was supporting (Al Qaeda and those of the same ideology) was the same group that did 911.

    We have this debate over the term "radical Islam" (which is a generalization because not all Muslims are Islamist's) yet the media will not educate the people on the difference between a Muslim and a Muslim who is an Islamist.

    Taliban, Al Qaeda, ISIS, Islamic Front, Muslim Brotherhood, Boko Haram, Al Shabaab and various others - All share the same Saudi inspired Salafi Islamist ideology.

    Saud has been exporting this ideology all over the world for decades.

    This "inconvenient truth" is somehow - not news ? Despite the fact that 911 Families have brought a lawsuit to sue Saud for 911.

    The fact that Obama/Hillary were arming and supporting Al Qaeda - the group that actually did the 911 job - Is this not news ?
  11. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    Left Wing Gatekeepers - on prog media in general, a broad view:

    LA weekly had an interesting article years ago 'Pacifica Radio Slides Into The Abyss' noting a steep ratings decline for kpfk 90.7 los angeles - which is good news - the people are not fooled by Snowden again reading from cue cards in video clips - real activists don't have to - or they are familiar with Goodmans rehearsed pre-fab agit-prop as she relies mostly on no name, faceless astroturf State Dept. / CFR or Washington think tank Soros affiliated groups. Code Pinks website for example you will struggle to find any mention of Allepo, Nader another DN regular failed to critique Democrats on the fake war on ISIS in Syria, indeed al nusra/ ISIS are ubiquitous acting in concert, trading US weapons and supplies, the much beloved David Swanson, of 'war is a', and 'talk nation radio' appeared on 90.7 los angeles - 'Connect the Dots' just prior to election but his comments -about 20 minutes worth - were so innocuous and toned down they were worthless as David and host Ms Layla Garrett tried to make a point about Hillarys war record but ultimately said next to nothing. The same often happens with Arundati Roy or Chomsky who personally refuse to name names in the ruthless executions of US policy or tap into the emotions of audience members, instead speaking in dull emotionless tones - sans any impassioned vocal inflection whatsoever- watching the Establishment financed 'Free Speech TV' a sham DC Foundation funded front of a cable network is like watching a network managed by non-emotive Stepford Wives who act as per instructed, and like another featured guest Julian Assange, show very liittle genuine heartfelt empathy or anger or outrage toward the criminal leaders of US imperialism.

    contrast this with a utube search i did when i typed 'glenn greenwald isis' into the search box there. the top 3 greenwald videos i watched describing the origins of isis, and the policy of syria and iraq executed by the democrat party to be grossly inaccurate as greenwald appeated on fox news and democracy now in 2 of the 3 videos - i was shocked see glenn lay the responsibilty of isis creation largely on factors external to the u.s./ and bush - it was inexcusable disinfo.

    Will "Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Glenn Greenwald of The Intercept" Glen Greenwald ever admit Wikileaks is a tool of the 'Deep State' ?

    (i.e.) And Obama and Hillary are busy providing financing, medical aid, air cover, and weapons supplies to the enemy - Al Nusra, ISIS and Al - which wikileaks eventually validated but only a month prior to the election. other blogs had the same info for over 5 years!

    and more to the point we have the ministry of fear (aka the u.s. tv radio msm) engaging in its usual disinfo.what are they offering us today in the syria lies two- step dance - i ask myself ? is it providing cover up today for hillary and obama by emphasizing turkey, quatar, and the saudis? is the ministry of fear giving us syria terrorist alphabet soup name change game to conceal democrat party guit of war crimes ? is the ministry of fear merely erasing history again ? is the u.s. govmnt state propagandists clouding the issue intentionally again by censorig facts like american predator drone that was spotted by the russians when the syria aid convoy was bombed ? this much is clear - the u.s. media cannot be trusted - at all.

    By Jonathan Marshall
    "Only 6 percent of Americans surveyed in a new national poll say they have a lot of confidence in the media — a result driven by a widespread perception that news stories are one-sided or downright inaccurate. That finding came to mind as I heard New Yorker editor David Remnick introduce an April 17 segment on Syria on the New Yorker Radio Hour."

    While my judgement of various authors in the prog. media may seem unduly harsh - (i.e.) rob parry, rob fisk, or ray mcgoverns letter to obama re: restoring relations w/ russia, or gareth porters splitting the obvious facts of obama hillarys broad based support a wide range of terror groups - notice the abrupt name change of ISIS again - to IS so readers will not connect the dots of democrat terror - al Nusra has now changed its name - who cares what to - like the daesh tag for example is a subtle device to conceal the origins, atrocities, histories and brutality muilations, cut throat blood letting, so the CIA falsely termed 'moderates' can be cloaked in legitimacy and this also serves the pres. obamas, hillarys culpability in protecting al Nusra/ ISIS from failed cease fire agreements because kerry /obama wanted al Nusra/ ISIS not to be targeted by Russian airstrikes. Look at how Porter tries to split the alphabet soup of jihadis when al Nusra/ ISIS/ al queda groups are obviously ubiquitous w/ FSA being caught doing the same atrocities, abuses as al Nusra according to syrian victims civillians. and it is worth noting ray mcgovern still esculpates obama from responsibilty - as a 'reluctant warrior' (ray mcgovern) in a den of wolves of advisers - my eye - this is too preposterous a proposition from a pres. obama who plays golf 15 minutes after his syria war announcement. - likewise sy hersh bolstering the bin laden killing hoax to stay in good standing with his stature is too convenient, - as is robert parrys sticking to the official story of Sept. 11th is absurd, who knows what hidden allegiances to war 'intelligence profs. for sanity' - veterans of the intel groups binney, ann wright, or collen rowley still have have such 'dignified' reverence for our democrat party killers like obama who obviously approved and planned the syria false flag after the white house blamed assad for the faked ghouta chemical warfare incident - in fact - the transcript of the false flag plan - said 'approved by washington'.

    And it also shows how heart rending are the effects of coercion when anti-war liberals like cindy sheehan were silenced, blackmailed, and threatened to withdraw financial support from the cindy soapbox and/or marches if she spoke out against DEMOCRAT PARTY wars started or continued under obama, according to her own podcast. This is the contradiction, co-option, betrayal of the anti-war Left Gatekeepers - Mike Malloy turning down the volume to unintelligible of a caller named 'Blue' from Australia knocking 'progressive voices' former air america radio hosts for not protesting against Obama war of Lbya vocally on the airwaves, Mike even cut an old arabic lady caller for saying 'your a democrat, so what?' as she questioned obamas iraq imperialist motivations, or callers being knocked off the air when he speaks about 9/11, or on Randi Rhodes about Af-Pak, the voting public was stamped out verbally ON OUR OWN PUBLIC AIRWAVES. it is no wonder cindy sheehan and others have asked 'what anti-war movement?' in an article by brent bozell.


    listen to this horrid program as an example:

    "This Can’t Be Happening – 01.25.17

    Dave does a show on Flynn, the Russians, and the Deep State, with prairie radical Michael Caddell out of Kansas."

    tell dave he must have dropped too much acid in the 60's. its paranoid scapegoating of trump, and an apalling endorsement of the mockingbird press,in this episode dave lindorff and fiend endorse deep state actions, vs. white house even while admiitting its a felony - again - it is no wonder cindy sheehan and others have asked 'what anti-war movement?' in an article by brent bozell. and the bulk of anti-war media has turned itself into (after the retirement of steve lendman) to be at the very least nothing but a focus group for warmonger democrat party ( i.e. electioneering ) or at its worst cointelpro -they are completely out of touch w/ mainstream liberals, are ineffectual establishment pr shills, and will be regarded as govmnt astroturf like amy goodman!

    If you take into account the CBS, CNN, NBC, and NYT, and their fake news hype of the Pres. Trump immigration policy with gross sensationalism, mis-reporting, and the same news networks fake news saturation coverage of the false charges, lacking clear proof, of 'Russia hacking' the 2016 election, it has all the hallmarks and appearances of an orchestrated Mockingbird type program from rogue elements of the CIA.

    Alex Jones is a clown, a performer, a circus geek. a faux librtarian, possibly cointelpro

    - but speaking of slight of hand misdirection news propaganda tactics -

    Doesn't ICH - (information clearing house) include Fisk, Pat Cockburn, NYT, al Jazeera, Tom Hartman, Amy Goodman, Ed Snowden, Juan Cole, Chomsky, Hedges, Abby Martin, and other CIA linked foundation and/or Left cover Democrat Party apologists while truth tellers Steve Lendman and Land Destroyer, and Brandon Turbeville are mostly censored, or left out?

    And how do we account for Sibel Edmonds, James Corbett dismissal of Putin as a thug, and their attacks on Paul Craig Roberts columns, (Boiling Frogs podcast I linked previously ) Corbett dismissed Putin saying -"there are no good guys in Syria" which illustrate Russia defending itself against U.S. backed death squads - that is totally BS
    propaganda by Corbett because you cannot compare Obama - Hillary using blood slitting death squads to cut the throats of Syria civillians, mutilating, raping women and men, setting car bombs and booby traps, to what Putin does bombing ISIS!

    F-bombs on Corbett and his Boiling Frogs Eyeopener show ... arseface!

    ( andwhen demonizing Putin is the standard MSM modus op / tactic?)

    who peddles the most disinfo uh-hem the constant london syria obseratory at ICH or Jones? HRW or Jones? Who is CIA foundation FUNDED- AMY GOODMAN, or JONES ? who is astroturf politics limited hangout AMY GOODMAN, or JONES ?


    Is it not true that in order to stop a war you first must correctly indentify its origins? So, why do you blame Israel for the Syria caranage MORE than you BLAME or hold Democrat Party office holders in the WH, DLC DEMOCRATS in Congress, for the paasage of arming Syria terrorists, and authorizing airstrikes, plus Obamas executive order ordering the arming of Syria 'rebels' as reported by the NYT some years ago?


    syria anti-war comments disallowed at common dreams, abby martin bradblog, democrat underground, op-ed news, reader supported news,mike malloy, tom hartman, aletho news, ich , deleted my steve lendman and finian cuningham news links and other factual syria democrat war crimes - not attack pieces like this, but said websites deleted simple headlines and links to double tap drone strike news clips - do you see how fake and extensive the mockingbird press is and how it extends to prog. blogs ?

    The fact ISIS / Al Nusra hasn't been deafeated yet, after over 20,000 airstrikes should be a red flag warning to the American people, and serious news readers everywhere that 'we the people' aren't being told the truth.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2017
  12. Horhey

    Horhey Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2010
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    The media has always pushed the establishment narrative, no matter the consequences. What I meant was at least now the internet exists. People no longer have to depend on the establishment papers or TV news. The results (from another thread):

    The corporate media is all about suppressing the left. In 1988, ABC chief White House correspondent Sam Donaldson admitted in his book that:
    Notice the assumptions throughout the article. The organized left are portrayed as a troublesome subversive group that must not be permitted to succeed. As Cenk observes, the article essentially tells progressives to "bow your head" to the establishment.
    Offensive to say the least.
  13. Ninian

    Ninian Banned

    Feb 26, 2017
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    Thank you for the article. It... Gives the fuel for thoughts.
  14. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    This is from Chomsky in 2016:
    He does call out both sides but, I agree that he is definitely on the sidelines - at least in this paragraph.

    He is not really shilling for Hillary though:

    This is classic Chomsky -
  15. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    Like well known folks Lindorff and other Liberals - people seem to forget:

    it was the DNC who torpedoed Bernard Sanders in the primary

    ( and rigged it )
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2017
  16. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    'classic Chomsky' yes - I did not know there was such a thing.

    One lecture Q/A broadcast on 90.7 Roy of Hollywood and others, Noam dodged the audience question of whether 'Iraq was genocide' answering saying 'the term genocide has been politicized'. Chomsky also dodged on 90.7 Roy of Hollywood same broadcast some months before the election, an arabic questioner who tried to get Noam to comment on 'the Big Lie' was Obama to blame for Syria, and (etc.) the question everybody knows the answer to - Michel Chossudovsky writes about who created ISIS/ al Nusra (article above). Noam dodged it.

    Michel is the superior intellect I'd say.
  17. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    More BS from so called anti-war "Progressive Voices"
    as Democrat Party SHILL Mike Malloy tries in vain to convince
    listeners BEFORE THE ELECTION Hillary is some innocent victim of the media ...:roll:

    Last edited: Mar 23, 2017
  18. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    The Eye Opener - hold onto your hats - this GETS UGLY !

    From Sibel - who I used to hold in high esteem ... no longer ...


    Here Sibel and Corbett attack Paul Craig Roberts and Russia -

    (i.e.) Putin / Assad the only ones, and the Syrian / Russian army killing the al Nusra death squad butchers in Syria who

    are cutting up women after raping them, or shooting them and putting innocent non combatants / Syrians in a ditch !

    Sibel calls Putin as 'a scumbag' like good little Project Mockingbird pets they are, Corbett agrees w/ her

    The Final Stage of Erdogan's Takedown - BFP Eyeopener

    ( at around 18 min 43 sec )

    Last edited: Mar 23, 2017
  19. felonius

    felonius Active Member

    Feb 25, 2017
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  20. Horhey

    Horhey Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2010
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    The premise of your criticism of Chomsky is simply not accurate. The invasion of Iraq was raw aggression and it resulted in over 500,000 Iraqis being killed, much of them by the U.S. military, but it cannot be called "genocide" because it doesn't meet the standard by any definition. The U.S. military did not intentionally seek to exterminate an entire race or group of people. If they had attempted to wipe out the Sunni population, for example, then it could be termed "genocide". U.S. forces did, however, go Vietnam on Fallujah in 2004, meaning that they treated it as a "free fire zone", but was exchanged for the phrase "weapons free zone." Thousands of Sunni civilians were slaughtered.

    And no, the United States did not intentionally create ISIS. The United States does not control or provide direct support to ISIS or Al Nusra. But U.S. furnished weapons do sometimes end up in their hands. That's what critics mean when they say 'stop arming terrorists'. The CIA does not direct jihadist activities, which is why there is no equivalency with Reagan's terrorist wars in Central America. There, U.S. mercenary forces were actually trained, supplied, and directed by U.S. agents and advisers.
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2017
  21. Moonglow

    Moonglow Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2013
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    Progressive media? This type of reporting has been done for centuries, it's a matter of us vs. them's even in the Bible, fer Christ sake..
    Monster Zero likes this.
  22. truth and justice

    truth and justice Well-Known Member

    Oct 5, 2011
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    I see someone straight away blamed Obama. The US foreign policy does not change with changing governments. The bombings in Iraq have been on-going since the first gulf war. Mosul is currently being flattened using US bombs and Iraqi Shia army. The US backed Iraqi government does not particularly care about the civilians in Mosul primarily because they are majority Sunni and closely related to the Kurds. We have the US backed Sunni Saudis bombing Shia Yemeni civilians, we have US backed Shia Iraqis bombing Sunni Iraqi civilians. US seem to be regularly switching sides in Syria. During the Iran/Iraq war, the US secretly supported Iran in order to prolong the war. Now US constantly growling at Iran. The US desires constant turmoil in the middle east

    Afghanistan is still being bombed:why?
  23. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    Global Research is a good site... I go there often. They have been on top of the Syrian Conflict since the beginning.
  24. Greataxe

    Greataxe Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 20, 2011
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    Because the Islamic state is largely Sunni, and Sunni ISIS fighters are in traditional Kurdish territory, the best strategy is to go to house to house and find out who is who from long time residents in Mosul as the army encircles the invaded area.

    Any male ISIS fighter caught there needs immediate execution. The risks are too high for recidivism. Women and children can be bussed to holding camps until the fighting is finished in Iraq. Firm rules need to be set on insurgent fighters. All fighters need to wear distinct uniforms. Any fighter caught out of uniform is an enemy combatant/spy and is to be shot on sight. Also, any adult aged 16+ found with a obvious weapon of war: belt-fed machine gun, grenade, RGP, IED, mortars, etc---should be shot at once. Certainly true for homes with found with these weapons.

    If the forces fighting ISIS treated ISIS fighters like they were Nazis and Nazi partisans in WW 2---then the war would be over fast.
  25. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    No offense but, you are speaking out of ignorance.

    The US (in conjunction with Saud, Qatar, Turkey and others) armed and supported radical Islamist's including (Al Qaeda/Al Nusra, ISIS, Islamic Front and those of the same ilk).

    There is no "Moderate Rebel" opposition of any significance. They are all Islamist's (and if they are not Islamist's they sure as heck are not telling anyone in general or they are not really involved much in the war.

    The "moderate rebel" false narrative is a made up lie to.

    Once it came out that the US was arming the rebels in Syria - this lie became necessary.

    Sure - much of the arming and supporting was done "indirectly" through Saud and others. I hope you are not suggesting that this somehow makes arming Al Qaeda - or other Salafi Islamist Jihadists OK. It does not matter whether you call them "Al Qaeda - ISIS - Al Nusra, Taliban, Islamic Front, Martyrs for Allah Brigade and so on .... If they are - Salafi Islamist Jihadists - it is the same thing under a different name.

    Each of these groups has the same ideology - they all hate individual rights and freedoms/ "Secularism" and want Strict Sharia/Theocracy to be the law of the land/Political system and they want to force this religious belief on others through physical violence / Jihad.

    That is the whole call to Jihad in Syria. Arming the Syrian Rebels us supporting Salafi Islamist Jihadists and the imposition of Strict Sharia/Theocracy on the freedom loving people of Syria.

    The Moderates - are the ones fighting for Assad. Do you understand ? We are on the wrong friggen side in this conflict.

    That Saddam was a bad guy did not justify killing over 100,000 Iraqi's and destroying Iraq
    That Assad was a bad guy (not as bad as Saud - and pretty much the same as many other leaders in the middle east) is not justification for killing 500,000 people, destroying Syria, creating the refugee crisis and the modern incarnation of ISIS.

    You have not researched this issue in any depth.

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